Read He Remains Faithful Page 33

  Chapter 34

  Andrew was glad to be back at the office. He felt refreshed after visiting his family and having some time to himself. The Sunday after he went back to work, he walked into his morning Bible study class and sat down, ready to learn from God’s Word. Tom, the Bible study leader, sat down next to him.

  “Andrew, I need to ask you a favor,” He said.

  “Sure, Tom. What do you need?”

  “I’m going to be out of town next week. I was wondering if you would teach the class next week. I’ve got all the materials. If you could help me out, I’d really appreciate it.”

  “I’d be glad to. Can you give me the materials today after Bible study?”

  “Yes I will. Thanks a lot.”

  The Bible study that morning was about being made new. It fit the New Year’s theme, and it definitely fit Andrew’s life. As they studied the verses, Andrew realized that many of them were verses he had memorized and clung to for months. It was amazing to know how relevant and unchanging God’s Word was. How could a book be unchanging and yet be applicable to all people throughout all of history? The class discussed the meaning of being made new and God’s forgiveness. Though Andrew often participated in Bible study discussions, today he was silent; thanking God inwardly that He had done such a work in his life. As Tom closed the class in prayer, Andrew’s heart was full.

  The worship that day was wonderful; they sang many of Andrew’s favorite songs. He remembered the times, seven months before, when he had come to church with a heavy heart of conviction instead of coming with joy in the knowledge that he was doing everything possible to stay in the center of God’s will. The pastor preached a sermon that was similar to the Bible study, but Andrew didn’t tune it out like he had in the past. He listened to the verses again, and again he was thankful. He was ready for a year focused on living in full submission to Christ.

  That week was a blur of activity. Andrew had been given a new account, and he was working with an agent who was relatively new at the firm. He loved helping out the new agents, but it also meant a lot more work. He was glad when Friday came.

  On Saturday, Andrew was studying for Bible study when Chuck, a friend from his class, called him.

  “Hey, Andrew, what’s up?”

  “Not much. Just studying for tomorrow’s lesson.”

  “Oh that’s right. You’re teaching tomorrow. I’ll have to think of some deep theological questions to pass on to the class.”

  “I don’t think so, not unless you want the book thrown at you – literally.”

  Chuck laughed. “Hey, I’m calling because we are having sort of impromptu get together at my house tonight before we head out of town. There will be some friends from church and some of our neighbors there. You interested?”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “Around 7:30.”

  “Do I need to bring anything?”

  “Nah, we’ve got it under control.”

  Andrew finished preparing for the lesson, and then he went grocery shopping. There was no food in his house, so it was way past time to go shopping. He was putting the food away when the phone rang again.

  “Hey little brother, how’s it going?” Sandy asked cheerfully.

  “It’s going great. School is back in session, and I’m going to a party tonight.”

  “You single people and your parties! Listen, I wanted to call you to tell you something.”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “Okay, I’ll tell you, but keep it under your hat. I haven’t told Mom and Dad yet.”

  Andrew grinned. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”

  “Yes!” Sandy squealed. “We just found out on Friday. We had been trying for a while. Mark is on cloud nine.”

  “I bet he is. I’m so happy for you. I’m going to be an uncle. That’s pretty cool. I’ll have to teach him everything I know.”

  “Him? What if it’s a girl?”

  “In that case, I’ll keep the boys away from her!”

  They chatted for a few more minutes, and then Sandy said she needed to go throw up. Andrew told her that was too much information and hung up. He smiled. Sandy was having a baby. She and Mark would make such wonderful parents. It made him feel good that she trusted him with the news. They had been close for years, but since Christmas, they were almost like best friends. Andrew thought about being an uncle for the rest of the afternoon, and then he showered and got ready for the party.

  Andrew arrived at Chuck’s house around 8:00. The house was full of people, and Andrew gave up on finding the host. He saw some friends from church and went to talk to them. They laughed and ate junk food for about an hour. Then everyone gradually moved into the den to watch a movie. The floor was crowded with people, but there was a small section of couch that was available. Andrew sat down and put his drink on the end table.

  “Hi. You must be Andrew,” a voice beside him spoke.

  Andrew turned to say hello, and suddenly his mouth went dry. Sitting next to him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had shoulder length hair the color of chestnuts and large green eyes. Her face shone when she smiled. Andrew swallowed and said, “Yes. Who are you?” He could have kicked himself. Who are you? What an idiot.

  “My name’s Alyssa. Alyssa Morrison.” She stuck out her hand. Andrew shook it and had a strange out of body feeling.

  “So you must live in the neighborhood.”

  “Yeah, I live three blocks over in one of the townhouses. I haven’t lived here long. Actually, I think Chuck and Lisa wanted me to meet some church people. They have been inviting me to church with them for a few weeks.”

  Andrew’s heart sank a little. She didn’t go to church? He wondered if she was a Christian. “You ought to come visit. It’s a great church.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Chuck and Lisa keep saying. Since I moved here I’ve been driving home pretty much every weekend to go back to my old church. I love it, and it’s hard to let go. But I know God wants me to find a place here.”

  Andrew’s heart soared. She was a Christian, one who was trying to do what God wanted. Of course, there were several other things that could have burst his bubble: a fiancé, a boyfriend, or a burly older brother. But he hoped against hope that there wasn’t. During most of the movie, which no one was really watching, Andrew asked her about herself and her family. He found out that she was an only child and that she had grown up near Chattanooga Tennessee. She had just started a job as an accountant at a local firm. She loved music, skiing, and anything chocolate. He told her about his family and their love for hiking in the mountains. He told her funny stories about some of his clients and coworkers. When the evening ended, he had to tear himself away from the couch.

  “It was nice to meet you, Andrew,” Alyssa said.

  “You too. Hope you come to church sometime.”

  That night the last thing on Andrew’s mind was the next day’s lesson. He never did this type of thing. It always took him awhile to warm up to a girl. He usually just played it cool for a while and was aloof. But he kept replaying his conversation with Alyssa in his mind. She was different from any girl he had ever talked to. She laughed easily, talked freely about her faith without being preachy, and was easygoing and easy to talk to. She wasn’t flirty, which Andrew had to admit disappointed him a little. He wasn’t sure he had done a very good job of hiding how goofy his initial reaction to her had been. She had probably laughed at him on her way home. His face colored. He rolled over and tried to think about the next day’s lesson. He was looking forward to it. But he had to admit he was also looking forward to the possibility that Alyssa would be there.

  The next morning, Andrew woke up and went straight to the couch to go over the Bible study lesson for that morning. It was about finding God’s will. Since most of the people in Andrew’s Sunday school class were single professionals or newly married couples, it was a t
imely topic. He went over his notes and then got on his knees.

  “God, please help me to speak your words this morning. All of us want to find and do your will. I know that your word never returns void, so help me to rely on that as I teach. Get me out of the way, Lord, so that they can hear your voice. Oh, and Lord, I know that this may be small, but if Alyssa comes, help me to keep my eyes fixed on you. Amen.” Andrew began getting ready for church, and he shook his head, thinking about his prayer. It was pitiful that he had to pray for focus over a girl he had talked to for two hours. What was with him? Maybe it was just a distraction. Maybe, but he didn’t think so. By the time he left for church, however, he was ready to get into God’s word and discuss it with his classmates.

  These were already quite a few people in class when Andrew arrived. They were talking, drinking coffee, and eating donuts. Andrew grabbed a donut, said hello to a couple of people, and then got out his notes and opened his Bible to the first passage. He didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed that Alyssa hadn’t come. After thinking about it, he decided he was relieved. The last thing he needed was those green eyes looking at him while he taught. Eventually everyone sat down and settled in. Andrew asked Steve to open them in prayer.

  While Steve was praying, the door opened and closed. Andrew opened one eye and again, his throat went dry. Alyssa had walked in quietly and was taking a seat. Great, he thought. How am I supposed to remember what to say now? She had on a simple blue dress with her hair pulled up. He couldn’t help but notice her long neck and the gentle curve of her jaw. Lord, Jesus, help me focus, and not to pass out right here in Bible study. God soothed his heart and his nerves, and when Steve finished praying Andrew was ready to teach. He mostly read scripture and facilitated the discussion. They talked about many verses and passages, but the one that seemed to become the focal point of the lesson was Jeremiah 29:11: I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope. They discussed the importance of trusting God and being open to His voice. They discussed the fact that if they were in God’s Word and praying for His will, God would reveal it to them. At the end of the lesson, they prayed with partners, and Andrew thanked God for helping him through the hour.

  During the service he had trouble concentrating. He had resisted the urge to go over and sit beside Alyssa. He knew that concentrating on the sermon would have been impossible then. However, he had a full view of her from his seat, and he watched her as she sang the songs, closing her eyes and worshipping God. During the sermon she took notes and nodded from time to time. Andrew turned his attention back to the pastor’s words and looked straight ahead for the remainder of the service.

  “Hey Andrew, a bunch of us are going to eat at Lambert’s. You want to come?”

  For a spit second his heart lurched just a little at the thought of Lambert’s. Then he saw Alyssa getting into the back seat of Samantha and Andy’s car. “Sure, I’ll be there,” he said nonchalantly.

  This time, Andrew did find a way to sit beside Alyssa. Everyone ordered and then began chatting. Andrew turned to Alyssa, “So, you decided to come.”

  “Yes,” Alyssa said. “I knew it was time for me to find a church here. I really enjoyed your lesson by the way.”

  “Thanks. It seems to fit, especially for our class, where so many people are at a crossroads in their lives.”

  “You know, Jeremiah 29:11 has always been one of my favorite verses. When I graduated from college, my parents gave me this locket with the reference inscribed on the back. She held up the locket and turned it over. “The truth of it really encourages me when I am unsure of what God wants me to do or when I have questions about what is going on in my life.” She spoke so easily and sincerely about her relationship with God. Andrew was drawn to her, not just attraction, even though she was very attractive. He was drawn to her spirit.

  Throughout lunch, he and Alyssa continued to talk. A couple of times he caught Samantha and Steve elbowing each other and smiling down the table at the two of them. But Andrew didn’t care. He was completely captivated by Alyssa. Her laughter and smile, her beautiful mouth, the way she used her hands when she talked. He was disappointed when everyone started to leave.

  “Andrew,” Steve pulled him aside, “Samantha and I have some errands to run. Do you think you could take Alyssa home? She lives in townhouse 4G.”

  “Sure, I don’t mind.”

  Steve raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t figure you would. See you tonight.”

  Andrew walked over to Alyssa, trying to act casual. “I guess I’m your ride home. Chuck and Lisa said they had to run errands.”

  “Okay, thanks,” she said. “You know where I live?”

  “I think so. Townhouse 4G?”


  They got into Andrew’s car, and he started the engine. As they pulled out of the parking space, Alyssa said. “I love this car. My dad has pictures of himself when he was younger with a car just like this.”

  This girl was too good to be true. Andrew wasn’t sure how, but he was going to hurry up and ask her out before any of the other guys in his Bible study class came sniffing around. They talked about little things on the way to her house. He walked her to the door, aware that his palms were sweating.

  “Thanks for the ride, Andrew,” she said. “I might see you tonight.” She turned to unlock her door. Andrew felt a panic at the thought of her walking inside.

  “Alyssa,” he said, and she turned around. “Uh, if you come tonight, would you want to grab something to eat afterward?’

  She smiled. “Sure. See you at church.”

  Andrew walked back to his car in a daze. When he closed the driver’s door, he punched his fist in the air and let out a whoop. All the way home he thought about his date with Alyssa. Of course, she might not consider it a date. She might have just thought it was a friendly offer. Andrew pushed the doubts to the back of his mind and decided to do what he had taught that morning. “God, I barely know this girl. But she is so different from anyone I have ever met. If it’s your will for us to get to know each other, please open the door. If not, please slam it shut because it might be hard to let this one go.”