Read He Remains Faithful Page 32

  Chapter 33

  Christmas morning, Mikey and Sam woke with the first light. They tried to play in their room until Mike and Kelly woke up, but the anticipation got the better of them. The tiptoed into their parents’ bedroom and tapped on their parents’ shoulders. “Mom, Dad, wake up. It’s Christmas. We want to open out presents!”

  Kelly and Mike yawned and stirred. As soon as they sat up, the boys went running into the den. Kelly rubbed her eyes and said, “Merry Christmas.”

  Mike leaned over her and gave her a tender kiss. “Merry Christmas.”

  They had both had worries about what the holidays would bring, but on Christmas morning they were able to enjoy the day with their boys. Mikey and Sam shrieked with delight over their gifts, and Kelly and Mike snuggled on the couch under a blanket, watching their sons’ faces. After the presents had been opened and the wrapping paper was cleaned off the floor, Kelly went into the kitchen and began making breakfast. Mike came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. “I love you.” He moved his hands farther up her body and whispered. “I’ll save your present for later.” Kelly blushed and shook her head. How had she been so blessed? Again, she stood in wonder over the love Mike had for her and the love God had for her. Mike forgave her, God had cleansed her, and the doctor had finally found the right combination of medication to keep her erratic moods at bay. For that moment, all was right with the world.

  At 3:00, the Bowling family packed the car and headed toward Mike’s parents’ house. Kelly had seen them once since she admitted her affair, and they had shown her nothing but compassion and forgiveness, but she still felt a little nervous. Mike saw the concern etched on her face as they drove. “Kelly, they love you. You’re just as much their daughter as I am their son. Don’t worry.”

  Kelly smiled and leaned her head back on the seat. Driving along the interstate always made her sleepy. She dozed off and on while Mike drove, and before they knew it, the Bowling’s’ house was in sight. Mikey and Sam were out of the car before it came to a complete stop, knocking furiously on their grandparents’ door. Mike’s mom opened the door and said, “Who are these two little wild men breaking down my door?” The boys smiled and tolerated the kisses she gave them and then went to see what there Granddad was doing. They were definitely Granddad’s boys.

  Mrs. Bowling hugged her son and then Kelly. “I’m so glad both of you are here. We’ve been looking forward to it all day. She squeezed Kelly’s hand and gave her a look that said, don’t worry; you’re welcome here as you always have been.

  On Christmas night Mike’s family - brother, sister, aunts, uncles, the whole group – gathered at his parents’ house to eat dinner and open presents. The presents were mostly for the kids, so the adults talked and laughed and retold stories that had been told dozens of times. While everyone was chatting, Mike’s Aunt Margaret pulled Kelly aside. “Could we talk in the kitchen?”

  Kelly nodded, wondering nervously what his aunt wanted to discuss.

  “Kelly, I hope you don’t mind, but awhile back Mike’s mom told me that you had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Kelly nodded, and Margaret continued. “I think she told me because she wanted me to encourage you. You probably don’t know this, but I have bipolar disorder too. I was diagnosed in my late twenties.”

  Kelly was surprised. Mike’s aunt had always seemed so composed, so even and peaceful. “I had no idea,” Kelly said. “I’m glad Linda told you though. It’s nice to know that someone else really understands all this.”

  “Kelly, I want you to know that I have been praying for you ever since Linda told me. You have been on my heart every day. I also want you to know that if you ever need to talk or get discouraged, I am here. All you have to do is pick up the phone.”

  Kelly hugged Mike’s aunt, and they went back into the den. Kelly marveled at God’s miracles. Here was someone who knew what she had been going through, someone who had walked a lot farther down the path. Margaret’s peace with her disease and evenness of mood and spirit gave Kelly hope. Maybe it was possible to live without being at the mercy of one’s mind.

  On New Year’s Eve, Kelly and Mike stayed up late after the boys went to bed. They talked about the holidays. All in all, they had gone much better than either of them had expected. The promise of a new year filled them both with hope, and they snuggled and kissed on the couch like they had when they were dating. Kelly felt her heart lighten as midnight came and went. It was 2003, a brand new year. A year without mistakes, sin, and regret. As she lay next to Mike that night, she breathed a prayer of thanks. She thanked God that Mike was still there beside her. She thanked God that His forgiveness was complete and eternal. And she prayed earnestly that God would keep them and help them to grow during the coming year.

  Kelly slept in the next morning, and Mike carefully climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Even though he knew it was cold outside, the sun shone brightly and the sky was a bright blue. He enjoyed the view and the moments of solitude. There had been moments of pain and anger during the holiday season, but now that the festivities were over, Mike realized how blessed he really was. His family and Kelly’s family had been so supportive. He could see the changes in Kelly, her closeness to God and to him. He never could have imagined on that terrible night in July that they would be here now, close and working and together. The truth of what she had done still hurt, but the hope of what was to come was becoming stronger than the pain. As he stood lost in his thoughts, Kelly came into the kitchen and rested her head on his back.

  “What are you thinking?” She asked.

  “I was just thinking about all we’ve been through. Sometimes I can’t believe we have made it this far.”

  “I know,” Kelly said. “This morning when I woke up, it felt like we were starting over. It’s almost as if we have been married all over again. Who would have thought we would be standing here like this?” Kelly kissed the back of his neck and then went into the laundry room to put in a load of wash.

  Mike stood there for a long time thinking about what Kelly had said – a new start, almost as if they had been married all over again. That was how he felt too. He mused over their newfound love and passion, knowing that only God could have provided those things. As he stood there, he thanked God for his miraculous restoration and asked Him for a way to tangibly express the newness of their lives.