Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 6


  The following day, filming resumed for The Little Merman and once again Princess Vivien was having a romantic picnic on the beach with Prince Dylan. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Levi, and the moment they’d shared together dancing in the fountain. But she made sure to keep her attention on Dylan and to say her lines properly at least. She sighed, wondering how many retakes they were going to have to shoot that day because of her.

  “And cut!” Director Maverick shouted out. “That was…” Vivien held her breath as she awaited the director’s response. “Perfect!”


  Director Maverick strolled over to Vivien and took her hand. “Great job, Vivien. I could see the love and desire in your eyes as you looked at Dylan.”

  Vivien blinked. “You could?”

  “Absolutely, I knew you could get it right as long as you concentrated and gave it your all.” Scott smiled at her and flashed his white teeth.

  “Uh…yeah.” And here Vivien thought she’d been spacing and thinking about a certain blue-haired chef. Vivien stood up from the blanket and dusted the sand off her gown. She could hardly breath and couldn’t wait to rip that corset off.

  “Good work today, Vivien.” Dylan drawled as he held his hand out to her.

  “Oh…thanks.” Vivien took his hand and shook it, dazedly. This was the first time Dylan had acknowledged her acting skills. She felt like a total hack. Vivien looked at the handsome Dylan and didn’t understand why she wasn’t feeling…like she was falling for him. He was the perfect guy. The perfect catch. The perfect match.

  And Vivien still planned to do her best to reel him in because he was a man her parents would absolutely love. But…she felt conflicted. Was she developing feelings for Levi? But…he was a merman. They weren’t even the same species. It would be like dating an alien…or pet fish. No, no, no…Dylan was the perfect man for her. Maybe.

  “If you like it so much you can keep it.” Dylan teased, his dark eyes glittering with mischief.

  “Huh? What? Oh!” Vivien realized that she still had a hold of Dylan’s hand and immediately let go of it. A blush stained her cheeks. “Sorry.”

  “Not at all.” Dylan’s tone of voice was amused and sultry. “Are you thirsty? Would you like a Gatorade?”

  “Oh, sure.” Vivien agreed, thinking that this was a momentous moment - Dylan was about to go get her a Gatorade.

  Dylan snapped his fingers. “Charlie. One fruit punch flavored Gatorade.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Manager Charlie rushed over and fished out the required Gatorade from his backpack before handing it to Dylan. Dylan nodded in thanks and then handed the Gatorade to Vivien.

  “Here you go, babe.” Dylan said with a grin.

  “Uh, thanks…I think.” Vivien said as she took the Gatorade, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip. It was interesting at the very least that Dylan seemed to share her obsession with the sports drink.

  “Vivien!” Came Audrey’s voice.

  Vivien could feel her temple throb at the sound of her sister’s voice. What now? Vivien turned to see her sister stomping down the beach, looking pissed. “What could it be now? I nailed the scene.” She muttered to herself.

  “Vivien Tempest! What is the meaning of this?” Audrey shrieked like a banshee.

  Vivien raised an eyebrow at her overly strict sister. “This? This what?”

  Audrey shoved her smart phone in Vivien’s face. “Take a look for yourself.”

  Vivien took the phone and saw that Audrey had a YouTube video open. She tapped on the video so that it began to play. It turned out to be a video of Levi and Vivien doing a waltz together in a fountain with Waiting sung by Emma Hewitt playing in the background.

  Vivien was so surprised by how well that song fit the moment. And wow…the video was amazing. It really captured the intimate moment that they had shared. Vivien frowned. “I don’t see what the problem is…” In fact, Vivien thought the video was pretty awesome and that it would be good promotion.

  “You don’t see what the problem is?” Audrey huffed in disbelief. “I’ll tell you what the problem is. This video already has more than a million views! It’s gone viral. Everyone now knows that the blue-haired man in this video is Levi Devlin, and that he is going to be starring right along with you in the remake The Little Merman and that you’re playing the part of the princess.”

  “And that’s bad, how? Seems like good promotion to me.” Vivien put her hands out before her.

  “Everyone is also assuming that there is some kind of romantic connection between you two because of this video!” Audrey clarified with a huff.

  Vivien rubbed her temples. “I still don’t see-”

  “Levi Devlin is a chef. Therefore, he’s not good enough to be rumored to be dating the Tempests’ youngest daughter! When our parents find out about this rumor they’ll…! Do you have any idea how hard I work so that you’ve never had a scandal! The lengths I’ve gone to protect your secret that you’re a dru-” Audrey coughed and cut herself off, remembering that Dylan was standing right there. The last thing she wanted was for Dylan Black to find out that Vivien was an alcoholic.

  He’s not good enough to be rumored to be dating the Tempests’ youngest daughter. Vivien felt awful due to Audrey’s callous words, and for some reason she was also feeling strangely defensive. “I don’t care if there are rumors about me.”

  Audrey raised her hand to slap Vivien. “Why you ungrateful-” However-

  Audrey’s wrist was stopped as a firm hand wrapped around it. “Who the-?” Audrey turned to see that Levi Devlin had caught her hand. He had this fierce, possessive look on his face.

  “Don’t you dare harm her, woman.” Levi growled, his blue eyes glowing.

  “Unhand me this instant, you brute!” Audrey snapped.

  Levi looked at his hand as if he hadn’t realized what he’d done with it and quickly released Audrey. “Hit me instead. If this is about yesterday then…it’s my fault. Not Vivien’s.”

  Audrey spun to face Levi, her brown eyes flashing, “You think I won’t?” Audrey raised her hand and slapped Levi hard across the face.

  Vivien, Teresa and Urban all sucked in their breaths out of surprise that Audrey had actually made good on her threat.

  Levi didn’t even flinch. Audrey took her hand back looking slightly pained. “Y-You…you stay away from my sister! She’s too good for you! She should be going out with someone more her level…someone like Dylan Black!” She blurted out.

  Levi opened his mouth to respond but-

  Dylan Black beat him to it. “Now that’s an excellent idea, Audrey.” He turned to Vivien. “Vivi, how would you like to have dinner with me this evening?”

  Vivien’s expression was similar to a deer caught in the headlights. “I…” She just couldn’t believe it. Dylan Black had just asked her out to dinner! She should have been ecstatic but…

  “She’ll go.” Audrey piped up happily. “She’d be happy to.”

  A slow smile curled Dylan’s sensuous lips. “Great, I’ll pick you up at eight.” The actor told Vivien.

  “Uh…sure.” Vivien had no choice but to agree. She didn’t understand why her stomach felt like it was tying up into knots.

  Levi watched the exchange between Vivien and Dylan, and his heart…began to ache inside of his chest. His blood also began to boil in his veins. He rubbed at his sternum. “It appears the matter has been settled then. I’ll be going.” Levi strode off, heading back towards his Harley, which was parked next to the boardwalk.

  “Levi, wait, I-” Vivien called out to him, but Audrey reached out to pinch her arm and gave her a warning look.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Audrey hissed in a low voice. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime and you sure as hell are taking it.”

  “Yes?” Levi asked softly.

  “Uh, n-never mind.” Vivien said, rubbing her arm where her sister had pinched her.

i nodded and walked away. Vivien watched him go and every fiber of her being wanted to go after him. But she didn’t. She was a coward when it came to her sister or family. The actress watched Levi mount his bike and ride away. And she continued watching until he was finally out of sight.


  Levi parked his bike outside of Poseidon’s Trident and strolled inside. “Malakye!” He barked out as soon as he entered.

  “What’s up, Boss?” Malakye asked as he exited the kitchen and approached.

  “I want you to find out what’s wrong with something about Vivien and I on the Internet.” Levi explained. He wasn’t the computer savvy one - that was Mal.

  “You got it, Boss.” Malakye teleported to his bedroom where he grabbed his laptop, and then took form back in the main restaurant area. He set the laptop down on one of the tables and opened up a web browser. Malakye googled Levi and Vivien, and immediately discovered what Levi was talking about. Malakye went to YouTube and found the video of Levi and Vivi that had gone viral, and clicked on it. “Is this what you were looking for, Boss?”

  Levi peered over Malakye’s shoulder and watched as the video began to play. It was weird getting to watch himself and see how he was looking at Vivien with such heat in his gaze. He’d been looking at her as though she were someone precious to him.

  By this time, the other chefs, Derek and Garth, had gotten curious about what was going on and were now watching the video too. The chefs all watched the entire video together silently until it finished.

  Derek whistled through his teeth. “Whoo, I didn’t know you had it in you. Look at you…seducing Vivien Tempest.”

  “Seducing?” Levi frowned. “That’s not what I was doing!”

  “The video is a little…suggestive. There’s a romantic feeling to it. Especially with that song playing in the background. It looks like you’re…in love with her.” Malakye explained.

  “What the hell…?” Levi ran a hand back over his mohawk of blue hair. “And why is the video a bad thing?”

  Malakye’s eyebrows rose. “Well, from the comments I’m reading I would say the video has had a positive response. They like you guys as a couple.”

  “A couple?” Levi shook his head. “Vivien’s sister got angry at me and told me to stay away from her sister. I don’t understand why exactly.”

  A dark cloud fell over Derek’s face. “She probably doesn’t consider you good enough for Vivien.”

  “And Dylan Black is?” Levi demanded hotly.

  Derek nodded solemnly. “From Audrey’s perspective? I’d say ‘yes’. Dylan is a millionaire, a famous actor, and has high social status. Celebrities tend to date and marry celebrities, Levi. That’s just how it is.”

  “Well…that sounds retarded.” Garth put in his two cents. “I bet Levi could totally kick Dylan’s butt.”

  Levi smiled at his friend’s words of support. “Yeah. I could take him alright.” He sighed. “Vivien is going to dinner with the guy tonight.”

  “And you’re just going to let her? Levi, after watching that video of the two of you…I have to agree with the other million or so Americans out there that you guys look really good together. You should go for it. Don’t let Dylan steal her away. Go get her back!” Derek urged.

  Levi sighed helplessly. “I don’t even know where she is.”

  “Just give me a few minutes.” Malakye piped up, cracked his fingers together and began to type away at the laptop at a rapid pace. “According to fan sightings, she’s rented a hotel suite at The Fairmount Hotel, her room number is 2006.”

  Levi shook his head in amazement. “How do you do that? Thanks, man.” The merman said before he grabbed his helmet and started out. Levi rode his Harley to the Fairmount Hotel and parked out front. He checked his watch; it was five minutes after eight. He wondered if he’d missed her.

  But then Vivien came sauntering through the front door of the hotel. And the sight of her took Levi’s breath away. She was wearing a slinky, baby blue gown that clung to her glorious curves, and a white, glittery clutch was held in her right hand. Her hair was down. And Levi noticed that she had on her favorite pair of white high heels on.

  Levi was about to call out to her when Dylan beat him to it. “Vivi, over here.”

  Levi’s gaze was drawn to Dylan Black, who was casually leaning against a black GTO, and dressed in an expensive black and gray pinstriped suit, shiny dress shoes, and a blood red tie. A Rolex gleamed on his wrist. Dylan looked like what he was - a rich, powerful and sophisticated male. A human male.

  How could Levi really compete?

  “Hey, Dylan.” Vivi greeted shyly. Apparently, she also agreed that Dylan was looking pretty darn good.

  Levi watched as Dylan opened the passenger side door for her and Vivien got into the car. Dylan closed the door behind her and made his way to the driver’s side. Dylan hopped in behind the wheel, started the car, and merged into traffic before Levi could do a single thing about it. He rubbed at his chest absentmindedly.

  “Blazes.” Levi swore as he took off after them. “What the hell am I doing?” The merman followed the couple to one of the best restaurants in San Francisco, Acquerello. Levi parked his bike right outside of the front window and then used his keen demon vision to peer inside. He watched as a waitress led Vivien and Dylan over to one of the tables.

  That ache in his chest continued to throb and he rubbed his chest. Levi watched as a waiter brought over an expensive bottle of champagne. He could even read the label with his demon eyes. It read: Perrier-Jouët Champagne. Levi knew that the value was seven thousand dollars since he’d once considered ordering it for his own restaurant.

  This human male had an exceedingly ridiculous amount of money to throw around. He also seemed to have a lot of power too; with a snap of his fingers he had the humans replacing silverware and glasses that weren’t clean enough apparently.

  Finally, once the two were sipping champagne, Dylan whipped out a black velvet box, which he slid across the table in Vivien’s direction. Vivien shook her head and pushed the box back towards Dylan. Heh.

  However, Dylan was not one to be deterred so easily. He opened the box, took out the diamond necklace that was inside of it, stood up from his seat, and made his way over to Vivien. Dylan smoothly draped the necklace around Vivien’s neck and clasped it before she could do anything about it. Also the waitress had arrived with their appetizers at that precise moment making it even more awkward for Vivien to refuse the gift.

  Levi’s eyes zeroed in on the diamond necklace. It looked expensive. His chest burned and felt like it was on fire. He whipped out his cell phone and dialed Ambrose’s number. “Hey, where are you right now?” Levi demanded, without even giving the other man a chance to speak.

  “Where do you think? Ruby Skye.” Came the slightly, tipsy-sounding voice of Ambrose Rune.

  “I…need a drink.”

  “I can’t believe you’re using a cell phone…do you know how to get here?”


  “I’ll meet you at the front entrance.”

  “Thanks, man.” Levi ended the call.

  To be continued in…Fish 6: Black Pearl