Read Hello Soulmate Page 14

  There was another notification. It was a friend request from a female with the message: Hi Erin, I know this may seem like an unconventional way to introduce myself, but in these days of social media craze, perhaps not so unconventional. I’m Ethan’s sister-in-law. He visited us recently and told us about you. Looks like he goofed somehow but please go easy on him. Men can be completely clueless about women. I have been married to one for nine years and it still baffles me. Hope to meet you soon! Love, Jenna

  I accepted Jenna’s friend request and left her a message.

  Hi Jenna, It’s great connecting with you on Facebook. I look forward to meeting you too. And thanks for the advice! 

  I went to bed reflecting on the recent turn of events. I was surprised that Ethan had visited his family in Alberta. He certainly would have told me about it if Sandra had not shown up when she did. It pleased me that he told his brother and sister-in-law about me. I felt everything was falling in place and that my future was with Ethan. A secure happy future.


  Chapter Twenty-eight

  My cellphone beeped which immediately woke me up. I looked at the bedside clock. It was 9:21. I picked up my phone to read the text message. ‘Good morning, Babe. How did you sleep? Would you like to come over to my place? We have so much to talk about and I’ll cook lunch. Let me know 

  I replied: Good morning Baby. Sounds great; I’ll be there by 2pm if that works for you.

  He replied immediately: Perfect. See you then!

  I jumped out of bed, humming John legend’s “… all of me loves all of you…all your perfect imperfections.” In the kitchen, I got a carton of skim milk out of the refrigerator, poured some into a bowl, added a sachet of oat meal and set it to cook in the microwave for two minutes. When it was ready, I scooped some yogurt into the oatmeal. Then I added cubed banana and strawberries.

  While eating, I checked my mail and then Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. There was nothing interesting. I logged off and shut down my laptop.

  I took my time getting ready to go see Ethan. It was like before I could say ‘Jack Robinson’, it was time to get going. I needed at least 30 minutes to get to Ethan’s place.

  I looked at myself in the mirror in my bedroom. My slightly faded jeans fitted me to a T. My red knitted top looked smart and sexy. My glossy, thick hair hung loose over my shoulders. I added a pair of silver drop ear-rings to complete the look. As my lightly made up face stared back at me, I smiled and said, “You sure do look delectable”.

  I was bubbling with excitement as I pressed the front door bell. Ethan opened it grinning at me. I could see the happiness in his eyes. “Hey Beautiful, glad to see you!” he said hugging me.

  “Same here,” I said settling into the close embrace. I felt like I had arrived at my desired destination emotionally. My favorite place was in Ethan’s arms.

  We kissed briefly.

  Ethan was still holding me and I could feel him. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked me, his voice very low and deep. Ethan’s deep voice never ceased to turn me on.

  My heart rate increased. I had schooled myself in the art of self-control. I knew being with Ethan alone and at his place was like inviting temptation but we were two mature adults. I slowly moved away from Ethan. “Something smells yummy.”

  Ethan ran his hand through his hair. I looked at him with longing.

  His eyes showed the battle ranging beneath the outward calm. He smiled in a way that showed he knew how I was also feeling. Taking my hand, he led me towards the kitchen. “Your man has been busy preparing something suitable for his queen.”

  “It’s so wonderful to have my king cook for me.”

  Ethan opened the oven door and pulled out a baking tray. A Pyrex glass casserole dish was sitting on it. The food looked delicious. Macaroni, prawns, scallops, diced white meat, and bell peppers.

  “Wow! Did you order that from Black Olive?”

  He was pleased with my response. “Thanks for the compliment – but I did all the cooking.”

  “I didn’t know you’re such a great cook.”

  “You inspire me.”

  “I do?” I asked in a flirtatious tone, standing in a way that highlighted my newly rejuvenated poise.

  “You do,” he gave me a quick kiss on the lips as he said that. “Are you ready to eat?”

  I nodded my head vigorously. “I sure am!” I was hungry and the aroma of the food was making my mouth water.

  It was as delicious as it looked and smelled.

  Ethan got two glasses of Pinot Noir, and strawberries. We toasted to our love and amazing future together. He handed me one glass and picked up a strawberry. I took a bite and he ate the remainder. He placed the bowl of strawberries near me as we talked some. Actually Ethan did most of the talking. He told me how much he regretted that he did not explain everything to me that evening. He was sorry that he had allowed his hurt feeling influence his action and he had left. The following week, he had taken some of his vacation time and gone to visit his brother in Alberta.

  Ethan and I then promised to always think the best of each other because we will always have each other’s back. We agreed to never walk away from each other even when we believed words were not necessary in making things better.

  Afterwards, Ethan got up. I admired his sexy body as he fiddled with his iPod and then moved to his impressive, high-tech sound system. The song “I’m a believer” sang by the Monkees filled the room. I knew the Shrek version and so could sing along with imaginary microphone. It surprised me that I could loosen up like that. I was seeing a new me. We sang together and laughed together at the end of the song.

  The next song that Ethan chose was Al Green’s ‘Let’s Stay Together’. As the melody flowed, Ethan gently drew me to him and we danced to the song. Although it had a fast beat, we danced slowly in each other’s arms, savoring the lyrics of the song.

  Soon we were kissing with such urgency that somewhere in my subconscious I knew I was not going to call a halt to our making out. It was the ringing of my phone that brought me back to my senses.

  I extricated myself from the embrace although my phone had stopped ringing. Talk about good timing! It was the voice. I had missed it. Hey, where have you been?

  I checked my phone to see who had called. It was Sandra. The voice message said, Girl, it’s me. Just calling to find out how things are going with you love birds. Hope to hear the wedding bells ringing soon. Talk or see you soon. Ciao.

  I was glad Ethan did not hear Sandra’s message. He had gone to the bathroom. I was relieved that the phone call had stopped things from getting out of control.

  Ethan came back to the living room and sat beside me. “What do you feel like doing? A movie? A walk? A drive?”

  “Let’s go for a drive and a walk.”

  We drove to the Mount Douglas Regional Park. There were other people around. We parked and walked up the track to the top of the hill. On our way back, we stopped at the store opposite the Hillside Mall to get some cold juice and chocolate drink. Ethan also bought my favourite vanilla chocolate cake which I took home. It was an enjoyable afternoon.

  However, the day was not yet over. When we got to my place, Ethan walked me to my door as he always did. Instead of leaving, he walked in with me.

  Giving me the greatest, happiest surprise of my life, Ethan went on one knee and asked me to marry him. I happily accepted. The diamond ring he gave me was beautiful. It was such an emotional moment. If I knew anything about Ethan, it was that he must have been carrying the ring with him while waiting for the right moment to propose.

  “You have made me the happiest man alive.” He looked so happy it brought tears to my eyes.

  “You have made me the happiest woman alive, Ethan.”

  We shared a long, passionate kiss.

  Ethan got up. “Let’s go celebrate.”



  Chapter Twenty-nine

As summer replaced spring, rainfall became minimal giving way to domineering sunshine. Tourists were beginning to trickle in. Sightseeing buses and horse drawn carts bearing tourists were gradually adorning our beautiful city again. There was excitement in the air as people went about in summer wears. Restaurants’ outdoor booths were also getting crowded.

  Ethan wanted us to fix a wedding date. I wanted to but something kept holding me back. I knew it was indescribable torture for both of us keeping our emotions in check. I was absolutely sure that I wanted to get married to Ethan. What I did not understand was why I was feeling like he deserved better than me. I was also certain that I loved and liked him. We were in love with each other and the bubbling chemistry between us made me happy. I had never felt that way about any other man. Ethan and I complemented each other in every way. There was no need to delay the marriage any longer. I decided then to talk to Ethan and agree on a wedding date.

  I had almost forgotten all about Michael when I suddenly received an email from him. I was scared to read it. I even forgot to read the subject line in order to have an idea of the tone and subject matter. Not that it would have helped. After all, some hurtful letters had come in seemingly harmless subject lines. I resisted reading the email for as long as I could – that was until curiosity got the better of me. The email was as terse as some of his previous short notes to me.


  I hope you’re doing well. I’m here in Victoria to see you so we can talk. I do apologize for the long silence. Things don’t always work out the way we expect. I’m on my way to Detroit, please tell me where we can meet in town and I’ll get a cab down there.


  Michael was in Victoria? Why had he come all this way? Michigan was close to parts of Eastern Canada not the West Coast. What was he doing here? Should I ignore his email?

  I wrote back telling Michael to meet me at a coffee shop on Douglas Street at six pm. I included the address so it would be easy for the cab driver to find.

  That evening, I dressed simply in jeans pants and bold-checked top. I wore a black tank top underneath the yellow check shirt.

  I got there a few minutes after 6pm and as I walked in, there he was sitting at the far end of the room looking lean and tanned. His hair had greyed so much and he looked older. He nodded with a smile and I walked to where he was. He was getting up to pull out my chair but I hurriedly sat down. I took a furtive look at him and then looked down at my hands. For some reason I was ashamed of whatever I had felt for him which turned out to be a passing fancy or infatuation.

  Michael was silent; then I fixed him with a penetrating stare that said ‘be done with it’.

  He spoke. “How have you been?”

  ‘Fine.” I was not interested in small talk but I was too considerate to tell him that.

  I was relieved when he seemed to cut to the chase.

  “I’m sorry how things ended the last time we were together in Minot.”

  I did not respond.

  “I needed to see you to explain things because email didn’t seem suitable.”

  My heart constricted with panic. “You’re here now so you can go on.” My voice was so calm it might have belonged to a stranger.

  He let out a deep breath. “There isn’t much to say except that after we had one of those arguments we hadn’t had in ages, she said things that showed she didn’t love me and I told her to let me go since neither of us loved the other. She said a few uncomplimentary things and said it was over. I didn’t want to get you involved since I did not know how nasty things might get. Anyway, we signed the divorce papers a few months ago and I’m starting a new job in Detroit at the end of this month.”

  I just sat there stupefied. By “she” he obviously meant his wife. But why was he telling me all this? He did not want to get me involved in what? He was talking like we were really seeing each other. We certainly were not an item and I still did not know what he was doing in Victoria.

  I shifted in my chair and said, “The end of a marriage isn’t always a good thing.”

  “No but that marriage was over many years ago. What’s the use of being in a relationship if the two people are not happy together and can’t work around their problems? No one deserves to live that way. It’s a waste of precious time.”

  I nodded. “You’re right. People need to be free to seek happiness elsewhere if they can’t find it with their present partner. Irreconcilable differences mean different things to different people.”

  He smiled. “That’s why I’m here, Erin. The chemistry between us is palpable and I believe my future is with you.”

  I was stunned even further. He obviously had failed to notice the engagement ring I was wearing.

  The silence stretched as I continued to stare at him in speechless amazement. I wondered what my treacherously revealing face was saying to him.

  “I’m sorry for springing this on you like this. You don’t have to give me an answer right away. I could stay in Victoria couple of days more.”

  Looking at Michael, I could not tell what I had initially found attractive about him. He was a liar, weakling, and hypocrite. I could go on and on. What kind of married man held clandestine meetings with another married woman? He did not know that I had heard about the scandal that rocked the institute over his affair with Jill. My gut feeling had been right about him and Jill. I recollected how he had vehemently denied having anything to do with that woman. Even then, I never really believed that whatever was between them was sexual. To think that I had berated myself for my over-active imagination – which turned out not to be as ridiculous as I had thought.

  I looked at his treacherous face and fake smile as he sat across from me. It was not the face of my beloved. It was the face of a disturbed man. I almost felt sorry for him.

  I tried not to despise him for the pain he had caused me all that time I needed a friend and had not been treated as one. I was not interested in finding out why his wife divorced him although I suspected it had to do with Jill. As I looked at him, I noticed that the crow’s feet near his eyes had become more marked. His face looked like he was ten years older than his forty -five years. His hazel eyes now looked so faded they were an ugly gray.

  I wondered how I could have thought his beady eyes were attractive. His coffee stained teeth now irritated me. I looked from his balding grey hair to his hunched back as he went to get more coffee. He still had the sexiest butt I ever saw; except that now it held no attraction for me. Instead I noticed how middle age syndrome was catching up with him. His gut suggested that he no longer went to the gym and was gulping lots of beer.

  Suddenly, I seemed to come to my senses. It was like scales just fell from my eyes. What was I doing there? Trying to be polite to a man who had made my life miserable?

  I got up, slung my purse across my left shoulder and walked up to him.

  “It was nice seeing you again but I have to go now. My fiancé is waiting for me.”

  He coloured up in embarrassment. The barista was listening intently which made Michael turn beet red. The back of his ear had patches of red too, making the skin look unhealthy. I felt sorry for him.

  I smiled genuinely at him. “Have a safe trip back to the States.”

  I did not wait for Michael to say anything. I walked away feeling completely liberated. As soon as I was outside, I called Ethan on his cell phone hoping he would be available to go for lunch.

  He answered on the first ring. “Hey, where are you? I was just about to call you.”

  “I’m walking towards The Bay Centre.”

  “I thought you were meeting an old friend.” He knew who I was meeting.

  “Yeah, I’m done here.”

  “Can I come pick you up for lunch?”

  “Cool. I’ll wait on the side street near The Bay Centre. I think it’s View Street….”

  “Perfect! I’ll be there right away.”

  I put my phone back in my purse and walked towards the pedestrian
crossing. Smiling, I looked up and mouthed, “Thank you.” At last I was blessed with a man who loved me, was protective of me, and was a good guy. The icing on the cake was that he was absolutely sexy. It felt good that Ethan believed I was the most beautiful woman ever and never tired of saying so. With Ethan, I was myself and he was himself. We shared our innermost thoughts, fears, and hopes.

  I looked down my body with appreciation. Ethan had described me as lithe: slender, supple, and graceful. He boosted my confidence like no one else had done. I was comfortable about my body and knew I would feel no shame getting naked in front of him. I was full and firm in the right places and my figure was outstanding. I had always known that I had a sexy figure but I was never relaxed undressing in front of Dick.

  I breathed out a sigh of contentment. I looked forward to allowing Ethan have the pleasure of exploring every part of my body. The mere thought sent delicious warmth all over me. It was time to go ahead with wedding plans.

  Victoria was not known for heavy traffic and so Ethan arrived a few minutes after I got to the agreed meeting place on the one-way traffic side street. His black Porsche was the only black car I liked, besides Wrangler or YJ Jeep. He had once joked about getting me a smaller red one for my birthday or as a wedding gift. His eyes had probed mine hinting that he was serious about it.

  Ethan found a parking space some metres away from where I was standing and hurried round to open the front passenger door for me to get in. He knew I would open the door myself if I got there before he did. I was gradually getting used to my life with him. Ethan still found time to give me a peck before I got in. I was grinning from ear to ear. As he smiled at me, my heart filled and overflowed with love for him.

  He got in but did not start the car. Rather, he turned towards me, his handsome face looking very, very sexy as he continued to smile and look at me. His enchanting blue eyes were fixed on me. There was an element of seriousness in his expression. He understood me and had helped me heal from many an emotional wound. We both knew some of the wounds would take longer to heal and he had made it clear he would be by my side all the way. As he continued to examine my face, I laughed and said, “What?”

  He lifted his hand and gently touched my face. “There’s something different about you and I like it.”