Read Hell's Canopy Page 3

  Chapter.8 Questions and Answers and more questions ???

  He pulled to what was his home for the last two decades from a different viewpoint. As Paticlus Medling stepped out of the tinted tahoe he smiled feeling glad to not be a dog. Seeing the world from the low viewpoint made for an annoying day. Plus he missed the lack of color. He still felt close to Nick he had seen him as a boy watched over him all these years. He saw his true nature without any filter. The only way he could have watched him so closely was as a dog even though it meant he had to endure the transfer of conscious. HE had done it before just never transferred into an animal.

  The porch light came on when he stepped by the door it was a little late so he decided against actually knocking. He just used his strength and forced the lock apart and moved through the door effortlessly. He silently walked upstairs and opened Nicks door. He coughed loudly. Nick shot up in his bed. “Shit what the..” Nick jumped out of the bed grabbing at anything in the dark he could use as a weapon then he saw his backpack just out of his reach. Nick was poised ready to pounce on his backpack and take out his gun. “ Wait Nick there is no need for that. you do not have to go in your backpack and grab your gun please. I’m a friend and I’m sorry for the intrusion.” Paticlus stepped toward the bag and handed it to a befuddled Nick. “You are confused fearful and you need answers plus if you feel more comfortable you can grab your gun.” Nick sat back down slumped in confusion as he acquiesced to this oddly familiar stranger. The flashes came back to him he crumpled to the floor by the bed while grabbing the sides of his head. “They are going to come back stronger more and more as you reach the zenith of your brain capacity. Listen to me closely. I had no way to keep an eye on you except if I was apart of your family.” Confusion burned inside Nick but he was listening patiently. “You remember Patsy your best friend for years. You know how he left in the suv. Well I am patsy your dog. I had my conscious mind transferred into the body of a dog so that we may protect and keep an eye on you. It was a necessary step because I am part of an alien race that hold many similarities to human homo sapiens and we have been involved with your species for quite some time now. I am a professor or teacher as you call it on your world. Except in our society the teacher and professors are the leaders of our culture we are the councillors, the police, the military, the religious leaders Professors are everything in our society because we teach through experiences and transfer them to our people so that we all advance quite fast. We have advanced our culture and learned progress as a way of life. See why didn’t you stop me look Im ranting again going on and on listen Nick do you even hear me” Paticlus took in the shocked and tense body language coming from Nick as a sign that he did not believe. The A/c turned back on in the house shaking Nick from his dreamlike state looking at the man who was his dog for years. “Prove it then if you were my dog for years tell me something only we would know!”

  Paticlus waited looked around for a second then beamed with enthusiasm. “ Okay remember the day your grandma’s antique vase broke while you were here playing. Well you lied and said it was me. You blamed me for running into the table trying to catch a lizard and knocking down your parents beloved family heirloom. So there how is that for securing the fact that I was your dog for so long. You lied and everybody believed you because it actually was a good excuse but we both know you were playing and knocked it off by accident.”

  Nick’s jaw could not drop any further or else it would fallen off. He was damn right the man standing in front of him was not only his dog but a alien from a different galaxy. If he wasn’t in shock before he was now. His whole understanding of the world around him was crumbling and being reconstructed dammit not only were there aliens but they have been involved with us for centuries. If Nick had been a regular person he would have been two blocks down the road and in the psych ward with the rest of the crazies in a matter of hours. Fortunately he had an open mind and believed there were in fact aliens. Yet this belief did not stop the overwhelming flood of emotion and additional questions inundating his mind.

  “So why were you watching me all these years? Why me? what makes me so important?” Nick beckoned him towards the door motioning to step out of the room. Paticlus took a deep breath and smiled projecting a sense of confidence and wisdom. “Along time ago we visited Beta 325 or earth as you call it. Your species was in the infancy of civilization yet we did an unauthorized test to see if we could proceed with artificial progress development. What this means is that our culture helps other species that are deemed friendly and non-threatening into becoming a thriving culture by advancing their mental capacity. One constant remains among the universe the species with the best brains last the longest and cause the least problems. There was much violence among the stars whole races of people or reptilia and mammalia species were wiped out. Colonies were always at risk and technology advanced while our morals began to degrade into selfish desires. After a long time a group of individuals from all species began an organization and began working together in order to stop the constant skirmishes and random criminal violence. We called ourselves the Constructionists.” He took a deep breath and a swig from his drink savoring the feeling.

  “We did our best to plead with the individual governments but they opposed us at every turn. So we went to the individual citizens of each race we could find. Eventually our numbers grew and so did our technology and experience. We learned that in order for there to be peace; knowledge, wisdom, and empathy must be spread across the stars. We developed and perfected the method of transference. Utilizing the power of the stars and the power of our brains we created a method that could teach lifetimes of knowledge and experience of dozens of people in minutes. Our attempts failed with some but became so successful eventually all levels of government officials saw the benefit and began accepting the knowledge. Soon we began restructuring society on a Galactic scale. An era of peace and progress began. Species were sharing knowledge ,entertainment and ideas. Economics and greed became obsolete because food and nourishment became so plentiful that poverty was abolished. The excuse for war over resources or land became a crime. Any violence committed was treated like a virus to the point where citizens lost sight of violence. Defense systems encircled planets and shipping lanes alike. Technology grew to the point where the Constructionists were not even needed to run the day to day operations. We had found and made peace finally.” PAticlus and Nick were in the kitchen now sitting at the center cooking table. Nick replaced his robe with a shirt and jeans. He was sitting attentively drinking a beer. “You mind if I grab a drink?” “Umm no of course not this is your house too technically.” Paticlus surprised Nick as he went towards the bar in the family room and grabbed crystal and some Johnnie Walker and dropped some ice cubes in the glass swirling the brown liquor over the ice repeatedly. “Didn’t you drank cool haha wierd but cool but how do you even like earth drink or food. I mean damn all I have is questions for you pardon me keep going.” Paticlus smirked, “We have something like this in our group of planets it just tastes alot stronger and alot more bitter with a long lasting aftertaste. These drinks are specific to earth only and are very smooth but we are not allowed trade with earth it just would ruin your world if we opened the market in terms of bringing down the value of your currency and banking industries because there would be such a large demand from the numerous planets. Anyways after we had established peace and a progressive society our elders decided to look beyond our immediate section of space. We looked farther at other species other planets in order to determine if they were fit for advancement or if they need more supervision and any intervention if allowed. The justification for this is important. Our elders knew that the best way to maintain this peace was to find out more about other civilizations to see if they would become a problem later on. we then devised ways to test different species and my father was assigned earth. Mind you we have been doing this for centuries of your earth time but mistakes do happen. One these mistakes occurred when me and my co
lleague made a huge mistake. We ran an unauthorized exploratory test to find out if we could start with the procedure. Unfortunately we did not take certain precautions. Our intervention started out with good intentions for we were very hopeful for this planet. We picked up a man from the northern area of what you call england. He was a barbarian in his own right. He seemed like an amazing candidate despite his barbaric ways he showed compassion on the battlefield and showed mercy to his enemies. Even though he was just a low ranking member of his clan he still commanded the respect of others around him. After we picked him up we gave him the gift of total access to his brain. Slowly we taught him through symbols and myths we finally got through to him so he could understand. The complete access to his brain gave him powers beyond belief in fact they were above our expectations because of one fatal misunderstanding. Although our genetic structures are similar people of earth carry what we call a kickstart gene. This gene we believe was planted in your species to help you evolve faster and adapt better. This gene mutated our test and gave him extensive physic powers enabling him to move objects with his mind, read other humans’ thoughts and more.. He fell into an obsession of the mythology of the druids and absorbed as much knowledge as he could from us pretending to cooperate. Eventually he took what he wanted from us and attacked. That night we lost three people which were the only ones that could stop him at the time. We called them engineers because they could engineer the parameters of what our brains created having power over reality and structure around us. Engineers that can manipulate time and emotions they are the most advanced form of Constructionist. After that we started searching for him before we knew it he had gathered a group of people helping them tap into more parts of their brain giving them this amazing gift but did not give them all of their gift instead he controlled and manipulated them into helping him become an even stronger being. Merlin was his name. He took the people and their combined energy and created Stonehenge. Nobody knows how Stonehenge was built except us and the agency. It was used as a signal booster. Essentially he used the spiritual energy of the people he brainwashed and converted their energy into the stones which then amplified into the center of the circle in order to give him more power. Fortunately for us he did not know the whole process and he messed it up. He let most of the energy escape his reach and thats how we found him and continue to find him. See each piece that is missing of the energy is a piece he needs in order to survive and continue to get stronger. Our brains were designed for full capacity usage but the brighter the light bulb burns the quicker it burns out. So he did not use the procedure or mechanisms in place to stop the ‘reversion’ which is what we call it. The reversion takes a toll on those that can not stop the process of using their abilities so the blessing is actually their curse.”

  Nick sighed, “ Okay okay enough I’m starting to get the picture. This guy had all this power and it corrupted him that I get what I don’t understand is why you felt like you and your people had the right to intervene. There is no justification for a society of advanced thinkers as yourself to come into a culture and determine whether they are worthy. There is no justification to dive headlong into another planet and start building their police policies or their way of life. How did you create a measurement system for finding out if a civilization was ready for this advancement. How could you do that to this man? He was fine without your intervention? I understand how your preemptive act may keep you safe from future threats but just because mr. nobody over there could rob that old lady does not give me the right to arrest him.” Paticlus was astounded by his response. He didn’t disagree at all with Nick’s opinion but some lines needed to be crossed in order to maintain peace. “Although I see your point Nick the safety of billions of lifeforms is in the balance. Besides it is not like we are your Darth Vader from the movie pictures we don’t just blow up a planet on a whim hell Nick we don’t even blow up planets. If we find a planet that can be a threat due to their violent and greedy nature then we just keep a wary eye on them. The least intervention possible is our goal. Yet sometimes intervention may become necessary. How would you feel if you saw three children walking by a deep water fountain that they could easily drown in? Would you stop them?” Nick looked in disgust and nodded, “ Of course I would tell them to get away from there.” “Now imagine that the children started squabbling with each other and fighting would you stop them from fighting so they may all grow up and live happy lives or would you let them drown after squabbling over nothing?” “Wow I know, I know I mean I get it but I don’t like it at the same time,” NIck sighed and slumped down and then he did something very odd he began to laugh. Nick let loose his booming laugh strong and heartily.

  Paticlus smirked with a confused look painted across his face while he sipped his drink. Nick dried the laughing tears from his face sat on the floor was about to hug his knees to his chest when instead he spoke, “ Its just that this is by far the most interesting conversation and debate I have ever had or will ever have and its with my dog. But my dog is really a super intelligent creature from a race of people and planets that are ages beyond humans. I mean there are so many questions I have to ask but I feel the answers before I know them. Ahh whats going on in my head at least explain that much.” “Okay that is the easy part well remember the lightning that hit you and that girl. Well that wasn’t really lightning but a …” Paticlus stopped abruptly and got. “ Did you hear that?” Nick stood too in quiet focus. He could hear the air conditioning blowing a cat meowing then a low clicking sound. The clicking sound turned to a scraping sound as well. They looked at each other then at the front door which is where the noise was coming from.

  The night air bit at Nick’s neck as he slowly opened the door against Paticlus’s wishes. The sight before them left both Nick and Paticlus with a shocked dropped jaw. In the porch of his parent’s house was a dog that looked just like Patsy. The dog was sitting wagging his tail. “So you guys didn’t just dispose of Patsy. Cool great come in bubba come on in!” “No No don’t. Patsy passed away his body was very sick and ravaged by tumors. My conscious being is what was keeping him alive. Get behind me.” Paticlus grabbed Nick by the arm and told him to go up stairs and get his parents.

  Nick started for the stairs when the dog growled. The dog sat down and started to growl louder and he started to shake violently. The hair began to fall off and his paws began to mutate. The claws started to become enlarged turning into boney razor sharp like talons. The mouth became more elongated and pronounced oddly misshapen to the point of deformity with the function of killing. The growling ceased and became a low mumble and snarling breath. The once small dog was breaking and shedding the skin while it grew almost as tall as Nick the hunched back arched to reveal spikes on its spine. The dog became a evil grim looking monster right before his eyes. “oh shit o shit why’d I open the door dammit, Paticlus what the hell is that. Garage one minute I’m getting my parents and friends use the tools by the fireplace!!” Paticlus had seen this before and knew what to do but it would cost lots of blood. “ Go just go. I will handle this!” Paticlus grabbed the fire poker and watched the Crudle-Morpher which is what his old colleague called it. The creature finished changing and steam rose from the creatures back due to the poly-genetic structure.

  Drool hung from its gaping teeth as it approached Paticlus slowly. Paticlus heard a car turn on then he sprung into action. He sprang towards the couch jumping off of it over the creature’s back as it swiveled toward him almost falling on itself. As he glided over the creature he stabbed the poker deep behind its shoulder. A spray of yellow and red blood spewed forth but to no effect. The creature turned rapidly on its heels and jumped on the wall clinging onto the side running full speed towards the kitchen where Paticlus was waiting with a butcher knife and the fire poker.

  As soon as the creature barrelled through the double doors it hit the table in the center. Paticlus capitalized on the one second it was dazed and stabbed the beast in the side then flung the butc
her down as fast as he could on the creature deformed leg. The leg came off clean at the joint spewing a haze of blood onto him blinding him momentarily. Yet, that didn’t stop him as he kept bringing down the butcher knife on the other feet and legs. Swinging violently Paticlus hit the head right by the nose making it finally squeal out in pain. It bit ferociously at his leg crippled by the blows to its leg. Regardless of all the blood spilled it still attacked with the strength of a wolf. The missing and destroyed limbs did not stop it in fact they were starting to heal. Paticlus swung around the other side of the table and grabbed a bottle of lighter fluid that had fallen out of the drawer during the fight. He stood up on the center table and grabbed the fire poker sticking out of the side. As he brought the Morpher closer he squeezed the whole bottle of lighter fluid onto the face and limbs of the monster. Then he managed drop a huge match in the puddle of lighter fluid under the belly of the beast and ran out of the kitchen. The flames grew as the screams of the dying monster got louder echoing in a disturbing screech of death.

  Nick got his friends and parents in the car while trying to explain nothing and everything to his disoriented and confused parents. His parents kept slowing him down wanting to find out what all the fuss was about. With every loud crashing sound that came from the kitchen Nick winced hoping that Paticlus didn’t die before telling him everything that was going on and how he could fix it. NIck still could not get over some of the resentments he had against the constructionists for their interventionist policy. He hated the fact of another planet or race of beings playing the role of galactic police. Despite his feelings he did understand. Nick remembered a phrase from a movie saying that the worst part of war was the waiting. Everybody’s gut was wrenched in a knot. NIck thought about leaving him behind but something in his gut told him that it wasn’t right. Ani screamed loudly pointing to the back door of the garage. The door started to open but nobody was there then hooded men appeared through the doorway silhouetted against the moonlight. Nick turned the truck on and flew out of the garage in a fury barely avoiding the hooded men’s reach.

  Paticlus was catching his breath when he saw the truck burst from the garage in an explosion of wood and metal scraping. The sound was deafening for a moment and then he saw why they left the garage. He started running faster then Nick or any person has seen another person run. He caught up with the car half a block down the road. Paticlus hopped in yelling, “Drive. Drive until you can not drive any further but head north towards Ft. Lauderdale. We will meet the agency along the way hopefully. Ill explain later I must check what happened to our men that were supposed to guarding the house.” The men guarding the house were found later ripped apart by the enemy. Their death was quiet and painless which is more than can be said for most of their victims.

  Chap. 9 Dirty deeds and good friends

  The sun was coming up as they stopped at a gas station in Ft. Lauderdale near the international airport. Nick was buying everybody protein shakes and other assorted snacks. Ani was walking with him checking this and that. “ Hey Nick so what’s the story with that guy Paticlus? I mean he seems different, realll different. I saw him touching the mirror and closing the eyes while talking to himself or to somebody else. Is he crazy?” “Nick right now he is all I got and besides you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Sorry to be so vague and cliche look just trust me okay he saved our lives from that thing and he has the answers I need to the problems I got.” She nodded curtly then smiled and bought her things and jumped in the truck. Nick was sure JIm was thinking the same thing and hoped that he would trust his judgement.

  “The agency will meet us at the airport. We have flight tickets for your friends and family. We can wait at the hotel near the airport until my reinforcements arrive.” They started driving towards the hotel. Nick felt a new burst of energy as his morale increased. He saw an end to this waking nightmare. They reached the hotel and got the key for the room with no incident. Paticlus kept a wary eye on everything and everyone. Everyone trudged toward the room tired and hunched over. Jim broke the silence as they reached the room,“Finally, I get to stay in a five star hotel. Look nick cheap hookers down stairs and even cheaper booze in the bar. Thats the perfect combination for Russian roulette with STDs haahah no but for real I think that is a game in some places.” Nick cracked up and caught a glimpse of Ani smirking seeming guilty for enjoying the joke.

  “Paticlus could we talk for a second more? I was hoping you could finish telling me what is going on in my head.” “Sure so I guess you are not taking up your friend’s offer of this game you call STD russian roulette hahaha. Sorry to act so lighthearted in such serious time but when you have lived as long as I have you realize how precious laughter truly is. As i was saying the lightning wasn’t really lightning but spiritual energy finding its home. You are a natural engineer for your planet. You are capable of quite a lot more than just visions and daydreams.” Nick’s face turned pale white as he sat down on the balcony of the room. The sliding door creaked open, “Hey guys sorry to interrupt we are going to get some real food down at that shitty restaurant they have there, your parents offered to buy okay I’ll save you some.” Ani smiled and closed the door grabbing Jim off the chair and pushing his hesitant self out of the room.

  “Look its not that bad or as profound an evolution as you think. most of your species actually has been developing that kickstart gene. In fact your planet is a prime candidate for help with advancement in a thousand years maybe they will be ready.” “ O only a thousand years thats not that long at all,” Nick said sarcastically. “ Well in the scheme of things it truly isn’t that long. Anyways the point is that you can see things in different time periods and literally hop into that time. You can not stay indefinitely but you may be there long enough to do what is need. We call it temporal displacement. You can also access the part of your brain that uses your mirror neurons to read the thoughts of others around you. It takes alot of practice but you will get the hang of it. But we have little time so today I will start giving you some tips on how to at least control what you see and how you can see it. Also we are going to have to do a scan to see your brain and the capacity it can work at. But for now how bout we go downstairs and eat some real food?” “ Oo my friend that sounds great to me Im telling you.” They headed out the door. The two could have not looked stranger together. Paticlus older and was still wearing the roughed up suit that looked like it went through a bloody mud pit and the other was a sweaty bruised mess that was at least half the other man’s outward age. “ So what kind of visions were you having.”

  Nick thought back, “Well it began with a flash to a desert like area with a huge ship a cruise ship stalled on the beach. Smoke and charred metal was all I could see of the ship. Then a man came to me and told me something I forgot. Then it gets blurry.” “You can’t forget. The information is already in your brain you must allow yourself to remember. Try this before we get to the restaurant sit down right here on this step. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly while picturing the things you do remember just focus and then tell yourself to remember.” Nick usually would have told somebody to back off and leave him alone at this point but with the past events he felt he could do it in fact he knew he could do it because as he closed his eyes the dream was rematerializing. He breathed and as he exhaled he lost all contact with his body. Then he remembered it came clear as day in fact he started jogging then running through his memory as if it was a library where everything was in reach. He was able to tap in so many different memories that he had to calm his brain. He focused and then saw clearly. “He said Don’t Polo Nick, these things always work themself out, the easy part is done now come the hard part as you americans say it will be just like a park in the walk. It was like he had a middle eastern accent. And the beach was sandy and long with aqua green color.” Paticlus got up and extended his hand, “ See already making progress. Now lets eat some real food as you said.”

  Nick reached the door first opening politely for
his new found alien friend. Once they stepped inside the dimly lit restaurant both immediately felt like something was wrong. Nobody was there and it was quiet except for some scrambling they heard coming from the kitchen. Nick grabbed for his gun but remembered that he left it in the room. They both started for the kitchen cautiously. Paticlus pushed him aside going through the double doors first. As he burst through he could see the exit of the kitchen and black hooded men dragging Jim and Ani through the door as they were struggling.

  Nick Immediately sprang into action, “ I’ve had enough of this” They turned and two stayed while the rest continued dragging his friends away. No wait Nick focus they can’t hurt you if you use your mind. Nick and Paticlus grabbed anything they could in the kitchen. They flanked each side of the cooking station island. NIck charged at the black hooded figure. He threw a pot as he ran towards his enemy. It bought him the second he needed. He held tight to the knife in his other hand as he jumped on the island and jumped over the assailant landing behind him planting the large kitchen knife in between the shoulder blades of his enemy. The assailant staggered then stood up straight and turned on Nick. To his horrible surprise he saw that nobody was inside the hood black emptiness and swirling mist was all that met Nick’s horrified stare. The arms of the robe came up revealing skeletal fingers reaching to grab him.

  Paticlus finished his opponent off and saw Nick in trouble. He jumped over the empty robe. As Paticlus touched Nick on the shoulder Nick’s eyes closed. When Nick opened his eyes he saw a bright world. Everything was shining he looked at the robed entity in front of him and saw a green glowing plasma like energy emanating from its head. He heard a whisper empty your enemies head take away his energy and you defeat him. He turned and saw Pat standing stuck in motion then he looked at the robed figure again noticing that it had slowed too. Nick reached inside the hood grabbed the energy and squeezed. It felt like a ball of grapes. He winced as he felt a surge ripple through his body leaving a warm tingling feeling. The brightness faded and Nick came back to reality. He looked at his hands then at Pat the robe was on the floor now empty. pat grabbed nick by the shoulders, “You did good! you did good those are Robed entities that a strong telekinetic force creates. He fills the robe with echtoplasmic energy then winds them up and sends them off they can’t be killed unless the heart of their energy receiver is destroyed sometimes it hides in their chest or their foot or their head it depends on where they want. These robed entities have unparalleled strength compared to regular men but to us they can be easily stopped just think of them as pawns.” “Okay yea that was fun lets try this again. I know I’ll need the practice.” They perked up as they heard van doors closing outside.

  He made a right out of the door and moved lightly on his feet. Pat met up with him outside nodding in silent understanding to each other they bolted for the van. When they reached it the sight confused Nick and angered Pat. His mom and dad were walking of their own accord towards the van while the robed figures pushed and pulled Jim and Ani along. “ITs your parents NIck they turned their possessed or something. Run man get the hell gooo their going to..” A pistol across his face silenced him quickly then Nick’s dad turned the pistol on Nick opening fire. Nick and Pat dived behind a car breathing deeply. “They inhabited your parents or spirit copied them which just means if their possessed our enemy has been watching and learning about us for a short while. If they were spirit copied then they have been watching us for quite some time which would explain why they only sent one Crudle-morph to your parent’s house.” “How can we find out which one they are?” “ Follow my lead Nick close your eyes and feel their presence the answers to all your problems is within you!” As he said this he stood up and disappeared into the line of fire.

  Nick closed his eyes and imagined his parents but could not feel their warm presence. Then a searing vision of them crying out to each other in the dark place. He opened his eyes in astonishment and shock. The reach of his sight was stunning. He smiled then frowned as he came back to reality. The awe had subsided into fear for his parents then anger. They were copies meaning their real selves were hidden somewhere. Pat was on the short side of the L shaped parking lot hiding by their right flank behind a car. Jim and Ani were putting up an amazing fight which bought him just the second he needed. He nodded to Pat and they dashed from behind cover. Nick’s fake parents and the robed entities dropped what they were doing and opened fire. As Jim and Ani hit the floor they scrambled for safety horrified at what they saw at the same time. Any of the onlookers watching the scene unfold had already taking cover and police sirens could be heard in the background. Pat jumped from the hood of a car with one foot acting as a spring and the other kicking the gun out of Nick’s dad’s hand. Nick dived for his mom’s gun barely missing the bullets as one grazed his ear lobe. Then he slowed everything down. He saw red ball of energy where the heart of his parents should have been. The robed entities green orbs shown dimly as Pat seized one quickly destroying their energy with his hand. The smoke from the guns hung still in the air as Nick passed through it taking the gun from his fake mom’s hand. Then he tried grabbing the orb. His fake mom suddenly broke into the same speed as him blocking his hand for an instant like a flash of energy. He was taken aback at first at the surprising speed she reacted. Then another flash and she turned on him with one hand over her heart and one hand reaching for his heart. He immediately realized they couldn’t go as fast as him as long as he could but they could in flashes. He quickly grabbed her wrist trying to neutralize her in order to turn her around and throw her on the ground. He held tight and flung her other hand behind her back holding both her wrists tightly forcing her to the ground in flashes. He came back to normal time for a second to regain his strength. When he did this he noticed there were black Suvs posted on either end of the parking lot and men dressed in full tactical gear came running to the scene. Something odd started to happen his hands grew hot then he looked down his the body of his mom was becoming red hot her eyes were gone and appeared only as red orbs. “ What the hell!!!” He tried to jump back into speed mode but couldn’t and he heard Pat scream, “ Let goo run let go!!!!” but he couldn’t her eyes were hypnotizing him he felt a strange pull then he forced himself out of the daze using the pain as he guide back to reality. He pulled back. Pat had already finished off his fake dad and grabbed Nick and started running towards safety. His Mom’s body begin to turn into a white light then a beam shot up to the sky arching her back in the process the robed entities were sucked into her like a vacuum. Just as Nick and Pat got behind one of the stairwells an explosion shook them off the ground rippling everything in sight shaking a layer of dust in the air as cars and everything else seemed to float for an instance. The explosion ripped through the air deafening anybody with a couple blocks. A wave of hot air burst from the epicenter of the explosion scorching everything within a small parameter. Then the hot air was sucked back into where the explosion began leaving behind cold freezing air hung dry. No flames or fires only cold.

  “OKay umm what the hell, Reallly though Pat you could have warned about that! Im feeling things and seeing things in my head or in reality what the hell, there was my mom then red energy instead of green then it wasn’t my mom!” Pat slapped him across the face. NIck stopped breathing so hard looked at him in disbelief. He squinted his eyes then said, “ OKay yea I needed that. But look we need to start this whole training thing as soon as possible. O shit Jim and Ani.” As he got out from behind cover he ran to where he saw a group of the agency men putting blankets over Jim and Ani. JIm was badly burnt on his arm and shoulder and they were treating his wounds. Nick walked through the grizzly scene with flashing lights all over and blockade set about. He saw agency men working with others to contain the scene. It looked like a scene from the end of a Die Hard movie. Nick thought as he allowed himself a small chuckle. “Holy shit what did I tell you about playing with fire,” Jim coughed after he said this. Ani look worried at Nick and Jim. “NIcky Jim here
saved my life he almost died saving me.” She teared up as she said this which is something he had never seen or thought he would ever see for that matter. “Shit you don’t look so good yourself my friend look you got a cut there bro,” Jim pointed down by Nicks chest with his good arm and when he looked down he brought his finger up flicking his face. “Got you hah dam didn’t see that coming. Just like the fact that your parents were actually bad guys umm by the way what the fuck was that. One minute you were over there the next you were moving in flashes so fast we couldn’t see where you were at a time in fact your new found friend did the same trick. I no we would appreciate some answers and a hot meal we still didn’t get to eat!” Nick laughed slightly then looked at Ani and she began to start laughing uncontrollably. The three were laughing heartily together bring tears to each others eyes. Pat came and sat down next to the cut and bruised bunch and calmly said, “Come on lets get the hell out of here. We are going to an agency safe house. I’m afraid your friends are in it for the long run too now.” JIm scoffed, “You are afraid no Im afraid but its okay havne’t had a dull moment yet.” They all started laughing together as they got up and got into the Suv together. The authorities blamed the explosion on a drug deal gone wrong due to stray bullets penetrating a gas pipe. A gas explosion how cliche thought Paticlus. It reminded him of his time spent in the french revolution and the ridiculous excuses they made for the deaths caused by Merlin’s monsters. He drove slowly to their safe house near the beach everyone was due for some rest and relaxation.