Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 16

  Chapter 11: Deadly Octopus


  Urban West was a commando that was a part of a special operations unit that had been assigned to go to a certain Afghan town where an extremely dangerous terrorist leader codenamed ‘Beel’ was apparently hiding out. Urban’s best friend Jay was in charge of the unit. Ten other commandos, who included Urban’s younger brother Dale and Jay’s wife Chloe, were also a part of the unit.

  The unit’s mission was to infiltrate the town, locate the high-value target and terrorist leader Beel and take him out. Mission complete.

  The day the mission was to take place, it was hot as hell. But it always was there. Temperatures fluctuated and could reach 122 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and drop down to 57 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Sand was everywhere and Urban meant everywhere. He had sand in places that it had no business. The sand in his butt crack was the worse. Urban was sweating like a pig and really wouldn’t have given a crap if it weren’t for the female commando that was with them - Chloe.

  As Urban inconspicuously took a whiff of his armpit he noticed that a few of the others guys were doing the same. He wasn’t the only one affected by Chloe’s presence apparently.

  Chloe was also his best friend’s wife. She was beautiful but tough as nails. Chloe had long, blonde hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail. She was wearing a black tank top, tight camo pants and boots. The camo brought out the green of her Jade colored eyes. The Taliban were usually so stunned by Chloe’s beauty that they’d freeze upon seeing her - giving her plenty of time to shoot them in the head or move in to slit their throats with a knife.

  Chloe’s fellow commandos joked that maybe they should get breast implants to make their jobs easier. Chloe beat the crap out of them all in response and then began to complain about how her back hurt because it had to support the weight of her chest. None of the boys knew if they were allowed to respond to that one or not, and so wisely kept their mouths shut.

  Everyone in the unit was wearing camouflage jackets, matching pants, and combat boots. They had black backpacks on and were wielding M16 assault rifles. The commandos were supposed to be wearing black facemasks but it was simply too hot for it.

  ‘Beel’ the terrorist leader they were hunting was supposedly hiding out in the Afghan town the unit was approaching. Urban looked at the Afghan town curiously when it came into view. It was made up of simple, square-shaped building with square-shaped windows that appeared to be made out of sandstone. The buildings were all different sizes. Some looked new and others looked like ruins. The town had a disorderly layout.

  Jay silently directed the unit to stick to the shadows as they entered the town at sunset. Even though the sun was setting there should have been a lot of townsfolk wandering around the streets. “Why’s it so quiet?” Urban asked in a low voice.

  “Where is everyone?” Chloe added.

  “Do you think they evacuated the town because they knew we were coming?” Dale suggested.

  Jay frowned as he pushed his rectangular-shaped glasses up his nose with his index finger. “It’s possible our spy has been compromised…but we’re continuing the mission regardless. According to the informant Beel is here and only has a group of ten bodyguards with him. We should be able to easily overpower them and take Beel out quickly. Keep focused and keep your eyes peeled. Let’s continue.”

  Moving in stealth, Urban’s unit entered the Afghan ghost town. When they came to a huge square in the very center of the town a horrific sight met them. In the center of the square stood a large, black tree without leaves. The tree had a thick trunk and lots of gnarled branches reaching for the sky in a creepy manner. From the tree’s many branches bodies had been hung.

  Headless bodies.

  Surrounding the base of the tree was a pile of heads. A sign was attached to the tree but the words had been written in the Arabic alphabet and also Pashto letters, and so Urban had no idea what they said.

  “Bloody hell.” Urban swore as he looked at the gruesome scene.

  “How barbaric.” Chloe murmured before she began to throw up on the ground.

  Jay put his hand on Chloe’s back as she threw up but offered her no words of comfort. Chloe was a soldier through and through, and didn’t like receiving special treatment from anyone while on a mission.

  “What’s that sign say?” Dale asked.

  “Traitor.” Jay informed them. He was able to read Pashto. “Our informant was indeed compromised.”

  Chloe managed to pull herself together swiftly and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Sorry. It’s just…I never expected such…brutality. How could they do something like this? To their own people? It’s inhuman.”

  “This is war. And because Beel is here…this town became a war zone. Beel is an incredibly dangerous man. If he’ll do this to his allies - think about what he’s capable of doing to his enemies.” Jay said grimly.

  As Jay and Chloe spoke, Urban and Dale kept a lookout with their attack rifles raised and at the ready.

  A dark chuckle traveled along a hot, sandy breeze. “Who brings a weak human female into the middle of a war zone? Fools.” Came a menacing voice. “Even if she is rather fetching.”

  Urban and the others blinked.

  And then standing in front of the hellish tree was a man with an overwhelming presence. He was tall at six-six, muscular, and dressed in all black with a hooded jacket. His hood was pulled down low to shadow the features of his face. The golden and jeweled hilts of eight scimitars were visible behind the man’s back where they had been strapped to his body, four hilts visible on either side.

  Standing on either side of Beel were his bodyguards. His most trusted assassins. They were dressed all in black, and their faces were wrapped in black cloth. Only their eyes were visible and they had been lined with kohl. And their eyes were like nothing Urban had ever seen before. They were glowing with a golden light. Scimitars were strapped to the assassins’ sides.

  All of the assassins appeared to be adults…except for one who appeared to be just a child. Perhaps eleven-years-old. The kid had a psychotic smile on his face though, and his eyes appeared to be a normal brown color.

  “Did that creep just call me weak?” Chloe demanded as she pointed her rifle in Beel’s direction with a heated glare on her face. “Let’s see how he likes it when I blow his freakin head off!”

  “Forgive him, honey. He has no idea how good you are with that rifle.” Jay smiled. There was an obvious note of pride in his voice. “So…Beel I presume?”

  Beel nodded. “Yes…so twelve commandos?” He looked them over, sizing them up. “That’s it? Apparently, the US Government has sorely underestimated my abilities. I won’t even need to raise a finger to obliterate you. I’ll leave it to my loyal assassins. Men, get them.”

  The battle began.

  The commandos raised their rifles and fired at the assassins. However-

  One blink.

  And the assassins were several feet closer, and with their scimitars already unsheathed and raised before them. The curved blades of the scimitars glinted in the fading light of day. “Crap!” Urban swore as he blinked one more time and opened his eyes just in time to see an assassin bringing his scimitar down upon him - ready to slice him in two. Urban raised his rifle and blocked the scimitar’s deadly blow. But just barely. Metal clashed against metal.

  Urban risked a quick glance towards the others to see how they were faring and wished he hadn’t. The assassins were just too fast - inhumanly fast. Urban watched in horror as the assassins dodged bullets and then brought their scimitars upon the commandos - severing heads and limbs from bodies. Red blood sprayed through the hot desert air.

  “The strong survive, the weak die. The strong survive, the weak die.” The eleven-year-old assassin chanted as he dodged three bullets and sliced the head right off a commando while wearing a gigantic grin on his face.

  Urban shuddered at the unsettling sight. C
hild soldiers. That was just wrong on so many levels.

  In mere seconds, six commandos had been killed and the rest were barely managing to hold their own against the assassins. Urban, Jay, Chloe, and Dale had so far miraculously survived. Chloe was on the ground with an assassin straddling her and trying to cut her head off. Chloe was also using her rifle to block the deathblow. The assassin was speaking to her in a strange archaic language that Chloe didn’t recognize. It sure as hell didn’t sound like Pashto.

  Dale was running, shooting at the assassin who doggedly pursued him, and avoiding scimitar swings with lithe moves. I’m proud of you, little brother. Urban thought as he watched his brother’s display of skill.

  “Chloe!” Jay shouted in concern as he somehow managed to shoot the assassin in front of him. “Get off of her, assassin!” Moving fast, Jay was suddenly next to the assassin and pointing the muzzle of his rifle against the assassin’s temple. The shot rang out and the assassin fell over on top of Chloe. Dead.

  Chloe quickly pushed the dead assassin off of her and Jay gave her a hand up. “Thanks.” She said. “But I almost had that guy.”

  “Sure you did, honey.” Jay smirked.

  “What was he saying to me?” Chloe asked curiously. Jay knew more than sixteen languages, and had studied Pashto and Dari before coming to Afghanistan for their mission, so there was a good chance he’d understood the assassin.

  Jay frowned. “That language…it wasn’t like anything I’ve ever heard before. It seemed ancient.”

  Beel chuckled at the humans’ cluelessness. “Fools.”

  Urban noticed that the assassin he was grappling with was distracted by what was happening with Jay and Chloe. Chance! Urban took out a concealed dagger with his left hand and wasted no time in imbedding the thing in the assassin’s heart.

  “Nooo!” The assassin cried out, and the golden glow left the man’s eyes. The man’s eyes returned to a drab brown color. It was like the man had been demon-possessed or something, but that was crazy. Impossible.

  More shots were fired and Urban spun to see that his brother Dale had managed to shoot one of the assassins. “Alright, bro!”

  The corners of Beel’s lips dipped into a frown. Menace began to radiate off of the man in waves. “Oh, you’ll pay for that, commandos.”

  “Fall back!” Jay shouted to the remaining group of six. “We must retreat!”

  “Right.” Urban fell in line next to Jay and Chloe, and Dale quickly joined them along with the other two remaining commandos. Following Jay’s lead, they all took off running, entering a side street where they kept on running through the now pitch-black town. Night had officially fallen and the dim moonlight sucked.

  The commandos could sense that they were being followed and turned around to shoot at the shifting shadows from time to time. “We need to find a more ideal spot to battle them. They currently outnumber us. For now, we’ll just keep moving and try to take them out one at a time.” Jay said as he adjusted his glasses.

  An eerie, dark cackle floated through the air and seemed to be coming from all directions within the town. A chill went down Urban’s spine. Something was coming. Something evil. “You guys…something’s not right here. Those assassins back there - their eyes were glowing.” Urban felt the need to point out; even if his comrades ended up thinking he was crazy.

  “I know. I saw it too.” Jay admitted with a heavy sigh. “But that’s not important right now. What’s important is staying alive so we can report what has happened here. We also know our enemy can be killed…regardless of what they really are. If we can - we must complete our mission at all costs.”

  The group ran through the narrow streets, zigzagging, and hoping to lose their pursuers in the maze that was the town. However-

  One of the commandos cried out. Urban spun around, rifle raised, to see a huge black tentacle had wrapped around the man. The texture of the tentacle appeared glossy and squishy. For a second, Urban couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “What the hell is that? Are you guys seeing this?” Urban demanded as he opened fire on the tentacle. This was like something out of an alien horror movie all of a sudden.

  “We see it.” Jay shot back. “Keep it together.”

  The tentacle whipped back and out of sight, taking the screaming soldier with it. The soldier’s screams were ended abruptly as an ominous crack filled the air.

  “Crap. Keep moving!” Jay barked out.

  The unit continued to run…but another black tentacle shot out at them from their left this time, and wrapped around another commando.

  “Don’t let it take me!” The commando cried, horror in his eyes.

  Urban opened fire upon the tentacle, but Jay shot the commando right between the eyes as he was dragged off. Urban gave his friend a disbelieving look. “Jay…?”

  “Trust me. That was an act of mercy. We have no idea what the hell that thing is or what it’s capable of. Come on. We have to keep moving!” Jay insisted, his expression grim and resigned.

  Chloe put her hand on Urban’s shoulder. “Come on, Urban. We just have to stick together. It’s just us now.”

  Urban nodded. “Yeah.”

  The foursome continued their flight, until-

  This time the tentacle appeared from out of nowhere on their right. It shot out, wrapped around Dale’s body, and began to crush him.

  “Dale! Let the hell go of my brother, you monster!” Urban shouted as he shot at the tentacle and two bullets imbedded themselves in the tentacle. An inhuman shriek ripped through the air that seemed to vibrate the walls and ground around them. The tentacle along with Dale began to retreat. “Dale! No! Let him go!” Urban started after his brother, but Jay grabbed his arms from behind and held him back.

  “No! Urban!” Jay shouted. “He’s…gone.”

  “No!” Urban yelled back. “Let me go, you jerk!” He couldn’t believe Jay had just stopped him from going after his brother. Because of Jay, Dale was…Dale was…!

  “I’m sorry. But…we have to go.” Jay said softly.

  “Urban, please.” Chloe said, a tinge of desperation in her usually steely voice.

  Urban glared into the dark pool of shadows where his brother had been dragged into and all he wanted to do was go in there after his brother. But he couldn’t. His best friend Jay and Chloe were still alive. He had to protect them, and more importantly he had to help protect Chloe because she was pregnant. This was supposed to be Chloe and Jay’s last mission before they went home and started a family together. The money they were going to make on this mission was going to be used for a down payment on their dream house.

  “Okay.” Urban grunted as he allowed himself to be dragged away. Tears stung his eyes and he angrily brushed them away with the back of his hand. Dale…I’m so sorry. I failed to protect you…little brother. But I have to help protect the new life that’s inside of Chloe.

  “This way. In here.” Jay directed them into a three-story, abandoned building. They made their way through the building, spotted a staircase, and took the stairs to the roof of the building. They exited out onto the roof. “We’ll be able to see the monster coming from up here.” Jay said. “Stay in the center.”

  “What do you think it is? Some kind of military robot?” Chloe asked.

  Jay raised an eyebrow at Chloe. “You watch way too many sci-fi movies, honey. That’s no Chappie.”

  “It looked like some kind of monster to me. Like a kraken…you know from Pirates of the Caribbean.” Urban put his two cents in as he looked around the rooftop, rifle raised.

  “Oh, shoot. I never got to see that movie.” Chloe pouted. “And now…I probably never will.” She placed a hand over her lower abdomen unconsciously.

  “Don’t say that, Chloe. You will live. I’ll protect you. As soon as the monster is spotted, Urban and I will distract it, and then I want you to run, Chloe.” Jay declared. “That okay with you, Urban?”

  “Yeah, man.” Urban agreed.

/>   Chloe shook her head vehemently at the two men. “No…I could never abandon you guys. I know that you’re planning on dying, Jay, but…if you go, I go too. We’re going to go out fighting together in a blaze of glory! Let’s take this monster with us!”

  “Chloe…God you’re so amazing. I freakin love you.” Jay said as he cupped the back of Chloe’s neck and pulled her in for a quick kiss.

  Chloe melted into Jay’s arms.

  Urban smiled at the couple sadly since that could very well be their last kiss. He kept a lookout while his friends made out and then- “Holy crap…guys…it’s here.” Urban said as he watched the inky black tentacles crawling over the side of the building and moving towards the three of them.

  Jay and Chloe quickly broke apart and aimed their rifles towards the monster. “Let’s kill this freakin monster!” Jay snarled. “Ready! Aim! Fire!

  “Die, monster!” Chloe began to shoot at the creature.

  “This is for Dale!” Urban opened fire upon the creature aiming for the tentacles.

  A pained shriek rent the air but the creature continued its approach anyways. The creature heaved itself up and over the edge of the roof and revealed itself fully to the three commandos.

  “What the hell…is that, Beel?” Urban breathed as he looked at the monster. It was half-human half-octopus. Beel’s upper body was that of a man wearing a hooded jacket while his lower body consisted of eight enormous, black tentacles with suction cups on them.

  “Impossible.” Jay murmured as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

  “It is him…just look at the swords that are strapped to his back. So Beel is some kind of monster…then? Or maybe he’s an alien.” Chloe suggested.

  Beel cleared his throat. “I am no alien, female. I am the demon known as Beelzebub.”

  “Whoa, hold up. Beelzebub? You mean like from the Bible? One of the first angels to fall along with Lucifer?” Urban questioned, his mind whirling. He was a good Catholic boy and knew his stuff when it came to the Bible.

  “Demons aren’t real, Urban. They don’t exist.” Jay said firmly and pushed his glasses up his nose.

  Beelzebub chuckled darkly. “Oh yes…I don’t exist. You’re only dreaming…this is just a nightmare and when you wake up you’ll be safe in your bed with your lovely wife, Chloe.” Beelzebub’s attention turned to Chloe and he licked his lips, revealing an abnormally long tongue. “Such an exquisite female. I wonder what she will taste like.”

  “Don’t mess with me!” Jay let out a roar as he charged Beelzebub and fired his rifle.

  Beelzebub brought up his tentacles to shield his upper body from the bullets and then with one of his tentacles he grabbed onto the hilt of one of his scimitars and unsheathed it.

  “Look out!” Chloe called out a warning.

  Too late.

  Beelzebub swung the scimitar at Jay and the commando managed to twist out of the way, but the scimitar still cut deeply into Jay’s side - dropping him to his knees. Jay put a hand over the wound to try and keep his guts inside, and to staunch the blood flow. He began to see dark spots in front of his eyes and blinked his eyes rapidly as he stubbornly tried to clear his vision. He couldn’t pass out. Not now.

  “Jay!” Chloe ran towards him and the tentacles came after her next.

  “Chloe, watch it!” Urban fired his rifle at the tentacles while trying to provide cover for Chloe, but they still found her. One wrapped around the female commando’s waist and lifted her right up off the ground. She screamed.

  Urban had never heard her scream before and it thoroughly unnerved him. “Bloody hell!”

  “Chloe! No!” Jay shouted in alarm.

  “Monster! Let her go!” Urban demanded as he continued to fire his rifle at the demon relentlessly.

  Beelzebub just chuckled at Urban’s futile efforts. The monster unsheathed six more scimitars so that there was now a scimitar in each of his tentacles except for one that had Chloe. “If you want her…come and get her, pathetic human.”

  Somehow Jay found the strength to stand, but his legs were trembling from the effort. “Get your filthy hands off my wife!” Jay charged Beelzebub, unsheathed a dagger, and attacked with a battle cry.

  Urban tried to cover Jay as best he could with gunfire, but there were just too many tentacles. It was like fighting eight people at once.

  Jay dodged slashing scimitars and jabbing tentacles, and miraculously managed to drive his dagger into the tentacle that had Chloe. However, another scimitar came thrusting forward towards Jay at that moment.

  “Jay, look out!” Chloe cried out in dismay.

  This time Jay was stabbed right through the chest. Blood gurgled down Jay’s chin. “I’m so sorry, Chloe. I love you. Urban…protect her…” Jay requested as he sunk to his knees and then crumpled over onto the roof floor. A pool of blood began to form around his motionless body.

  Chloe choked on a sob and she shook her head in disbelief as she stared down at Jay’s prone body and the pool of blood that kept on expanding around him.

  “Jay! You freakin demon!” Urban ran towards Beelzebub and fired.

  Beelzebub moved his scimitars through the air swiftly and actually blocked the bullets with the blades. Crap! Urban knew he was a goner. He tossed the rifle aside and put his arms out to his sides. “You know what? Go ahead and kill me, torture me, or whatever the hell you want, you sick monster. But let Chloe go!” Urban demanded with a fierce expression on his face.

  Beelzebub smiled cruelly. “Trying to play the hero, are we? How valiant. But I think…not.”

  “You know what?” Urban said as he reached into his pocket and pulled the pin out of a grenade. “Screw you! I’m taking you with me!” He charged forward with the grenade held in his palm.

  The last thing Urban remembered was the demon snatching the grenade out of Urban’s hand and wrapping all of his tentacles around it before there was an enormous explosion. Urban was blasted back through the air and then all he knew was darkness.


  “Urban! Snap the hell out of it, man!” Came Levi’s sharp voice.

  Urban realized that he’d completely zoned out and frozen up solid at the sight of those all-too familiar tentacles.

  A creature began to rise up out of the pool, revealing that he was half-man half-octopus. The creature was wearing a black hooded jacket, and the hood was pulled down low to shadow his face. The jacket was open in front revealing the man’s pale, muscular chest. But then below the creature’s waist his body was a mass of eight black octopus tentacles that were several feet long and had suction cups on them.

  “Holy crap. Talk about déjà vu.” Urban breathed, wondering if Levi was seeing the same thing.

  “Urban! Get your crap together. Go get Lashanda and get the hell out of here. I’ll handle him.” Levi said firmly.

  Urban gave Levi a look of sheer disbelief. “You can’t be serious…besides, I know this guy. He’s a demon. He wiped out my entire unit back in Afghanistan. You don’t stand a chance.”

  Levi did a double take towards Urban. “What did I tell you before? Trust me. I can handle him. Now, go!” He backed away from the pool, luring the demon out of it.

  “Aw hell.” Urban rubbed a hand over his buzz cut in a frustrated gesture before he took off running towards Lashanda. A tentacle went for him-

  But Levi was there to tackle it to the ground. “Go!” The merman shouted when he saw Urban hesitate.

  Urban managed to reach Lashanda. He put his gun away, whipped out a dagger, and cut through the ropes that were keeping her tied to the sewer pipe. The bodyguard swooped Lashanda up into his arms and put the flashlight between his teeth. Urban ran with Lashanda in his arms for the exit of the chamber. Another tentacle went for him.

  Levi released the tentacle he was grappling with and executed a back flip. He ended up in front of Urban and Lashanda and caught the tentacle that had been heading towards them. Once again Urban seeme
d to hesitate upon leaving Levi behind. “Keep going! Don’t look back. Hurry!”

  Urban nodded his thanks and took off through the exit pipe. I’ll be back, bro.

  Levi looked over his shoulder at Urban and Lashanda as they made their escape. Phew. I can’t believe I feel so relieved. I can’t believe I’m actually risking my life for humans. Wonders never cease. He turned his attention back to the demon in front of him. “Who the hell are you?”

  A sinister smile curled the man’s lips and that eerie smile looked like it stretched from ear-to-ear like the Cheshire cat. “Your worst nightmare.” The demon said before using his tentacle to slam Levi into the concrete wall.

  The back of Levi’s head cracked against the concrete causing him to see stars and his breath was knocked out of his lungs.

  The demon had released Levi right before impact, and the merman quickly avoided getting snatched by an incoming tentacle again. Levi ducked and dodged tentacles as he took off running around the edge of the circular chamber.

  When clashing with one of the tentacles was unavoidable, Levi punched and kicked the tentacle but…his blows seemed to have no affect as they bounced off the thick, rubbery appendage. Crap. I need a weapon. A weapon…Levi’s gaze scanned around the chamber. The creature was impossible to fight without his trident…

  “You’ve really gone soft, Levi.” The demon cackled at Levi. “Is that the best you’ve got?”

  How does he know my name? Or did he overhear Urban and I talking? Levi spotted a sewer pipe and used his superhuman strength to rip it off the wall. “No, it isn’t.” Levi slammed the sharp end of the pipe into one of the tentacles.

  The demon hollered in pain. “Oh, you’ll pay for that!” The demon sent multiple tentacles flying towards Levi at once and he was unable to avoid them. One tentacle wrapped around Levi’s ankle and tugged, effectively tripping him up.

  The other tentacles swiftly wrapped around Levi’s legs and arms, and began to drag him towards the pool. Oh crap! Levi glanced back at the pool with wide eyes.

  “Let’s reveal your true form, shall we?” The demon drawled.

  Levi’s brow furrowed. “How do you know about that?”

  “You feel nothing as you gaze upon me, truly? It saddens me that you don’t remember me. We used to fight together side by side in countless battles, you and I…thousands of years ago.” The demon revealed.

  “Thousands…?” Levi continued to struggle as the tentacles pulled him towards the pool. Despite his efforts, he was ultimately dragged into the pool of water and his legs transformed into his fishtail, which ripped his pants apart and destroyed his boots. I’m so screwed.

  Once the transformation was complete the demon lifted Levi out of the pool to get a good look at him. “So this is your cursed form. Look at you…you’re like a fish that’s been caught by a hungry octopus.” The demon laughed evilly. “You know, you’re lower in the food chain than me, Levi. Octopus eat fish just like I’ll eat you…after I gut you first.” The demon used one of his tentacles to remove the steel pipe, yanking it out from his flesh. He held it up in front of Levi, and pointed it towards Levi’s heart. “I’m returning this to you.” He stabbed Levi right through the heart with the pipe.

  Levi let out a gasp of pain, and black spots swum in his vision. Darn it…if only I had my trident this monster would be dinner. I’d slice him up, bread and then fry the monster in oil. Garnish with parsley.

  “Now, I’ll split you open and spill your guts. This should be fun.” The demon cackled as he began to push down on the pipe.

  Levi cried out from the pain despite his best efforts not to.

  “Let him go, you creepy monster!” Came Urban’s shout.

  The demon and Levi turned to see Urban standing next to the pool with a nine-millimeter raised before him. Urban’s gaze flicked over Levi’s tail, but quickly refocused on the demon.

  The demon frowned at the unexpected appearance of the bodyguard. “I think not.”

  “Suit yourself, creep!” Urban opened fire on the demon.

  As the bullets went whizzing through the air - the demon raised his tentacles and shielded his body with them. The demon grimaced as the bullets pierced his flesh. “That freakin hurt, lowly human.” The demon sent a tentacle flying towards Urban.

  “Look out!” Levi yelled out.

  “Oh crap!” Urban swore as he was knocked backwards. He hit the wall and slid down it while struggling to remain conscious.

  “Now, where was I? Ah, yes, dissection time. Such fun. I’m sure your human friend is curious to see what your insides look like and if they’re similar to a human’s.” The demon sneered.

  Urban sat up, his vision swirling. “No…don’t do it…”

  The demon frowned at Urban’s response, and began to move the pipe slowly downward anyways.

  Levi bit down on his lower lip, not wanting to give this monster the satisfaction of hearing him crying out in pain again. However-

  Urban watched as suddenly some invisible force appeared to cut through the tentacles that were holding Levi. The demon hollered in pain and outrage. “What the…!”

  A bright light flooded the chamber and then materialized into…Urban blinked and rubbed his eyes, sure that he was seeing things. “An angel?”

  A stunning woman with long, curly, white-blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, pale skin, and silver armor with menacing spikes on it had appeared, hovering over the pool with her wings outstretched behind her.

  “An angel? What the hell?” The demon swore angrily.

  “Yes, I am an angel. Archangel Uriel to be exact. I am Levi’s guardian angel and I won’t let you harm my charge.” Uriel announced, tilting up her chin in a haughty manner.

  “Uriel? Ah, I remember you…you’re the pathetic female that was always following Levi around.” The demon sneered in disgust.

  Uriel’s eyes narrowed at the demon’s familiarity. “Do I know you, demon? Wait, you can’t be…”

  Levi had dropped down into the pool at this point, and had yet to emerge from the water. While the demon and angel were yakking it up, Urban decided to use this distraction to dive into the pool after Levi, who was sinking fast. Urban swam down, reached Levi, wrapped his arm around the man’s torso, and began to haul him up towards the surface. They broke through the surface and Urban swam Levi to the edge of the pool.

  Urban pushed Levi’s heavy body up onto the edge, got out of the pool, and dragged Levi the rest of the way out of the pool. The bodyguard turned Levi onto his back to assess the damage. “Holy shit.” The steel pipe…it looked like it’d gone into Levi’s heart…

  Uriel saw what Urban was doing and noticed that Levi had passed out from the pain of being split open. “You’ll pay for hurting my charge, demon.” Uriel held up her sword in a two-handed grip and a fierce wind began to swirl around her. The wind began to wrap around her sword’s blade. “Cutting Wind Attack!” Uriel swung her sword forward towards the demon.

  The demon raised his tentacles to shield his main body from the attack and several tentacles were cut off. “You meddlesome witch…this isn’t over. I will destroy him…eventually.” The demon called out before he sank into the pool and disappeared. The entire pool turned black in the demon’s wake, probably from ink that the creature had chosen to release into the pool to aid in his escape.

  Uriel flew over and gracefully landed next to Levi. She reached out, grabbed the steel pipe that was still imbedded in Levi’s chest, yanked it out, and tossed it aside.

  Urban looked up at the angel with a hopeful expression on his face. “Can you help him?”

  “I can heal him, yes.” Uriel said as she knelt by Levi’s side and put her hand on his bloody chest. “Your feelings of hope and friendship for this man are giving me the power I need to save him. Thank you, human.”

  “No…thank you.” This time…please…don’t die…my friend.

  A white glow surrounded Uriel’s hand and was passed into Levi’
s body. Before Urban’s eyes Levi’s wounds began to close. Urban couldn’t help it…he looked down at Levi’s fishtail. He swallowed. “Is he really…a merman?”

  “Levi’s identity is much more complex than that.” Uriel said.

  “I see.”

  “Will you still be friends with him now that you know he’s a merman, or will you treat him differently? Or perhaps…will you betray him? Sell his secret to the highest bidder?” Uriel asked coldly.

  “What? No…even if he’s a merman…he’s still Levi. He’s still the guy who just risked his life to save Lashanda. He’s still the guy that cooks up the most incredible food for my friends and I. I’d be honored to be considered this man’s friend. I’d never betray him.” Urban said firmly. He was also a little pissed off that this angel felt so lowly of him. He had integrity, dang it.

  Uriel nodded, looking pleased. “Good…Levi is strong, but…he has many powerful enemies. Levi’s greatest weakness is his heart. He’s too kind - even if he pretends not to be. I fear his love for Vivien Tempest will ultimately lead to his destruction. All legends are based on truth. You know of the story of The Little Mermaid, correct?”

  “Yeah, who doesn’t?” Urban raised his eyebrows at the angel.

  “Well, then you know how the story ends, correct? When the little mermaid is unable to kill her beloved…she returns to the sea and turns into sea foam. After that she becomes a spirit of the air. If Vivien does not return Levi’s love…” She shook her head sadly.

  Urban’s eyes widened. “Whoa, wait a second. What are you trying to say? That Levi will turn into sea foam?”

  Uriel did not respond.

  “Bloody hell.” Urban rubbed his head in an agitated gesture. “This is some heavy crap. But don’t worry. I’ve got his back. I’ll do whatever I can to help him.”

  “Good.” Uriel removed her hand. “His injuries have been healed but he’s lost a lot of blood and so will be weakened. Also after he dries off his tail will disappear…and he’ll be naked. I suggest tying his jacket around his waist. We wouldn’t want him getting arrested for indecent exposure again, now would we?” There was a note of amusement in her voice.

  Urban smirked. “Hell no.” The bodyguard agreed as he stripped off Levi’s leather jacket and tied it around the man’s waist in preparation for his tail to disappear.

  Uriel tilted her head as if hearing a voice, coming to her from above. “I must go now. I leave him in your care, human.”

  Urban nodded. “Leave it to me.”

  Uriel disappeared in a flash of light.

  Urban ran a hand over his buzz cut. “Man…I wonder if I’m dreaming.” He watched as Levi’s tail dried off and the man’s legs returned. “Holy crap.” Urban pinched his arm. “Ow. Guess, I’m not dreaming. So Levi’s a merman and playing the part of the merprince in the movie. How reckless is that? Why would he…?” He shook his head.

  I fear his love for Vivien Tempest will ultimately lead to his destruction.

  “Vivien…she must know the truth. That’s probably also why she picked Dylan over him. Crap.” Urban looked down at Levi with a pitying look on his face. “It sucks to be you right now, bro.” He picked Levi up, and put the man’s arm around his shoulders. The man weighed a ton! “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Don’t worry, bro. I’ll help you win Vivien’s heart…so that you don’t end up like the little mermaid and turn into sea foam.

  Vivien and Teresa were waiting for Urban and Levi’s return while standing next to the open manhole. Lashanda was still unconscious and had been seated upon the ground of the alley with her back against the wall of the club for support. When Urban suddenly started to push Levi up through the opening, Teresa and Vivien immediately rushed over to help haul him out.

  “What happened to him?” Vivien demanded, upon seeing that Levi was unconscious, and the only clothes he was wearing was his jacket that had been wrapped around his waist.

  Urban remained silent as he set Levi down on the ground because he needed a moment to collect his thoughts. “He fought against that serial killer dude…and lost.”

  “Levi…lost.” Vivien looked down at Levi thoughtfully and frowned. She wanted to ask Urban if Levi had come into contact with saltwater, which would explain why his clothes had disappeared, but Teresa was standing next to her with a concerned look on her face. The actress shook her head, deciding she would talk to Urban about what had happened some other time. “Urban, think you could take Teresa and Lashanda home?”

  “Of course. What about you?” Urban asked.

  Vivien blushed. “Well, I’ll…take a taxi home with Levi. Since he’s injured I don’t think it’s such a good idea to leave him alone right now.”

  Urban grinned at her suggestion. “Good idea. He’s lost a lot of blood so he’ll probably be pretty weak. He might not be able to move on his own so you might have to bathe him…like give him a sponge bath or something. Oh, and feed him by hand. You’ll have to nurse him back to health.” The bodyguard said in a serious tone while trying to keep a straight face.

  Vivien’s blush deepened. “Urban, geez, I know what you’re up to.” The actress huffed before she hefted Levi up and put his arm around her shoulders. She was an action heroine and so was able to support his weight.

  “Guilty.” Urban admitted with an unrepentant look on his face.

  “See you soon.” Vivien said as she started to walk out of the alleyway with Levi.

  “Vivien, wait!” Teresa called out and ran up to her. “Please tell Levi ‘thank you’ when he wakes up.”

  Vivien smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry, I will.” She exited the alleyway and hailed a cab.


  Levi awoke to a pounding headache. He groaned and sat up, only to discover he was on Vivien’s couch in her hotel suite at the Fairmount Hotel. And he was naked…with only a bed sheet covering the lower half of his body. He swallowed thickly and looked around the living room, wondering where Vivien was. The last thing he remembered was that demon starting to slice him open like a fish.

  “Hey.” Came a familiar, heart-wrenching female voice.

  Levi looked up to see Vivien approaching him with a tray of food held in her hands. “Hey.” His voice was gravely and he swallowed to clear it. “Hey.” He tried again.

  Vivien set the tray down on the coffee table that was next to the couch and Levi saw that there was a bowl of soup and a glass of water on it. “How are you feeling?”

  Levi looked down at his chest and noted that he was fully healed already. Only a faint scar remained where that bloodthirsty demon had started to slice him open. What the hell? Levi didn’t normally heal that fast. The merman put a hand to his chest, feeling confused and bewildered. The last time someone had injured his heart it had taken days to recover. But from the looks of things his heart had been fully healed. Something else must have happened down in that sewer. And what was with everyone wanting to cut him open? “I feel…okay. Just a little weak.”

  Vivien nodded as if this response was what she expected. “Urban said you lost a lot of blood.”

  “Urban did?” Levi knew he had a lot to speak to the bodyguard about. Like how the hell he’d been healed and what had happened to the demon? Had Urban actually managed to defeat it somehow? “Do you know what happened down there? How did I get here exactly? The last thing I remember is fighting that serial killer…”

  “Urban brought you out of the sewer. He said the serial killer got away.” Vivien informed him.

  “Blazes.” Levi ran a hand over his mohawk in a frustrated gesture. “Son of a gun.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Just worry about getting your strength back. Oh, and Teresa wanted me to thank you as soon as you regained consciousness. You saved her sister, Levi.” Vivien took a deep breath as if to steel her nerves. “I also want to thank you.”

  Levi flushed. I saved a human life. Unreal. It was an odd feeling but not an unpleasant one. “Ah…it’s nothing. Forget ab
out it.”

  Vivien shook her head and spoke in an adamant tone. “You risked your life to save her. She must be important to you…” The actress trailed off while looking uncomfortable.

  Levi shrugged. “She’s just a kid. I don’t like people picking on kids.”

  Vivien felt a wave of relief pass over her at Levi’s words. “Oh, I see. Look, Levi…down in the sewer did you come into contact with saltwater?”

  Levi thought back to what had happened and nodded grimly. “Yeah.”

  “So…Urban saw you?” Vivien nibbled on her lower lip.

  Levi nodded. “Yeah…but I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.”

  “Why do you think that?” Vivien arched an eyebrow at the merman.

  Levi shrugged again. “Just a gut feeling.”

  Vivien cleared her throat. “So anyways, Urban told me that you would be too weak to feed yourself and that I should help you…” She blushed nervously as she trailed off.

  Levi blinked at her cute reaction. “I can feed-” The merman cut himself off, and his eyes widened in realization. Hot dang! He owed Urban one. Urban, my homie, you rock. Levi leaned back against the armrest and tried to look as pathetic and weak as possible. “Yes, please.”

  “Alright, well, I made chicken soup.” Vivien sat on the edge of the coffee table, put the tray on her lap, spooned up some soup, and brought it to Levi’s mouth. “Say ‘ah’.”

  Levi’s brow furrowed. “Why must I say ‘ah’?”

  Vivien stuck the spoonful of soup into Levi’s mouth and giggled. Levi chewed and swallowed. “You know, I don’t really know. It’s just something humans do when they feed each other.”

  Levi opened his mouth obligingly. “Ah.” He felt like a baby chick keeping its mouth open so that its mother could feed it a worm. He was glad his fellow chefs weren’t around to see this because truly they’d never let him live this one down.

  Vivien fed him another spoonful of soup. Levi chewed and swallowed thoughtfully, savoring the flavor of the soup. “This soup isn’t bad, woman.”

  Vivien laughed and it sounded like wind chimes. “I didn’t make it. It’s Progresso.”


  “Soup in a can.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  “I suck at cooking…I’ve always been too busy to learn how, but I can heat things up in the microwave.”

  “You don’t need to know how to cook because you have me. Whenever you’re hungry just give me a call and I can come right over and cook for you.” A cocky smirk formed on his face. “I would never let my woman go hungry.”

  Vivien blushed at Levi’s words and chose to ignore the whole ‘my woman’ thing. “Ah…really? I wouldn’t want you to go through the trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble. Cooking for you would be my pleasure.” Levi insisted.

  “That so.” Vivien fed Levi another mouthful of soup to hide her embarrassment and her guilt. In the silence that followed, Vivien fed Levi the rest of the soup until it was finished. The actress set the tray aside and gave Levi a questioning look. “Are you still hungry?”

  Levi’s eyes were burning but with a different kind of hunger. “No. My female has me well taken care of.”

  Vivien felt her cheeks heat up as her blush deepened. She wanted to remind Levi that she wasn’t ‘his’. And that she had a boyfriend. But she didn’t. Vivien looked Levi over with a critical eye. “You were down in the sewer, you know. Ah…Urban said you probably wouldn’t have the strength to bathe yourself and that I should give you a sponge bath.”

  Levi’s brow furrowed. “A sponge bath?”

  Vivien gulped. “I would bathe you by hand.” She waved her hand through the air.

  Levi’s eyes widened before going hooded. “Oh.” Hell yeah. Urban West…you sly dawg. I am so buying you a bottle of Lagavulin the next time we meet up. Levi could feel his blood heating at the idea of Vivien bathing him by hand. The merman tried his best to act nonchalant about it. “Sure. Whatever.”

  Vivien stood up. “O-Okay. I’ll go get the bathing stuff.” The action heroine ran off to her bathroom, got out a basin, filled it with hot water, and found an enormous, natural sea sponge to use to clean Levi’s body with. She added a little liquid bath soap to the water and moved her hand around in the water so that it sudsed up.

  Vivien took a deep breath to steel her nerves. She was feeling incredibly nervous for some reason. She was about to give Levi a sponge bath and also felt incredibly guilty about it. After all she wasn’t technically single - she was going out with Dylan Black! She had a boyfriend! I’m so bad, I’m so bad. But Levi was a fallen hero who needed her help. Yeah. She was just acting as his nurse. (Even though she didn’t have a license).

  It’s not like Levi could have gone to a human hospital because he was a merman. So this was her duty. Her responsibility. Yeah.

  Vivien entered the living room with the basin and sponge in her hands, and approached Levi. She set the basin down on the coffee table, put the sponge in the warm water, and wrung it out slightly.

  The actress knelt besides the couch and gulped. “Uh…I’ll wash your face first so please close your eyes so I don’t get soap in your eyes.”

  “Sure thing, princess.” Levi obediently closed his eyes.

  Vivien reached out and began to gently clean Levi’s face with the sponge. She’d never gotten to admire his face so closely like this before. His face was beautiful and had masculine features - a square chin, Roman nose, thin but kissable lips, and eyelashes that were long for a man. His hair was silky and sky-blue. Levi’s ear piercings were so sexy. She wanted to suck on the hoops in his ears and play with them with her tongue. He truly had this otherworldly appearance to him. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.” Her voice was breathless.

  Levi did and their eyes met, and Vivien gasped. There was such passion, such emotion in the dark blue depths of his eyes. For a moment, she felt like she was looking through a snorkel mask into the deep sea at a reef filled with a myriad of colorful tropical fish and vibrant sea coral. Vivien gulped and put the sponge into the basin and wrung it out again. She turned to face Levi. “I’m going to wash your chest now.”

  “Knock yourself out.”

  Vivien liked the sound of Levi’s voice. It was a low, deep rumble. She figured she was lucky that he could speak to her so easily like this. In The Little Mermaid the mermaid had had to give up her voice to be with the prince. Vivien scooted closer, and began to run the sponge over Levi’s chest and over his strong pecs.

  Levi’s breath hitched as she touched his bare flesh with the sponge and he tried to control his body’s reactions to her closeness and touch. It was a losing battle. He was becoming aroused.

  Vivien ran the sponge down over his six-pack abs and then over the shark bite scar. Levi had other smaller scars that Vivien hadn’t noticed before. This man had really lived a hardcore life. He was a battle-scarred warrior. He’d been through so much that it made Vivien’s eyes water. This man deserved to find happiness. True happiness. This man didn’t deserve to have any more pain or suffering in his life. Vivien didn’t want to hurt him. If only he didn’t love her…

  Levi reached out and brushed one of her tears away with his thumb. “What’s wrong, princess?”

  Vivien gasped. “No, it’s…nothing…it’s just…” She ran the sponge over the shark bite scar. “Does this still hurt?”

  Levi shook his head. “No.”

  The actress let out a sigh of relief. “Good.” She returned the sponge to the basin and wrung it out. She started to wash Levi’s arms next. Vivien moved the sponge over his powerful biceps and then down to his long, fingered hands with calluses. A warrior’s hands.

  Vivien returned the sponge to the basin and wrung it out. Her heart began pumping harder inside of her chest because…it was out of guilt. Yeah. She cleared her throat and turned to face Levi. “I’m going to wash your legs, okay?”

  “Go right ahea
d.” Levi’s voice had gotten deep and husky.

  Vivien arranged the sheet so that it covered only Levi’s crotch. She then began to wash Levi’s legs, starting at his feet, and working her way up. When her sponge went over his inner thighs Levi gasped and his hips bucked off the couch.

  Vivien looked up. “Sorry I-” But then her words died in her throat when she saw the evidence of his arousal. But who could really blame the poor guy?

  The actress felt herself salivating as she remembered what Levi had looked like naked. Mmm. Delicious. Vivien unconsciously ran the sponge closer to his crotch.

  Levi moaned and his hips bucked again.

  Vivien licked her lips and looked up at Levi to meet his hooded gaze. “W-Would you like me to clean you there too?”

  “Hell yes.” The merman said through gritted teeth.

  Vivien slowly removed the bed sheet to reveal Levi’s bare flesh. She reached the sponge out and was about to touch it when there was a sudden knock on the door. “Oh crap!” Vivien jumped, pulled her hand back, and tossed the sponge into the basin. She quickly covered Levi’s crotch with the bed sheet guiltily. Her cheeks bright pink.

  Levi just smirked lazily as he watched Vivien panic. He found her panicky behavior endearing.

  Vivien stood up and looked away. “Coming!” She hurried off to answer the front door. The door was opened to reveal none other than Dylan Black.

  “Hey baby, how are you doing? I heard about what happened last night, so I was worried about you. I brought a cake to make you feel better.” Dylan announced as he held up a cake box.

  “Dylan…oh hey…uh…” Vivien tried to resist the urge to glance behind her. “Now’s not really the best time…” I almost had my hand on Levi’s bare flesh just now. I must be the worst girlfriend ever!

  Dylan ignored her and marched into the suite, set the cake down on the kitchen island, and then spotted Levi on the couch. The merman was futilely trying to conceal his arousal with the bed sheet. His black eyes narrowed.

  Black eyes. Levi’s own eyes widened as he met Dylan’s angry gaze. No…it couldn’t be. Could it?

  Dylan was human, right? He didn’t feel like a demon? Levi reached out his demonic senses and couldn’t feel any demonic energy coming from Dylan. He scowled. Actor Dylan Black…couldn’t be Mr. Octopus, could he? Levi’s mind was whirling with possibilities. Although maybe he was just being paranoid?

  Levi clenched his hands into fists at his sides. Even though he’d just had his butt handed to him by Mr. Octopus if it turned out that Dylan was the serial killer…he would die protecting Vivien if it came down to that. I won’t let you have her. Levi thought possessively as he glared daggers at Dylan.

  She’s already mine. Dylan thought as he glared back, and put his arm around Vivien’s shoulders to prove his point, as a silent battle was being waged between the two men.

  No, mine! Levi mentally shot back.

  Vivien stepped between Dylan and Levi, and caught them glaring at each other. She rubbed her temples. She could feel a headache coming on. But she supposed that’s what she got for creating this love triangle she now found herself stuck in. “Oh boy, here we go again.”


  Final note:

  Other works by the author:

  Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Ver

  Rockstar Ghost Resurrection PG-13 Ver

  His Heavy Metal Heart

  Wicked Bartender PG-13 Ver

  Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Ver

  Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Ver

  Incubus Chocolatier Retribution PG-13 Ver

  Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

  Bitch Heiress X2 Samurai Butler

  Samurai Superheroes Saga:

  Cowboy Samurai X Badass Android

  Geisha Assassin X Smartass Hacker

  Foxy Yokai X Punkass Cyborg

  Sir Genkaku Host Club

  (Books 1, 2, 3, and 4)

  Sanky Panky Pirate

  Sanky Panky Pirate Part II

  Hollywood Merman PG-13 Ver

  Hollywood Merman Revelations PG-13 Ver(coming 2015)

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