Read Highlander Hellcat PG-13 Version Page 3

  Chapter 3: Hot Tamale

  Garth awoke to a sharp kick in his stomach. “Get the hell up, demon. Today is a very important day.” A stern voice chided loudly.

  “Bloody hell…it’s too easy for this crap.” Garth looked up and saw Gabriel’s frowning face. “Go away.”

  “Afraid I can’t do that.” Gabriel reached down, grabbed Garth’s wrist, and began to drag him across the floor, heading towards the back of the shop. “Unfortunately, this is my job.”

  “You always treat your wards so nicely?” Garth asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Just those I like.” Gabriel smirked. “You look like crap and you stink. You need to take a shower and get dressed pronto. You need to look respectable.”

  Garth sighed. “What? So I can look ‘nice’ for the human females I’ll send running and screaming for the hills today?”

  Gabriel smiled to himself. “I have the feeling that today, my friend, is going to be your lucky day.”

  The shifter raised an eyebrow at the angel. “Oh, and why’s that?”

  “A friend of mine was just pulling an all-nighter and just ran out of candy. I recommended that she come here.” Sometimes you have to give Fate a kick in the butt!

  “Wait a second, are you saying you know who my Judge is?” Garth asked while giving his guardian angel a suspicious look.

  “Not telling. I’m already breaking the rules enough as it is…but hey, rogue angel. So what did you expect?” When Garth continued to stare at the angel he continued. “Sorry, but I can’t tell you more. All I can say is out of all the human females you meet today it’s possible that one of them is your fated Judge.”

  “Stingy angel.” Garth scowled as he was literally being dragged up the stairs that led to the second floor. His head was hitting each step as the angel ascended and it was rather painful. “I really hate you, you know that?”

  “Love you too.” Gabriel quipped sarcastically.

  Garth showered quickly and brushed his teeth. He dressed in a plain T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He cleaned up the candy and broken glass that had been left behind by his and Gabriel’s fight the previous day. He then mopped up the blood that was on the floor and flipped the open closed sign to open. He made his way behind the main display case and waited to see if Fate had something special in store for him that day.


  A few hours later, the bell above the front door jingled as a customer stepped inside. This is it. Garth glanced up from the candy he was organizing and saw a flash of pink hair. Pink hair?

  Garth abruptly recalled the pink-haired angel who’d saved him five centuries ago in Scotland when his spine had been snapped in two by an overzealous angel, and hadn’t been healing on its own. Could she be…the one? His Judge? Was the woman who’d just entered his shop his Destiny? The shifter wondered.

  Garth looked up at her face. She could be the one…or not. Garth’s speculations came to a screeching halt.

  The strangest looking human female now stood before him. She was five-five with long, messy, wavy pink hair, and shiny blue eyes that had an odd gleam to them that wasn’t quite sane. She was wearing a white, sleeveless, lab coatdress that was a few inches above her knees, a pair of black rubber gloves, and thigh-high, black leather boots with straps and buckles. Her white lab coatdress was covered in rainbow splotches of unidentifiable goo. She wore a pair of goggles with blue lenses on her head like a headband.

  The female reminded Garth of a mad scientist. Garth frowned and wondered if some humans were filming a science fiction movie somewhere close by, and that this girl had gotten lost.

  That’s when he remembered that didn’t matter. This girl was a potential customer and he had to do this best not to scare her away. Okay, smile, smile. Try not to scare her. Try to look friendly and not like a thug. This is never going to work. Maybe I should just put a paper bag over my head. Garth inwardly groaned.


  Five minutes earlier…

  Mad Scientist, er, veterinarian Sasha Robinovitch had low blood sugar and needed candy desperately. She’d been up all night working on one of her genetic experiments and had run out of her usual Pixie Stix. Her friend Gabriel who may or may not have been a figment of her imagination (he had wings after all) told her to visit this specific candy shop: Helltastic Confectionary and had given her a business card for the shop.

  Sasha stood directly in front of the candy shop and compared its address with the one she had on the business card. This was the place. The shop appeared to take up the entire first floor of a narrow, Victorian-style, three-story, wooden townhouse.

  The exterior wood paneling of the building had been painted white with red accents. A large front window had stacked jars of candy on display. Sasha spotted a decorative steel bucket filled with handmade lollipops in different animal shapes: tigers, cats, bears, wolves, bunnies, dragons, and elephants. Look at all the cute animals. I want one of those lollipops. Sasha nodded to herself and decided to go inside the shop.

  She walked over to the front door, put her hand on the doorhandle, opened the door, and stepped inside. A tiny golden bell jingled above her head. She wondered just what kind of person would be running such a quaint, cute candy shop, and glanced towards the far display case.

  Her eyes widened like saucers. Standing behind the display case was a gigantic man at six-eight. Sasha had to tilt her head up to look at his face. He had rugged features; a slightly crooked nose that looked like it’d been broken a few times with a scar running over it, and a manly, square chin. His eyes were an unusual amber color like molten gold. His stare was intimidating and intense. Scary!

  Sasha gulped as she took in his bulging muscles. He looked like a bodybuilder. He had broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and she could see his rippling abs through his tight white T-shirt. Those arms of his looked like they could pick up a tree trunk and snap it in two. Sasha decided that this man was powerful. Dangerous.

  The man was wearing blue jeans. But somehow even in such simple, generic clothes managed to look quite fearsome. He reminded Sasha of a delinquent though appeared to be in his thirties so perhaps more of a mobster or criminal.

  The man was also glaring at her with this murderous stare. A shudder traveled down Sasha’s spine. Eek! He smiled at her revealing his abnormally sharp canines, and Sasha almost fainted on the spot at that sight.

  Sasha took a step backwards and was about to flee the shop, when the man’s thoughts drifted to her mind: Okay, smile, smile. Try not to scare her. Try to look friendly and not like a thug. This is never going to work. Maybe I should just put a paper bag over my head. Shit. I’m never going to get any customers with this ugly, scary mug of mine.

  Sasha stopped in her tracks as she listened to the man’s grim, self-deprecating thoughts. Sasha Robinovitch happened to possess a supernatural ability. She could psychically communicate with animals and read their thoughts. She could also control animals with her own will. Animals and nonhumans apparently. Nonhumans such as: vampires, demons and angels.

  So the fact that Sasha was able to read this man’s mind had to mean that this man in front of her wasn’t human.

  He’s not human. Sasha was suddenly filled with an odd sense of relief. Sasha feared humans. But she loved animals. Sasha understood animals and their motivations behind their actions. Humans on the other hand were incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. Humans could be cruel to a person for apparently no logical reason. I wonder what kind of nonhuman he is. She quirked her head at the man quizzically. He doesn’t seem so bad. He’s trying so hard not to scare me after all. All of Sasha’s initial fear for Garth evaporated.

  Sasha smiled tremulously at Garth, and began to casually browse around the store.

  Garth’s jaw dropped at the sight. He couldn’t believe it. He’d managed to smile normally at a human female and not scare her half to death! She’d even smiled back, nodded in greeting, and was now browsing around his shop. She was hi
s very first customer (Nerezza didn’t count because she wasn’t human).

  Alright! My very first human customer. Calm down, calm down. Play it cool. Try not to scare her…or act scary. Act natural. Yeah, natural. Garth grabbed an empty glass jar and began to fill it with Jelly Belly jellybeans.

  Sasha smiled to herself as she listened to Garth’s inner monologue. He was so scary on the outside, but so…sweet on the inside. She looked around the incredible candy shop. There was such a huge selection of candy Sasha didn’t even know where to start.

  The red walls of the shop were lined with glass shelves, and on the shelves were glass jars of various shapes and sizes filled with all kinds of candy imaginable: Jawbreakers, M&Ms, gummi bears, gummi worms, Twizzlers, Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, Red Hots and Pocky.

  Sasha spotted a jar filled with homemade lollipops that were shaped like a cat’s head. The lollipops were orange with black stripes, and reminded Sasha of the cartoon cat Garfield. The lollipop was wrapped in clear cellophane and tied with a red bow. Sasha decided she wanted one of those lollipops, but the jar was on a high shelf. She glanced over at the owner of the candy shop.

  Garth was avoiding eye contact with her and concentrating on filling a jar with jellybeans. Those looked yummy too. He appeared to be in deep concentration, and Sasha didn’t really want to bother him. The jar was about a foot above her head. If she stood on her tiptoes, she could probably reach it.

  Sasha stood on her tiptoes and tried to grab the jar. All she managed to do was move it slightly with her fingertips. She looked down at the bottom shelf of the glass shelving unit which was empty. Sasha didn’t weigh very much. She often forgot to eat when she was working on a project, and so she decided that she could just step onto the bottom shelf and grab the jar quickly.

  It was the perfect plan. Sasha gently, carefully stepped onto the lower shelf, and stood up. She reached up to grab the jar and her hands wrapped around the jar. Alright, she had it! I got it!

  However, a dizzy spell washed over Sasha at that exact moment, and she almost passed out. Unconsciously, she grabbed onto the shelving unit as she fell back. Sasha’s weight pulling on the shelving unit caused it to tip forward, and then to begin to fall over entirely. Sasha dazedly realized she was in deep trouble. This is all my fault. I’m so clumsy.

  Sasha closed her eyes as she fell back towards the floor with the shelving unit falling towards her. This was going to hurt. It was her medical opinion that she wouldn’t escape this without a few broken bones. Sasha’s back hit the floor and she mentally prepared herself for the pain she was about to feel.

  A loud crash filled the candy shop as the shelf hit the floor and glass shattered. Jars filled with candy slid off the overturned unit and began to shatter as they hit the floor one by one. Sasha heard the sound of candy spilling out onto the floor and flinched. That’s strange. She wasn’t in any pain. Huh? She felt an intense pressure on her chest though and found it hard to breathe.

  Sasha’s eyes flew open and she looked up into the strained face of the storeowner. Her eyes widened at the sight. The storeowner was shielding her with his body and the shelving unit was lying on his back. Glass had cut his face and droplets of blood trickled down from his face and onto Sasha’s face and onto the front of her lab coatdress. “You’re hurt.”

  “Are you alright, lassie?” The storeowner questioned in a deep, rumbling brogue.

  Sasha nodded. He has a Scottish accent. “Yes. I’m so sorry. I’m so clumsy-”

  “Don’t worry about it, lassie. I shouldn’t have put the candy on so high a shelf. Very few humans would be able to reach it. I realize that now. Now, think you can slide yourself out from under me so I can get this bloody thing off of me?” Garth questioned.

  Sasha nodded. “Sure.” There was a pressure on her chest that was making it hard to breathe. She looked down and saw that the storeowner’s hand was grasping her left breast. Her eyes flared and a thrill of fear traveled up her spine.

  Garth looked down at his hand and his eyes widened. Oh crap. How did I end up grabbing her boob! She’s going to think I’m some sort of pervert! Crap, crap, crap.

  Garth’s panicked thoughts instantly assuaged Sasha’s worries. So it’d been an accident. It couldn’t be helped then. He’d saved her life. “Can you take your hand off my chest?”

  Garth’s pale cheeks flushed and he instantly complied. “Aye. Sorry about that lassie. It-” He started to explain himself.

  “Was an accident.” Sasha finished for him. “Don’t worry. I know.” She offered Garth a reassuring smile.

  Surprise flickered across Garth’s amber eyes. She actually understood him. This had never happened before.

  Sasha began to slide her body out from under Garth’s, sliding backwards across the floor, and pushing at the floor with her hands.

  “Careful with the glass, lassie.” Garth warned her.

  “Yes.” Sasha was almost out from under Garth when she accidentally thrust her hips up so that Garth’s face ended up pressed against her crotch. Sasha blushed. Oops!

  “I swear this is an accident, lass.” Garth murmured, and as he spoke Sasha could feel his lips moving over her crotch. She could also feel his hot, cinnamon-scented breath through the thin material of her lab coatdress and panties.

  Sasha shuddered at the sensation. “I know. Sorry, my fault this time.” She wiggled the rest of the way out from under Garth until finally she was free. Phew. Sasha pushed herself up off the floor and cut her hands on the broken glass, but didn’t really notice due to the adrenaline currently pumping through her veins.

  As soon as Sasha was out from under him, Garth stood up with the shelving unit still lying on his back. He was able to use his tremendous strength to stand the entire unit up again easily.

  Sasha marveled at his strength. Whoa.

  Garth turned his attention to Sasha and glared at her. Sasha gulped, wondering what he was angry about. Was he angry about the damage to his shop? “I-I’m sorry…I’ll pay for the damages.”

  Garth stalked towards her with predatory steps. Sasha backed up. Eek! What’s he thinking?

  Garth reached out and grabbed Sasha’s hand. She flinched. “You’re bleeding.” He rumbled in that deep voice of his as he inspected her hand.

  Sasha looked down at her bleeding hand in surprise. “Ah, so I am.”

  Garth brought her hand to his mouth and started to lick her wounds. Sasha felt her cheeks heat up at what this man was doing. “W-What are you doing?”

  Garth looked down at her, and there was this intense heat in his golden gaze. “First-aid treatment.”

  First-aid treatment? In the wild, animals would lick each other’s wounds to clean and disinfect them. So his actions made perfect, logical sense. “Oh, yeah, right.”

  Garth continued to lick and suck on Sasha’s fingers. She trembled at his ministrations. She felt oddly warm. He took her other hand and started to lick it next. Once he’d finished, he dropped her hand, and gave Sasha a sheepish look. “Sorry, lass, I don’t know what just came over me.” Darn instincts…

  Sasha was slightly breathless. “No, it’s okay.” She looked up at him and noticed the cuts on his face. “But now you’ll have to let me tend to your wounds - my way. Where do you keep the first-aid kit?”

  “In the bathroom, over there.” Garth nodded in the direction of the unisex bathroom.

  Sasha walked over to the bathroom door, and reached out to grab the doorknob.

  That’s when Garth remembered what was inside of the bathroom. Oh crap! “Wait! Don’t open the door!”

  “Hmm?” Sasha opened the door and six rambunctious kittens flew out into the shop.

  “Och, no the kittens are loose. Crap.” Garth swore.

  “Kittens?” Sasha turned to watch as the six kittens started to run around the shop and began to play with the store items. The naughty kittens began to bat their paws at the lollipops and began to knock the displays over.

/>   Garth ran after the kittens and tried to catch them. “Pfft.” Sasha had to hold back a giggle at the sight of Garth running after the kittens while obviously trying to be careful with them as he tried to grab them in his hunched over position. She smiled at the heartwarming sight. He reminds me of the BFG.

  “Och, no, stay away from the glass or you’ll get hurt, kittens.” Garth panicked as the kittens neared the broken glass that was covering the floor.

  Sasha moved into action. She stretched her arms out towards the kittens and sent them a mental command. Stop, kittens. Come to me.

  The kittens stopped in their tracks, looked over at Sasha, and began to run in her direction. So that her actions didn’t appear too suspicious, Sasha said aloud: “Here, kitty, kitty kitties.”

  Garth watched in awe as Sasha opened her arms, called the kittens over to her, and how they zoomed in her direction. “Well, I’ll be.” The shifter scratched his head as he watched Sasha crouch down, and begin to pet and scratch the kittens behind their ears affectionately.

  “Aren’t you the cutest little things? You’re all so adorable. I could just eat you up. You mischievous little guys. Try and behave and be nice to your Master, er…” Sasha looked up and gave Garth a questioning look. “What’s your name?”

  “Garth Mackenzie. And what might your name be, lassie?”

  “Sasha Robinovitch.”

  That name sounded oddly familiar for some reason to Garth, and he scratched his head while he tried to remember. Where have I heard that name before?

  “Meow.” A cranky meow reached their ears and Sasha turned to see the ugliest female cat ever walking towards her. The cat’s fur was black with random splotches of golden-yellow fur on its coat. The cat’s face was mostly covered with black fur, but had a random patch of golden-yellow fur on it. For some reason Sasha pictured the cat having been completely black at one point, but then having had a bucket of gold paint or gold dust flung at it randomly.

  “Ah, that’s the mother. She’s a stray. When I realized she was pregnant I captured her and kept her in the bathroom so she could deliver her kittens safely.” Garth explained. “Her name is Dusty, for obvious reasons.”

  Sasha reached her hand out to the ugly cat and smiled. She pet the cat affectionately. “My, aren’t you just the cutest!”

  Garth blinked at Sasha in surprise. Did she just call Dusty cute?

  Sasha giggled as the cat rubbed her head against the veterinarian’s hand. There was something about the sight of Sasha petting that ugly cat that stirred something deep inside of Garth and that made his heart thump a little harder inside of his chest.

  Sasha stood up and made her way into the bathroom while the cats followed her. Sasha went over to the bathroom cabinet and opened it. She spotted the first-aid kit, pulled it out, and closed the cabinet. She looked down at the cats. “Now, stay in here and behave. You don’t want to disturb Garth’s customers, and right now there is broken glass on the floor so it isn’t safe.” Sasha said aloud for Garth’s benefit while she also gave the cats this mental command.

  Sasha thought if she said it aloud it would look less crazy. Or maybe she looked crazy because she was talking to a bunch of cats? She sighed. People always thought she was crazy, and maybe she was a little eccentric and zoned out a lot. Maybe I am crazy.

  She exited the bathroom with the first-aid kit in her hands and expected Garth to be giving her a judging look for talking to cats.

  But there was no recrimination in his gaze. He was staring at her intently, almost glaring at her, but there was no malice in his stare. Just intensity.

  Sasha let out a breath of relief and got into Dr. Mode. “Alright, please take a seat over there so I can tend to your wounds.” Her tone was authoritative.

  Garth complied and took a seat on a chair. Sasha approached, crouched in front of Garth, and set the first-aid kit on the floor. She opened the kit up, and found the rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. She put a little alcohol onto a cotton ball, and held the cotton ball up towards Garth’s face. “This may sting a little.”

  “Do it.”

  Sasha began to dab the cotton ball gently against Garth’s various cuts. He flinched but didn’t complain. He took the pain. Something about that made Sasha lean over and blow on Garth’s cuts soothingly. Garth’s eyebrows rose at her tender actions.

  Once Sasha was done cleaning and disinfecting his cuts, she grabbed a tube of Neosporin. “You should always use Neosporin on cuts so you won’t get scars. You don’t want to ruin your handsome face.” Sasha directed firmly as she put a drop of Neosporin on her index finger and began to dab it over his cuts gently.

  Handsome face? Doesn’t she mean scary face? Garth wondered, bemused.

  “You’re not so scary.” Sasha murmured to herself.

  Garth’s eyes widened at her words. “What did you just say?”

  “Oh, nothing.” Sasha said airily as she continued to treat his wounds. She grew distracted by his short, spiky, orange hair. It wasn’t gelled and looked strangely soft.

  Before Sasha realized what she was doing she began to run her hand through his hair. Hmm, it’s as soft as it looks.

  Garth flushed when Sasha began to run her fingers through his hair and then pet him like he was a cat. Well, he was a Hellcat. He found himself leaning into her touch. It was somehow soothing. Unconsciously, Garth began to purr deep in his throat.

  This seemed to snap Sasha out of her daze. Is he purring? Sasha looked at what she was doing and blushed. “Oh, sorry. I zoned out for a minute there. I thought you were a cat. And I know that sounds crazy.” She laughed nervously. I’m such a weirdo.

  “Oh, it’s alright, lassie. It felt good.” He winked roguishly at her.

  He doesn’t think I’m crazy? He’s taking this rather well. He seems oddly familiar for some reason too. I wonder…have I met him somewhere before? Sasha’s head began to throb painfully and she stood up abruptly. She grabbed the first-aid kit and returned it to the bathroom. By the time she returned Garth had started sweeping up the broken glass that was on the floor.

  “Oh, you should let me help you.” Sasha offered as she made her way over to Garth and tried to take the broom from him.

  “Ah, you don’t have to, lass.” Garth objected.

  “But I want to.” Sasha took the broom and began to sweep up. Once she had all of the candy and broken glass in a pile, she grabbed a dustpan and brush. She bent over and began to sweep the pieces of broken glass and candy into the dustpan.

  Garth glanced over at what she was doing and caught a glimpse of the underwear she was wearing. Her panties were white with the design of little red strawberries on them. Strawberries?

  Sasha read Garth’s thoughts and quickly stood up straight when she realized she’d been flashing Garth her underwear. So clumsy!

  After Sasha had finished cleaning up, she got ready to go. “Well, I’d better get going, it’s getting late.” I have to go feed my pet monsters.

  “Och, wait up, lassie. Didn’t you want to buy some candy?” He gave her a hopeful look.

  Sasha clapped her hands together. “Oh, right, I completely forgot.” She looked around the shop and her eyes landed on a jar filled with Hot Tamales. She smiled. She loved Hot Tamales. “I’ll take a pound of Hot Tamales, please.”

  “Aye.” Garth grabbed a bag and scooped Red Hots into it with a stainless steel scooper. He weighed the bag and made sure it was one pound exactly. He tied the bag closed with a red bow. Garth made his way over to the register and rang up her purchase. “Your total is three dollars and thirty cents.”

  Sasha took out her wallet and paid Garth. He handed her the bag of candy. “Thank you and please come again, lassie.”

  Sasha smiled happily. “I will.” She turned to go.

  Garth grinned triumphantly. His very first pleased customer. That didn’t go so bad. There’s hope yet. The shifter thought to himself.

  However, just as Sasha was reaching f
or the doorhandle she suddenly collapsed onto the floor, and landed smack on her face.

  “Sasha!” Garth’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of the woman falling over like that. He leapt over the display case and ran to her side. He crouched beside her, turned her over onto her back, and pulled her into his arms. Crap. What the hell had just happened? What did I do? Did I give her a heart attack? He gently patted her face as he tried to rouse her. “Hey, wake up, lass.”

  “Mmm.” Sasha groaned and blinked her eyes open to see Garth’s concerned expression.

  What did I do? This is all my fault. Garth internally panicked.

  Sasha reached out and cupped Garth’s face. “This isn’t your fault. I have low blood sugar and if I don’t eat enough candy I’ll faint. I’m prone to fainting spells. It’s perfectly normal.”

  Low blood sugar? Fainting spells? What can I do? Garth thought.

  “Feed me some candy…I have no energy left.” Sasha directed in a soft voice.

  Garth nodded and opened the bag of candy she’d just purchased. He grabbed a Hot Tamale and held it out to Sasha’s mouth. Sasha opened her mouth and Garth plopped the candy inside. Sasha chewed and swallowed, and Garth fed her another candy. For the next few minutes, Garth fed Sasha candy by hand until her energy seemed to return.

  “I feel better now.” Sasha said as she sat up. Garth helped Sasha to stand. “Thank you. I’ll be fine now. See you.” Sasha reached for the doorhandle again.

  But Garth reached out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. He scratched his head, feeling awkward. “Er…how about I give you a ride home?” I don’t like the idea of her walking home alone. She could faint in the middle of the street and get run over by a car.

  Sasha smiled at his concern and nodded. “Okay.”

  They left the shop together and Garth locked the door behind them. He made his way over to his black and orange Ducati motorcycle, mounted it and motioned for Sasha to get on behind him. She hesitated for a moment, but then got on behind Garth and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Garth pulled out of his parking spot and merged into traffic. “So…where’s home?” Garth asked loudly, over the sound of the cars that were passing them. Sasha gave him the address and off they went. They arrived at their destination ten minutes later. Apparently, her ‘home’ was within walking distance of his shop. “This is it.” Sasha pointed towards a large veterinary clinic that was attached to a pet shop. Above the building the sign read: Sasha’s Veterinary Clinic and Pet Shop.

  Garth pulled his motorcycle up in front of the clinic, and something seemed to click into place inside his mind as Sasha dismounted from his bike. “You’re a veterinarian?”


  “You’re…Crazy Sasha?”

  Sasha frowned at her hated nickname. “Er…”

  “I mean, my friends know you.” Garth quickly amended upon seeing Sasha’s stricken expression. “You helped them about a month ago by developing a cure for a zombie virus, and stopped a Zombie Apocalypse from starting in this city! You’re…a genius.”

  Genius. He just called me a genius. “Ah, I wouldn’t go that far. It wasn’t that complex a virus.”

  Garth patted Sasha on the head. “You’re being too humble, lass. You saved this city.”

  Sasha blushed. “Ah, yeah, well, see you.” She hurried towards the front door of her clinic.

  “See you, lassie.” Garth said before he took off on his bike, feeling like a million bucks. He’d had his very first human female customer, and he’d made a new friend. He may not have met his destined Judge, but…that didn’t really seem to matter just then. Garth felt like he was on top of the world.


  That night, Garth headed to the popular San Francisco nightclub Iron Casket in order to meet up with his information broker, Dominic Wilde. Dominic usually found out where the latest underground fight clubs in San Francisco were meeting, the password to get Garth in, and any other useful information he could get.

  Garth parked his Ducati motorcycle two blocks away from the club, and walked the rest of the way there. The club was a large, two-story, square-shaped building. Its exterior was painted black, and pieces of rusted, jagged metal had been attached to its exterior in random places for a cool art deco effect.

  The club’s name IRON CASKET had been fashioned out of metal, and attached over the front entrance. Also, next to the club’s name was a piece of metal crafted to resemble an iron casket that was half open with a skeletal hand reaching out. Iron Casket was known as being a Goth club and usually attracted a crowd of punks, Goths, and wannabe vampires.

  Garth bypassed the line and made his way to the front entrance. The bouncer, a buff vampire dressed in black named Luco, spotted Garth and waved. “Welcome back, Garth.”

  “Yo Luco.” Garth greeted casually as the vampire opened the red velvet rope barrier for him, and let Garth enter the club.

  Iron Casket wasn’t your usual human nightclub. It was a neutral zone for humans, vampires and demons to mingle in peace and safety. Although it hadn’t always been that way. The club was owned by Dracula, yes, THE Dracula, Vlad Tepes, who used to be a powerful and ancient vampire. He’d recently been turned human by an odd twist of fate.

  Dracula had his soul back, and was supposedly turning a new leaf. He no longer permitted his vampire guests to feed on his customers. It was the love of a Battle Nun known as Kendra Knight that had redeemed Dracula of his sins, gotten his soul back, and enabled this second chance at life for Dracula to live as a human.

  Dracula wasn’t too pleased by any of this, however. He didn’t want to be human and he didn’t want to bother trying to make the reincarnation of his one true love fall in love with him again. After all he and Kendra were enemies in this era. As a Battle Nun she’d been trained to hunt down and kill vampires from a very young age. And even though Dracula was no longer a vampire that didn’t mean that Kendra didn’t see him as her enemy.

  Instead of wooing Kendra, Dracula was concentrating on running his nightclub and keeping the peace among his supernatural clientele.

  Garth looked around the smoky interior of the Goth club as he searched for Dominic. The interior of the club had a very medieval and horror feel to it. The walls were painted red and black, and had bronze wall sconces with lit candles. Hundreds of lit black or white candles were everywhere - in candelabras, round glass globes sitting on the dining tables, or in alcoves. The flickering candlelight illuminated the dancers, drinkers, and threw unsettling shadows on the walls.

  Usually the club was playing Goth metal, but tonight they had live music. Roman, a carefree satyr demon, was playing his electric guitar while singing on the stage that was located towards the back of the club. The satyr had short, blood-red hair, and sparkling golden eyes. Roman was wearing a fedora to hide the small, curling golden horns that were on the top of his head.

  Some demons had trouble maintaining their human form. It could take centuries of training to be able to maintain their human form indefinitely as Garth could. Roman had a large crowd of human and nonhuman females surrounding the stage. They were making a lot of noise as they cheered his performance.

  Garth put his fingers in his ears as the females’ shrieks reached extreme decibels. “Noisy females.” At that moment, he spotted a familiar face at a table nearby - a dangerous vampire named Slaine Morvyn. Slaine used to be Garth’s friend Derek’s Archenemy, but they got along now even though Garth didn’t really trust the bloodsucker, and still thought the guy was a creep.

  Slaine had a flashy appearance with his gelled up, snow-white hair and sparkly ruby eyes. He was wearing a white and black, leather trench coat, black leather pants, and combat boots. A belt with a glittering bat on it was around his waist. Diamond studs sparkled in his ears. The vampire was as flamboyant as they came. Slaine was currently seated at a round table with four Goth human females that appeared to be vying for his attention, and were hanging on his every word.

/>   A muscle beneath Garth’s eye ticked in irritation. Slaine had been in love with Derek’s fiancée Becca Thorn, but apparently he’d gotten over that already. Slaine laughed at something one of the girls said and took a swig of his beer.

  Garth’s disgusted expression turned thoughtful, however, as he noticed just how many beer bottles were on the table in front of the vampire. Maybe Slaine was trying to drown his sorrows of his unrequited love in booze and women. Garth mused, but then shrugged. It was really none of his business. He approached Slaine’s table and stood in front of it.

  His looming presence caused the girls to look up at Garth, and the blood slowly drained from their faces at the intimidating sight of him. The females’ expressions turned fearful and wary, and they shot each other nervous looks.

  Slaine looked up and up. He blinked and his brow furrowed. “Oh, hey…Garth, isn’t it? Want to join me for a drink?” His voice was slightly slurred.

  Garth shook his head. “No thanks. I’m looking for Dominic. Have you seen him?”

  Dominic was a vampire who Slaine had turned, so in a sense Slaine was Dominic’s ‘Master’ in a way. Slaine frowned. “Nope, sorry. I think he had a client but…he should be back soon. Hopefully.” There was a dark edge to the vampire’s voice.

  A client? “Ah.” Garth nodded. Dominic Wilde also happened to be a professional escort. Which was a fancy way of saying he was a prostitute.

  Slaine kicked a free chair in Garth’s direction. “Take a seat and wait for him. I’ll treat you to something.” The vampire snapped his fingers and a waitress appeared at his side so fast it was like magic.

  Garth reluctantly took a seat at the table and the girls scooted their chairs farther away from him.

  “What would you like?” Slaine asked amiably.

  “I’ll have a beer.” Garth grunted.

  “How about a Guinness? You like those, right?”

  Garth gave Slaine a surprised look. “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Bring my friend here a Guinness.” Slaine told the waitress. She was a pretty Goth girl with a bob of short black hair, and a black dress.

  “Right away, Boss.” The waitress said with a flirtatious smile. She’d called Slaine ‘Boss’ because Slaine happened to be the manager of the club. Even though Slaine and Dracula had had a bit of a falling out, it appeared as thought the two had reconciled.

  “We’re not friends.” Garth automatically corrected and turned his attention to the vampire. “I still don’t trust you.”

  Slaine pouted. “I thought we were friends. I guess I was wrong.” He laughed in a self-deprecating manner. “Your standoffish attitude is why you have a hard time with the ladies, Garth. You really need to turn that frown upside down.”

  “I’m not frowning.” Garth snapped.

  “Uh…right.” Slaine didn’t sound very convinced and turned his attention to the females at his table. “Well, girls, he’s nicer than he looks. Or so I’ve been told. In fact, he’s just a big old kitty cat.” A mischievous look fell over Slaine’s face.

  Slaine’s blasé attitude got on Garth’s nerves. And a muscle in his jaw ticked in irritation.

  The girls laughed nervously at Slaine’s words and shot Garth curious looks.

  Garth sighed and silently waited for his beer. It soon arrived, and Garth opened the can and took a swig. It was very good. “If I’m a cat…then you’re a type of rodent.” Garth smiled at his own joke, which was a little late. The girls trembled in fear at the sight of his fearsome smile.

  Abruptly, Garth’s eyes were covered by a pair of hands. “Guess who, sweetie?”

  Garth recognized that annoying voice. “Dominic.”

  “You got me.” Dominic uncovered Garth’s eyes, and there was a smile plastered to his handsome face. “What’s up? Don’t tell me the last fight club was also a bust?”

  Garth turned to look at Dominic and his outrageous outfit. He was wearing a flashy purple and silver silk shirt. A few buttons were unbuttoned in front to show off his pale, muscular chest, and silver body glitter. Dominic was also wearing a pair of tight, flared, black velvet pants, and a pair of platform, black leather dress shoes. Dominic was tall with a lithe physique. He had shoulder-length, violet-colored hair, and magenta-colored eyes with abnormally long lashes for a guy. The rest of his facial features were masculine.

  Dominic wore a silver necklace with a diamond on it. He had several punky piercings: one hoop on his lip, his tongue was pierced with a stud, his nose was pierced with a stud, his eyebrow was pierced with a hoop, and there were several piercings in both his ears. Garth didn’t want to know where else he was pierced.

  Garth let out a defeated sigh at the mention of that last fight club he’d gone to. “Yeah, it was a bust.”

  Slaine gave Garth a thoughtful look. “Still looking for the Red Priest?”

  Garth nodded and grit his teeth. “Yeah, so you know anything about any other fight clubs, Dominic?”

  Dominic pondered with a thoughtful look on his face, and tapped his lower lip with his index finger. Garth wondered how he was able to do that without smudging his purple lipstick. “I’m afraid not, but I do know someone who might know.” He jerked his chin in the direction of the bar.

  Garth followed his gaze and spotted a hulking man dressed in black leather from head to toe. Garth was about to get up to go talk to the man, but Dominic stopped Garth with a hand to his shoulder. The informant pushed Garth back down into his chair and shook his head. “No, you don’t, honey. Your method of interrogation won’t get anything out of a guy like him. But my methods of interrogation will.” He licked his lips as he looked over the biker, potential street fighter.

  “You want him as a client?” Garth raised an eyebrow at the vampire. “You think he swings that way?”

  “Oh, he’ll bite, I think. I can tell he likes it rough.” Dominic said casually.

  Garth frowned at the vampire’s words. Slaine was frowning too. “Hey, I don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to do for my sake. Got it?” The shifter said firmly.

  Surprise flickered across Dominic’s magenta-colored eyes. His playful expression softened. “Don’t worry. I want him to do me.”

  “Dominic.” Slaine snapped angrily. “There are ladies present. Don’t be so crude.” He gave the girls at the table an apologetic look. “Sorry about that, ladies.”

  “Ah, sorry, sorry.” Dominic instantly apologized to the females. “I’m just a disgusting sex freak. I just can’t help myself. But if I had to choose between that guy over there and say your Guardian Angel Gabriel.” Dominic put his hands out in a helpless gesture. “I’d have to choose the angel. He’s totally my type. A total hottie. I wonder how he likes it in bed. I bet he likes to-”

  Someone invisible smacked Dominic on the back of his head with a whack! Dominic chuckled and an amused grin curled his lips. “I knew he was here. I could smell him.” He smells like fresh mint.

  “I don’t know what’s creepier. The fact that you can smell him or the fact he’s here…invisible.” Garth shook his head while a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

  Abruptly, Gabriel made himself visible all at once. He was scowling, and had his arms crossed over his chest. “I don’t smell, you perverted vampire.” He glared daggers at Dominic.

  Gabriel was dressed in his usual black leather pants and boots, but was also wearing a simple, blue, button-down shirt. It was weird seeing the angel without his battle armor and wings though.

  Dominic’s eyes danced merrily as he looked at Gabriel. “Much better. Is that a new shirt?” He raked his eyes hungrily over Gabriel’s broad chest. “Nice. I like it. So, do you want to be my client tonight instead, Gabriel? Do you want to save me?” He gave the angel a lascivious wink.

  “No way in hell.” Gabriel snapped angrily.

  Dominic sighed and pouted. “I thought so. A guy can dream though.” He shrugged. “Well, I guess it’s off to work for me. Don’t worry, Garth, I??
?ll get you the info you need.”

  “Thanks, bro.” Garth nodded in thanks.

  Dominic sauntered off towards the bar and took a seat next to the biker in leather.

  “Awkward!” Slaine coughed into his hand.

  “I’m going to go over there…” Gabriel trailed off as he stalked away and took a seat at one of the free tables nearby.

  Garth frowned at Gabriel, wondering why he was even there. Was his sister Uriel there, invisible, and fawning over the mysterious ‘playboy vampire’ he’d mentioned earlier? Wait a second, playboy vampire? Garth shot Slaine a quizzical look. Could Uriel be crushing on Slaine? Garth wondered.

  “It’s so creepy how those angels can turn invisible like that.” Slaine began and leaned over the table to speak in a low voice to Garth. “I’ve felt…a presence recently. You don’t think Gabriel’s been stalking me, do you?”

  Garth barked out a laugh. “Most definitely not. He doesn’t swing that way either, as far as I know.”

  “Hmm.” Slaine hummed thoughtfully as he glanced at Gabriel, who was currently giving Dominic a disgusted sneer as he watched him flirt with the biker.

  Garth sniffed the air; he could smell a sugary scent like a cherry-flavored Tootsie Roll Pop. Uriel always sucked on those. He grabbed Slaine’s hand and put it against where he thought Uriel was.

  “She’s…about here, I think.” Garth declared.

  Slaine grabbed…a woman’s boob? What the hell? “An invisible woman…!”

  “Eee!” Uriel let out a shriek and slapped Slaine hard across the face.

  Gabriel noticed what was going on and clenched his hand around his beer bottle, which shattered. “Slaine…I’ll kill him for touching my sister like that.” But he held himself back. Just barely.

  Slaine noticed Gabriel’s bloodlust directed his way and smiled amusedly. “Interesting.” So I have an invisible admirer, do I?

  Garth chuckled and took a sip of his beer as he glanced around the nightclub. That’s when he caught sight of something incredible and completely unexpected. “No frickin way. A Battle Nun here. Why?” The shifter stalked her with his eyes.

  The Battle Nun was dressed in a dark blue dress with white crosses on it, and had a blue veil on her head that covered her hair. She even had her medieval broadsword strapped to her side in plain sight.

  Slaine followed Garth’s line of sight with his eyes. “Oh, that’s-”

  Garth stood up from his seat. “A Battle Nun. A follower of the Red Priest!”

  “Hey, wait, Garth. That’s-” Slaine started to object, but Garth had already started off through the crowd after the Battle Nun, who was heading for the stairs that led to the second floor. “Really not a good idea.” Slaine let out a sigh. “Oh well. It’s his funeral.”

  Garth pursued the Battle Nun to the second floor and watched as she stalked down the hall with purposeful steps, and stopped in front of one door in particular. The Battle Nun unsheathed her sword and attacked the door with it. “Ha!” She carved an X into the door and it was cut into four pieces. The Battle Nun then stepped inside of Dracula’s office.

  Dracula sat behind his large office desk doing paperwork, and looked up to see what the commotion was.

  “Dracula! I’m here to kill you!” Battle Nun Kendra Knight declared as she pointed her sword at Dracula, her dark blue eyes flashing.

  An amused smile curled Dracula’s lips. “Well, hello, my beautiful flower. What is this…the fourth, no, fifth time you’ve tried to kill me this week? I feel special.”

  Kendra flushed in embarrassment. Surely, this time she’d kill him and make her adoptive father the Red Priest proud! “Die!” Kendra started forward. However-

  There was a sudden hand on her upper arm stopping her from moving forward. She flinched from the bruising grip. Kendra turned to see a man she’d seen around the club before, but didn’t know by name. “You?”

  “Battle Nun…you’re a Battle Nun, right? A follower of the Red Priest?” Garth demanded harshly.


  Garth tightened his grip on Kendra’s arm and she yelped in pain. “Where is the Red Priest!” He rumbled.

  “Hey, that hurts. Get your hand off of me!” Kendra demanded, her eyes flashing.

  Garth turned his head slightly, and his eyes widened in a mixture of shock and surprise. He hadn’t even seen the man move! But Dracula was in front of him and swinging this incredible looking, medieval, double-edged sword down in an arc towards Garth’s arm. Crap!

  Garth let go of Kendra and pulled his arm back, but not fast enough. Dracula’s sword sliced deeply into Garth’s upper arm, cutting to the bone. Bloody hell! Garth’s right arm now hung useless at his side.

  “You’ll pay for touching my woman, Garth Mackenzie!” Dracula lunged in attack again. There was a murderous aura surrounding Dracula that resembled black flames.

  Garth dodged, then rushed forward, and spun around to meet Dracula’s attack. The man was fast! Was he really only a human now? Crap!

  “My? I don’t belong to anyone!” Kendra stomped her foot angrily on the black marble floor.

  Garth dodged a forward jab and threw a punch at Dracula’s face. Dracula nimbly dodged, and attacked Garth relentlessly with his sword again. Garth sidestepped out of the way and that’s when his side hit Dracula’s desk. He suddenly had nowhere to go.

  Dracula lunged his sword forward and stabbed Garth in the stomach. But the bloodthirsty ex-vampire didn’t stop there and slid his sword sideways opening up Garth’s stomach. Fuck that hurts. Garth mentally swore and grit his teeth against the pain. Dracula withdrew his sword and Garth quickly wrapped his arm around his stomach to keep his guts inside. He coughed up blood.

  Dracula placed his sword against Garth’s throat in a threatening manner. “Never touch Kendra again. Or I’ll cut your head off.”

  Garth looked past Dracula at Kendra. “W-Where is he…where is the Red Priest? Tell me!”

  Kendra’s eyes widened at Garth’s unwavering determination to find her adoptive father then narrowed. “Not telling.”

  “You heard the lady. Now, leave, and use the rear exit. I don’t want you scaring my patrons.” Dracula directed with an imperious wave of his sword towards the busted door of his office.

  “Darn it.” Garth swore as he staggered out of the office. Leaving behind that Battle Nun was hard. She had to know where the Red Priest was. Crap. How can Dracula still be this strong…as a human? He can still fight like a devil. Muscle memory? But that would still put a lot of stress on Dracula’s human body. Garth thought.

  The Hellcat shifter left the club, bleeding all over the place, managed to get on his Ducati somehow, and drove back to his candy shop. He barely managed to get through the front door before he collapsed on the floor. He dreamed of the past again.

  To be continued in…Candy 4: Caramel Apple