Read Heart of the Veldt Page 34


  Scene I

  “Oh. My. Gosh.” Carol's eyes opened wide, mouth gaping as Alice stepped out from behind her privacy screen in the bedroom of her home in Border. “Could you be any more gorgeous?”

  Alice smiled as she faced the full-length mirror. A woman in black slacks and a black velvet blouse with a scoop neckline and deep purple flowers stared back at her. Hair in a perfect mass of curls. A touch of makeup to smooth her complexion. Dark eyes sparkling with happiness.

  Carol came to stand beside her. “Wow, Alice. I had no idea you were a winter.”

  Alice shook her head and turned to make her way to the door of her room. “I've no idea what you're talking about, Carol. Tell me later.”

  As Alice left her room, Carol hurried to fall into step beside, following as she made her way through the living room of her parents' house. “So, where are you guys going?”

  Alice shrugged and grabbed a fancy embroidered black shawl from the back of the couch. Relm had given it to her as a farewell gift when Alice had left the Academy to finish out the year at the school in Border. “I've no clue. Gau's going to meet me here.”

  “Your first date and you don't even know where he's taking you?”

  Alice sent Carol a grin. “As long as he's taking me, I don't care.”

  Carol frowned and put her hands on her hips. “Well, I like that. I help--”

  Alice laughed and pulled Carol into a hug. “I know. I'm teasing.” She pushed back and sent Carol a wink. “I'll be home later. Tell the fam not to worry.”

  She turned and exited the house, where she was promptly greeted by a whistle.

  “Hubba-hubba, Alice.” Eric straightened from where he leaned against the railing of her front porch. “You look great. Heck. You look better than great. Maybe I'll take you out on a date myself and let Gau find another girl.”

  “Thanks but no thanks.” She looked around. “Have you seen Gau?”

  “Nature boy asked me to take you to the front entrance of town.” He presented his arm. “Might as well do it in style, I guess.”

  Alice took his arm and fell into step beside him. “So, is it true what I hear from Carol that you guys are the latest item around here?”

  “I guess,” he said with a shrug. “We hang out and stuff, but she's too involved with fashion and art. I'm not into that. Bores me to death.”

  “That's too bad.”

  “Not really. I'd rather be her friend than have to put up with her ridiculous ideas of fashion just to get a kiss now and then.”

  Alice grimaced. “That was way too much information.”

  Eric laughed. “You're such a prude.”


  Dressed in the dark charcoal suit he had worn before, Gau moved toward her with as much languid grace as the many different types of cats seen on the Veldt. She smiled and hurried forward.

  “Hey, handsome. You look great.” She wrapped him up in a hug.

  “Alice, you smell good. What you wear?”

  Alice pulled back with a giggle. I just had a melodious laugh! Carol, eat your heart out! “I picked some of those flowers we found on the Veldt and made a perfume. Carol and my mom helped, so it didn't take that long. You like it?”

  Gau nodded, and his smile twinkled in his eyes. “I like very much. You wear all time. Yes?”

  She smiled and took hold of his arm. “For you? Anything.” When she looked toward the Veldt, she noticed the airship as more than a passing detail. “Are we going for a trip or something?”

  “Surprise. No ask questions.”

  Alice looked over at Gau. “A surprise?” She grinned. “Ooo. I love surprises.”

  Setzer met them at the top of the gangplank with a bow and that same silky smile. “Miss Alice. You look as radiant as ever.”

  “Thanks, Setzer, and I promise I won't be stealing your ship anymore.”

  He chuckled. “Hopefully you don't plan on jumping off rope ladders, either.”

  Alice smirked and followed Gau on board. “Promise.” They stepped on deck and Alice noticed a faint glimmer coming from the aft portion. “Wow. Now I'm dying of curiosity.”

  Gau didn't say a word. He simply continued to lead her aft. Once they cleared the central cabin she saw the exquisitely set dinner table with a silver candelabra on each side, a crystal vase in the center with a single white rose, and two fine china place settings.

  Alice's hands tightened around Gau's arm as she stared in teary wonder. “Oh, Gau. It's gorgeous.” She looked over at him. “How--Who--What made you think of this?”

  Gau's chest puffed up in pride. “I think of by self. Learn enough of romance by Locke and Egar to know what girls like.”

  The ship shifted slightly as Gau led her to her seat, pulling it out for her in true gentleman fashion. She looked around her. “Are we going someplace?”

  Gau came to sit across from her. “We fly above Veldt while eat. Then--I no tell. Surprise.”

  Alice wiped away a tear and spread the napkin across her lap. “Another one? If it's as wonderful as this one, I don't think I'll survive.”

  Gau laughed. “I want first date be special. So, I want see surprise on face. Make heart happy when see.”

  Alice flushed. “I don't know what to say.”

  “Then say nothing. I see enough in eyes to know.”

  Looking up to catch his gaze, her expression softened. Gau flushed and moved his focus to the trays on the table.

  Then Alice vaguely noticed the compelling sound of a beautiful mezzo-soprano voice coming from the bow of the ship. She leaned this way and that as she tried to see where it was coming from. “Gau?”

  He looked up from the food trays on their left as he uncovered a couple of plates. “Hm?”

  “Who’s singing? She’s got a lovely voice.”

  Gau smiled wide. “That Maria. She and Setzer very much in love. Been together many year now. She sings at Opera House.”

  Alice’s eyes widened. “Maria from the Opera House is a friend of yours? Do you know everyone that’s worth knowing?”

  Gau chuckled his infamous purr, which promptly tickled Alice’s spine and covered her skin with goosebumps. “Don’t know. You give list and I tell who I know.”

  Alice giggled and wrinkled her nose at him.

  He motioned to the uncovered trays of food. “I hope Alice like--I mean, I hope you like fish. I fish for many hours to find perfect one for tonight.”

  “I don't think I've ever hated fish. Did you cook it?”

  He reached his hand out for her plate, which she handed to him. “Yes. I cook good. Always been so.”

  She smiled. “Then I'm sure I'll love it.”

  “It fine if no like. I could go to Veldt and kill Adamant.” He glanced toward her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Only take moment to do.”

  “Very funny.”

  He grinned and handed back her plate, now filled with fish, fresh vegetables she'd seen only on the Veldt, and some tubers that she had never seen anywhere. He started serving up his own dinner as she continued to examine her plate.

  “Did you get everything off the Veldt?” she asked.

  “Why go different place when home have everything need?”

  “That's true.” She closed her eyes and took in a slow breath of the aroma of the dinner, filing the memory away. When she opened her eyes again, Gau watched her with an odd expression. “Don't worry, Gau. It smells absolutely glorious.”

  “No worry of that.”

  Alice's smile faded. “Then what's the matter?”

  He gave a slight shake of his head as he reached his hand across the table to take hers. “Nothing wrong. Gau . . . I feel strange. Excited but scared at same time for tonight to start. Thoughts much strong, like before.”

  Alice's smile returned as she gripped his hand. “It sounds like you're as nervous as I am. It's natural for a first date, Gau. Just try and ignore it. It's harder than it sounds, but that's all we can do.”
  He continued to hold her hand as his eyes focused on the plate in front of him. “I not hungry.”

  Alice giggled. “That's a common side-effect, unfortunately.” She pulled her hand out of his and gave it a pat. “Try and take a few bites, at least, and then we can go and do your other surprise. Right?”

  Gau raised his eyes to hers and gave her a smile. “Right.”

  But they both weren't very hungry. Excitement had filled their stomachs hours before with the jitters. So, they covered their plates with the extra tray covers and took each other’s hand as they walked around the deck, enjoying the mixture of coos and calls of the Veldt so few yards below them as well as the power and poignancy of Maria’s voice.

  Then the twilight sky began to darken to black and the pair stopped at the railing to lean against it, Alice standing so close to him that she felt his warmth through the velvet of her shirt. She gave a sigh and noticed he turned his face to watch her.

  “Alice very pretty in star light.”

  Alice's cheeks flushed as she lowered her chin and eyes to stare at her fingers. “Thank you.” She peeked at him. “You're not so bad yourself.”

  He smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “You ready for other surprise?”

  Alice sounded a self-conscious giggle. “I was having so much fun that I completely forgot about that.”

  “Then we go now to surprise. Yes?” She nodded, taking his offered hand as he whistled a unique call and then moved to the side of the ship near the entrance/exit. “Remember, Alice, no ask questions.”

  “It's going to drive me crazy, but I know.”

  “Just a little longer.” He looked over at her. “Take off shoes, Alice. Much better that way.”

  She arched an eyebrow, but slipped out of her black heels just the same. He also stepped out of his black leather loafers. Then the ship seemed to pull toward the left, and Alice's hand tightened in Gau's. He smiled over at her and squeezed back.

  When she thought she couldn't stand it anymore, the ship slowed and lowered to the ground. She sent Gau an uncertain look, but he gave her hand another squeeze before leading her toward the exit and down the plank to the beach below.

  The moon reflected off the water like a fantasy spear of light, shimmering with each wave that pressed against the familiar velvety soft sands that seeped between Alice's toes. “Oh my gosh.”

  He pulled her forward with a gentle tug. “Come much when you left to Academy. Sound of water helped think better. Memories make not so alone.”

  Alice moved her gaze from the ocean to Gau. “You mean . . . ?”

  Gau met her eyes. “Many thoughts of you here. Where we laughed and talked. Had much fun.” He looked back out at the water. “This our place. I wanted you to know, so you could have it, too.”

  Alice's eyes glimmered as she stepped forward to wrap him up in a tight embrace. “I love it, Gau.”

  His arms surrounded her as he gave a soft sigh. “No secrets here. Just your heart and mine. Yes?”

  Alice nodded against him, hugging him tighter when she thought she felt him press his lips against her hair.

  Then he carefully pulled back, looking down into her face with a slight smile. “We go for walk. Listen to water. Listen to heart. Listen to Veldt.”

  She nodded again, taking his offered hand to pad along beside him in the soft sands as the sound of the water fell in the happy silence between them.

  Scene II

  Alice put a small white blossom into the center of the spiral of hair on the crown of her head. She smiled, smoothing the dark purple satin of her full-length evening gown before straightening the sleeves that came off her shoulders. The diploma framed and hanging on the wall opposite the mirror caught her attention.

  She had graduated with high honors. So had Gau.

  Alice blushed, lowering her eyes to the new shawl she received from Relm. The couple's best times together during the two months since their first date had been when they'd studied. Much as Alice suspected, he had a quick mind and a quicker intelligence behind those catlike eyes. His math and writing skills had caught up to hers in barely three weeks' time.

  Though his composition skills had improved tremendously, he still wasn’t at his age-level, and he still spoke in broken English, too. Alice had asked Ms. Aimes about it once, and the Anthropologist/Writing Specialist had told her that if a child wasn’t taught how to speak properly in the first six years of their life, it was very difficult, if impossible, for them to perfect it later.

  When Alice had told Gau, after he had voiced a frustration at not speaking as good as he wanted to, the pressure had lifted from his expression and he had grinned at her. Especially when she told him that she thought his broken English to be the cutest thing about him. He had turned three shades of red. Then, before she knew it, he led their study group in math while Alice led literature and writing. History and geography groups had been shared.

  Studying him and schoolwork was fun, only getting tense when they said goodnight outside her home. Gau had only kissed her on the forehead or cheek. Otherwise, he touched her nose with his.

  She had asked him once if he knew how to kiss, and his ears had flamed red as he told her “yes.”

  “Then why won't you kiss me goodnight?” she asked.

  He had cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck as they walked toward her home. “Kiss a much feeling thing, Alice.”

  “Really personal, you mean?”

  He had dipped his head and cleared his throat again. “I want make sure . . . No, I know you special, Alice. I just want make sure we both ready for what means to us.”

  Alice had never given kissing that much thought, but now she really understood what he meant. Holding back made it a lot easier to get to know each other on a deeper level. If they started kissing already, they probably wouldn't have wanted to do anything else.

  Now Alice smiled and turned away from the mirror. Rubbing noses is pretty darn exciting sometimes. A different kind of intimacy. One that she liked it. A lot.

  “Alice?” Her mom opened the door to her room and stepped inside. She surveyed her only daughter with a teary smile. “You're growing up too fast.” Sniffing, she came forward to turn Alice back to the mirror as she stood behind her. Mother and daughter stood in front of the mirror with teary smiles, looking so much alike that they could've been sisters. Alice's mom touched a loose ringlet on her daughter's neck. “Gau's here.”

  Alice turned to take hold of both her mom’s hands. “Mom, what do you and dad think about Gau?”

  “I think he's a sweet young man with an incredibly big heart.”

  “And dad?”

  “Your dad appreciates Gau's determination and his willingness to help out. He's not afraid of a little hard work, and your dad respects that.”

  “So, you like him?” Alice pressed.

  Alice's mom smiled. “Yes, dear. We like him.”

  Alice's face brightened with a smile, and she gave her mom's hands a squeeze. “Right. Good.”

  Accepting her mom's help to wrap the fringed black shawl 'just so' about her shoulders, she then gave herself one last survey before heading out of her room to the living room. Gau waited by the door while talking to her dad about setting up crops on a portion of the Veldt close to their house.

  He had dressed in a charcoal tuxedo--he looked better in charcoal than in black--with a vest and no tie, a collarless shirt buttoned all the way to the top. His hair was thoroughly combed and tied back with a dark piece of leather, and in his hand he held a single white flower from the Veldt near their beach.

  Alice's eyes twinkled. “Hey, handsome.”

  Gau sent a glance her direction and immediately stopped talking, mouth permanently fixed in the last stated syllable. Her dad coughed as he watched the reaction.

  Alice's gaze retreated to her dress, trembling fingers smoothing the fabric here and there before adjusting her shawl. When she moved her gaze back to his, his mouth hadn't closed yet.
Giggling, Alice made her way over to him. “I think I'll take that as a compliment,” she said, standing on tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Ears flushed, he shut his mouth with a click and wordlessly presented her the flower.

  Alice accepted it, closing her eyes as she breathed in the delicate scent. It had become her all-time favorite. She looked over at her mom. “Do we have another vase to put this in?”

  Her mom nodded and stepped forward to take the flower. “I'll put it in your room.”

  “Thanks, mom.” She gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I won't be out too late, I hope.”

  “Have fun, you two.”

  Gau presented his arm, and Alice nestled her hand into the nook of his elbow. Then they headed out of her house and toward the outskirts of town. The graduation party was going to be on the airship while it took them all around the Veldt. Alice and Gau had made the suggestion, and it had been received with wild enthusiasm.

  “Are you excited about the party?”

  Gau finally changed his focus from her face. “Yes. I not go to a party since wedding.”

  “Queen Terra's?”

  Gau nodded and then looked over at her with a serious expression. “Fine for me to give present?”

  Alice smiled. “Of course. I love presents. You know that.” She stopped and faced him. “I have one for you, too, but I'll need to give it to you later.”

  Gau shook his head. “No, Alice. Give gifts together.”

  “Well, it'll be kind of difficult, but . . . all right.” She gave his hand a tug and led him to the tree outside the window of her room. She pointed at some pastel blossoms surrounding the tree. “There.”

  Gau knelt to very gently touch the flowers. “From our beach?”

  Alice shook her head as she moved to stand behind him, leaning against him as she rested a hand on each of his shoulders. “Nope. Remember the dying plant and the seeds?”

  Gau looked over his shoulder at her. “They survived?”

  “They survived.”

  He stood and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, Alice.”

  “I told you not to worry, didn't I?” She tightened her arms around him and then pushed back. “Now, where's my present?”

  He grinned and began diligently searching his pockets. After a moment, his smile warped to a perplexed frown. “Now where Gau put?” he mumbled.

  Alice hid a giggle behind her hand.

  Then he broke into a sudden smile and pulled his hand from his vest pocket to reveal a tightly braided leather cord. A gleaming bit of ivory and some colored beads weighed it down in the center.

  Alice gasped and reached her hands out to cup it in her palms. “Oh my--Did you make this?” She looked up and met his eyes. They twinkled with his smile. “It's gorgeous!”

  He took it from her hands and stood behind her, draping it around her neck and sealing the handmade clasp. Alice looked down at the ivory and took it up in her fingers. The shape looked familiar. He came to stand in front of her again and gave a nod of approval.

  Alice raised her eyes to meet his. “Gau, where did you get this?” She pointed at the ivory. “It looks like a tooth.”

  Gau's ears pinked as he lowered his gaze to the ground. “It is.”

  “It looks like a dragon tooth.”

  He kicked at a pebble. “It is.”

  “Gau, please don’t tell me you fought a dragon just to make me a necklace.”

  Gau lifted his gaze to meet hers, shaking his head as he said “From dragon fight night of camp out. I thought you want to ‘member when first grow to like.”

  Alice stepped closer, taking his hands in hers. “Gau, I do love it, I just don’t want you to ever put yourself in danger just to make me jewelry. Agreed?”

  His eyes held hers as he squeezed her hands. “Won't, Alice. Gau sorry.”

  She shook her head and then embraced him. “Don't be. I know you can take care of yourself. I only would much rather have you than a pretty bit of a thing.” She pulled back. “Please?”

  Gau reached up and lightly touched her cheek. Then he leaned down to touch her nose with his. “Yes.”

  She giggled and flushed, falling into step beside him once he again started toward the ship. “Do you still want to go to the beach this weekend with Carol, Eric, and Relm? She’s really excited.”

  Gau chuckled, and the purr made Alice glow. “Weekend camp with friends be fun. Give time to check on flowers.”

  Alice nodded as she adjusted her arms around Gau’s. “Didn’t you say the patch has grown bigger?”

  Gau nodded and sent her a happy smile. “Much as three times. Know why?”

  Alice’s brow furrowed in concentration as she worried her lower lip. “I’m not really sure. I’ve thought that there might be an underground freshwater spring from our beach, or maybe from one of the mountain ranges from the north, but I won’t know anything for sure until King Edgar can bring the equipment.”

  “We do good to bring shovels and dig,” he suggested.

  Alice giggled and met Gau’s serious gaze. “While it sounds fun, I think Relm and Carol would kill us.”

  Gau grinned. “Veldt their home, too.”

  “Yes, but Carol takes great care with her nails, you know.”

  Gau laughed just as the two boarded the airship to cheers and confetti.

  “Congratulations on the high honors medal,” Carol said as she wrapped both Alice and Gau in a hug. “What are you going to do with your newfound fame?”

  “Fame? What are you talking about?” Alice looked over at Gau, but he only shrugged.

  “You don't know?” Carol's mouth stood open. “Alice, the King and Queen are here to honor your achievement!”

  “What?” Alice's eyes sparkled with excitement. Gau grinned at her. “Where are they?”

  “I think they're with Captain Gabbiani, down below.”

  Gau took Alice's hand again. “Don't think of this big thing, Alice. At party now. Have much fun.”

  Alice took in a deep breath and released it slowly as she nodded her head. She sent him a smile. “Good idea.”

  He returned her smile before looking over at Carol. “We go dance, Carol. You come?”

  She waved her hand at him. “No. I've been on the dance floor too much. My feet are killing me.”

  “Already?” Alice laughed with a shake of her head. “You're a lightweight, Carol.”

  “Oh yeah? Let's see how well you do in three-inch heels.”

  Alice lifted her dress. She had on black leather moccasins. “Gau gave them to me on my 17th birthday.”

  “Wow. I bet they're comfortable.”

  “I'll be able to dance 'til dawn.” She peeked over at Gau. “If you don't mind.”

  He held her gaze with a slight smile and actually put his arm around her waist. “Why think give?”

  Alice laughed.

  Carol watched the two with a smile. “You two are so adorable.”

  Cuing Gau to lean down to caress Alice's nose a bit longer than usual. Alice felt her cheeks blush, but she smiled up at him anyway. When he pulled back, she held his gaze a moment before turning to give Carol a friendly smile. “We'll be on the dance floor, Carol.”

  She giggled, and Alice didn't cringe. Alice took hold of the hand still on her hip and kept her focus on the floor of the ship as she tried to scare the mammoth butterflies away.

  “What wrong?” Gau asked.

  The sounds of music and laughter eased her heart a little. “Nothing's wrong, Gau.” Alice gnawed her lower lip. “It's just . . . well . . . .” She risked a sidelong glance. “I'm not interested in seeing anyone else. If that's fine with you.”

  He intercepted one of her glances and stopped walking. He faced her. “Don't want stay at party?”

  “No! I mean--” She flushed and cleared her throat. “That's not what I meant. I wanted to let you know that I'm not interested in being this close to anyone else.” Alice lowered her gaze again. “I'm not saying 'marry me'
or anything like that. I just wanted . . . well, I wanted to say that--Geez.” Alice raised her eyes to his. His twinkled with his smile. “Don't laugh at me,” she protested with a reluctant giggle.

  “Alice, you funny.” He smoothed some hair from her cheek and then enfolded her hand in his. “I like what you say,” he told her, “and I want see just you, too. I like our special feelings, and I want make more.”

  Alice’s smile softened. “Do you think we might be getting a little closer than just . . . 'dating'?”

  Gau nodded as his thumb caressed her hand. “We keep like this. Yes?”

  Alice sighed, loving to watch the emotions flicker in his gaze. “I’ve never been in love before, Gau, but . . . .” She lowered her eyes to watch his hand holding hers. “I think I am now.”

  “Gau, too,” he said softly, hand tightening on hers.

  Alice's throat tightened as she looked up. “Really?”

  He nodded with a quick half smile that glowed in his eyes. “I like.”

  “So do I.”

  “Well, if it isn't the couple of the hour.”

  Alice looked away, eyes immediately focusing on Relm. She wore a rainbow of colors by way of the bold print scarf covering her blonde curls and a blood red skirt with matching shirt sporting embroidery around the cuffs and waist. There were multicolored beads around her waist and her neck, and she wore a splash of color in the shape of a flower painted on the front of her skirt.

  Alice grinned. “Hey, Relm. You look as artistic as ever.”

  She smirked and tugged a tall, handsome, and muscular blond man in a gray suit behind her. “Hey, I do what I can for you poor deluded souls.” She gestured to the man standing at ease beside her. “This is Sabin. Sabin, this is Alice.”

  “Mr. Thou,” Gau said with a grin. He walked up and gave Sabin a tight bear hug.

  “How many times do I have to tell you that Cyan is Mr. Thou.” Sabin clapped him on the back and pushed away, grinning as widely as Gau. “How've you been?”

  “Good. Finish school. Get shiny medal.”

  Sabin grimaced. “Great. Another shiny.” Gau laughed and Alice giggled. “Congratulations, Gau. I knew you could do it.” Sabin changed his intense focus to Alice. “How are you?”

  Alice smiled at the remembered stories from Gau and extended a hand. He clasped it gently. “I'm fine. It's nice to finally meet you.”

  Sabin raised an eyebrow. “Uh-oh. That makes me nervous.” He raised his hands with an innocent expression. “Whatever Gau told you, I deny it.”

  Gau grinned, encouraging Alice’s laugh. “We’ll save that debate for another time.” The smile sparkled in Sabin's crisp eyes. “Are you visiting your brother?”

  “Later tonight. I needed a couple days off from school responsibilities. Running a training facility is harder than I thought it’d be.” He motioned toward Relm. “And she needed someone to bring her.”

  Relm made a face. “I didn't want Riley thinking I was sweet on him, the odd fish. Besides, Sabin and I've gotten pretty good at chucking rocks together.” She looked over at him, missing the grimaces that Alice and Gau shared at the mention of rocks. “Maybe we can get a little practice in before you take me home?”


  “Great.” Relm turned her eyes back to Alice. “I met that Carol person you talked about. She's a little on the empty side, but she's not too bad. Nice girl, really.”

  Alice smiled. “I know.”

  “But I haven't spotted this Eric guy. What's he look like? I figure I should meet him since we’re going camping this weekend and all.”

  Alice looked around the sea of faces. “Gau, you're taller than me, do you see him?”

  Gau sniffed as he looked. “By railing. Port side.”

  “Really?” Relm stood on tiptoes and tried to peer above all the people that were taller than her, which encompassed pretty much the entire ship. “I'll head on over.” She glanced toward Sabin. “You fine by yourself?”

  Sabin gave a slight smile. “I'll manage. You go have fun.”

  “Ta-ta.” Relm waved her fingers and made her way toward Eric.

  Alice tugged on Gau's sleeve. “I've got to see this, Gau. Come on.”

  Gau chuckled and let himself be pulled along. “Talk later, Sabin?”

  “All right. I think I'll find Edgar and Terra and say 'hi'.”

  Gau nodded just before disappearing into the crowd after Alice. “Why need see Relm and Eric so bad?”

  “I've seen how Relm tries to get guys' attention, Gau. I want to see how Eric handles it. The other guy didn't do so hot.”

  Gau shook his head with another chuckle.

  “Hey there,” Relm greeted as she approached Eric at the railing.

  Eric looked over at her, and it seemed to Alice that his green eyes perked with interest. Oh, this'll be good.

  “Hey yourself,” he said with a smile. Eric straightened and leaned against the railing in his most cool posture possible. Alice nearly sniggered aloud.

  Relm moved to stand beside him, leaning her arms against the railing to look out and over the ship's side. “What were you looking at all by yourself?” She sent him a coquettish glance. “You drop something?”

  “Nope. Just wondering if the girl of my dreams is on the Veldt. Lots of other things are.” He changed his focus from his brown loafers to her. “What's your name?”

  Relm stared down at the Veldt for a moment or two before turning around and leaning against the railing like he was. “You can call me Em.”

  “Em? As in Emily?”

  Relm wrinkled her nose. “You think a girl as high-class as me would have a name like that? No, as in Emerald.”

  Eric laughed. “Sorry, Em. Didn't mean to be dense.”

  “That's fine. It's been going around lately.” She cast him a sidelong glance. “You know, you're quite a looker. Why don't you have a girl on your arm already?”

  “They're not interested.”

  “Then they're brain-dead.”

  Eric laughed again. He shifted his focus to her once again. “Why don't you have a guy following you around?”

  Relm played innocent. “Why would I?”

  “Blonde curls. Green eyes. Nice figure. Need you ask?”

  Alice hid a laugh behind her hand. He was doing pretty good. Of course, Relm was taking it easy on him.

  Relm smiled. “When you're right, you're right. But, if you must know, I'm too much for them to handle.”

  Eric raised an eyebrow. “You? You're joking.”

  She surveyed him for a moment or two before lowering her eyes to his arm. Alice's lips twitched. Uh-oh. She's going to do it!

  “Joking? No, I'm quite serious.” Her finger traced circles up his jacket sleeve all the way to his shoulder, her eyes following it until they focused on his. She stood on tiptoes, leaning against him in just the right way as she whispered in his ear. “I bite.”

  He turned his head to meet her eyes, half closed as they were, and gave a slight smirk. “Aren't you afraid they might bite back?”

  She gave a very slight shrug, gaze holding his. “Haven't met one yet who has the mettle.”

  His lips quivered with a laugh for a moment, and then he took hold of her hand on his shoulder and twirled her so that her back was against him, their arms crossing her chest. He lowered his mouth to her ear. “Roar.”

  Relm twirled away with a laugh. “Hey, you're fun!”

  Alice straightened from their hiding place near the bow of the ship and felt Gau enfold her hand in his. “Wow. They actually clicked. What a shock.” She looked over at Gau in time to catch the slight snicker and the brief shake of his head. “What's so funny?”

  “Relm not right for Eric. They be close, like friends, but no more. Not right.”

  “Hey, you never know.”

  He only gave her a slight smile as he led her to the dance floor. “Nope. I thought you love Eric, ‘member?”

  She stepped into his arms and rested her cheek against his chest
as they fell into step with the live orchestra. “Good thing I didn't listen to you, huh?”

  He released a deep breath and rested his cheek on her hair. “Good thing we not listen each other.”

  Alice closed her eyes with a slight smile and snuggled in closer. Now this is forever.

  Scene III

  Alice took in a deep breath of the early morning Autumn air on the Veldt as she walked, gathering samples for more of her research. The two-year scholarship to the Academy would have been great, and she'd been honored when they presented that to her at the graduation party almost six months before, but the opportunity of being close to the Veldt and doing even more studies on its eco-system was her real dream. They understood that, too. So, King and Queen Figaro had agreed to fully fund her research into finding a cure for the Veldt's hesitant recovery.

  Alice noticed a bright patch of grass and stopped. Well, that's interesting. She knelt and lowered her face to the grass and ground, taking in a deep smell of the aromas of both. That fertilizer worked! She opened her pack and retrieved a small container, untwisting the cap and setting it aside as she pulled out a miniature trowel. Taking a sample of the grass and the ground around it, she placed it into the container and sealed it back up again before putting it back into her pack. She slung it over her shoulder and stood--


  Alice's grip tightened on the strap of her pack. Oh geez. Not again. She cleared her throat and cautiously moved her free hand to the dagger at her belt. Gau had been giving her lessons.


  Alice adjusted her grip on the dagger and slowly began pulling it out. Not this time, kitty-kitty. She made a move to turn and was tackled from the side, limbs enfolding her as the thing knocked her off balance and made her tumble and roll against the ground. She skidded to a halt a good 20 feet from where she originally stood--and blinked up into the grinning and handsome face of Gau.

  He lowered his face to hers and rubbed noses. “Hi, Alice. Sleep good?”

  “Gau, you gave me the shock of my life!”

  She tried to get up while using some of the wrestling moves he taught her, but she again went tumbling with a shriek and some laughter. When she stopped, he still crouched on top of her wearing the same silly smile.

  “Morning walk good?” he asked.

  Alice fought a smile as she gave a shake of her head. “Gau, just let me up so I can talk to you like a normal human being.”

  He readied his stance, adjusting his position when it seemed like she was going to try and get loose again. Instead, she gave up gracefully, letting her head full of hair decorated with bits of dirt and grass relax against the Veldt's hard soil.

  She smiled up at him and then giggled. “I slept wonderful and my morning walk was great. I found a bit of really green grass from the fertilizer I used last week and got a great sample. How are you?”

  Gau changed his position so that she could sit up. “Gau much happy.”

  Alice brought a hand up to clear some of the debris from her hair, stopping when she saw her hand clutching a little wooden box. Her heart caught in her throat.

  “Open, Alice. Open,” he urged, voice hushed.

  Alice moved her other hand to pull the lid off--Inside was an ancient golden band highlighted with a blue gem from the cave on their beach.

  “Shiny, shiny, shiny,” Gau told her in a happy voice barely above a whisper.

  Alice dropped the lid and covered her mouth, tears brimming as she raised her eyes to his. “Oh my.”

  He moved closer and took the ring from the box. “Give hand.” She dropped the box with an absent movement and put her right hand in his. “Marry?” Tears flowed as Alice gave a slight nod moments before throwing herself into his arms so hard he fell backwards, laughing. “This new Alice Rage? 'Gau ravage'?”

  Alice giggled and pushed back so that she could see his face. His eyes sparkled with laughter and happiness. She rested her arms on his chest. “I love you, Gau.”

  He reached up and caressed her cheek, tucking some of her tousled hair behind her ear as he did so. “Gau love Alice so big heart burst.”

  “And that's one of the things I love about you, Gau.”

  He cupped her chin in his hand as he examined her face, eyes darkening a little with uncertainty. “Alice?”

  She gave him a reassuring smile. “What, Gau?”

  Gau rolled, taking her carefully along with him to a better position so that he could stand and help her to her feet. He held her gaze. “Kiss?”

  Alice lifted a hand to caress his cheek. “Kiss.”

  The uncertainty melted with his smile and Gau lowered his head, lips gently caressing hers in a pure token of devotion and love.

  The End

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  Other Books in the Terra saga

  Terra | Book One

  The Ace of Diamonds | Book Two

  Shadows of the Past | Book Three

  The Adventures of Youth

  Heart of the Veldt | Book Four

  FanArt can be found at

  About the Author | Nona Mae King

  Writing has been my passion since I was a child when I began creating skits and songs. My life would be empty without this call. There would be no purpose. No ending to guide my daily struggle. No story toward which to strive. Each day something beckons, and that--I know--is the waiting tale. One last happy ending.

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