Read Hell's Canopy Page 5

Chap. 11

  NIck was sweating bullets in the dark yet he remained vigilant. The cave was dark but the torches on the wall were bright enough to show the path he needed. He breathed in the humid stagnant air around him. He heard a scraping noise behind him he turned slowly to see only a large boulder by a crevasse that descended into an abyss. Then immediately he turned around bringing his long sword into a upright position. The creature had jumped just a second before and Nick felt it come down violently on the sword yet he never wavered and never flinched. The large beast jumped right into the sword leaving the torso exposed. Nick watched the life flicker from its eyes. Then threw the beast to the side and stabbed it in the face.

  Pat was surprised at the skill and ease of which Nick was dispatching his tests. “Not bad Nick Im actually a little proud. Okay lets take a break and get some dinner and talk strategy.” They got out of the basement where Pat had constructed an alter reality to train him in and challenge his mental abilities. The stars shined brightly with no cloud in sight so everybody was eating dinner on the beautiful patio.

  “So we have traced certain assets and corporate accounts and found nothing only a project named enlightenment does that ring a bell?” “NO sorry, but The word Intuition is still etched in my mind somehow I know that is in my destiny.” Pat stood up quickly leaving his steak to get cold as he pulled up a computer screen on the glass table they were eating on. “ Intuition is the ship that is leaving the port tomorrow morning. The ship is not only for cruise guests but has an advanced lab rented out to a company called GENCO.” Pat showed him the picture of the cruise ship as they both nodded in agreement. “Shit thats the one from my dream.” Ani coughed loudly, “ May I interject brainiacs. Me and JIm were talking and we figured since we are involved anyways we are going to lend a helping hand. some of the agency men showed me how to use those weird looking guns they use and I am pretty proficient.” JIm chimed in, “Yea and I am amazing at almost everything so I am gonna help with computers in fact let me see the keyboard display!” Pat and Nick looked at each other and shrugged they were not opposed to any and all help they could get.

  Pat passed over the keyboard display which slid under the plates of food they were eating on the table. JIm moved it aside and pulled up the display observing momentarily checking the type of network connection it had and making sure it was encrypted. He typed up a couple keys and pulled up the manifest display for Intuition’s maiden voyage. “ Wow it looks like somebody deleted their reservation and ooo whats this Nick is going to get a room. Well you needed a vacation anyways didn’t you. Hmm and whats this it seems that one of the waiters was fired by human resources for failing a drug test what a shame. There you go Pat and Nick now have passes and orders being emailed to their accounts now. Pat your name is Abel Wellington and NIck your name is well Nick no need to change since your id could still work with this charade but you are a wealthy businessman.”

  Jim looked pleased with himself. “ Not bad at all looks like you got great friends behind you. That is exactly what we needed. I will have agency men get picked up for a distress call midway. We’ll have the weapons shipped in the medical supplies. We have to move quick so I am going to be in the office making some phone calls. Nick you guys can handle it I have faith in your abilities and so should you.” Pat left in a hurry and disappeared up the stairs. Jim turned to Nick smiling then he leaned over the table, “Hmm I have faith in your abilities what abilities Nick what the hell is going on?” NIck sighed and began at the beginning. He told them everything. They listened attentively even though sometimes they had to take a break because of simple fact that it was so much to absorb. It radically changed the way they viewed the world but after everything they witnessed it really didn’t come as a surprise. It took about a hour to go over most of the important details.

  Nobody could sleep that night due to anxiety for the upcoming events everybody except Pat. Nick’s mind was a tumultuous bundle of questions and anxiety. He took a deep breath and relaxed. He pushed the thoughts out of his mind. The one thought that could not leave his mind is why would somebody given amazing brain powers and incredible intelligence seek to kill those who had given it to him. He asked himself if it was true about what scientists debated about higher intelligence leading to create serial killers but he couldn’t believe that nonsense. If someone suddenly became smarter and more aware of the power of his brain then that should lead that person to want to do good and help people. Then he started examining himself he thought his powers isolated him from others if anything. he felt like he could do a lot of good wait a minute that was it. The first thing he would want was to end his mental isolation from others therefore project “Enlightenment” He jumped up from his bed grabbed a robe and marched to Pat’s room. Merlin was not going to destroy the world or enslave it he was going to force the same experiment that changed him upon the world.

  “ That would explain the name of the project. But why Intuition anyways get some rest we will handle it in the morning.” Nick left the room and finally was able to get some rest. As Pat heard the footsteps fade away he picked up his phone and made a quick call, “ He found out his true purpose why didn’t you tell me he was going to recreate our test. Sir, it seems to me that there have been pieces of this puzzle that you have been holding back. I understand but...yes sir right away I will follow your orders to the letter forgive my doubts.” Pat hung up the phone and now he couldn’t sleep. He didn’t understand why he had been fed a different story but it was okay he knew their mission was true and just.

  Chap 12.

  That morning they woke ate and showered quickly they had to be at the port in under an hour but with the helicopter provided time was not an issue. everybody was anxious to be under way. “ So listen we will be able to sneak Jim and Ani on the boat that has the other agency men on board that will signal for the distress call by the azores. It takes about two weeks to cross the atlantic but the reports say Intuition can beat that record and do it in about 8 days. We will take our time and be observant we must get into the lab area without being noticed or detected okay Nick. And you two I want you to research the route and stops the intuition is going to make in order for their mission to work they will need to be around a major population center.” “No problem I’ll work on it right away.” Jim grabbed his things and was getting his computer tech ready as Ani helped him.

  Nick and Pat hopped into the chopper and headed for the port. Nick was dressed as a wealthy businessman with a nice suit and nice luggage. Pat had worker’s attire and had little baggage. The beautiful beaches were dotted with beach goers and dogs and kids. People played happily in the water. Pat seemed pensive staring out at the beach yet looking at nothing at the same time. “ You okay something bothering you?” Nick asked. “ No just a little tired. Look you have be patient at first unfortunately we can not just trample down their door and go in guns blazing we have to take our time and spy in order to see what is going on so we don’t make a bigger mess out of the whole thing.” NIck agreed and then they talked about the different beaches they have been too and Pat started talking about his history and the beaches of early history. They arrived at the portly shortly and briskly walked towards the ship. Pat through the service entrance and Nick through the main gate.

  Nick knew he couldn’t screw this up he wanted to find his parents and he wanted to end this cat and mouse game. He was a confrontational sort of guy. He didn’t like games and pretending this or that but he reserve his anger and his determination for when the time was right. As he got to his room his jaw dropped it was luxurious truly a combination of form and function. Every space was used effectively while maintaining a unique characteristic about it. He relaxed on the bed for a while then unpacked his things. He grabbed the pieces of the echto-plasmic gun he was able to smuggle aboard and put them together and hid it in his suit. The view from his cabin was stunning and the balcony had ornate carving depicting images of historical scenes from it. This would be a f
un trip he thought to himself.

  Meanwhile Pat was busy being harassed by his boss that was extremely younger then him, for being untimely and unprofessional as he so eloquently put it. Pat put away his modest belongings in his cramped bunk bed locker and marched with the rest of the staff. Everybody held multiple roles and the meeting was maintaining discipline in those roles and not complaining. Pat laughed to himself thinking that he actually missed playing the role of a dog at least they got treated better.

  The ship sounded the horns signaling they were leaving people were on the dock waving goodbye and everyone was on the railing or balcony waving back. As Nick looked below he saw some trucks that were barreling down a service road leaving the cargo bay area where the boat received its supplies. The trucks and containers were painted with the name “Prometheus”. Nick thought to himself what an interesting name for a company he wondered what they did and would ask Jim when they come aboard in a couple of days.

  That afternoon Nick jumped in the pool and enjoyed the sun getting a much needed tan in the process. After his nap he woke to get some dinner. He strolled by the starboard side of the ship enjoying the starry night listening to low hum of the ship’s propellers churning the water. He couldn’t help but thirst for more as he stared at the stars. He wanted to know more about the worlds and civilizations that were out there now that he knew without a shadow of a doubt there were aliens out there even aliens that looked human. It almost seemed like you could touch the Milkyway. He arrived at one of the more expensive restaurants and sat down by himself in a corner booth. His waiter came and asked if he was enjoying himself. NIck almost laughed as he saw Pat. The smile on his face angered him slightly. “Wow I never thought in the short time I have known that I would have the chance to see you where that sir. Ill have the churasco with mashed plantains and a house salad.” Pat feigned disgust then smiled and said, “Even the assignment as your dog is preferable to this they treat us like shit but the pay is okay according to my co-workers. Except I am not getting paid anyways have you seen anything out of the ordinary?” “ No not yet but you know how to reach me though Im in cabin 102 dolphin section. Have you felt anything though I feel the presence of my parents I think I don’t know.” Nick looked down in disappointment at the fact he had not honed his mental abilities as well as he needed to. Pat sensing this said, “ Listen your doing fine okay just maintain a clear head and remember not to overthink anything the power is within you it is within every self aware being. You just have to turn on the faucet alright.” PAt caught sight of his manager passing by and switched to waiter mode, “ Your food will be ready right away could I interest you in any of our wines?” “Yes I would like your best Pinot Noir.” Nick smirked almost unnoticeably but Pat caught it and laughed at the situation inside his head. As Pat walked away he realized that he took a liking to this Nick person. He knew he shouldn’t but he could see them becoming friends. In fact he cared about him as family a younger brother almost which is something Pat had never had with his fellow people of his own race. Friendship was part of their culture yes but not how the earthling’s culture did it. So many pieces of Earth’s culture he liked although they were very primitive still. They still had wars and petty squabbles amongst themselves. They were still selfish and egocentric but outside of the reality tv shows and horrible destruction they forced on each other he saw hope a glimmer of hope in the heart of Nick.

  Nick left the beautiful restaurant and walked towards the bow. He wanted to get a good idea of the ship. The wine sat well in his belly and the steak left him satisfied and happy. As he reached the bow he sat on one the modern lounge chairs that were set up for the guest to enjoy.

  A couple was flirting and whispering a couple chairs away in the dark. Nick sat away from them giving them some space. he was staring at the milky way again dreaming and thinking. A woman in a slender black dress revealing some of her left leg and thigh gracefully approached the edge of the bow with a glass in her hand. He was taken aback by her beauty and her elegance. Then she turned her face to fix her hair. Adrenaline pumped into Nick’s heart and brain shock overwhelmed his brain melting it and freezing him in place. It was the girl from the jet ski day. There was no mistaking those deep engaging eyes. she glanced up from the floor as she finished fixing her hair as if she could feel his alert presence and shock. She calmly turned back and started walking slowly toward the far stairs around the corner. He ran around the corner only to see the edge of dress slip through the door into the corridor on the floor beneath. He bolted down the stairs almost falling in the process. He ran through the door only to catch a glimpse of her walking briskly down the corridor then she turned around and the lights flickered and shut off. Not even the emergency lights turned on. That didn’t stop him from running in the dark. Confusion scattered his thoughts and his focus. The lights turned back on and emptiness is all that met his eyes.

  His heart sank and he left back to his cabin. He slumped in his chair and pulled the plasma screen from its hiding place and turned the tv on to catch some news. Was it really her and if it was why did she just walk away. One thing Nick learned for certain is that there are no coincidences. He turned on the bath trying to relax and think clearly. He left the water running and went to grab a towel he left on the balcony. He heard a clicking sound at the door somebody was coming inside. Was it Pat or somebody else, surely Pat would have knocked or found some way to alert him it was him at the door. Nick crouched behind the chair quickly. A large man entered the room wearing regular clothes yet there was a familiar bulge where a gun and holster would usually go. Nick debated whether to fight or flee for a second until he saw the second man and then a third enter the room. As they headed towards the steamy bathroom Nick jumped into the night. He landed on the protruding balcony below making a loud thud and almost falling off into the oblivion of the ocean. He heard shouts from above, “Wait don’t run damn get him he’s underneath us!” Nick banged on the sliding glass door nobody was there at the moment thankfully. He grabbed whatever clothes he found laying about and ran through the door. He didn’t know where he was running yet but he ran until his lungs were burning for air.

  He stopped by the casino on board catching his breath by the entrance. A man in a suit came around the corner already on a walkie talkie. Nick tried walking calmly to see if his pursuers already knew what he looked like. The man on the walkie starting walking briskly towards him. “Well that was a long shot damn they know what I look like,” he whispered to himself. Nick started sprinting in the opposite direction. He turned a corner dodging a drunken couple barely missing a collision. He kept running then slowed as he heard music in the background , the club perfect spot to hide in a crowd of people. Nick ran towards the music and up the stairs. The fierce burning in his legs didn’t matter adrenaline pushed him through the pain. He reached the entrance hearing shouts far behind him yet the pounding of feet grew closer. He stepped in the club and saw the multi tiered room and began moving towards a good vantage point. The top section overlooking the dance floor provided the perfect spot because it still had some crowds mingling by the upstairs bar. He sat in a darker part of the club. Two men came rushing in putting their walkie talkies away since the music probably made it impossible to hear. Nick sat back and realized even sitting down he would remain wide open so he looked for a way he could get into the dancing crowd without being noticed. The two men waited at the entrance until two other men showed up to take their place. The first two separated and began searching either side of the club. Nick’s heart was pounding not only from the run but because for the first time he felt fear. It wasn’t fear for himself or his well being but fear of failure. He could not fail his parents his friends or the world. He knew that if allowed to continue the change forced upon Merlin would destroy society and ravage our planet because people were not ready for such an extreme evolution.

  The two men finished with the down stairs and started for the upper level. Nick lost sight of them when he went to the o
ther crowd to dance with them yet it was too small for his purposes so he waited at the bar while peeking over his shoulder. He ordered bacardi 151 with the flame at the top. As the bartender passed him his drink a large hand grasped his shoulder. “Relax and come with us NIck!” Nick feigned surrender then turned in a whirlwind action throwing the flaming drink on his pursuer which then turned him into a human candle. He quickly released his grasp and his partner came rushing from the other side as Nick jumped over a chair avoiding the other man. He ran down the stairs glass in hand until he saw somebody at the base of the stairs. Screams could be heard from upstairs sending a ripple of panic through the already loud club. Nick saw the man reach inside his suit jacket and immediately hurled the glass in his hand at the man’s face throwing him back into the floor and knocking him out. Nick jumped over the railing and sprinted through the crowd to the exit where he stood face to face with the other two men at the door. Nick gathered his strength as he was about to use his mental abilities to speed through them when he heard a girl’s voice. “ Relax Nick and go to sleep!” She touched him sending a surge of electricity through his body leaving him paralyzed. As he fell to the ground he saw the girl he had been looking for, the one from Ibiza. Curiosity spread across his face as the lights and vision blurred together fading to black.