Read His First Mission Page 3

  Chapter 3

  “So, what's your name?” Sgt. Gallagher asked the android as they left the lieutenant's office.

  “I am Medical Android MD-106527-234,” replied the android.

  “No, I don't mean what you are. What's your name?”

  The android didn't say anything for a few seconds, then it replied, “I don't have one.”

  “You don't have one? What do you mean you don't have one? Everyone has a name,” Sgt. Gallagher said in disbelief.

  “I have thoroughly scanned my memory and found nothing concerning a name,” the android replied.

  “What? Are you functioning properly?

  “Yes, I am functioning properly,” the android replied.

  “Stay here,” Sgt. Gallagher ordered as he turned and walked back to the lieutenant's office.

  “Yes, Sgt. Gallagher? Is there a problem?” asked Lt. Collins.

  “This android says it doesn't have a name. Is that right, sir?” asked Sgt. Gallagher.

  The lieutenant stood up from behind his desk and walked around to stand next to Sgt. Gallagher. He pointed in the direction of the android as he met the Sgt.'s gaze and said, “That android is the property of the FMSB. It's not entitled to a name or rank. Is that going to be a problem?”

  “No sir,” said Sgt. Gallagher.

  “Is that all, Sgt. Gallagher?” the Lt. asked.

  There was a moment of silence between them, and then Sgt. Gallagher replied, “That's all, sir.”

  “Dismissed,” the Lt. said. He turned back toward his desk as Sgt. Gallagher left his office.

  He walked back down the hall in disgust. Doc D deserved better than to be replaced by some android that didn't even have a name. It couldn't replace anything if it was broken, Sgt. Gallagher thought to himself. He knew what he was going do.

  He rejoined the android where he had left it. It hadn't moved from the spot.

  “Your name will be Doc,” Sgt. Gallagher said flatly. He didn't meet the androids eyes as he walked past it.

  “Doc is good, Sgt. Gallagher,” replied the android. “I think that is a fitting name for a medical android.”

  Sgt. Gallagher didn't reply. He said simply, “Follow me.”

  Sgt. Gallagher had spent much of his childhood learning and perfecting the art of Tae Kwon Do. He had ascended in rank to Sabum (Instructor) or fourth degree black belt. Doc D had been a friend and student of his. He had made it to the rank of red belt and showed great promise in his ability. If this android was going to replace Doc D, he would learn the discipline that was required to be third squad's combat medic.

  Sgt. Gallagher led the android into one of the many sparring facilities located around the ship. The FMSB wanted its marines to be lethal in all manner of combat including hand to hand. In these facilities, training exercises took place daily.

  The facility was currently vacant. It had a large square mat in the center. There were punching bags and training dummies located between the mat’s edge and the wall. The lockers that contained the sparring equipment were located against the wall.

  Sgt. Gallagher opened one of the lockers without saying a word. He dressed in the necessary safety equipment then pointed inside the locker to the other set and said, “Put that gear on and join me on the mat.”

  The android did as it was told. Sgt. Gallagher waited in the center of the mat, stretching and executing a few moves to get warmed up. The android finished and approached Sgt. Gallagher.

  When the android stood in front of him, he said, “In order for you to be a member of third squad, several things will be required of you. You have no doubt been programmed to do many things. Over the next few days I will evaluate your programming with tests in several areas. This first test will be in hand to hand combat. I will try to strike you and you will do your best to stop me, is that understood?”

  “Yes, Sgt. Gallagher,” the android replied.

  Sgt. Gallagher lowered his head and bowed slightly toward the android, noticing that it bowed in return.

  “Fighting stance,” Sgt. Gallagher ordered.

  Sgt. Gallagher assumed the fighting stance he had used in Tae Kwon Do most of his life. The android mimicked him perfectly.

  “Begin,” Sgt. Gallagher said.

  Sgt. Gallagher moved to the left the android moving with him. He launched a quick front kick that was blocked. He attacked with a two punch combination, and those were blocked. Okay, let's take it up a notch, Sgt. Gallagher thought. He launched a flurry of punches and kicks in rapid succession, all were blocked. This android could definitely defend itself. That must come from its non-combatant programming as a combat medic he thought. Let's just see how good that programming is. He attacked with a viciousness that he reserved for his very best students. Every blow was blocked. He had not contacted the android at all.

  Sgt. Gallagher stopped to catch his breath, and then said, “That's very impressive.”

  “Thank you, Sgt. Gallagher,” the android responded. “Your skill in Tae Kwon Do is equally impressive.”

  “Tae Kwon Do? You know Tae Kwon Do?” Sgt. Gallagher asked in amazement.

  “I am a Sahyun (Master) of Tae Kwon Do. Your form is very good Sgt. Gallagher, however, you tend to telegraph your moves. With proper training I can help you eliminate that problem,” the android replied.

  Sgt. Gallagher couldn't believe his ears. He hadn't spent his whole life training to be lectured in the ways of Tae Kwon Do by this machine. However, if it was a master, then it did deserve his respect.

  Sgt. Gallagher wanted to see proof. If this android was a master it would be easy to find out.

  “Fighting stance. This time you will try to hit me,” Sgt. Gallagher said. “Begin.”

  The android tested his defenses with a flurry punches. Sgt. Gallagher easily knocked them aside. Then it launched a quick kick punch combination, also easily blocked. Come on Sgt. Gallagher thought, what are you waiting for. Just at that moment the android rushed at him feigning two quick punches, then connecting with a round house kick to the stomach. Sgt. Gallagher went down hard to the mat, the wind knocked out of him.

  “Are you alright, Sgt. Gallagher?” the android asked. It was leaning over, regarding him with concern.

  “Yes,” he replied. The android helped him to his feet.

  “Fighting stance,” Sgt. Gallagher said.

  Once again the android tested his defenses. Once again he blocked the punches easily. Then the android stepped back slightly and launched a flurry of kicks with powerful precision. Sgt. Gallagher was knocked momentarily off balance. The android stepped inside his defenses and delivered a powerful punch to his chest. He was again knocked to the mat.

  “I am sorry, Sgt. Gallagher. You told me to hit you,” the android said.

  Sgt. Gallagher got to his feet slowly.

  “Fighting stance,” he ordered.

  They regarded one another from their positions. Then Sgt. Gallagher came to attention and said, “Thank you, Sahyun.” He bowed his head in respect to the master.

  “You are welcome, Sabum,” the android said returning the bow.

  They stepped off the mat and began to remove their safety equipment.

  Sgt. Gallagher said, “Put this equipment back in the locker and wait for me here. I'm going to take a shower, and I'll be back shortly.”

  He left the android to his task and entered the shower facility. He thought to himself as the hot water ran over him about the android’s abilities. Its mastery of Tae Kwon Do had been a surprise. What other surprises did it have up its sleeve. The other evaluations he had in mind would get to the bottom of them. He thought about this and other things as he dried off and got dressed. He returned to the sparring facility to find the android where he had left it.

  “I'm sorry, Doc,” Sgt. Gallagher said.

  “Sorry about what, Sgt. Gallagher?”

  “Sorry I didn't believe you when you said you were a Sahyun. That was disrespectful,” Sgt. Gallagher said.

  “You had to evaluate my abilities. There was no other way to be sure. I understand and accept your apology,” Doc said.

  “Good. Now that that's settled, let's continue the evaluation.”