Read His First Mission Page 2

  Chapter 2

  Sgt. Gallagher assumed this meeting with the lieutenant had something to do with third squad's next mission. Tom had been right, he thought. They were getting ready to move out. Sgt. Gallagher removed his hand from the recognition scanner, and the door to the lieutenant's office slid open.

  Sgt. Gallagher stepped through the door and snapped to attention. “Sgt. Gallagher reporting as ordered sir.”

  “At ease, Sgt.,” said Lt. Collins. “Have a seat.”

  Sgt. Gallagher sat down in one of the two chairs in front of lieutenant's desk. Occupying the other chair was someone he didn't recognize. It was a marine slightly younger than himself, with short brown hair and blue eyes. The marine turned slightly to regard him as he took his seat.

  “How are you this afternoon?” asked Lt. Collins.

  “I'm fine sir, considering I had to attend a funeral this morning,” he replied.

  “Yes, we will all miss Doc D. He was a good Marine,” the Lt. said solemnly. He paused for a moment then continued, “It always hurts when we lose a good one like him.”

  “Yes it does sir,” Sgt. Gallagher replied emotionally.

  “Actually Doc D is the reason I've called you to my office today,” the Lt. said.

  The brown haired occupant of the other chair glanced at Sgt. Gallagher, but stayed silent.

  “Doc D? I'm not sure I'm following you, sir?” Sgt. Gallagher asked perplexed. “What about Doc D?”

  “Doc D's death and many others like his have led FMSB command to institute a new pilot program,” Lt. Collins said.

  “Pilot program, sir?”

  “Yes, it’s a new program for replacing combat medics killed in action.”

  “What sort of pilot program? Hasn't FMSB command been notified of Doc D's death and a replacement been ordered, sir?” Sgt. Gallagher asked.

  “Yes, the replacement has been ordered, shipped and is sitting right next to you,” the Lt. said with a slight smile on his face.

  Sgt. Gallagher turned to regard the person sitting next to him. It was then he noticed the caduceus symbol on the collar of his fatigues, and recognition set in. This must be Doc D's replacement.

  “Sgt. John Gallagher,” he said as he leaned forward to deliver a welcoming hand shake.

  “I am Medical Android MD-106527-234,” the other said in response, as it reached out to meet Sgt. Gallagher's hand shake. Sgt. Gallagher pulled his hand back without shaking.

  He looked at Lt. Collins and said, “Medical Android? You can't mean to replace Doc D with an android can you, sir?”

  “This is the pilot program. You are the pilot program, Sgt. Gallagher,” the Lt. replied. “I personally recommended you for this program because Colonel Flint wants it to succeed. The Colonel is feeling pressure from higher up and wants to make this happen.” The lieutenant paused for a moment then continued, “Colonel Flint conferred with Captain Miller and myself, and we both agreed that third squad would be the perfect choice.”

  “I've never had any contact with medical androids or any other type of android for that matter, sir. I respectfully request that..”

  “Denied, Sgt. Gallagher!! You are the pilot program, and that is an order!!”

  “Yes sir,” Sgt. Gallagher replied.

  Sgt. Gallagher looked at the android again, and it gave him a big smile.