Read Hell's Canopy Page 4

Chap 10.

  The seagulls woke him up from the much needed deep sleep. Nick got up in a groggy daze due to all the beer and burgers they ate last night. He drank a little more then he should have last night due to the fact that he was extremely worried about his parents. The house sat on a beautiful pristine piece of east Florida’s beach. The water turned aqua green with the rising sun. The beach sparkled and made for an inviting scene. Nick enjoyed the panoramic view from his bedroom on the third floor. He saw a couple sailboats and powerboats enjoying the beautiful sunny day. A light knock came from the door. “ You awake Nick?” Pat came to his door with a small breakfast. “Yeaup I was just enjoying the view when you guys said a safe house you weren’t playing.” “Yes we managed to attain some nice things over the years, look we need to start training yesterday you were thrown back by the red energy weren’t you.” Nick nodded while he chewed on his breakfast. “Well the energy comes from the controller he operates a direct link with the look alikes which was your parents unfortunately. Which is a good thing because in order to create the link they must actually be alive. The Robed entities which we just call robes, are like drones. They operate only after the controller initiates their energy and gives them mission purpose after that nothing can destroy them. Nothing can stop them unless an engineer converts their energy into his own other they are shot with plasmic energy disrupters which essentially tears up their echto-plasmic make up.” That explained the weird guns the other agency men were carrying. Nick grabbed his plate brought towards the kitchen outside in the main room.

  He saw JIm and Ani relaxing by the pool side. Ever since the explosion and the near death experience Ani had took an obvious liking to Jim. She was the only one who didn’t notice. The pool was glistening in the florida sun. There were only a few clouds in the sky. “ You mentioned something about a controller it seems that Merlin has a team but he needs a place to operate from why can’t we use our minds to find him?” Pat sat down on the white leather couch and pressed a button the glass wall changed to a darker tint and raised up from the floor changing into a angle that allowed the breeze inside while blocking the sun. “ Thats a good question. First off he doesn’t go by Merlin or the wandering jew or whatever mythological name different cultures have given him. He does have a team he gave his powers with some of the tech that he stole from us. We have always been either one or five steps behind by the time we find his headquarters. But every time we find one we find people that he has been experimenting on. The death toll is extremely high do you remember Dr. Mengele from the nazi regime well that was him. He used Hitler and tried to give him powers which was actually a brain disease that killed him. Hitler thought it would have brought him immortality.” “Wow with every sentence you are blowing my world changing my whole perception of history dam Pat you just a ball of fun,” Nick said this half joking while he was sipping on his mimosa he poured at the extravagant bar with ornate carvings in what seemed like was ivory but in reality was treated concrete. Pat asked for one as well and they sat in silence for a moment then Nick stared at him. “What is this that im feeling PAt!?” Nick looked deeply at Pat confused yet angry. PAt did not think his powers were that strong so soon. Pat had to block his emotions better or else Nick would find out the other part of his mission. So Pat tried to distract himself and Nick forcing a smile. “Well your mirror neurons have been super charged which means you can feel what others feel. Everybody has these neurons thats why movies can instill emotional reactions like when people wince when they see somebody get hurt they feel what they feel. Yours are so active that you could feel what your friends feel by the pool. You can’t see mine because my brain’s emg field is on a different frequency.” Pat hated the fact he had to lie but he knew that the mission was bigger then a couple people and their small lives.

  “This all seemed so unreal at first but in fact its quite scientific there really is no magic just advanced science.” Pat stood now leaning on a pillar enjoying the breeze on his face. “Yup you could say that. What is magic but unexplained science after all. Now follow me into the basement we need to practice your skills so you don’t feel everything or see random images now is when we focus your energy.”


  Meanwhile in Greece

  He stared out into the morning sunrise. The wind was picking up making the waves taller and the birds were headed back to the island looking for safety. He never thought about the consequences of his actions only the goal, only the dream he had for people. He understood the costs have been great and it had turned his heart cold like water in Antartica, ice in his veins. Yet every time he read his diary he remembered who he was and why he was doing what he had to. The diary was his foundation his lighthouse in the fury of a storm that he created in order to save those around him from ignorance. Although he had changed his name from Merlin to Prometheus he still missed his simple identity before he changed. That was another life another person he regretted but with power comes responsibility.

  After his evolution he understood that those who gave power to others held even greater power above them. He understood that the people of earth would never be free. After reading the minds of his captors and experimenters he saw the worlds they had conquered and not all were peaceful diplomatic occupations. Some cultures simply wanted to maintain their way of life yet under the Constructionist federation law it was illegal. So their interventionist policy hid under the flag of cooperation and help was a form of subjugation.

  “Sir we have a transmission coming from Silas.” “ Put in on the main screen in the ready room.” Prometheus walked down the corridor through the large vault like door into his chair and tapped the keypad on the side. “Yes Silas what’s the good news?” “We are almost finished sir the lab is set and the submarine should be here momentarily the Intuition has all its guests already on board and our men are in place.” Prometheus turned slightly looking down at his table then spoke, “What of our recent guests or hostages are they handling themselves well?” Silas responded quickly, “ Yes sir their memory and identity have been altered they are enjoying the hospitality of the Inuition. We tried to use their look alike to distract the enemy and it worked by slowing them down for an instant but I still think they are getting close.” Silas was always a cautious optimist it was his duty to be paranoid. “Very well, thank you for keeping me updated be safe and good luck my friend we are almost at the crucial point in this war of independence soon we will be able to tell the world our problem and our solution. No more bloodshed no more lies.”

  They ended the connection and Silas went about his work. The Intuition was amazing example of technology and style. Form and function met elegantly on this ship. Having a bio-tech/ oceanographic research lab was a great disguise for their true intentions. All the energy requirements were supplied by an unknown third engine on the submarine that was on the bottom of the ship. The ship had two main magneto-hydrodynamic engines which used the seawater to fuel its engines by extracting the chemicals it needed to propel itself. The third engine is in the submarine although it uses the same principal it is more advanced because it uses microwave it uses microwaves to heat compressed water to create steam which is converted into energy. These are advanced microwave frequencies which have not yet been discovered by earth scientists even though they are used in most ships in other galaxies. The energy needed for the experiment would be great and demand extreme consistency on the electro-magnetic field matrixes.

  Silas had been by Prometheus side ever since he had been found by him in the woods disease stricken and poor. Yet he had passed the test because Prometheus had sent the image of a lone hurt wolf into his brain. Then Silas, despite his broken state gave the wolf some of his food and water and gave it a stint to help its leg heal. This act of kindness and spirit proved worthy for Prometheus to save his life and give him a new one. Now Silas was his controller he worked by his side and gave him his full loyalty.

  The ship shined majestically from the still water
with its bridge high in the sky acting as a beacon. The project had been years in the making and the money used was enough to start a small healthy country. Silas and his team were the best in computer engineering bio technology and most important of all neuroscientists. They had all been hand picked for this project they called “Enlightenment”.

  Silas knew the constructionists would try to stop them from setting the minds of every person on the planet free from the ignorant selfish materialistic view they had.

  No matter the cost they must complete the task.