Read Highlander Hellcat PG-13 Version Page 2

  Chapter 2: Bubblegum Pink


  Scottish Highlands

  Year 1516

  Garth felt like crap. It felt like all the bones in his body had been broken with a sledgehammer. And he couldn’t remember what the hell had happened to him. His mind was slow and muddled. He sensed movement beside him. His instincts kicked in and he reached out to grab someone’s wrist. A startled gasp reached his ears.

  “Oh crap!” A panicked female voice exclaimed. “Malakye told me that Garth can’t see me or else I could screw up the timeline.”

  Garth blinked his bleary eyes open, his brow furrowed in confusion. A woman? With…pink hair? Garth reached out and fingered a lock of the strangely colored hair. “Pink…?”

  The young woman tugged her thin wrist out of Garth’s hold. This pissed him off since under normal circumstances she wouldn’t have been able to break his iron hold. The fact that she could break his hold was a testament to just how injured he was.

  “Take care of yourself…Garth.” The woman whispered so softly that he had to strain his ears to hear her.

  Garth tried to remain conscious. He wanted to ask the woman so many questions. Who was she? Why was she helping him? What was her name? His pink-haired angel. And who…was he? Against his will he sunk back into unconsciousness.

  When Garth next awoke it was to a splitting headache and the sound of two voices speaking close to him. “That’s bizarre. Someone has already tended to his wounds.” A deep, throaty female voice with an odd accent reached his ears.

  “Whoever it was did a splendid job.” A male voice - deep, confident, but also with that same strange accent. “Though he is immortal his spine was snapped in two, but he should be fine now. Whoever saved him is a genius and highly skilled in the medical arts. Even an immortal can die if their spine is snapped and doesn’t start to heal on its own. Whoever gave him this medical treatment saved his life.”

  The woman clucked her tongue. “Gabriel went too far this time. Why would he do this?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe he just made him angry?” The male joked in a sarcastic tone. “But I intend to find out.”

  Garth forced his eyes open so that he could see who the hell was talking about him. The first thing Garth noticed about the buxom beauty was her long, bright, orange-colored hair that reminded Garth of tangerines. Her bright blue eyes came into view next. There was a playful, mischievous twinkle in those eyes of hers. The female was wearing a red and black tartan plaid dress that hugged her voluptuous curves.

  But her hair was not pink. So she was not the woman who’d saved him. His mysterious pink-haired angel.

  Garth turned his head slightly so he could see the man that she was with. He only saw the red and black kilt he was wearing, the sword strapped to his side, and had to crane his neck to look up since the man was so tall. This man had a muscular, warrior’s physique and a commanding presence. A powerful aura surrounded the man, which immediately put Garth on his guard. This man was dangerous. The features of the man’s face were rugged and chiseled. He had wavy black hair that had been slicked back over his head and secured into a ponytail at the base of his neck.

  The dark-haired man noticed that Garth was awake and staring at him. He offered Garth a friendly smile that didn’t quite reach his intelligent green-gray eyes. “Hey, you’re awake. Don’t worry. You’re safe now and among friends. We’re here to help you, lad.”

  “Where…?” Garth’s voice cracked as he tried to speak. His voice was as dry as sandpaper from disuse. He swallowed and tried again. “Where am I?”

  The man grinned proudly. “A land called Scotland. You’re in the Scottish Highlands.”

  “Scotland.” Garth murmured as he peered past his two companions. They appeared to be at the top of a grassy hill. Surrounding them was a circle of enormous, rectangular-shaped upright stones. There was something about the placement of the stones that made Garth think that they had some kind of supernatural purpose.

  Garth realized that he was lying in the very center of that circle of stones. In the distance, Garth could see a mountain range. Everything in this land appeared to be so green. Garth could feel the soft, lush grass beneath his hand and ran his hand over it. So soft. The air was chill, but crisp and fresh. Garth breathed in deep.

  The air was so different from the sweltering, dusty, sulfur-filled air he was used to breathing in. Garth caught himself in the middle of his train of thought. Wait, a minute. The air he was used to breathing? But where had that been? Garth’s brow furrowed as he tried to remember where he’d come from. He also noted that the land appeared different from stretches of black volcanic land that oozed glowing, orange lava and barren deserts of golden sand. Where was that? Garth’s head throbbed painfully. He couldn’t remember.

  In fact, Garth couldn’t remember anything about himself, just a name that had been whispered into his ear by the pink-haired angel. “Take care of yourself…Garth.” She’d told him.

  Garth. Was that his name? He couldn’t remember. He couldn’t…remember! A feeling of panic swept through him as he realized that his memories were missing. “Who…am I?” He demanded of the two strangers peering down at him.

  The woman placed a comforting hand on his arm. “Shhh, don’t worry, lad. All your questions will be answered very soon. But now you should rest.”

  Garth didn’t want to fall back asleep. He wanted answers, dang it! But his injured body was still recovering from its wounds, and so he fell asleep again.


  When Garth next awoke, he felt a comfortable mattress beneath him. The aches and pains he’d been feeling were almost completely gone. He felt much more alert and he could feel his monstrous strength returning to him. A soft, melodious humming reached his ears, and he realized he wasn’t alone in the room.

  Garth sat up quickly and turned his head to see the redhead from before. She was seated in a chair beside his bed with a plate on her lap while she cut a juicy red apple into slices. Her sharp blue gaze shifted to him and she beamed. “Ah, you’re finally awake, lad. You’ve been asleep for five days now.”

  Garth’s golden eyes narrowed suspiciously at the female. “Who the hell are you, wench? And why have you brought me here?” He began to get out of bed.

  “My name is Leslie and I…oh my!” Leslie’s blue eyes zeroed in on Garth’s crotch.

  Garth glanced down and realized that he was buck naked. He flushed. Where were his clothes! “Darn it, woman, why am I naked?” Garth sat back down on the bed and pulled the covers up over his lap.

  An impish smile curled Leslie’s lips. “Your clothes were covered in blood, so I tossed them out. A plaid will be provided for you shortly, when it’s ready.”

  Garth gave the woman a wary look.

  Leslie was not frightened by the murderous glare Garth was giving her, however. Instead she was highly amused by it. She snorted. “My, if looks could kill. That’s quite a look you’ve got in your eyes. But there’s no reason to be glaring at me like that. You’re among friends here. We’re here to help you. Here, have some apple. You need to regain your strength.” She jabbed a fork into a slice of apple and held it out towards Garth, close to his mouth.

  Garth opened his mouth to protest. “I’m not hu-”

  The redhead plopped the piece of apple into Garth’s mouth without further ado, much to his chagrin. Garth chewed and swallowed. He admitted to himself that the apple was very good. Very juicy. Unlike the fruit he’d been used to that had seemed to turn to ash in his mouth. Garth tried to remember more, but could not. It was like his memories were on the tip of his brain, just out of reach.

  “There, now that’s a good lad.” Leslie winked.

  Garth looked around the room he was in curiously. The walls were made of gray stone, and there were tall, narrow windows covered with thick, red velvet drapes. Tapestries decorated the walls. One of the tapestries captured Garth’s attention. It depicted an army of animals f
acing off against an army of men. There were wolves, dragons, bears, tigers and unicorns depicted in the tapestries. Garth’s gaze was drawn to a pair of crossed claymores on the wall and he recalled the sword that had been strapped to the dark-haired man’s side. There was also a dresser, a desk and a simple bookshelf with a few dusty tomes. The four-poster bed he was in was enormous and covered with red and black sheets. “Where is this place?”

  “You’re in Castle MacWulver of the Clan MacWulver.” Leslie explained in that odd accent of hers.

  “Castle MacWulver? Clan MacWulver?” Garth’s initial panic began to return as he realized he didn’t know what the hell this woman was taking about. “I don’t remember. I don’t remember anything. My memories…!”

  Leslie gave Garth a sympathetic look and placed a consoling hand on his arm. “I’m afraid that’s perfectly normal. All of us started out that way. But then the Clan Chief, our Laird Magnus MacWulver - he helped us to understand our fate. Our destiny.” As Leslie spoke of her Laird there was obvious respect and admiration in her voice.

  Garth’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I don’t understand. Who is ‘all of us’?”

  “The clan members of Clan MacWulver. We’re all shifters. Just like you. It’s why Archangel Gabriel brought you to us here in Scotland.” Leslie tried to explain.


  There was a twinkle in Leslie’s eyes. “I think it might be best if you saw things with your own eyes, lad. Lachlan should be coming soon to show you around Castle MacWulver.”

  “Lachlan?” Garth frowned, not recognizing the name.

  “Oh, sorry.” Leslie apologized. “You haven’t been properly introduced yet. He’s the man who was there with me when we found you lying in the middle of the stone henge.”

  “Ah.” Garth nodded. “When will-?”

  A loud knock on the door interrupted Garth. “Hey, Leslie, why is this door locked? Let me in.” A loud, slightly irritated sounding male voice demanded.

  “Och! He’s here already! Quick, put on your plaid!” Leslie grabbed the tartan plaid off the top of the dresser and tossed it at Garth.

  Garth’s eyebrows rose as he caught the plaid. “I thought you didn’t have my plaid ready?”

  Leslie tossed Garth a wicked wink. “I lied, lad.”

  Garth shook his head ruefully. What a woman! He got out of bed and began to wrap the long stretch of plaid fabric around his waist. Leslie helped Garth to secure the kilt properly around his waist using a thick, black leather belt with a shiny brass buckle. Leslie nodded approvingly at his finished appearance. “There, now you look like a proper Highlander, you do.” Leslie ran over to the door, smoothed her hands down over her plaid and opened the door in what she hoped appeared a casual manner.

  Lachlan stormed inside of the bedroom, looking slightly pissed off. “What took you so long, Leslie?”

  “Ah, the door was stuck, Lachlan.” Leslie said innocently.

  Lachlan spotted Garth, eyed him suspiciously for a moment, and then looked down at his plaid. “You’re awake.”

  Garth nodded stiffly.

  Lachlan’s expression softened and he offered Garth a warm smile. “I’m glad. There’s so much to tell you, so much to teach you, and we don’t have that much time until the next full moon.”

  “Full moon?” Garth questioned.

  “Lachlan, you’re making his head spin.” Leslie interrupted the lads in a chiding tone. “You need to start at the beginning.”

  Lachlan nodded in agreement upon seeing the confused look on Garth’s face. “Aye, you’re right, my bonny lass.” He turned his attention to Garth. “You’re probably wondering who beat the crap out of you and why.”

  Garth’s golden eyes flashed red and he crossed his brawny arms over his chest. “That would be a good place to start. Aye.”

  “Archangel Gabriel…he did that to you. In fact, he did that to all of us. Well, he fought against us while trying to convince us to take his ‘deal’. Do you remember your true name?” Lachlan asked intently.

  “My name…?” Garth recalled the pink-haired angel whispering the name ‘Garth’ into his ear. “I think it’s Garth.”

  Lachlan raised an eyebrow at Garth. “Impressive. Most of the shifters we save don’t remember their names, and so we give them a new one once they become official members of the clan. Anyhow, Garth, you are a demon who used to reside in a realm called Hell. But before you were a demon, you were an Archangel who worked for God.”

  Though Garth didn’t have his memories the words ‘angel’ and ‘demon’ stirred certain visual images inside of Garth’s mind. For some reason, he associated the word ‘angel’ with ‘good’, and the word ‘demon’ with ‘evil’.

  Lachlan continued. “However, you chose to betray God, our Creator, siding with the Archangel Lucifer and one third of the angels in a rebellion. The rebellion failed and you along with one third of the angels were banished to the realm of Hell.”

  “Wait a moment. Why would I be stupid enough to go against my Creator?” Garth questioned in disbelief.

  “Archangel Lucifer was the most powerful and handsome of all the Archangels. He easily convinced all of us to rebel against the One True God. He claimed that he and God were equals and we stupidly fell for his sugar-coated lies. He made us a bunch of promises with that silver tongue of his which he was obviously unable to keep.” Lachlan explained with a bitter edge to his voice.

  “In Hell, demons are charged with punishing sinful human souls.” Leslie spoke up. “God also cursed you with a new ‘form’ - a demonic form, an animal form. You are able to shift into this form.”

  “Hell…is a pitiful place and living there is a pitiful existence.” Lachlan sneered with a dark expression on his face. “Recently God decided to give us demons a chance for redemption. Thanks to Gabriel speaking out on our behalf. And that chance is coming to Earth, the Realm we are in now, and searching for a very special human known as a Judge. A Judge’s love has the power to redeem us of our sins.”

  “In Hell, Gabriel offers demons this chance at redemption, explaining that in exchange for their memories, he will send them to Earth where they will have the chance to find their Judge.” Leslie began to explain. “After that a demon will have to make their Judge fall in love with him or her. When a demon is redeemed they are allowed back into His Holy Army, which will inevitably fight against Lucifer and his loyal demons in the End Times.”

  Garth’s mind was spinning and he barely understood a word Lachlan and Leslie were saying, but he thought he got the just of it. “So what you’re saying is…I’m a demon who decided to take Gabriel’s deal. He took my memories and sent me to Earth so I could find this human Judge and make her fall in love with me?” His tone was slightly incredulous.

  Lachlan nodded solemnly. “Indeed.”

  “That’s right.” Leslie put in with a smile.

  To the surprise of Leslie and Lachlan Garth began to laugh. He laughed for several minutes before he finally got himself under control and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Sorry. It’s just…I have no interest in love. I don’t think I even understand what it is.” Garth shook his head with a rueful expression on his face. “Anyways, if I took the deal, why did Gabriel beat me up?”

  It was Lachlan’s turn to laugh. “Sometimes Gabriel has a hard time convincing us demons that we want redemption at all. Or that we’d want to make some lowly human fall in love with us.” He sneered. “Gabriel can be a real jerk.”

  “Lachlan!” Leslie chided, shoving his arm. “Don’t speak about him that way. He may be harsh at times but it’s because of him that we have this chance at redemption.”

  “Redemption? Love?” Garth chuckled lowly. “I understand these concepts somehow but…love! Ha! There must be some mistake. I don’t have any interest in love or romance. Nor do I want it.”

  Lachlan put his arm around Garth’s shoulders and grinned. “I knew I liked you! That Gabriel is full of crap. And
he says we can’t get redeemed if we fall in love with one of our own kind.” Lachlan gave Leslie a meaningful look. “It has to be with some weak, pitiful human.”

  “A human?” Garth’s brow furrowed as he tried to recall the difference between humans and demons. “Are they so different from us…demon shifters?” An image of the pink-haired girl came to his mind. Was she an angel? A demon? Or a human?

  A wicked smile spread across Lachlan’s roguishly handsome face. “Oh, you have no idea. Us demon shifters are far superior to humans. We-”

  Leslie hit Lachlan hard on the back of his head with a whack! “Will you shut it? Don’t be putting weird ideas in Garth’s head. He’s here like the rest of us to live side by side with the humans, and to find his Judge so he can be redeemed!”

  Lachlan rubbed the back of his head and glared at Leslie. “We’ll let him come to his own conclusions after he sees how powerful we are. Come, Garth, it’s time for you to see the greatness of Clan MacWulver.” Lachlan put his arm around Garth’s broad shoulders and began to guide him out of the bedchamber.

  “Och! Wait for me, laddies!” Leslie complained as she rushed after them. She moved to Garth’s other side as they made their way down the corridor.

  Garth noted that the walls were made of the same gray stone that was inside of his bedchamber. A Persian runner was under his booted feet and there were more tapestries on the walls. He stopped to stare at another tapestry depicting an army of human men in gleaming, silver armor facing off against an army of animals. This one was bloodier than the one in his bedchamber with humans and animals losing limbs in the battle. “That tapestry…?” Garth questioned.

  “Ah. That’s Clan MacWulver fighting against the bloody English. The English are always up to no good.” Lachlan’s voice was dripping with hatred.

  “Those animals are…demons? Shifters?” Garth questioned while trying to wrap his mind around it.

  Lachlan nodded. “That’s correct. Come. You’ll soon see for yourself - the power and military might of Clan MacWulver!”

  Lachlan and Leslie escorted Garth through Castle MacWulver giving him a tour. They descended the grand staircase and entered the great hall. They crossed through the great hall and approached the front pair of double doors, which led to the castle courtyard. Lachlan pushed the heavy doors open and they exited. Due to the sudden bright light, Garth had to shield his stinging eyes from the sun with his hand.

  Once Garth’s eyes adjusted to the bright outdoors what he saw was the large central courtyard of Castle MacWulver and the clan members themselves who were sparring against each other. It was an incredible sight.

  “Ah, good timing. The mock battle is about to begin!” Lachlan said excitedly.

  Lined up on the left side of the courtyard were several clan members dressed in black and red tartan kilts with thick black leather belts around their waists, and brown leather boots. All the Highland shifters had claymores or broadswords strapped to their sides.

  Lined up on the right side of the courtyard were shifters who had already transformed into their animal forms. They were a very impressive, intimidating sight. There were majestic dragons, fierce bears, sleek, deadly tigers, and ferocious wolves.

  One of the wolves was much bigger than the other wolf shifters, and caught Garth’s eye. This wolf shifter had red fur and a jagged scar over his left eye.

  The dragon shifters caught Lachlan’s eye and nodded reverently in his direction. The female shifters, both those in human form and those in their animal form, spotted Lachlan and began to wave and call out to him. “Lachlan!”

  Garth raised an eyebrow at this enthusiastic greeting. Apparently the charismatic Lachlan was very popular among the ladies of Clan MacWulver, and seemed to have the respect of some of the more powerful looking shifters too.

  The two groups appeared to be waiting for some kind of signal to begin their battle.

  “Let the battle…begin!” The red wolf growled out loudly.

  “Aye, my Laird!” The clan members cried out.

  The two groups rushed towards each other, letting out battle whoops and cries, and collided and engaged in battle. It was like watching two gigantic ocean waves crash into each other mercilessly.

  The Highlanders unsheathed their swords and attacked the magical beasts ruthlessly, and the animals fought back just as ferociously and did not hold back. Blood spewed through the air. Highlanders and animals both lost limbs left and right.

  Garth cringed and raised an eyebrow at the bloody carnage. “Isn’t this going a little far for a mock battle?”

  “Not to worry. All demon shifters are immortal. They can’t be killed. Unless of course they’re decapitated.” Lachlan explained grimly.

  “Or if they’re burned alive. Or thrown into a pit of lava in a volcano. Or if their spine was completely snapped in two and refused to mend itself. Just like you-” Leslie was saying.

  “I think he gets the idea, Leslie.” Lachlan interrupted her. “At any rate, immortals like us have powerful regeneration abilities, and even if we lose an arm, it will eventually grow back.”

  “I see.” Garth was surprised to see not only men fighting but women as well, and they were pretty good. He smiled at the sight. The Highland women seemed to be fiery spirits indeed. “Do you know how to fight, Leslie?”

  Leslie raised an eyebrow at Garth. “Do I know how to fight? I could kick your butt in five seconds, lad.”

  Garth chuckled at that. “For some reason, I don’t doubt it. Why are some fighting in their human forms while others are in their animal forms?”

  “Well, that’s because our enemies usually possess human form: English soldiers, bandits, reivers, and rival clansmen. We must get used to facing an enemy that is using a sword, or bows and arrows.” Lachlan explained and his hand had unconsciously traveled down to rest on the hilt of his sword. “The key to winning any battle is knowing your enemy.”

  “Is Scotland truly so dangerous?” Garth asked confusedly. “It seems like such a beautiful, peaceful place. Or at least it appeared that way at the henge.”

  Lachlan shrugged carelessly. “It’s not more dangerous than any other place on Earth. Humans are a very violent race. They live to wage war on each other. They fight over land, riches, and women. Really, they’re like a virus upon this realm-”

  Leslie hit Lachlan over the back of his head again with another hard whack! This one caused his teeth to click together with an audible click. “Lachlan! Enough! With an attitude like that it’ll be a miracle if you get your Judge to fall in love with you.” Her tone was both teasing and serious. She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head at her best friend.

  A dark scowl formed on Lachlan’s face at her words. “Who says I want to find my human Judge at all?” The dark-haired man gave her a loaded look. “What human female could compare to your beauty, Leslie.” He took her hand and placed a kiss on it before Leslie could properly react.

  Leslie flushed slightly at his charming words but quickly snatched her hand away from Lachlan. She looked at him and there was both anger and sadness in her blue eyes. “You fool.”

  “Whoo!” A cry from the crowd that was gathered in the courtyard to watch the mock battle pulled Leslie and Lachlan’s attention back to the battle.

  The shifters in human form were winning and only the gigantic, six hundred pound red wolf was still standing. The red wolf let out a ferocious roar before attacking his remaining opponents. With only the red wolf facing off against the shifters in human form, the mock battle didn’t last for much longer.

  Garth’s eyes widened as the wolf broke a sword blade with a snap of his powerful jaws. The red wolf was an amazing fighter, and was quickly gaining Garth’s respect.

  In a matter of seconds, the red wolf was the only one left standing in the courtyard. The red wolf threw back his head and let out a triumphant howl. “Awwooo!”

  “Who is that?” Garth asked intently.

  A drea
my smile curled Leslie’s lips. “That’s the Clan Chief of Clan MacWulver, our Laird Magnus MacWulver.”

  “Magnus MacWulver.” Garth repeated, his golden eyes glowing with respect.

  “Is there no male with the guts to stand against me?” The red wolf demanded in a deep, growling voice.

  The blood in Garth’s veins began to hum, to pulse, at the red wolf’s words. “Lachlan, you said I’m a shifter, right?”

  “That’s correct.” Lachlan gave Garth a pensive look, wondering what he was up to. “You should have an animal form just like the rest of us. But I don’t know what it is.”

  “Let’s find out. Shall we?” Garth rumbled; before he let the burning sensation welling up inside of him consume him. He began to transform, orange fur sprouting on his face, his teeth becoming longer and sharper, and his nails lengthening into claws. His ears disappeared into his head as two cat-like ears sprouted from the top of his head along with two enormous horns that curled back away from Garth’s face and curved at the tips.

  Garth quickly removed his kilt, belt and boots, and not a moment too soon. In seconds, Garth’s body had shifted into that of a six hundred pound demon tiger-like creature. His fur was orange like his hair, but now had black stripes. Flickering orange and red flames surrounded his body, and long, striped tail swished behind him.

  Leslie gasped at Garth’s impressive, fearsome appearance. “He’s a Hellcat. They’re extremely rare.”

  “They can breathe fire and control the element of fire, much like us dragons.” Lachlan added with a slightly jealous note to his voice. Then Lachlan noticed the way Leslie was looking at Laird Magnus and he didn’t like it. He wanted to be the only one Leslie looked at in awe.

  Garth let out a roar and leapt into the courtyard to face Magnus. Magnus eyed Garth and grinned, bearing his teeth. “Ah, the newcomer. Feeling better, I see. Barely made it past death’s door and now you’re challenging me? I like you, laddie! Let’s fight! Awoo!” The wolf shifter howled happily. He always loved a good brawl.

  The Hellcat and red wolf charged, and collided. They began to fight with their claws and teeth. The courtyard had grown deathly silent as the Hellcat and wolf fought, tumbled, and rolled across the ground. Magnus didn’t hold back and raked his claws across Garth’s chest. Garth retaliated and swiped his claws at Magnus’s head. Blood spurted through the air. The red wolf attacked Garth again, and latched his maw onto Garth’s throat.

  Garth roared in pain and clawed at Magnus to release him, but to no avail. Bloody hell! Garth swore internally. But then the flames around Garth’s body appeared to grow stronger and hotter, and Magnus was forced to let Garth go. Magnus leapt backwards to put some distance between himself and Garth, and skidded across the flagstones.

  Garth’s chest began to bulge, and then he opened his maw and unleashed a fireball Magnus’s way.

  “Ooo!” The clan members and household staff of Castle MacWulver murmured as they watched Garth’s impressive elemental attack.

  Magnus lithely dodged Garth’s attack, however, and then charged. Garth unleashed more fireballs Magnus’s way, but the wolf nimbly dodged them all until he was pouncing Garth again.

  This time Garth was ready for the attack, and turned his head quickly to latch his jaws around the wolf’s neck. The Hellcat began to squeeze, but stopped once he realized any more would kill the red wolf and the Clan Chief. Garth released the wolf’s neck and leapt backwards.

  The red wolf looked at Garth, blood pouring down his neck, and grinned. “Looks like we have a winner! Well done, laddie, you bested me!”

  “Whooo!” The Highland shifters all cried out excitedly. “Garth, Garth, Garth!” They began to chant.

  Garth nodded in acknowledgement and respect. The two male shifters began to return to their human forms. Both men were naked, but not for long. Two serving women quickly approached and wrapped a tartan kilt around Magnus’s waist as he held his arms out at his sides in an expectant manner.

  Leslie approached Garth with his plaid, but Garth took it from her with a slight blush on his cheeks before she could help him. “I can do it, lass. Thank you.” Garth quickly wrapped the plaid around his waist and secured it with the belt Leslie handed him.

  “It’s cute how you can be so strong and yet so shy.” Leslie commented with a twinkle in her blue eyes.

  Garth looked around for Lachlan, worried that he would hear Leslie’s flirtatious comment. Luckily, Lachlan appeared to be busy saying ‘hi’ to some of his friends. A red dragon shifter, a green dragon shifter, a bear shifter, and a toad shifter.

  Once Garth and Magnus were appropriately dressed they approached each other. “Well met, I am Magnus MacWulver, Clan Chief and Laird of Clan MacWulver.” Magnus held out his hand for Garth to take.

  Garth took it in a firm grip. “Garth.” Magnus was a muscular man with pale skin. He had shoulder-length, orange hair, a full beard and bright blue eyes. That orange-red color seemed to be a common hair color among the shifters.

  “Garth MacWulver now.” There was a twinkle in Magnus’s eyes and as he smiled crinkles formed around his eyes. The wolf shifter had an extremely friendly deamor that seemed to instantly put Garth at ease. “Welcome to our clan!”

  “Thank you, my Laird.” Garth nodded.

  “You’re a fast learner, aren’t you?” Magnus chuckled, noticing Garth’s Scottish brogue. Lachlan and Leslie approached, and Magnus’s attention turned towards them. “You’ve already met my second-in-command, Lachlan, and his best friend Leslie. I hope they’ve been taking good care of you in my stead. I was busy training my men. The reivers have been getting more aggressive lately. They’re not just stealing cattle in the lowlands anymore, and are starting to target the homes of the human village that is under our clan’s protection.”

  “Reivers? Human village?” Garth asked.

  “I’m sure this is a lot for you to take in, Garth.” Magnus patted Garth’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. Tomorrow I’ll have Lachlan and Leslie take you to the village. They will explain its purpose and the situation there. But as for tonight, no more worries. Tonight we celebrate you joining our clan! We’re very happy to have you here with us, Garth. I will do anything in my power to help you find your human Judge so you can be redeemed. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.”

  “Thank you, I will, my Laird.” Garth offered Magnus a tremulous smile. He was still unsettled by the idea of having to find a human female Judge, and of having her fall in love with him.

  Magnus led Garth into the great hall where a banquet had already been prepared for the warriors. The hall been set up with had several long wooden tables that were surrounded by heavy wooden chairs. Magnus led Garth to the head table that was positioned towards the back of the hall, and which faced the other tables that had been set up perpendicularly to the head table.

  Magnus took a seat on a heavy throne that had wolves carved into its high back. He motioned for Garth to take a seat next to him in a normal chair. Leslie quickly beat several other shifter girls to the free chair that was on Magnus’s other side. She’d literally shoved one of the other shifter girls to the floor to get that seat. But when she calmly and gracefully took her seat she tried to appear as normal and composed as possible. Leslie lowered her head to hide her triumphant expression.

  Garth had to bite back his laughter at the sight of Leslie pretending to be ladylike. She was a bit of a tomboy. Apparently, Magnus was popular with the lassies like Lachlan. Lachlan took a seat next to Garth. A stunning shifter girl with long emerald green hair and golden eyes with slit pupils, who was wearing a green and black plaid dress, tried to take a seat next to Lachlan but he stopped her with an upraised hand. “Ah, sorry, this seat is taken.”

  The snake shifter pouted. “Oh. Sorry, milord.”

  Garth shot a grin Lachlan’s way. “Looks like you’re popular with the lassies.”

  Lachlan let out a heavy sigh and glanced over at Leslie. “Not with th
e one lass I want to be popular with though.”

  Garth followed Lachlan’s line of sight and frowned. “Leslie? But a demon can’t be redeemed if they fall for their own kind, right?”

  Lachlan shrugged lackadaisically. “Maybe I don’t care about redemption.” A dark shadow had fallen over Lachlan’s usually carefree face.

  Garth opened his mouth to say something, but Magnus chose that moment to stand up from his throne. The Clan Chief immediately had the attention of the entire hall. “Clansmen and clanswomen of Clan MacWulver! I want you all to give a warm and hearty welcome to our clan’s newest member, Hellcat Garth! Let him find true love and be redeemed!” Magnus raised his tankard of mead high into the air.

  The shifters all raised their tankards and mugs of mead and ale in response. “Let him find true love and be redeemed!”

  Garth flushed at their heartfelt words. Find true love…? They couldn’t be serious. He didn’t know the first thing about love. He noticed a few of the shifter women trying to catch his gaze. A female with white bunny ears on top of her head, another with snakes for hair, and one with cat ears. But he may have known a little about lust. He felt himself get turned on slightly as he eyed the bunny girl’s nice curves.

  Magnus sat down and clapped his hands together. “Let the feast begin! Bring more ale and mead!”

  “Whoo!” The great hall was filled with the cheers of the shifters.

  Several serving wenches emerged from the kitchen and began to serve the warrior shifters ale and mead. The serving girl with the bunny ears approached Garth shyly. “Would you like some ale, milord?”

  Garth smiled at her and she flinched. “Aye, lassie.” He rubbed a hand self-consciously over his mouth, wondering what his face looked like since he’d startled the poor lass. The serving wench poured ale into Garth’s tankard. However, because she was so nervous, her hand was trembling, and some of the ale splashed out of the tankard and onto the table.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, milord. Allow me to clean it up!” The lass quickly apologized and began to mop up the ale with a rag.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine, lass.” Garth quickly assured her.

  “Ah, yes, milord.” The serving wench scuttled off back to the kitchen.

  Garth frowned as he watched her go.

  Lachlan started laughing. “Garth, your face! You’re really bad at smiling! You looked furious with her. You’ve scared that poor lass half to death.”

  Garth frowned. “I did? I thought I was smiling at her normally.” He scratched his head.

  Lachlan just laughed harder at Garth’s words.

  “I see you’ve already picked up a bit of our dialect, Garth.” Magnus spoke up. “Impressive. That’s good. It’s very important for us to be able to blend in and assimilate with human society.” He grabbed a leg of mutton and began to dig in.

  “My Laird, there’s something I don’t understand.” Garth began tentatively. “If Archangel Gabriel’s deal was our memories in exchange for this chance at redemption, then isn’t that fact that we know what we are, against the rules?”

  A serious look fell over Magnus’s ruddy face. He looked down at the ale in his tankard thoughtfully. “Demon shifters are different from other demons that have come to Earth. We’re cursed by the moon in this realm. During the full moon shifters, both male and female go into heat. It’s very hard to control our sexual urges during that time.”

  The blood drained out of Garth’s face at the thought of being a slave to his own lust. “Cursed by the moon.” He muttered darkly.

  “Also, it’s very hard to control oneself from shifting into our animal form. You can see this as your ‘inner beast’ wanting to break free and take control. Because of our moon curse, Gabriel himself told me things that I had forgotten after he’d sealed my memories away, and brought me to Earth.” There was a faraway look in Magnus’s eyes as he remembered his past. “He charged me to guide all other shifters that were brought to this land via the magical stone henge. Shifters must be taught how to control themselves during the full moon. If we do not have control of ourselves during the full moon we become a threat to the humans and more importantly to our Judges. Humans…can be incredibly fragile creatures.”

  “Fragile.” Garth frowned and looked down at his hands. He had the strange visual image of trying to touch his pink-haired angel and of her shattering like a porcelain doll. He shuddered at the thought.

  Magnus patted Garth’s arm reassuringly. “Don’t worry, lad. There’s still plenty of time until the next full moon. I’ll have my second-in-command, Lachlan, teach you how to master control over your shifting. And we have ways to ensure you won’t hurt anyone during your first moon time.”

  Garth chugged back his entire tankard of ale. This was a lot to take in. He glanced over at Magnus and noticed an odd black tattoo around the male’s neck. It looked like a choker of black thorns. The skin around the tattoo looked red and infected. “What’s that tattoo?” Garth asked curiously.

  Magnus touched the tattoo with his hand. “Ah…” A dark look fell over his usually carefree face. “I’ll tell you about it some other time. More ale!” He waved over a serving wench. Two serving wenches rushed over to fill Garth and Magnus’s tankards with more ale.

  After the Highland shifters had eaten and drank their fill, they began to push aside a few of the tables to make some room on the floor. “What are they doing?” Garth asked, when he noticed what they were doing.

  “Ah, our lassies are very spirited and love to dance.” Magnus informed Garth with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Dance?” Garth frowned trying to define the word in his mind.

  “You don’t remember what dancing is? Well, you’re certainly in for a treat then!” Magnus laughed and thumped Garth hard on the back.

  Several shifter females chose male partners, and dragged them out to the dance floor. A group of five male shifters began to play a lively, traditional Scottish tune. Three of them had bagpipes, one was playing a fiddle, and the last was banging a drum.

  The shifters began to perform a festive, spirited dance. Those watching from their seats at the tables began to clap along with the music. Garth smiled as he watched the couples dancing romantically together.

  Leslie finished off her tankard of mead with a loud ‘ah!’. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stood up from her place at the table. She approached Lachlan, her cheeks flushed. “Lachlan, will you do me the honor of this dance?”

  Lachlan grinned up at her. “Of course, my bonny lass.” He stood up, took her hand and led her out to the dance floor.

  Garth watched as Lachlan and Leslie began to dance, grinned, and clapped along with the music.

  “Why don’t you pick yourself a bonny lass, and get out there and join them?” Magnus suggested to Garth with a slight slur to his words.

  Garth shook his head, looking uncomfortable. “Nay, I don’t think I’m the dancing type.”

  Magnus shrugged. “Suit yourself. Though the lassies will be very disappointed.”

  Lachlan and Leslie danced for the next hour. Leslie’s energy seemed endless. Finally, Lachlan had had enough and asked for a break. The duo approached the table where Garth was still seated next to Magnus.

  Lachlan sank down onto his chair heavily. “Whew, you wore me out, Leslie. I need to rest my aching bones and catch my breath.”

  Leslie’s freckled cheeks were flushed a pretty, rosy pink, and there was a playful twinkle in her blue eyes. She turned her gaze on Garth and smiled wolfishly. “Garth, I noticed you haven’t danced yet. What do you say we go out there and take a twirl together?”

  Garth shot a nervous look Lachlan’s way. “Uh, I probably shouldn’t.”

  Lachlan smiled obligingly, however, and patted Garth’s arm. “Go on, lad. Get out there and dance. I’m exhausted. Leslie has too much energy for her own good. You’ll be doing me a favor if you keep her occupied.”

  “You reall
y don’t mind?” Garth questioned with a serious expression on his face.

  “Not at all. Go on, have fun.” Lachlan insisted.

  “Alright, if you say so.” Garth agreed warily. At this point, it had become pretty obvious to Garth that Lachlan was head over heels in love with Leslie. Unfortunately, it didn’t appear as though Leslie felt the same way. Although she did seem to treasure her friendship with Lachlan.

  “Alright!” Leslie grabbed Garth’s arm, tugged him out of his seat, and dragged him to the dance floor.

  Lachlan chuckled as he watched Garth getting reluctantly pulled away. “Poor guy, he has no idea what’s in store for him!”

  As Garth and Leslie began to dance together Lachlan’s sharp eyes followed Leslie’s movements. His gaze was heated, full of lust and desire for her. And Magnus noticed. “Lachlan, when are you going to put aside your silly infatuation with Leslie and try to find your Judge?”

  Lachlan’s eye twitched in irritation. Silly infatuation, he says? What the hell does he know about my feelings for Leslie? He grit his teeth angrily and swallowed what he really wanted to respond to his laird. “In time.” He responded shortly.

  Magnus gazed at Lachlan with a worried expression on his face. He saw Lachlan as a son. He saw all of the shifters of Clan MacWulver as his sons and daughters actually. He’d been the very first shifter to arrive in Scotland. He’d lived a long time and seen much. He wished all of the shifters nothing but happiness, and for them to find true love. He was protective of them and wanted to watch over them forever. But sometimes one couldn’t have everything they wished for. Magnus started to cough and brought his napkin up to his mouth. After the coughing fit had passed he looked down at his napkin to see the blood there. He quickly balled the napkin in his hand so that no one else would notice. Time was running out for him. He unconsciously touched the black tattoo of thorns around his neck.

  When Leslie took Garth’s hand and tried to get him to dance, Garth didn’t budge. He just stood there in front of her, stiff as a board. Leslie frowned at him with her hands on her hips. “What’s the matter, lad?”

  “I…” Garth glanced sideways, and rubbed the back of his neck in an embarrassed gesture. “Don’t know how to dance.”

  Leslie quirked her head at Garth and gave him a pensive look. “You know, you’re so big and scary looking, but…you’re really just a big softy on the inside, aren’t you? Well, don’t worry, I’ll teach you. Just relax. Let the music guide you.” She said soothingly in that deep accent of hers.

  Garth took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He forced himself to relax and listened to the music. For some reason the music reminded him of the sound two swords made when they clashed together during combat. There was a certain rhythm to it. A rhythm to the dance that was similar to the rhythm Garth used when he fought. And fighting was in his blood, in every cell of his being.

  Garth began to dance with Leslie while observing how the other male shifters were guiding their female partners across the dance floor. He copied their movements to the best of his abilities. It didn’t take long for him to get the hang of it. Although he did step on poor Leslie’s toes a few times. “S-Sorry.” Garth grunted when he stepped on Leslie’s foot for the fifth time.

  Leslie just smiled back at him. “No worries. I’m a female shifter, so I’m made of hearty stock! Just don’t step on the delicate toes of your human Judge when you find her. You’d break the poor girl’s feet!”

  Break her feet? Garth was oddly horrified by this thought. “Are humans really so fragile?”

  “Aye,” Leslie nodded solemnly. “Well, they’re mortal so that’s to be expected.”

  “Mortal…and we’re immortal.” Garth shook his head ruefully. “It doesn’t seem fair.”

  “Our purposes in life are different. Angels. Demons. We are old souls, ready to fight in God’s Holy Army. Most humans are new souls. It will take them reincarnating many times and experiencing many lifetimes before they are given the choice to become Archangels or guardian angels.” Leslie explained. “Some may choose to simply become one with God once more.”

  “War in the Heavens. And war on Earth. It seems there is war wherever I go. Will it never stop? Will there never be peace?” Garth wondered aloud pensively.

  “When the last battle is fought in the End of Days only then will we finally have true, everlasting peace. God wants more recruits for his Holy Army, and that’s why he’s giving us demons a second chance. Do you not like fighting? Does it bother you to have to fight?”

  “Nay, I like fighting. It’s all I truly know.” Garth clenched his right hand into a fist. “I can feel it…my fighting ability. It’s a part of me. I am a warrior. It’s who I am.” Now I just have to decide what cause is worth fighting for.


  To be continued…in Candy 3: Hot Tamale