Read He Remains Faithful Page 37

Chapter 38

  At the beginning of February, Kelly had another bout with her shifting moods. At first, she brushed off Mike’s concerns, but he knew something was wrong. Their communication, which had been so much better, seemed to be breaking down again. Kelly began growing more and more defensive, and at times it was hard to follow her conversations. She seemed irritable and distracted sometimes. Then, an hour later, she would be on the couch, silent and staring ahead. Kelly began to see the differences too, and she called Dr. Weaver, who told her to come in the next day.

  In Dr. Weaver’s office, Kelly discussed how the last several weeks had been, the rapid fluctuations from agitation to depression. She told the doctor about the toll it was taking on her marriage.

  Dr. Weaver listened and asked Kelly a few questions. Then she asked Kelly, “Do you know what a mixed state is?”

  I’ve read about that. It’s when people cycle from mood to mood very quickly, even several times a day.” Kelly replied. Then the realization hit her. “That’s exactly what I’ve been doing.”

  “I think so too. I’m going to increase your Lamictal dosage and reduce your antidepressant. That should give you some relief.”

  Kelly went home and told Mike what Dr. Weaver had said. He agreed with the assessment. Over the next couple of weeks, Kelly’s erratic moods improved and she seemed more like herself. They were both relived.

  As February was drawing to a close, and Kelly’s spirits lifted, Mike was fairly bursting with his own excitement. Kelly had given up trying to pry information out of him, and he was glad. It was all he could do not to spill the whole plan. His parents and hers were praying for them, and they were just as excited as he was. They had seen the differences in Kelly and Mike and their marriage. It was a miracle for all of them. A picture of God’s grace and the offer of new life. Both of Kelly’s siblings and Mike’s sister and brother were in on the plan, sworn to secrecy.

  As March approached, Mike began putting the final touches on his scheme. Each member of the “conspiracy” was given a different duty, and Mike was taking care of the final details on his end. Kelly began to wonder if she was ever going to know what was going on in Mike’s head, but she didn’t press him. He was like a little boy getting ready for Christmas morning, and she enjoyed watching him almost skip around the house each day. Mikey and Sam didn’t know what was going on either – they would never have been able to keep the secret. Sometimes, though, they looked at each other and commented, “Daddy sure is goofy.”

  While Mike conspired, Kelly threw herself into her consulting work and her private time with God, enjoying both so much more than she had before. She felt once again that she was truly becoming whole. This time last year, she was far from God, seeking to fulfill a fantasy that threatened to destroy her marriage. God’s faithfulness washed over her again, and she thanked him for his love and restoration as she sat typing at her computer.

  On a Friday, Megan called Kelly’s to chat. “Hey girl, I never talk to you anymore. You and Mike must really be mending the fences.” Kelly had told Megan that she and Mike were working on their marriage.

  “We are,” Kelly said, smiling broadly. “It’s almost like being married all over again.”

  “I am so glad, Kelly. This time last year you really had me worried.”

  “It’s amazing what can happen in a year. And it’s amazing how God really can work everything together for good.”

  Megan wasn’t a Christian, but she knew that Kelly was, and Kelly’s mention of God had never bothered Megan. “Well, it certainly seems like things have changed for you. Good for you.” Megan paused for a minute, then added “Hey, by the way, I hear Andrew has finally found a woman. They’re pretty serious from what people say. I was beginning to wonder if he even liked girls,” Megan joked. Kelly knew she wasn’t serious; Megan had gone out with Andrew a few timed when he first began working at the agency.

  Kelly was surprised that she no reaction. She was genuinely happy for Andrew, and the thought made her smile. God’s restoration had apparently been complete for both of them. Kelly smiled and said, “Well, good for him.”