Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 15

  Chapter 10: Fierce Hammerhead

  The following day, Levi arrived at the film site to be greeted with congratulations, smiles and handshakes. Everyone’s attitude towards him had done a complete 180. Director Maverick welcomed Levi with open arms, congratulated him, and shook his hand vigorously. “Levi, there you are! Welcome back! And congratulations on your win last night on Hell’s Kitchen!”

  Levi nodded. “Thanks.” He tried to pull his hand out of the director’s grip, but the director had a surprisingly strong hold as he continued to shake it up and down.

  “Vivien told me to wait. She never gave up on you, you know.” There was a knowing glint in the director’s sharp eyes.

  A flash of surprise crossed Levi’s dark blue gaze. “I see.” He tried not to look too happy about what Director Maverick had just said, but he was grinning like an idiot on the inside. Dylan on the other hand had a dark look on his face. Levi could feel this…aura of mal intent directed towards him and had to hide a smirk behind his hand.

  “Oh, there she is now. I have to go and thank her!” Director Maverick said before stalking off towards Vivien who’d just arrived at the boardwalk in the Escalade with Urban, Teresa, and Audrey.

  Dylan took this opportunity to approach Levi. “I suppose congratulations are in order.”

  “Thanks.” Levi said automatically.

  Dylan’s eyes narrowed. “You misunderstand me. I didn’t congratulate you - because you’re the real loser here. Have you heard the news about how Vivien and I are officially a couple?”

  “Whatever the hell that means…”

  “It means Vivien is mine, Levi. So…I want you to stay the hell away from her. Stop making her heart waver. The man for her is I, Dylan Black.” Dylan raised his chin in an arrogant manner.

  Levi grit his teeth at Dylan’s pompous words. His? The merman’s blood began to boil in his veins. Levi was getting pissed. Waver? “Yours? Like hell she is…Vivien doesn’t belong to anyone.” Except for me. He amended in his mind.

  Dylan watched Vivien getting out of the car, tracking her with his dark eyes. His lids lowered into a heavy-lidded look. There was obvious lust shinning in his eyes. “Maybe you’ll take my relationship with her more seriously after I’ve claimed her fully and marked her as my own. I can’t wait to tap that fine-”

  The reins on Levi’s anger snapped apart. “Argh!” He grabbed Dylan by the front of his shirt and punched him hard across the face.

  Dylan looked back at Levi and smiled even as blood dribbled down his chin. “You really are an animal. Is that how you want Vivien to see you? As the freak you are?”

  Levi raised his fist to punch Dylan again. However-

  Dylan moved forward and headbutt Levi with a bam.

  Levi stumbled backwards, momentarily stunned. He hadn’t been expecting the move nor expected Dylan to be as tough as he looked.

  “My turn.” Dylan punched Levi across the face. Levi let out an enraged roar and tackled Dylan to the sand. He straddled Dylan and began to whale punches on him. Dylan smiled through the beating, the sick guy.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Director Maverick demanded as he strode towards Levi and Dylan across the sand, followed by Vivien, Urban, Teresa and Audrey.

  “Got you.” Dylan said softly in a voice that only Levi could hear.

  Levi’s eyes widened with realization and he quickly got off of Dylan. Crap. He’d fallen right into the creep’s trap. I’m such an idiot.

  Dylan stood up, dusted the sand off his clothes, and put a frightened expression on his face. “I don’t know, Sir. The guy’s crazy. He just attacked me out of the blue. It’s like he’s an animal.”

  Levi opened his mouth to defend himself, but unexpectedly Vivien beat him to it.

  “What a load of crap.” Vivien spoke up, stomped over to Dylan, and put her hands on her hips. “Levi wouldn’t attack anyone unprovoked. What did you say to him, Dylan?”

  “I didn’t say anything.” Dylan groused.

  Vivien’s blue eyes flashed in warning. “I don’t like lies, Dylan. If we’re going to be in a relationship together I need to be able to trust you. Now, what did you say?”

  Dylan shrugged in a lackadaisical way. “I was just telling him about how the two of us are dating now…that’s all.”

  “Uh huh. I had the feeling it was something like that.” Vivien turned to Director Maverick and offered the man an apologetic look. “I’m really sorry, Sir. This is all my fault. Apparently, I’m stuck in a love triangle with these two guys…and they were fighting over me.”

  Levi’s lips thinned at Vivien’s words, as he had to resist the urge to comment. Dylan’s expression darkened considerably as well.

  Director Maverick looked at the two men quizzically, frowned at their murderous expressions, and then sighed. He shook his head. “Don’t bring your personal lives to work, people. Because of this nonsense we won’t be able to resume filming until the bruises have healed from Dylan’s face.” Scott faced Levi. “Levi, I’m especially disappointed in you. I expected better. Especially after you just managed to fix your image.”

  A repentant expression fell over Levi’s face. “I’m really sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again.” At least where there are so many witnesses.

  “It had better not. I won’t tolerate you guys behaving like animals.” Director Maverick said sternly.


  Levi flinched at Director Maverick’s choice of words, and hung his head dejectedly. Dylan smiled cruelly. Vivien reached her hand out towards Levi…

  However, the serious moment was broken by the sound of a young female’s voice. “Eeee! Teresa!” A taxi had just pulled up next to the boardwalk and a young, African-American girl stepped out, spotted Teresa, and waved enthusiastically. The taxi driver exited the cab, and got the girl’s luggage out of the trunk before setting it down on the boardwalk.

  Teresa looked up towards the boardwalk and spotted her younger sister, Lashanda. “Lashanda? Eeeee!” She ran up the beach to greet her sister. The two sisters clasped hands and began to jump up and down in excitement. “What are you doing here, girl?” Teresa asked.

  Lashanda’s brown eyes sparkled. “Mom won some money in the lottery and told me to use it to buy a plane ticket to come and visit you!”

  “Mom won the lottery? Awesome!” Teresa hugged her sister tightly. “How long has it been since I last saw you.”

  “A year and a half. I’m in my second year of college already, sis.” Lashada was twenty-years-old, tall, curvy, had straightened black hair, and light brown skin just like her sister Teresa’s. She was wearing a leopard print tank top, a tight pair of blue jeans and ankle boots.

  The corner of Levi’s mouth twitched as he watched the happy family reunion. Urban was smiling broadly, happy for Teresa.

  “And I’m so proud of you.” Teresa beamed. “You’ll be the first one in our family to have a college education.”

  Lashanda looked over Teresa’s shoulder curiously. “This is the film site, right? Oooo is that the castle they built just for the movie? It’s huge!” Lashanda had to crane her neck to look at the top of the castle and its turrets. “How cool is that? And oh my God…is that Dylan Black? And there’s Vivien Tempest and…?” Lashanda’s brown eyes grew big, and a blush came to her cheeks. “That’s Levi Devlin.”

  Teresa blinked. “You know about Levi Devlin?”

  Lashanda rolled her eyes. “Duh…Levi is an internet sensation. He’s so freakin hot.” She giggled. “Think you can introduce me? Or are you all going to be busy with the filming today?”

  “Actually, filming’s been canceled for today.” Teresa leaned over to whisper in Lashanda’s ear. “Levi and Dylan were fighting over Vivien just a few minutes ago.”

  A dreamy look formed on Lashanda’s face. “Vivien is so lucky to have two incredibly handsome guys fighting over her. It’s like she’s the heroine in a romance story. Le sigh.”

She is the heroine in a romance story. The Little Merman.” Teresa said dryly.

  “No silly, I mean in real life.” Lashanda countered.

  “Whoa, wait, that would make me like her sidekick.” Teresa realized with a frown.

  Lashanda giggled. “No, you’re more important than that. You’re Vivien’s best friend!”

  “Best friend?” Teresa glanced over at Vivien. “I would like to think so.”

  “You’re on Team Levi, right?” Lashanda asked conspiratorially.

  Teresa nodded emphatically. “Yeah, but keep that on the DL, girl. You know Vivien and Dylan are ‘officially’ dating now.” She made air quotes as she said the word officially.

  Lashanda’s happy expression turned to disappointment. “Dylan is amazing and everything, but…Vivien and Levi have chemistry. Just seeing the way they look at each other…it’s like they’re secretly in love with each other, but for some reason have to stay apart. Just like Imhotep and Anck-Su-Namun from The Mummy.”

  A thoughtful look formed on Teresa’s face. “For some reason, huh?” I wonder what the real reason Vivien keeps her distance from Levi is. She shook her head. “Come on, sis. Let me introduce you to everyone.” Teresa linked arms with her sister and led her over to the others. “Hey guys, I’d like to introduce you to my younger sister, Lashanda.”

  Dylan put on a pair of sunglasses to hide his black eyes, and reached his hand out. “Charmed.”

  Lashanda shyly shook Dylan’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  At that moment Dylan’s phone rang and he let go of Lashanda’s hard. “Sorry, I have to take this call.” The actor said before he fished out his phone, swiped the screen, and began to talk into his phone in a low voice. He noticed that everyone’s eyes were still on him so he walked down the beach to take his call in private.

  “I’m Vivien. You can call me Vivi like your sister does though.” Vivien offered Lashanda her hand next.

  Lashanda took it. “Thanks so much for allowing my sister to work with you.”

  Vivien blinked. “I should be thanking Teresa. Your sister is the best makeup artist and stylist I’ve had the pleasure of working with. If it weren’t for your sister I’d look like a raccoon half the time. I tend to sweat a lot during filming because I’m always doing stunts. I also hate filming scenes in the water, but your sister knows what makeup is sweat proof and waterproof.”

  Teresa nodded. “Hard Candy for the win.”

  “Your sister also has great fashion sense. She always makes sure I look my best for special events, and look classy and not trashy.” Vivien continued. “She’s never stuck me in something that could end up having a wardrobe malfunction. And she’d never let me walk out of the house wearing a meat dress or swan dress or something.”

  Lashanda giggled as the mental images of a meat dress and swan dress came to her mind. “My sis not only has great fashion sense, she’s also a pretty good designer too. Has she showed you her sketch book?”

  “Lashanda!” Teresa’s tone was chiding.

  “Sketch book?” Vivien’s interest was piqued. “No, she hasn’t. Seriously, Teresa…why you holding out on me. We’re best friends, remember? If there’s anything I can do to help you - just let me know.”

  Teresa blushed at Vivien’s kind words. “Thanks, girl. I just don’t want to take advantage of your kindness. I eventually want to start my own clothing line but…I want to do it all on my own steam, you know. It will be more meaningful that way.”

  Vivien nodded. “I feel you.”

  “Hey, I’m Urban West. Vivien’s personal bodyguard.” Urban offered his hand to Lashanda.

  Lashanda turned to look at Mr. Chocolate Dream. “Uh…hi…nice to meet you. Wow…you’re really good looking. Are you single?” She questioned as she shook Urban’s hand.

  “Lashanda! Geez.” Teresa burst out, blushing, and looking embarrassed.

  Lashanda gave her sister a questioning look. “You didn’t tell me Vivien had a hot bodyguard.”

  Teresa pursed her lips. “You didn’t ask.”

  “I’m surprised pictures of him aren’t all over the net already. Jennifer Lawrence’s new bodyguard Greg Lenz has got nothing on him.” Lashanda said thinking about how the latest celebrity accessory didn’t seem to be a new designer bag or some bling from Tiffany’s, but a buff bodyguard. Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson and Kim Kardashian had had hot bodyguards in the past that had been noticed by the paparazzi, and their photos were all over the net.

  Urban chuckled as he released Lashanda’s hand. “Apparently, beauty runs in the family.”

  “Eeee. You should totally date him, sis.” Lashanda squealed. “And we gotta get a fan site for him up online - stat.”

  Urban puffed up his chest with pride.

  “Sis!” Teresa objected, shooting nervous glances towards Urban. She was positive her sister was probably bothering the poor guy.

  Urban looked over at Teresa with heat in his gaze though. “What? I don’t think it’s such a bad idea.”

  Teresa blinked. “Really?”

  Urban nodded. “Actually, I’ve been crushing on you for a while now.”

  “I thought you two were already going out.” Levi spoke up with a confused look on his face. “Humans…”

  Lashanda’s attention shifted to Levi and her breath caught in her throat. He was even more handsome in person. She reached out and pinched Levi’s arm.

  Levi raised an eyebrow at her actions. “What was that for?”

  “Ah.” Lashanda pulled her hand back when she realized what she’d just done. “Sorry. It’s just…how can a man as good-looking as you be real. You’re like…an angel.”

  Levi blinked. Angel? “I like you, kid.”

  Lashanda blushed. “Hey Levi…I’ve heard some amazing things about your cooking. Do you think you could, ah…”

  “Of course. Why don’t you all stop by Poseidon’s Trident later for lunch?” Levi offered. “That way I can cook Lashanda up something special. I’ll have to make sure to live up to her expectations though…” Levi stroked his chin as he thought about possible menu choices.

  “Are you sure that’s such a good-” Vivien began.

  “We’ll be there. All of us.” Teresa swiftly interjected. “So Urban, Vivien, let’s go show my sister around San Francisco, shall we?”

  “Word.” Urban said.

  “Oh, alright.” Vivien agreed with a toss of her blonde hair over her shoulder.

  Teresa turned to Levi. “Would you like to come too, or do you need to get back to your restaurant to prep ingredients?”

  A flash of surprise crossed Levi’s face at Teresa’s invite. “Thanks for the offer, but I probably should head back to the restaurant. I feel bad enough for leaving Derek, Mal and Garth in the kitchen on their own all the time because I have to do filming.” Levi explained.

  Teresa nodded in understanding. “Alright, we’ll see you later then.”


  Levi hopped on his Harley and headed to Poseidon’s Trident. He parked his bike out front and entered the restaurant. He blinked at the sight before him. The entire place was packed. From the open kitchen, Levi could see that Derek, Mal, and Garth were cooking hard and appeared to be overloaded with orders.

  Unexpectedly, Maia and Ambrose were working the floor together and taking customers’ orders. And Maia seemed…different. Happier. There was this wide smile on her usually emotionless face, and she and Ambrose kept stealing heated glances at each other. Okay…what the hell is up with that? Levi shook his head.

  The merman headed for the kitchen, entered, grabbed a chef’s jacket, and quickly put it on. “Hey guys, why are we so swamped?”

  “You being on Hell’s Kitchen last night must have been good promotion or something.” Derek flashed Levi a grin.

  “You mean us being on Hell’s Kitchen was good promotion. I couldn’t have won last night without you guys.” Levi’s expression was oddly warm as he e
yed his fellow chefs.

  “You know we’ve always got your back.” Garth said firmly.

  “Always.” Malakye agreed.

  “Thanks.” Levi said roughly, as he made his way over to the fish station. The merman still couldn’t get over the surreal feeling of having friends…he’d gotten so used to being alone.

  Ambrose strolled over to the kitchen, and shouted out a series of orders. “One grilled halibut with peach and pepper salsa. Two bourbon-glazed salmon. One seared scallops with warm Tuscan beans.”

  A muscle ticked beneath Levi’s eye. “Ambrose, since when are you working here, huh? And you don’t have to say the whole darned thing, just abbreviate it.”

  “Oh, I’m just helping out my new girlfriend, that’s all.” Ambrose’s golden eyes were sparkling with mischief.

  Levi blinked. “Girlfriend? Since when do you do the whole girlfriend thing?” The merman shot his chefs a questioning look. “He’s not serious, is he?”

  “Dead serious. Maia…is like all in love with him now.” Derek said in an amused tone. “But don’t ask me how that happened. I have no idea, man.”

  “No way.” Levi looked over at Maia and saw her blow Ambrose a kiss. Levi ran a shaky hand over his mohawk. “Ambrose, later you’ll have to tell me what your trick is. I’ve never seen Maia look so happy.”

  “I didn’t do anything. She’s the one who saved me - in more ways than one.” Ambrose gave Maia a fond look.

  “Heh.” Levi said as he tossed some scallops in a flaming pan. “You sure you didn’t just feed her your special cake?”

  “Oh, ye of little faith. Why so surprised that Maia fell in love with all this awesomeness.” Ambrose ran his hands over his chest.

  Levi rolled his eyes at Ambrose’s antics. “She fell in love with you, but what about you? Are you in love with her?”

  “I’m not sure if this is love but…I care for her greatly. And we’re dating. So we’ll see.” Ambrose explained happily.

  Levi couldn’t help it…he suddenly felt jealous of his friend Ambrose and instantly felt guilty for feeling that way. He should have been happy for them both. But anytime he thought about Vivien his heart would ache inside of his chest. “Let’s get these orders out of here, boys. Vivien, Urban, Teresa and Teresa’s sister, Lashanda, are coming here for lunch. I want to start prepping ingredients for the meal I want to cook for them.”

  “Ah, so Vivi is coming to see you.” Ambrose said teasingly.

  “No, she’s coming here for lunch.” Levi countered.

  “Stubborn guy. Make it so it’s like she came to see you. Impress her with what you do best - cook.” Ambrose advised, as if it were totally obvious.

  Levi smirked. “Oh, I intend to.” His eyes flashed gold. If he couldn’t reach Vivien with his words…perhaps he could reach her with his cooking. Tristan Savant seemed to be under the impression that one could imbue food with one’s emotions. He’d apparently reached Issy’s heart through his chocolates. So why couldn’t he reach Vivien’s heart with his cooking too?

  “So is Lashanda hot?” Derek piped up.

  Levi rolled his eyes. “She’s too young for you, vampire.”

  Derek frowned, and Garth and Malakye laughed at his expense.

  “I thought you only liked redheads anyways.” Malakye couldn’t help but put in. He’d wandered into Derek’s room one time and caught sight of all of the canvases with the mysterious red-haired woman on them.

  Derek blushed. “Mal…what have I told you about snooping around in my room!”

  “Redheads?” Levi asked curiously.

  “Derek has all of these paintings of this beautiful red-haired woman in his-” Malakye was saying before Derek grabbed him and put him into a chokehold.

  “Never knew you were such a busybody, Mal.” Derek growled.

  “Mercy! Mercy!” Malakye cried out. “I’m a pacifist! Love and peace, jerk!”

  Levi chuckled at their antics.

  Two hours later noon rolled around and Vivien and her friends entered the restaurant. “Ooo.” Lashanda said as she looked around the restaurant with wide eyes. “It’s like being inside of a sunken pirate ship.”

  “Hello and welcome to Poseidon’s Trident. Allow me to take you to your table.” Maia greeted them politely.

  “Ah, alright, thanks.” Vivien said to Maia. She’d seen the silver-haired girl working at Poseidon’s Trident before. The girl was ethereal, delicate looking, and very feminine - not like the overly fit Vivien. She pouted, wondering if Maia and Levi were…close.

  Maia led the group to an empty table and they sat down. Vivien noticed that unlike the other tables theirs had a large vase of fresh flowers on it. The actress wondered if Levi had added it for her…and then felt like an egotistic witch. After the horrible way she’d treated Levi she was surprised he was still even talking to her.

  Lashanda was having fun looking around the restaurant and admiring all of the decorations on the ceiling when finally her gaze drifted towards the open kitchen. “Whoa Mama!” She leaned forward in her chair. “Look at all of those gorgeous guys! One of them has to be single! Teresa, please tell me they’re single.”

  Teresa laughed. “Uh…as far as I know they’re single. Although I think it’s pretty obvious that Levi only has eyes for Vivien.”

  “Teresa.” Vivien snapped.

  “What? It’s the truth, girl.” There was an innocent look on Teresa’s face.

  “I’m going out with Dylan now.” Vivien had to resist the urge to rub her temples.

  “Why not Levi?” Lashanda asked the question that was on everyone’s mind. Vivien and Levi’s chemistry was simply too obvious to ignore. “He’s really hot and he seems to like you a lot. I know Dylan is cool too but…the way Levi looks at you…I saw the video of you two dancing in the fountain together online. You looked so happy.” Everyone held their breath eagerly as they awaited Vivien’s response.

  “I looked…happy?” Vivien shook her head to clear it from thoughts of Levi and her dancing together in that fountain. “Dylan is…perfect for me. My parents really like him. So does my sister. My parents would never accept Levi.”

  “Why not?” Lashanda said with a confused expression on her face.

  “Because…Levi doesn’t have enough money or social status.” Vivien reluctantly explained. She knew this would make her parents sound like jerks but…the truth was the truth.

  Lashanda blinked and waved her hand dismissively through the air. “Yet. He’s about to become a famous actor with his performance of the merprince. After the movie is out he’ll have a ton of money and social status.”

  Vivien pursed her lips. “That’s only if the movie is successful.”

  “It will be. It has you and Levi in it.” Lashanda insisted passionately. “You need to believe in yourself but also in Levi. After all he’s incredibly captivating.”

  Vivien frowned. “Even so, I can’t be with Levi because he’s a-” She bit her lower lip to cut herself off. Crap! She’d almost called Levi a merman out loud! What the hell was wrong with her? Get your head on straight, Vivien!

  “Chef.” Levi cut in, suddenly appearing next to their table. “Even though I’m proud to be a blue-collar worker.” He shifted his attention to Lashanda and flashed her a grin. “So…you think I’m incredibly captivating?”

  Lashanda blushed furiously and nodded in a shy manner.

  Levi reached out and patted her head. “I really like you, kid. Your food is on the house. Order whatever you wish.”

  Lashanda’s eyes bugged. “R-Really? Then…I’ve never had lobster before.”

  “Lashanda! You can’t just go and order the most expensive thing on the menu!” Teresa burst out, all sass.

  “Awww but sis.” Lashanda pouted.

  Levi held up his hand. “Ladies, I am a man of my word. I never lie. I promised your sister that she could order whatever she wanted. And if she wants lobster…it’s lobster she shall have.
In fact, I was already planning on cooking all of you something extravagant. If that’s okay?”

  “Sounds good to me, bro.” Urban agreed readily, tucking his napkin in his shirt collar to create a makeshift bib. One of the perks of being Vivien Tempest’s bodyguard was getting to dine at five star restaurants. Although he’d never tasted anything as good as Levi’s cooking before.

  “Sure.” Teresa grumbled. Levi had totally put her on the spot!

  “Alright!” Lashanda exclaimed excitedly.

  “Well, okay…just don’t go out of your way or anything, Levi.” Vivien insisted.

  Levi leaned over the table so that his face was closer to Vivien’s. She held her breath. “I would always go out of my way for you. Do you like the flowers, by the way?” Tristan told me that females like flowers.

  Vivien gulped. “Yes…they’re beautiful. But…you didn’t get them specifically for me, did you?”

  “Of course I did.” Levi said firmly.

  Levi flashed Vivien a bright smile and her heart stopped. They really were for me. The chef smiled rarely and when he did…he looked incredibly handsome. He also looked more…human. Approachable. Normal. His teeth were a gleaming white and his canines were a little longer than was average, almost as if he were a vampire and not a merman. It was kinky.

  I wonder what it would feel like if he bit my neck? Vivien rubbed her neck unconsciously.

  Levi stood straight and made his way back to the kitchen. He needed to play it ‘cool’ like Ambrose had advised him. His love for Vivien may have been unrequited for the time being, but that didn’t mean he was giving up.

  “He’s so into you.” Lashanda sighed dreamily. “He even got you these flowers. That’s so…old school.”

  “I have a boyfriend. Levi’s just being…stubborn.” Vivien muttered unhappily.

  “At least my boy hasn’t given up.” Urban smirked, holding his knife and fork in front of him. He was so ready to chow down.

  Vivien rolled her eyes when she saw what Urban was doing. But she had to admit that she was pretty excited to get to eat Levi’s cooking again.

  “Team Levi for the win!” Teresa high-fived Lashanda.

  Vivien glared at her friends. “You guys are incorrigible!” But the actress looked at the flowers on their table in a new light. They were very pretty. In fact, she’d never seen flowers like them before nor known that blue roses even existed.

  At that moment, the television program, which had been airing on the TV inside of Poseidon’s Trident, changed to show a female news reporter with a grim expression on her face. “We’re sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, but we have an important announcement for the public safety of San Francisco’s residents. I’m here reporting live from the scene of yet another gruesome murder by the serial killer that’s been dubbed Mr. Octopus because of his calling card of drowning his victims in black ink.

  “Cathy Lopez was found dead in her apartment early this morning. Apparently, she’d slept with Mr. Octopus but then he killed her by forcing her to ingest so much ink that she drowned in it. There were no signs of rape, which means Mr. Octopus seduced his victim first before later killing her. There are still no clues as to who Mr. Octopus is. No fingerprints have been left at the scenes of his murders.

  “The only eyewitness said that she saw Cathy heading up to her apartment with a man wearing a black hooded jacket. The hood of the jacket concealed his face from CCTV cameras that were close by and so the police have been unable to perform a facial recognition scan.”

  Lashanda shuddered at the unsettling news report. “Mom’s been really worried about you, Teresa, ever since the serial killings started in San Francisco. That Mr. Octopus dude is actually one of the reasons why she wanted me to visit you and make sure you’re okay since you live alone and all.”

  “Your sister may live alone, but if she ever needs help then she just has to give me a call.” Urban said firmly.

  Teresa shot Urban a grateful look. “Thanks, that means a lot.”

  Meanwhile, Levi and the chefs cooked up Vivien and the others an extravagant four-course meal. The appetizer that was created by Malakye was a potato rosti with smoked salmon. The main dishes were a ginger chili fish with herbed rice that Levi prepared and huge, green bell peppers stuffed with tomato, olive rice, and ground beef made by Derek. For dessert, Garth prepared mango, white chocolate, coconut and meringue gateau.

  As Levi cooked he made sure to put all of his feelings of love into what he was cooking for Vivien. And when the main entrée was done he took it out onto the floor, carried the plate over to Vivien, and set it down on the table before her with a flourish. “Enjoy, princess.”

  Vivien took a bite of the chili fish, chewed and swallowed. It truly was the most delicious thing she’d ever eaten before and Levi had made this…especially for her.

  “Vivien! What’s wrong?” Teresa asked in a worried tone.

  “What? Nothing.” Vivien said, giving Teresa a confused look.

  “But…you’re crying.” Teresa pointed out tentatively.

  “I…what?” Vivien reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes before anyone else could notice. Levi…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I hurt you.

  At that moment, Ambrose approached their table. “Hi there…you must be Teresa’s sister Lashanda. I’m Ambrose Rune.” He held out his hand in an amiable manner.

  Lashanda offered hers in return, and Ambrose took it before placing a kiss on it, which caused Lashanda to blush.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Ambrose continued.

  “Uh, likewise.” Lashanda said nervously. What was with all the hot guys?

  “So your first time in San Francisco, huh? Are you guys going to go out tonight? If so, may I recommend coming to Ruby Skye? I’ll be there with my girlfriend Maia tonight.” Ambrose shot an affectionate look in Maia’s direction.

  Vivien choked on her soda. “Girlfriend? You? Maia? You have a girlfriend, Ambrose? Since when?”

  Ambrose grinned devilishly. “Since…yesterday.” There was a note of pride in his silky voice.

  “And who is Maia?” Vivien asked curiously.

  Ambrose blinked. “Oh, you know her…she’s the silver-haired girl working here.”

  “Ohhhh so that’s Maia.” Vivien nodded and was filled with relief for some reason. Relief that Maia and Levi weren’t an item.

  “I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to go out clubbing when there’s a serial killer out on the lose.” Teresa frowned.

  Lashanda pouted. “Oh, come on, sis. Pretty please? I’ve never gone clubbing before.” She put her hands together in front of her as if she were praying.

  Ambrose gasped at Lashanda’s revelation and shook his head. “Never been clubbing? You don’t know what you’re missing! Besides, you shouldn’t worry. I’ll be there, and I’m pretty sure we can get Levi to come too. We’ll protect you, Lashanda.”

  “I’ll go too.” Urban offered smoothly.

  “Ohhh you see, sis…we’ll even have a professional bodyguard with us. What could possibly go wrong?” Lashanda insisted.

  “And Levi can literally toss people out of the club if we don’t like them.” Vivien added with a playful note to her voice.

  Lashanda was giving Teresa a puppy-dog look. “Pu-lease, sis.”

  Teresa hesitated a moment longer. For some reason she was having a bad feeling about all this but then she realized she was just being paranoid. What were the chances that the serial killer would be at Ruby Skye anyways? Like 1,234,345 to 1? Teresa sighed. “Oh, alright, we can go. But we’re only staying until midnight - Cinderella style.”

  “Oh, yes! Thanks, sis. You’re the best!” Lashanda gushed as she hugged Teresa tightly.

  “Yeah, yeah…don’t make me regret this.” Teresa grumbled, but couldn’t stop the frown from forming on her face. I still have a bad feeling about this.


  At ten o’clock Vivien, Tere
sa, Lashanda, Urban, and Levi entered Ruby Skye. The club was packed with a surging sea of people on the dance floor. The women were wearing expensive, sparkly, barely-there clothing. The men were dressed in either suits or casual clothes - Hawaiian shirts, shorts, and even flip-flops. Some of the people dancing had obviously had a long day at the beach before going there, and some of the girls were dancing in nothing but their bikinis with sheer wraps tied around their waists. Pretty much everyone inside of the club had a tan. But that was normal for San Francisco.

  The handsome DJ could be seen off to the left side of the club, bobbing his head to the beat of the techno dance music he’d chosen, and using his turntables to scratch. Green lazer lights moved across the dance floor adding to the frenzied, upbeat ambiance of the club.

  “This is…freakin awesome!” Lashanda exclaimed loudly over the music as she looked around the club. She’d never been inside of a place like this before. There were so many people, and the music was so loud it almost hurt her eyes. She could feel the floor vibrating beneath her feet. The lazer lights made it feel like she’d entered a space ship or something. “Ohhh I am so ready to dance! Come on, sis!” Lashanda grabbed Teresa’s hands and pulled her to the dance floor.

  “Ah, Lashanda, wait.” Teresa said as she was pulled onto the dance floor where Lashanda started swinging her arms.

  Vivien smiled as she watched Teresa and Lashanda dancing together. Levi stood stiffly beside Vivien, wondering how he’d gotten roped into coming along with everyone. In truth, he was just there to protect the females. He’d been a little unnerved after hearing that strange news report about the serial killer Mr. Octopus. This club…wasn’t really his scene though. There were too many humans packed tight like sardines. He was surprised that he’d withstood the place when he’d come there to get drunk with Ambrose. It was overly hot inside of the club, and sweat was already running down his back. Also the lazer lights stung his sensitive eyes uncomfortably.

  Levi and Vivien looked at each other and then quickly looked away. Urban shook his head at the two. He put his arms around their shoulders and guided them towards the bar. “Come on, you two, you guys look like you could use a drink.”

  “Hell yeah.” Vivien readily agreed.

  Levi just nodded.

  Urban, Vivien and Levi took a seat at the bar and ordered some drinks. The bartender prepared their drinks with a bit of flair before setting the drinks down before them. Vivien had ordered a fancy, fruity, and sweet cocktail. Levi had ordered a Scotch on the rocks. And Urban had ordered vodka on the rocks.

  Vivien looked at the men’s drinks and snorted. “Pfft…boring. Why don’t you try something different, Levi. Live on the wild side.”

  Levi raised an eyebrow at Vivien. “All that sweetness and fruity flavor is pointless. The point of consuming alcohol is to get buzzed, correct? My drink will accomplish that outcome faster.” I’d live on the wild side with you, princess.

  Vivien pouted. “Bah, humbug.” The actress took a sip of her drink. Fruity cocktails were the best for her since…she was kinda sorta an alcoholic. She’d even been to Rehab. Though her sister Audrey had somehow managed to keep all that under wraps. Audrey was a really good manager despite her control freak nature.

  But with Vivien’s overbearing family and the high expectations they had for her who could really blame her for wanting a drink every once in a while in order to unwind? Sometimes Vivien just needed to escape from reality and relax for a little while. Or get totally plastered and just not think. Although she’d gotten much better ever since her friendship with Ambrose Rune had formed.

  One night, at Ruby Skye Vivien had gotten herself so plastered that she’d passed out on the dance floor. She’d been between bodyguards at the time, so anything could have happened to her. Luckily, Ambrose had witnessed her sudden collapse, gotten her a taxi, and made sure she got back to her hotel safely. After that when Vivien had tracked Ambrose down in order to thank him, she’d discovered that he was a patissier working at Dolly’s Tea Party Bakery. They’d become quick friends and Ambrose had started bringing Vivien these delicious, alcoholic cakes of his.

  They didn’t really get her drunk but…they definitely gave her a temporary escape from reality with their out of this world deliciousness. One bite of his cakes would transport you to another world. This experience was similar to what Levi’s cooking evoked actually. Vivien had cut down on the alcohol after that, and had switched to rewarding herself with Ambrose Rune’s cakes after successful shoots.

  Speaking of Ambrose, Vivien wondered where he was and searched the dance floor for any sign of him. She spotted Ambrose dancing sensually with Maia, and smiled. The two made a good couple and both exuded…sexuality. She could just picture them dancing in the middle of a field of flowers for some bizarre reason. They seemed so carefree. She owed Ambrose a lot. But…now with the whole Dylan and Levi ‘thing’ Vivien felt like getting hammered. Must not get hammered, must not get hammered.

  “Whew! That was so fun!” Lashanda said as she and Teresa joined the group at the bar. “So Urban, you going to ask my sister to dance or what?”

  “Lashanda!” Teresa burst out. “Girl, I’m going to put a zipper on your lips.”

  Urban chuckled, hopped off his barstool, and held his hand out to Teresa. “Teresa, would you do me the honor of a dance?”

  Teresa blinked at Urban in surprise and put her hand in his. “Yeah, sure.” She blushed. The stylist could hardly believe that the handsome bodyguard she’d been crushing on was actually asking her to dance.

  Lashanda took Urban’s vacated spot at the bar. “Vivien, what should I get to drink?”

  “The strawberry pomegranate mojito is nice.” Vivien suggested, completely forgetting that Lashanda wasn’t twenty-one yet. Oops.

  “Alright, I’ll have one of those then.” Lashanda ordered her drink and looked back and forth between Vivien and Levi. They were acting like they were trying not to look at each other. Too cute. A sly smile curled her lips. “Hey Levi, what kind of rude guy are you?”

  Levi glanced over at Lashanda with a confused look on his face at the obvious ire in her tone. “Huh?”

  “You’re just going to let poor Vivien sit here when it’s so obvious she’s dying to dance? This is her favorite song, you know.” Lashanda raised her eyebrows at Levi expectantly.

  Levi shot a questioning look towards Vivien. “Is it?”

  “What? It’s not…” Vivien was saying when Lashanda gave her a ‘what you doing, girl?’ look. “I mean, yeah…I love this song.” She laughed nervously to cover her slipup.

  Levi slid off his stool and approached Vivien. He tried to hide the slight nervous tremble in his hand as he offered it to her. “Care to dance?” Why was it that he felt he could tackle anything fearlessly except for Vivien Tempest? Battling a shark would be nothing compared to this.

  “Sure.” Vivien put her hand in his as she slid off the barstool. Tingles immediately ran up Vivien’s arm as their hands touched. Static electricity. Vivien told herself. The actress looked up and her eyes clashed with Levi’s, and that’s when her heart started racing. Suddenly, it was just the two of them and everyone else disappeared. This seemed to happen with Levi…a lot.

  Levi led Vivien out to the dance floor, but then stood stiffly in front of her as he looked around at how the humans were dancing. “What’s wrong?” Vivien asked.

  A dark scowl marred Levi’s handsome features. “I…don’t know how to dance. I mean, I know how to waltz and tango, but…to do what these humans are doing now. I don’t know how.” He admitted.

  Innocent merman. Vivien stepped closer to Levi in a sensual manner. “You mean you don’t know how to freak dance?”

  Levi swallowed and shook his head.

  Vivien took Levi’s hands and put them on her waist, “Let me show you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to sway their bodies to the beat. Their bodies were getting closer and closer until their heads were
so close they were breathing the same air. Their lips were so close they could almost kiss.

  Levi found himself leaning forward to capture Vivien’s lips. However-

  Vivien spun around and began to rub herself against Levi’s body.

  Holy crap! Levi’s eyes went wide. He could feel Vivien’s body pressing against his deliciously and he began to get aroused. Down boy!

  Lashanda laughed at Levi’s deer caught in the headlights expression as Vivien freak danced with him. Levi was so obviously in love with Vivien it wasn’t even funny. She hoped things worked out between those two.

  “Is this seat taken?” Came a deep, silky male voice from Lashanda’s right.

  Lashanda turned to say ‘yes’ but her words became lodged in her throat as she found herself looking into a pair of liquid black eyes. “No, this seat isn’t taken.”

  A sensuous smile curled the man’s lips as he took a seat next to her. “How about I buy you a drink, babe.”

  Lashanda blushed. The man was enormous, and wearing a hooded jacket. She couldn’t see much of his face but he was just oozing pheromones. “Sure.”

  Meanwhile, on the dance floor, Teresa and Urban were dancing closely when Teresa noticed that Levi and Vivien were finally dancing together. She smiled. Those two looked perfect together. Her eyes automatically searched out her sister and she looked over towards the bar. Teresa frowned when she couldn’t see Lashanda.

  “What’s wrong?” Urban asked, noticing Teresa’s worried expression.

  “My sister…I can’t find her. But don’t worry…she’s probably somewhere on the dance floor.” Teresa assured even though she was still craning her neck and trying to find her sister’s face among the crowd.

  Urban immediately looked around too and spotted Vivien and Levi dancing. He then looked over towards the bar where Lashanda’s drink was sitting on the bar counter alone and only halfway finished. He frowned. His hackles rising. “You think she went to the bathroom?”

  “Maybe.” Teresa shrugged.

  “We’d better check.” Urban declared, taking Teresa’s hand, and leading her towards Vivien and Levi. “Hey guys, you know where Lashanda went?”

  Levi’s gaze immediately went to the spot at the bar where he’d left her. “She was just there a minute ago.”

  “I’m going to go check the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” Teresa told the others.

  “I’ll come with you.” Vivien offered.

  The two girls went off to check the girl’s bathroom, leaving Urban and Levi behind. Urban was rubbing the back of his neck unconsciously. He had a bad feeling about this. In Afghanistan his instincts had been honed to a razor’s edge for survival. He’d gotten good at sensing when a grenade was going to be thrown his way. But he hoped his instincts were wrong in this case. Levi was looking edgy too. The girls returned a few minutes later but without Lashanda.

  “Any luck?” Urban asked them.

  Teresa shook her head, her expression lost. “No…I’m going to try her cell.” The stylist took out her cell phone and dialed her sister’s number. The automated message: ‘we’re sorry the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable’ came over the phone line. Teresa frowned at the message. “She’s not picking up her cell.”

  Levi stalked over to the bar and slammed his hand down on the counter to get the bartender’s attention. “Hey, you, remember the girl that was with us, in the purple and silver dress?”

  The bartender nodded, looking nervous. He seemed to be eyeing Levi’s blue hair and ear piercings warily. “Yeah. What about her?”

  “Did you see where she went?” Levi asked.

  The bartender nodded readily. “Yeah, man, she had a drink with this guy wearing a hood and then she left with him.”

  Teresa sucked in a breath and shook her head. “No…not a hood. You don’t think…?” The stylist couldn’t bear to finish her sentence.

  She’s been taken, do you? Urban finished in his mind. “Crap.”

  “Let’s call the police.” Vivien suggested and whipped out her cell.

  Urban shook his head at Vivien, his expression grim. “Until she’s been missing for twenty-four hours they won’t even let you file a report.”

  “Well, that’s retarded. We know she’s missing.” Levi huffed in frustration. “She wouldn’t have left here without us.”

  Tears filled Teresa’s brown eyes. “No…not my sister. This is all my fault. I never should have brought her here when I knew that there was a serial killer out on the loose. I promised Mama I’d look after her. I…!”

  “Shhh…it’ll be okay, Teresa.” Vivien put her arm around her friend’s shoulders and pulled her close. “I’m sure she’ll turn up. All we can do now is wait.”

  “Wait? Screw that.” Well, the cops are useless - as usual. Levi decided it was time to take matters into his own hands. He sniffed the air and caught Lashanda’s jasmine scent. Levi took off through the crowd of dancing people while tracking the scent. Arriving at the side exit, he opened the door and stepped out into the alleyway next to the club. Levi continued to follow Lashanda’s scent until it just disappeared. Crap…

  “You see something, bro?” Urban’s voice came from beside Levi, making him jump.

  “Urban.” Levi turned to face him and scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, I uh…followed Lashanda’s scent, er, perfume, but the trail ends here. It just disappears.”

  Urban frowned and decided to ignore the fact that Levi was claiming to have the nose of a bloodhound. “Did she get in a car or…” The bodyguard looked up towards the fire escape and then down at the ground. He spotted a manhole. “There’s more than one way to disappear from this alley. Looks like our kidnapper went down.”

  Levi removed the manhole and tossed it aside as if it didn’t weigh a thing. “I’ll go down there and get Lashanda. Alone. You wait here.”

  Urban shook his head. “No way, man. I’m coming with you. There’s something about this that feels…familiar for some reason. Whoever took her is one dangerous son of a gun to take her down there. And besides, how do you plan on seeing in the dark?” The bodyguard whipped out his flashlight.

  Levi frowned. “Alright, fine…but if I tell you to do something - you do it. No questions asked. It could get hairy down there.”

  Urban raised an eyebrow at the chef turned actor. “Hey, I’m the bodyguard here, remember? Or are you ex-military too? You sure act like it sometimes.”

  “Let’s just say I have some combat experience.”

  “I hear ya. Let’s go.” Urban went down the ladder first. As soon as he reached the bottom he pulled out his nine-millimeter and kept it raised along with the flashlight, one hand positioned directly over the other.

  Levi simply hopped down the manhole and landed next to Urban with a slight splash. He raised an eyebrow at the nine-millimeter. “I applaud your bravery, but…sometimes bullets aren’t enough to stop freaks in the night.”

  A shiver of unease traveled down Urban’s spine at Levi’s ominous words. “Don’t I know it. Some of the crap I saw go down in Afghanistan…” He shook his head. “No one would believe me if I told them.”

  Levi smirked. “Try me sometime. Let’s go.” He nodded at Urban to go first.

  Urban nodded back and they began to make their way through the sewer while walking on the sidewalk that was directly next to a stream of foul-smelling sewage. The two men continued on until they came to a divergence and didn’t know which way to proceed.

  Levi sniffed the air while trying to catch Lashanda’s scent. “I got her scent…I mean, perfume. It’s this way.” He turned and went down the left hand tunnel with Urban following close behind. Levi’s demonic eyes glowed as they cut through the darkness.

  “Hey, wait…take a look at this.” Urban pointed his flashlight at the ground before them. There was a black, inky substance on the ground. “What is that?”

  Levi bent over and ran his fingers through the black su
bstance. He brought it up to his nose and sniffed. “Ink.”

  “Bloody hell, it’s really him…that psycho serial killer. If he’s hurt Lashanda…” Urban trailed off in a dangerous tone.

  “He’ll get what’s coming to him. Don’t worry.” Levi promised and they continued their way until the pipe opened into a large chamber with several openings to other pipes visible. In the center of the chamber was what appeared to be a pool with a small bridge running over it. Levi sniffed the air…salt. The pool was connected to the ocean somehow. The water inside of that pool wasn’t sewer water. Crap. Whatever happened down there he needed to stay as far away from that pool as possible.

  Trap. Trap. Trap. The word echoed in his mind relentlessly.

  “Lashanda!” Urban yelled out fearlessly and then he caught sight of her. “Lashanda!”

  Levi followed the man’s line of sight and saw the unconscious form of Lashanda tied to a sewer pipe. She was unconscious but appeared to be otherwise unharmed. He didn’t smell blood in the air either. The two men were about to cross the bridge to get to her, when bubbles began to rise to the surface of the pool. Lots and lots of bubbles as the water began to churn in a sinister manner.

  All of a sudden, several enormous black tentacles began to emerge from out of the water and slither towards Levi and Urban. The tentacles were covered in suction cups…just like the tentacles on an octopus.

  “What the hell? Not this crap again!” Urban raised his gun and pointed it at the tentacles. He couldn’t help but remember a similar occurrence that happened to him years ago in Afghanistan…

  To be continued…in Fish 11:

  Levi: “Interested in trying the four course meal me and my boys prepared for Vivien and her friends? Visit: