Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 14

  Chapter 9: Vengeful Archer


  It was on a day just like any other day in the realm of Hell when it happened - tragedy struck. Ambrose was a satyr demon born of the two fallen angels Silenus and Meliad. Silenus’ God-given curse had manifested itself by turning him into a satyr - a half-man half-goat creature with golden, curling horns and a small furry tail. Meliad had been turned into a nymph. Her golden hair had turned silver and her blue eyes had turned a dark purple color.

  Silenus and Meliad had turned against God because they were free spirits. They hadn’t wanted to participate in God’s galactic wars. They hadn’t wanted to fight and kill God’s enemies. Instead, they’d only wanted to relax and have fun and make love all day long.

  To God this was unacceptable behavior. His angels were his warriors - his swords against Evil. They had a responsibility to fight for him. Those fallen angels who’d turned against God because they just wanted to laze about and have fun and have sex were cursed into satyrs and nymphs. Their sins were made evident upon their flesh in their new cursed forms.

  Even though Ambrose was born of two fallen angels and hadn’t personally turned against God, he still bore his parents’ curse in his satyr form. Only the most powerful of demons could shift from their cursed animal forms into their human forms. And it would take Ambrose centuries before he was able to learn how to shift.

  Silenus was the Chief of the Satyr and Nymph Clan in Hell, and the clan had made their home in Harpy Forest. Harpies were half-bird half-female demons who lived peacefully beside the satyrs and nymphs. The satyrs, nymphs and harpies lived freely in the forest - relaxing, making love whenever they wanted, singing, drinking wine, and playing on flutes. They were truly free.

  However, freedom always comes with a price.

  In Hell all of the fallen angels could live their lives as they wished for there were no rules. However, this also meant that there was no morality, honor, justice, or integrity in Hell. All of the fallen angels were free to do good deeds or horrible ones as they saw fit, and there were no divine punishments. In fact, Lucifer, the fallen angel, who was in control of the realm didn’t stop the chaos but encouraged it. He fed off hate and chaos. It was a very dangerous realm to live in as a result. Because there were no laws - one had to make and enforce their own. Live by their own code. Their own set of rules. They no longer had God’s protection - they were completely on their own.

  Freedom always has a price.

  And the Satyr and Nymph Clan paid it when the Incubus and Succubus Clan attacked.

  Incubus and succubus were fallen angels who’d turned against God because of their sexual perversions and unwholesome sexual desires. They were sexual deviants, degenerates, and they’d craved sexual freedom and experimentation. The form that God had cursed them with was one with horns that sprouted from their heads, bat-like wings, pointed ears and long tails with barbed ends. Along with this new demonic appearance, God also cursed these fallen angels with a weakness of the flesh. If they didn’t have sex…they would die.

  Because of their mortal curse the incubi and succubi didn’t see having promiscuous sex as wrong. It was merely a method and necessity for their survival. Unfortunately, many of them didn’t see rape as wrong either. They would justify their heinous, evil crimes as simply their means of survival.

  When the Incubus and Succubus Clan attacked Harpy Forest, the Satyr and Nymph Clan had been caught completely off guard. Satyrs and nymphs by nature were lovers and not fighters to begin with. On the other hand, the incubi and succubi had trained themselves in hand-to-hand combat in order to take what they needed by force if need be. Everything to them was about surviving.

  Silenus and his comrades fought a fierce battle against the Incubus and Succubus Clan to protect the satyrs, nymphs and harpies, who lived in the forest and who were under his care and protection. However, Silenus was defeated by a powerful incubus and killed. He lost his physical body as did many satyrs that day, and those dead ended up trapped in weak spirit bodies that other demons in Hell were able to torture for all eternity.

  Meanwhile, Ambrose’s mother Meliad tried to protect her two sons, Ambrose and Roman with her life. But she was easily overpowered and taken away by a group of incubi. Ambrose tried to stop them, but he wasn’t strong enough. One blow to the back of his head completely stunned Ambrose, and he was forced to watch helplessly as his screaming mother was dragged away from him into the forest.

  Mere minutes later, Ambrose and his brother Roman were taken away by a group of lustful succubi. The brothers were taken to a cave and then tied up. When Ambrose saw the succubi approaching his brother he immediately blocked their way and offered up his body for their lustful attentions instead. “Wait! Don’t touch my brother…all you need is right here ladies.” His confidence and bravado were all fake. Ambrose loved his brother and would die for him if need be though.

  As the succubi raped him, Ambrose told his brother to close his eyes and cover his ears. Roman was only twelve-years-old and extremely young, especially for a demon. He also had a unique innocence about him that few demons possessed, and Ambrose was determined to protect that innocence at all costs.

  Ambrose would never forget the feeling of being so helpless as the succubi raped him and he vowed to never feel that way again. Ever.

  A few weeks later, the succubi eventually grew careless and Ambrose was able to break free from his restraints. He managed to find a bow and quiver of arrows, and used it to kill his captors and exact his revenge upon them. Ambrose freed his brother and they immediately set out in search of their mother.

  They found her unconscious body lying in the middle of the forest close by their home. Her clothes were gone, she was covered in blood, bite marks were all over her body, and the evidence of the incubi having taken her was also evident.

  “Mother!” Roman cried out and rushed to his mother side. He shook her shoulder as he tried to rouse her while his brother watched.

  Rage set Ambrose’s blood on fire at the sight of his beautiful mother, broken on the forest floor. He vowed that he would get stronger and return to take his revenge on the incubi for what they’d done to his mother. But killing a bunch of succubi was much different from trying to kill a bunch of incubi. Ambrose knew that if he tried to go after them at his current skill level that they would easily defeat him. And then who would be left to avenge their mother? Roman? No. He was too young and didn’t know how to fight yet.

  Ambrose and Roman carried Meliad back to their home in Harpy Forest, which was a tree house high off the ground. There they cared for her injuries. But as days passed it became apparent that her mind and spirit had been broken along with her body. She rarely spoke to the brothers, and when she did she acted like a child. Ambrose’s heart broke inside of his chest when he realized that his mother had gone insane.

  The brothers tried their best to take care of Meliad, but it was hard, and Ambrose didn’t have the patience for it. Every moment he could, Ambrose spent honing his archery skills. He needed to become stronger…stronger in order to avenge his mother and kill the incubi. Ambrose would spend hours a day, firing arrow after arrow at a target in a tree that was several yards away from him until the light would fade from the red sky overhead. His fingers would bleed and the calluses on his hands would burst before he would lower his bow.

  During this time, Ambrose ignored his insane mother, leaving her to the care of his kinder younger brother, Roman, and concentrated instead on gaining more strength and power.

  This had been a mistake.

  After a particularly hard day of training, Ambrose returned to his family’s tree house to find his brother Roman fast asleep on the couch. He grabbed his brother’s shoulder and shook him. “Hey Roman…wake up.”

  “Mmm…huh? What is it, bro?” Roman rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he gazed up at his brother.

  “Where’s mother?” Ambrose asked sternly.

  Roman frowned. “Ah
, isn’t she in her bedroom?” He glanced in the direction of her room.

  Ambrose went to check on their mother with a feeling of dread swirling inside of him. He opened the door to her bedroom and discovered that she wasn’t there. Blazes. Ambrose had a really bad feeling about this and immediately went in search of her. Ambrose rode his horse hard through Harpy Forest and tracked his mother’s scent with his keen senses. His mother smelled like sunshine and forest berries.

  Ambrose tracked her to the edge of a cliff that overlooked the River Styx. The river was a burning stream of red and black molten lava. “Mother!” Ambrose called out to her.

  Meliad spun around to face her son, her long silver hair whipping in the violent wind. Her purple eyes were wide and her pupils were dilated, giving her a wild look. She was obviously remembering what had happened to her. But when she recognized Ambrose her expression turned sad. “Ambrose, my son.”

  “Mother.” Ambrose reached his hand out to her. “Get away from there. It’s dangerous. Come over here, where it’s safe.”

  But Meliad shook her head sorrowfully and took a step back. “We were wrong to turn against Him. Our freedom had a price. Because of my selfishness I’ve lost your father…the only man I’ve ever loved. And I’ve lost my honor. I cannot bear to live like this Ambrose…like a pitiful demon any longer. I would rather be dead. I deeply regret my decision from long ago. May God forgive me.” Meliad murmured as she took another step back and then another.

  Ambrose’s expression turned horrified when he realized what his mother intended to do. “Mother, no! Don’t!” He yelled out and began to run towards her. Ambrose was a demon. He had superior speed and reflexes. He would make it. He would save her. He had to.

  “Goodbye, my son. Take care of your brother for me.” Meliad stepped off the cliff.

  “Nooo!” Ambrose lunged for his mother’s hand. His hand reached out to grab a hold of Meliad’s hand and…passed through thin air. Ambrose felt the tips of his fingers brush against his mother’s hand and then nothing. He fell to the ground and watched as his mother plummeted towards the river of molten lava. No, no, no. “MOTHER!” Ambrose screamed until his throat was raw. He’d been unable to save her. I failed…I failed to protect her.


  “Mother!” Ambrose yelled as he sat up in bed with a start, covered in sweat, and panting for breath. “Dang it.” He ran his hand back through his sweat-soaked hair. “A dream.” Or rather a nightmare.

  But why was he dreaming about his mother’s death now of all times? He wondered. Maia’s image filled his mind - the crazy girl with a split personality. He’d failed to save his mother because he’d lacked the patience and understanding she’d needed after the rape had broken her mind and spirit.

  Ambrose had also broken his promise to his mother and had failed to protect his younger brother, Roman, who was currently in Agent Darkhart’s clutches and would remain so until he presented Darkhart with fifty more demons to take his brother’s place. When Agent Darkhart had captured the two of them, Ambrose had immediately begged the man to spare his brother, and to do whatever he wanted with him instead. Agent Darkhart decided to take advantage of Ambrose’s obvious love for his brother and proceeded to blackmail Ambrose into his employ.

  Until Ambrose brought Agent Darkhart fifty more demons to take his brother’s place, Roman would remain in Agent Darkhart’s ‘care’. Roman was eighteen-years-old now, but he was still too young to be going through the horrors he was undoubtedly experiencing at the ADTF’s base.

  To ensure that Ambrose did not betray him, Agent Darkhart had had a tracking device implanted in the back of Ambrose’s neck that was also a tiny bomb. If Ambrose tried to remove the bomb it would explode instantly. And with the tracking device Agent Darkhart always knew where Ambrose was.

  This is how Ambrose Rune had become a mercenary, doing whatever unsavory deeds Agent Darkhart ordered him to do. This was also why he sought out demons like himself only to turn them over to Agent Darkhart, essentially betraying his own kind.

  And now…there was the mentally unstable Maia whom he’d slept with. Crap. Ambrose would never forgive himself if Maia decided to kill herself because of him. He needed to speak with her and apologize, make things right. He needed to show her a little more patience and understanding before it was too late. Like it had been for his mother.

  Decision made, Ambrose got out of bed, took a shower, and dressed for the day in his white patissier jacket, a pair of black leather pants, and boots. He decided that he would bake Maia a cake as part of his apology. Ambrose baked a beautiful novelty cake. The finished product was decorated with fondant icing flowers because Maia reminded him of a field of spring flowers in bloom. The flowers were purple with yellow centers. The vanilla cake had a blackberry jam filling. Blackberries. Just like her natural scent.

  Ambrose also decided to buy her a bouquet of flowers on his way to see her at Poseidon’s Trident. Twenty minutes later, the patissier parked his Jeep outside of Poseidon’s Trident, grabbed the cake box and bouquet of flowers, and headed for the front door. He kicked the door open, strolled inside, and looked around the restaurant until he spotted Maia. She was currently waiting on a table of four customers and taking their orders. Maia…

  Maia was dressed in a short, silver dress with a dark blue apron over top. Ambrose approached her and cleared his throat to get her attention. She glanced towards Ambrose, her eyes widened, and a flash of fear passed over her face.

  That look of fear almost killed him. “Maia.” Ambrose murmured.

  “Ambrose, what are you doing here?” Maia questioned as she unconsciously wrapped her arms around her chest.

  “I came to speak with you.” Ambrose said firmly.

  Maia shook her head and began to back away from Ambrose. “Error, error. No…stay away.”

  Ambrose set the cake box and flowers down on a nearby table before he approached her with his hands up before him in a placating gesture. “Please, I really need to speak with you. I wanted to apologize. I’m sorry I scared you before.”

  Maia shook her head, and ended up backing up into a table. The glasses that were on the table rattled back and forth precariously. “Error, error. No, stay away…please, go away.” Her monotone voice was trembling.

  “Maia.” Ambrose reached out towards her, just like how he’d reached out towards his mother.

  “No!” Maia shrieked.

  In a blink, Levi was standing in front of Maia and blocking Ambrose’s way to her. The merman looked thoroughly pissed off and was cracking his knuckles in a threatening manner. “Hey Ambrose, what the hell, man?”

  Ambrose sighed, and lowered his hand dejectedly. “I just came to speak to Maia…to apologize.”

  Levi looked over at Maia, saw the obvious fear in her eyes, shook his head, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Obviously, she doesn’t want to speak with you.”

  “Please.” Ambrose begged in an uncharacteristic way.

  A flash of surprised crossed Levi’s dark blue eyes but then his expression hardened. “No.”

  Ambrose’s golden eyes flashed with anger. “You know what? Screw you. I’m going to speak with Maia, so get the hell out of my way!”

  “You’ll have to get through me first.” Levi growled.

  “If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get.” Ambrose attacked, lunging at Levi, and throwing his fist into the man’s face.

  Levi didn’t even flinch as he stood there and took the blow. And then he smiled. “My turn.” He sent his fist flying into Ambrose’s face breaking his perfect nose, and sending him flying back so that he crashed into a table and broke it. Ambrose ended up on the floor in a heap with blood dripping down his face.

  Ambrose pinched his broken nose to try and stop the bleeding. “Dang it.” He stood up on wobbly legs, looking at Maia with a desperate look on his face. “I’ll be back, babe.” Ambrose left the restaurant intending to head on over to Sasha?
??s Animal Clinic. He’d have the mad scientist fix his broken nose and it wouldn’t be the first time he’d gone to her with a broken bone. Being a mercenary in Agent Darkhart’s employ was dangerous business.

  After Ambrose was gone, Levi turned towards Maia and gave her a questioning look. “Are you okay?”

  Maia ignored Levi as she walked over to the cake box curiously. On the lid it said: To Maia, From Ambrose. She opened the box to reveal the beautiful novelty cake with white icing, and purple flowers with yellow centers. On the top of the cake and written with purple icing were the words: I’m sorry.

  Maia picked up the bouquet of flowers and breathed in their scent. The bouquet smelled like a field of spring flowers. She could picture the beautiful field in her mind where the flowers had come from. Maia loved nature and flowers. And it suddenly reminded her of her mother, Orphne. “Ambrose Rune…what are you?” Maia murmured to herself, feeling confused and conflicted.


  That night at Ruby Skye, Ambrose was seated at the bar getting hammered. He’d tried to apologize to Maia but she’d hid behind Levi as if he were some kind of monster or freak. And maybe he was. Ambrose gulped back his martini - shaken not stirred - and ordered another.

  “What’s the special occasion, handsome?” Came a sultry female voice.

  Ambrose glanced to his right and blinked. Sitting on the barstool next to him was a beautiful woman with long, silvery hair and wide, lavender colored eyes. She had moon colored skin and was wearing a floor-length, silver gown with daring slits up the sides. The female looked absolutely stunning.

  “Maia.” Ambrose breathed in shock and his mouth fell open slightly.

  Echo frowned. “No…it’s Echo.”

  “Ah.” Ambrose said as the bartender set a drink down in front of him. He picked up the new martini and took a sip. “Maia’s other half…her nymph side.” There was a tinge of bitterness to his voice. After all he held Echo partly responsible for what had happened between him and Maia.

  “I know that you went to apologize to Maia.” Echo revealed softly.

  Ambrose’s eyes flared. “You remember that? You know what goes on when Maia is…well, Maia?”

  Echo nodded solemnly. “Yes. The flowers were beautiful and the cake was delicious, by the way.”

  “Maia ate the cake?” Hope swelled inside of Ambrose’s chest.

  Echo smiled. “She had Levi electrify it first.”

  “Levi.” Ambrose grumbled, feeling jealous of the chef’s relationship with Maia, and taking another sip of his drink.

  Echo gave Ambrose a scrutinizing look. “You like us, don’t you?”

  Ambrose choked on his martini. “What? I, uh…I’m not a one-woman kind of guy, Echo. You know that.”

  “Oh, I know that very well.” The nymph reached out to stroke her hand up Ambrose’s arm. “I say we have some fun tonight.”

  Ambrose’s expression darkened and he shook his head. “Trust me…it would be better for your own sake if you stay away from me tonight. I plan to get rough. I’m in a mood.”

  Echo’s eyes glittered with lust and interest. “Maybe I like it a little rough.” There was an irresistible teasing note to her voice.

  Ambrose shot her a surprised look and he frowned. “Echo, you should stay away from me. I mean it. Maia deserves better. She’s an innocent.”

  It was Echo’s turn to frown. “Maia, Maia, Maia…who cares about her? Or about what she wants? What about what I want? What I need?” Echo placed a hand over her heart with a passionate look on her face.

  Ambrose shook his head. “I won’t have sex with you again…for Maia’s sake.”

  A dark cloud fell over Echo’s beautiful face. “Fine…I’ll just have to look elsewhere to sate these dark desires of mine.” Echo looked around the club and spotted just what she was looking for - a male Dom dressed in black leather from head-to-toe. He had a fierce, cruel expression on his face. His hair was short and spiky, his eyes dark, and he was covered in tattoos. The man’s aura was dangerous, predatory.

  A mischievous smile curled Echo’s lips and she slid off her stool to sashay her way over to the Dom. He took one look at her and offered her the seat next to him - lust already gleaming in his dark eyes.

  Ambrose unconsciously broke the stem of his martini glass as he watched them. He didn’t even notice as the glass cut into his hand causing it to bleed. Ambrose knew the guy…or at least the Dom’s reputation. He was the kind of Dom who really enjoyed making a female feel pain. The girls this Dom had been with had ended up with scars. Ambrose imagined that Dom with his rough, brutal hands on the innocent Maia and freaked. That creep would mar Maia’s flawless skin with his razorblades.

  Sure, Ambrose had a penchant for tying girls up. He was into bondage, yeah, but…he never actually hurt any of the girls he was with. For him, it was more about being in control of the situation than anything else. After what he’d experienced with the succubi back in Hell, he always wanted to be in control during sex. He had to be in control…for his sanity’s sake. Just the idea of a girl being in control during sex made Ambrose break out into a cold sweat.

  His body began to move on its own as Ambrose stood up from his stool and stomped over to Echo and the Dom. He grabbed Echo’s arm and glared at the Dom fiercely. “This female is mine.”

  “What the hell, man. She came on to me-” The Dom was saying when he caught the bloodthirsty look in Ambrose’s golden eyes. He gulped. “Ah, never mind, sorry about that, man. Didn’t know she was taken.”

  Ambrose pulled Echo off the barstool and began to lead her across the dance floor while heading towards the exit. A cat’s paw smile formed on Echo’s face. Mission accomplished. This was going to be so good. Ambrose dragged Echo out of the club and to his Jeep. He then drove them back to his penthouse apartment at AVA Nob Hill.

  It wasn’t long before Ambrose was pulling Echo through the door of his place, and locking the door behind him. He turned to face Echo and licked his lips with this predatory look on his face. His golden eyes were filled with lustful hunger. “You asked for it, female…and I’m going to give it to you.” Ambrose strode forward with purposeful steps, grabbed Echo’s face in his two hands, and smashed his lips against hers.

  Echo eagerly kissed Ambrose back, raising her hands and burying them in his silky red hair and tugging. It was a rough, passion-filled kiss. All about the pleasure.

  While still kissing her, Ambrose swooped Echo up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Ambrose tossed Echo onto the bed that was covered with red silk sheets. She bounced on the mattress and giggled. A few of Ambrose’s heart-shaped pillows fell off the bed. Echo looked up at Ambrose with hooded, lust-filled eyes. “Are you going to tie my hands to the headboard again?” She teased as she put her hands up over her head obediently.

  Ambrose licked his lips at the tempting sight. “No…tonight what you and I are going to do is make 50 Shades of Grey look like a Disney film. You will be completely at my mercy.” The satyr walked over to his dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a long coil of rope. He brought the coil of rope over and tossed it on the bed.

  Ambrose returned to the dresser and retrieved a very sharp dagger. He returned to the bed and crawled on top of it in a sensual manner, which reminded Echo of a stalking panther. He approached Echo. “Don’t move. Remain perfectly still so that I don’t hurt you.”

  “Yes, Master.” Echo said teasingly.

  Ambrose moved over Echo, and brought the tip of his dagger to the top of her dress. He slowly began to cut through the material of her dress.

  “This was a designer dress, you know.” Echo pouted.

  “I’ll buy you a closet full, babe.” Ambrose rumbled in a husky voice. The satyr continued to cut the dress off her body until her bra and panties were revealed. Still straddling her body, he brought the dagger up to her bra next, and sliced through it. “Mmm.” He hummed in approval as her bare flesh was revealed. Ambrose couldn’t resist
kissing her proffered fruit.

  Echo gasped at the satyr’s hot mouth on her flesh and arched her back. “Oh, yes.”

  Ambrose trailed his tongue lower, heading for her bellybutton, and thrust his tongue in and out of her cute, adorable bellybutton. The satyr breathed in the scent of her - blackberries. Ambrose pulled back, and licked his lips, “Stay still.” He raised the dagger and cut through her panties next.

  The thin material parted revealing her bare flesh. Ambrose tossed the dagger and it imbedded itself into the wall. He picked up the coil of rope and began to uncoil it with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Submit yourself to me, Echo.”

  “Yes, oh yes, please.” Echo panted as she nodded eagerly.

  Ambrose used the rope to tie Echo’s hands together, and artfully used the rest of the rope to create a tapestry of knots over Echo’s body. “Ambrose.” She begged, wanting to touch him so badly, and wanting him to touch her. Struggling against the ropes was its own kind of delicious torture.

  This is exactly how Ambrose wanted Echo - begging for him. Ambrose slid off the bed and began to slowly strip his clothes off while Echo watched his sensual striptease. Ambrose removed his white chocolatier jacket one button at a time, revealing his bronzed flesh and six pack abs.

  “You’re so hot.” Echo purred as she made a seductive pose. “Show me more.”

  Ambrose watched her intensely. His prisoner was so beautiful. Perfect. He quickly stripped off his pants and boots, leaving him in only his boxers. His boxers were red with the words ‘Love Doctor’ on them in white, and a white medical cross was right over his crotch. Ambrose put his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and tugged playfully. “You want this?”

  “Yes! Oh yes, doctor! I’m ready for my vitamin D injection.” Echo said as she struggled against the ropes. The urge to pounce Ambrose was so strong it was hard to resist. If she weren’t tied up she’d already have pounced him and pinned him to the floor.

  Ambrose stripped off his boxer shorts to reveal himself. Satyrs were blessed by being well endowed. Their curse? Their insatiable sexual appetites. Echo licked her lips as she looked at him.

  The satyr sauntered over to the bed, crawled onto it, and straddled Echo. He gripped Echo’s legs and spread them. “Open yourself up to me, nymph.”

  Echo obediently spread her legs as far as they would go with the ropes. Ambrose placed his hands on the mattress on either side of her body and surged forward, uniting their bodies together.

  “Ah!” Echo cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  Ambrose began to move over her in a demanding way. The pain quickly faded for Echo though, and soon she was matching his movements. The sounds of sex filled the air - the headboard rocking into the wall repeatedly and wet flesh slapping together. Echo’s cries were becoming more urgent as she neared her peak.

  Ambrose felt heat gathering in his lower abdomen. A delicious pressure was building inside of him. And then he shattered as he exploded into her.

  Echo reached her peak soon after. Her lavender eyes widened when she saw a pair of gold, curling horns sprout out of Ambrose’s head. She recognized those horns for what they meant. Ambrose was a satyr.

  “You’re a satyr?” Echo questioned breathlessly.

  Ambrose blinked down at Echo confusedly, “How did you know?”

  A lazy, sated smile curled Echo’s swollen lips. “Your horns…they’re beautiful. I wish I could touch them.” The golden horns curled back away from his face, lending to his handsomeness.

  Ambrose swore as he reached up to feel the horns that had sprouted out of his head. He ran his hand down his lower back and felt his small, furry tail. “What the hell? I didn’t will the shift.”

  Echo’s lids lowered, “When you have sex you lose control when you reach your peak, and since you’re having sex with me…a nymph…it called to your demon blood and awakened your satyr side.”

  “Lose control?” Ambrose echoed. He didn’t like the sound of that at all. “I’ll show you who’s in control, nymph. Get on your hands and knees.” Ambrose twisted Echo’s body around so that she was on her hands and knees next. Her tied hands were now in front of her on the mattress. Echo’s face ended up being pressed into the mattress.

  “Hmm.” Ambrose hummed in approval at the submissive pose. “Who’s your master, nymph?”

  “You are!”

  “I can’t hear you.” He demanded.

  “You are, Master Ambrose!” Echo cried out.

  Ambrose smirked. “That’s right. Now tell me what you want…” The satyr drawled.

  “I want you.”

  “Hell yeah.” Ambrose said before he joined their bodies once more.

  Echo’s cries were muffled as Ambrose pushed her head down into the mattress. His eyes were glowing as he took her. “You belong to me, female. You are mine. All mine. I won’t let you escape until I’m completely sated. You are my prisoner. My love slave. Who do you belong to, Echo?” He demanded again.

  “You! I’m yours!” There were tears in Echo’s eyes from the shame because her body loved Ambrose’s rough treatment of her. She only wanted more.

  “Yes…you are mine.” Ambrose continued to have sex with Echo throughout the night. He just couldn’t get enough of her. Ambrose wanted to possess her, claim her. Dominate her. Sex with her was a healing experience for him. It seemed to soothe the savage sex beast inside of him until the sex they were having was almost gentle.

  Sometime before dawn Ambrose reached his peak one last time, then collapsed on top of her, and fell asleep. Echo fell asleep too from finally having a respite. However-

  When Echo slept…Maia awakened.

  Maia awoke to the feeling of being tied up. Her eyes snapped open and she found herself naked and pinned beneath a sleeping Ambrose Rune! Her eyes widened in shock. Oh my God. Error, error. Cannot compute my current situation. Maia’s wrists were tied uncomfortably together, and rope was tied all over her body painfully. When she struggled knots rubbed over her most sensitive places - over her nipples and between her legs. She tried to push Ambrose off of her and stilled in shock when she realized something - he was still inside of her!

  Oh my God. Error, error. Cannot compute. Maia was still a virgin. She’d never had sex before. Or at least she’d been a virgin before Ambrose had stolen her virginity. “Get off…get off of me.” Maia said in a panicked, weak voice. Ambrose was simply too heavy to move off of her. That’s when she noticed his curling, golden horns. “He’s a…demon? Error, error…get off of me you monster!”

  Ambrose’s eyes snapped open at the panicky sound of Maia’s voice. He looked down at Maia questioningly, and his brow furrowed. “Echo? What’s up, babe?”

  Maia opened her mouth to respond, however-

  Ambrose was blasted off of her body by a blast of icy white energy and sent flying sideways, off the bed and into the dresser with a crash.

  Maia sat up in shock to see the most beautiful man she’d ever beheld standing at the side of the bed with a gleaming, silver, double-edged sword raised before him. The man was tall and had a commanding presence. He had short, white hair that had been gelled into spikes with blue tips, and cold, ice-blue eyes. His skin was as white as freshly fallen snow. Her savior was wearing silver armor with spikes on it that made him extra fearsome. But the most incredible feature the man possessed was the pair of white feathery wings that were spread behind him. The white feathers had icy blue ones mixed in with them. “An angel.” Maia breathed in wonder and awe.

  The angel approached Maia and lowered his sword so that he wouldn’t frighten her. “Hello Maia, I am Archangel Gabriel. Don’t worry. You have nothing to fear now. I’m here to rescue you. I shall punish that foul demon for his sins.” With a few skillful strokes of his sword Gabriel cut Maia free of her bonds. By the time he was done she was trembling violently.

  Gabriel clucked his tongue as he looked at Maia. “Tying up a female is just plain cowardly. Tying up a male
would be different because a male could easily break free of his bonds…but females are the weaker sex. They are supposed to be respected and protected. Tying up a female who doesn’t have the power to escape is just bullying.” Gabriel sheathed his sword and fetched Maia a robe that he then held out to her.

  “Th-Thank you.” Maia said as she took the robe and put it on.

  Once Maia was dressed, Gabriel’s attention turned to the naked Ambrose who was on the floor and groaning in pain. The satyr’s right side was frozen…which meant some of his internal organs were probably frozen too. The thought brought a pleased smile to Gabriel’s lips. Ah, sweet justice.

  “As for you…time to be punished for your sin, demon.” Gabriel stalked towards Ambrose, reached out, grabbed a fistful of Ambrose’s hair, and began to drag the satyr towards the bed.

  Ambrose struggled against Gabriel’s hold but his right lung was temporarily frozen solid and he was having trouble breathing. Crap. This isn’t good.

  Gabriel tossed Ambrose to the bed and Maia quickly scrambled off it. Gabriel then walked over to Ambrose’s dresser and began searching the drawers until he found what he was looking for - another coil of rope. He grabbed the rope and approached the bed with it. “Verily, it’s time to give you a little taste of your own medicine.”

  Ambrose’s eyes went wide with horror as he eyed the coil of rope. Tying up girls and having sex with them was one thing…but having someone tie him up like the succubi had in Hell was quite another. “Don’t you freakin dare, you perverted angel! I’ll kill you!”

  In a blink, Gabriel was in front of Ambrose and sending his fist into Ambrose’s solar plexus. Ambrose bent over as he coughed violently from the hard blow. Before he realized what was happening Gabriel was putting a rubber ball gag into his mouth and buckling the leather strap behind his head roughly.

  “Mmph!” Ambrose struggled against Gabriel weakly and his pupils dilated from fear. He could taste the rubber on his tongue. No, no, no. Not again. I can’t be helpless again. His body began to tremble violently.

  Each time Ambrose resisted, Gabriel mercilessly punched him so hard he saw stars. Finally, Ambrose didn’t have any strength left to fight back with, and Gabriel was able to start tying him up with the rope, bondage style.

  Maia couldn’t help but note the fearful expression that was on Ambrose’s face. He looked like a trapped, wounded animal. The terror he was feeling was obvious on his face. Maia’s brow furrowed with confusion…how could someone that seemed to enjoy tying up women be so afraid of being tied up himself? It didn’t make any sense. Also, Ambrose seemed so fearless all the time to be acting this way. It just wasn’t like him. This…unnerved her.

  But Gabriel was an Archangel…and so surely he wouldn’t actually harm Ambrose too badly, right? Surely, his punishment would end with Ambrose just being restrained. Maia gripped her head in her hands as she watched Gabriel punching Ambrose over and over again until he finally stopped moving, and the Archangel began to tie Ambrose up with the rope.

  This was divine punishment, right? Ambrose deserved this, right? This was justice. Ambrose had raped her…right?

  No. That wasn’t right.

  Ambrose had not raped her. He wouldn’t do something like that. She remembered the beautiful cake he’d made her. The lovely arrangement of flowers he’d picked out for her. How could an evil man make a cake that was so beautiful and had tasted so delicious? She recalled his concerned look that very morning when he’d said: Echo?

  Who was Echo? Maia wondered, her head beginning to pound.

  You are. A voice replied urgently in her mind.


  Yes…I am a part of you that you continue to deny…and you’ll continue to deny me until you find the strength inside of yourself to finally confront and accept your past.

  My past? Error, error. I have no memory of my past. But I’m tired of running, Echo. Show me.

  As you wish.


  It was Maia’s 18th birthday. She’d just graduated from high school and had been accepted to a good college. Maia’s mother Orphne had promised Maia that she’d reveal a very important secret to Maia on her 18th birthday. Maia wondered what it could be, but then again, she’d always had this feeling that she was…different. Maybe her mother would finally shed some light onto this mystery.

  Orphne was also so incredibly beautiful with long, silvery-blonde hair and dark purple eyes. She was so…otherworldly. Like an angel. Maia’s father, Charles, was so in love with Orphne it wasn’t even funny. Maia’s parents still acted like newlyweds - had romantic candlelit dinners, took long walks in the park, and went out dancing. Maia and her little brother Max had grown up in a loving household. Their lives had been Hallmark card perfect, at least until Maia’s 18th birthday.

  On the morning of Maia’s birthday, her mother requested that Maia go to the supermarket to pick up a few things. Maia knew it was really because her family wanted her out of the house while they decorated it for her birthday party though. As Maia shopped she couldn’t help but wonder what the secret her mother was going to tell her was.

  However, once Maia arrived home it was to find a bloodbath. The fallen bodies of her mother, father and little brother were all on the floor surrounded by pools of their own crimson blood. There was so much blood.

  Maia remembered it so clearly now. Charles had shot her mother and little brother Max, and then himself in the head. It’d been an attempted family suicide, but since Maia hadn’t been home at the time she’d been spared.

  It was this sight that had driven Maia mad.

  Unable to handle the truth…her mind had shattered into two pieces. This had been the day Echo had been born.

  But wait…Maia was remembering something else. There was more to the story of what had happened on her birthday. Maia remembered how when she’d first walked through the front door she’d rushed over to her mother’s side and crouched beside her. “Mother!”

  Orphne’s dark purple eyes had slowly opened. “Maia…is that you?”

  “Mother!” Maia looked down in shock to see her mother looking up at her, but that was impossible since she’d been shot right in her heart. She should already be dead.

  “Maia, please…don’t blame your father for this tragedy. This wasn’t his fault. He was demon possessed.” Orphne explained.

  “Demon possessed?” Maia asked in disbelief. “Mom, what are you talking about? Let me call an ambulance…there’s still time.” Maia tried to get up but her mother reached out and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

  “Maia, I wanted to tell you the truth today on your 18th birthday. The truth is - I’m not human. I’m a demon. A nymph. I left Hell and my former lover Acheron in order to gain redemption. With my death my memories are returning to me and so now I remember everything. I came to Earth in search of a special man - a Judge, who could redeem me with his love. That was your father, Maia.

  “However, my jealous ex-lover Acheron must have discovered my whereabouts. He possessed your father and forced him to kill your brother, me, and then himself. This was his revenge. Thank God you weren’t here…he seemed unaware of your existence.”

  Maia was shaking her head with an incredulous look on her face. This was crazy talk. “Mom, what you’re saying is…impossible. Demons and nymphs…don’t exist.”

  “You are half-nymph, Maia. My legacy. My hope.” Orphne gave Maia’s wrist a little squeeze.

  “No, no, no.” Maia chanted, refusing to believe her mother’s outlandish words.

  “It is the truth, Maia. Charles loved Max and I. He loved us. Your father never would have hurt us and deep down in your heart you know this to be true. When humans suddenly do things that are out of the ordinary like killing their families, or going to a public place and shooting people at random - this is because those people have become demon possessed, my darling. However, in this day and age, there are so many people who don’t believe in demons anymore, or God, an
d so they don’t have any protection against them. The world has become such a dangerous place to live in my daughter. And Lucifer is gaining more and more control…by spreading hate.”

  Maia gripped the sides of her head with her hands and tugged at her hair. It was simply too much for her to take. Her mind shattered in order to protect itself. Maia’s mind created ‘Echo’. And only Echo possessed the knowledge of what had really happened that night. Only Echo knew the truth about Maia’s father’s demonic possession and how Maia was half-nymph. The burden of all this lay on Echo’s shoulders. Echo came into being willingly to protect the kind, frail-hearted, Maia.

  Until the day Maia grew strong enough to learn and accept the truth.

  And that time was now.


  I am…Echo.

  I am…you.

  Maia blinked. When she came back to reality Maia saw that Gabriel had found a whip in one of Ambrose’s drawers and was currently whipping the satyr across the back and thighs with it while Ambrose was lying facedown on the mattress. The gag in his mouth muffled Ambrose’s screams.

  “You deserve this punishment, foul demon. How dare you tie up that innocent girl and take advantage of her? How dare you hurt her? A weak female? Only a coward would harm a female. They are the weaker sex and need to be protected, cherished, and respected. Females are to be treated with softness and kindness. Not cruelty. You are sick to use such an instrument upon a woman.” Gabriel gave the bloody whip in his hand a look of sheer disgust.

  Tears of humiliation streamed down Ambrose’s face. He’d actually never whipped a female before. Even if he did own a couple of whips, it was mostly for show. Ambrose had never taken things quite so far. And sure he liked to make jokes about 50 Shades of Grey but he never even went as far as that creep in the movie. It was just as Gabriel said - it would have felt too much like bullying the weak. And Ambrose was no coward.

  Unfortunately, Ambrose wasn’t completely innocent. He did get off on having absolute control and restraining women so he was their Master. He was pretty messed up. Maybe Gabriel is right. Maybe…I deserve this.

  A fierce look came over Maia’s face and she lunged at Gabriel. I…remember! I remember everything! “No!” She grabbed Gabriel’s arm - the one with the whip and stopped him from whipping Ambrose again. “Don’t hurt him!”

  Gabriel lowered his arm and turned to give Maia a questioning look. “Why not? He hurt you, did he not? He raped you. This is merely what he deserves.”

  Maia swallowed thickly, her heart pumping fast inside of her chest. She looked at Ambrose and stared at the red marks on his flesh. There were so many emotions swirling inside of her as she looked at him. But none of them were fear or hatred. Maia and Echo had become one. Their feelings had become one. “No…he didn’t hurt me. He didn’t rape me either. He…made love to me. And I wanted it. I wanted him. I…liked it. I…enjoyed it.” She flushed and shivered at the admittance.

  Gabriel removed his knee from the bed, straightened, and turned to look at Maia in astonishment. “Surely, you lie, female.” His icy eyes traveled down to the red marks on her wrists where the rope had rubbed her skin raw.

  Maia shook her head. “No…I…” She licked her lips. “Love him. This was just some kinky sex play. So, please…spare him.”

  “You love him?” Gabriel echoed, the whip falling from his limp hand, and hitting the floor. “I see. Then…you’ve saved him. I will do as you wish, Maia, because you are a Judge.” He bowed in deference to her.

  Ambrose flipped over onto his back, sat up, and looked at Maia with wide eyes. What the hell was going on? Maia was a Judge? And she loved him? Since when?

  Maia nodded and watched as Gabriel made his way to the balcony. The Archangel sent a warning look Ambrose’s way. “I’ll be watching you, Ambrose. Always.” He stepped out onto the balcony, spread his wings, and took off into the sky, becoming invisible.

  As soon as the angel was out of sight, Maia rushed over to the dagger that was imbedded in the wall and pulled it out. She then rushed over to the bed so that she could begin to cut the ropes off of Ambrose’s body. His body was still trembling and his back was covered in blood. She removed the ball gag and tossed it aside.

  Ambrose sagged against her in relief once he was finally free and rested his forehead against her chest. “Maia…is it true? You really love me?”

  Maia nodded as she stroked his hair soothingly. “Yes…I…I’m Echo too now. I’ve faced my past and the truth. I’ve also accepted that Echo is a part of me and that I am half-nymph. I’ve also come to realize that I am in love with you.”

  Ambrose nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck and breathed in deeply of her berry scent. “I…care for you too, Maia. I don’t know if it’s love yet, but I do care deeply for you and Echo.” I can’t believe she’s a Judge. The woman I’ve been searching for all this time…

  “Just Maia now…and I understand. I think we should really start over.” Maia pulled back, smiled. “Hi, I’m Maia. It’s nice to meet you.” She put her hand out for Ambrose to shake.

  Ambrose took her hand and brought to his lips to place a kiss on it. “I’m Patissier Prince Ambrose Rune, and the pleasure is all mine.”

  To be continued in…Fish 10: Fierce Hammerhead