Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 7

  Chapter 6: Black Pearl

  Vivien was surprised to say the least that Dylan had been able to get a dinner reservation at Acquerello restaurant on such short notice. But then again…he was Dylan Black. Actor. Millionaire. Most eligible bachelor in California.

  Vivien admired the restaurant’s sophisticated décor as a waitress led them to their table, which had four chairs around it. She couldn’t help but compare the décor to Levi’s restaurant. Acquerello’s décor was rich, opulent, and luxurious, but…it wasn’t the whimsical setting that Poseidon’s Trident was. Acquerello was a beautiful restaurant but it wasn’t an escape from reality like Levi’s restaurant was. Vivien frowned at her thoughts.

  Dylan noticed Vivien’s frown and began to inspect their silverware with a critical eye. He snapped his fingers impatiently at a nearby waitress. “Replace these…the glasses as well.”

  “Yes, Sir.” The waitress immediately agreed and rushed off to get more silverware and different glasses. Once the glasses and silverware had been replaced, Dylan spoke: “Better?”

  “Uh…that wasn’t what I was frowning about. It’s the décor-” Vivien began to say.

  Dylan snapped his fingers again and a waitress appeared at his side. “We’d like to change the décor-”

  “Ah!” Vivien interrupted, waving her hands in front of her. “Never mind. Forget I said anything. The décor is just fine! Really.”

  Dylan eyed Vivien skeptically. “Very well.” He waved his hand at the waitress in a dismissive gesture, sending her own her way.

  Vivien gave Dylan a pensive look. “Do you always get what you want?”

  Dylan’s dark eyes glittered with pride and arrogance. “Of course. That’s the power of money and social status like mine. They fear receiving a bad Tweet or comment from me on social media about this restaurant, and so they will do whatever I ask of them. I could have them change this entire restaurant’s décor if you but say the word. I’d be able to make it happen with a snap of my fingers.”

  “That so?” Vivien’s lip twitched. “That’s crazy. This world of celebrities that we’re a part of is crazy, don’t you think?”

  “I happen to enjoy it immensely.” Dylan confided in a sensuous drawl. “A man like me isn’t meant to live a life hidden in the shadows. A man like me is meant to be in the spotlight where he can be acknowledged and adored by others. This is one of the reasons why I chose to become an actor. I’m a leader, Vivien, not a follower.”

  “I see.” Vivien said, feeling at a total loss. She’d always felt out of place in this world of celebrities herself. The action heroine also felt that certain things were definitely over the top - like how crazy fans seemed to get when they saw a celebrity, or how much celebrities paid for their clothes or jewelry. She remembered a time when the hostesses for the Academy Awards only had one dress. Now they were changing their dress every commercial break. Even the men were changing their outfits more often.

  A few minutes later, a waiter arrived with an expensive bottle of champagne. “Champagne?” Dylan asked her.

  “Definitely.” Vivien said as she was poured a glass. She was feeling so nervous. The actress could really use a drink right about then. Vivien picked up her glass and gulped the champagne back.

  Dylan raised an eyebrow at her as he took a sip of his champagne. “Do I make you nervous?” He smirked with a knowing look on his face.

  Vivien set down her now empty glass and nodded. “Yes. All this, it just seems…a little sudden. I’ve been trying to get your attention for days and then you suddenly ask me out like this. I don’t know how to react now that this is actually happening.”

  Of course Vivien was nervous to be on a date with the Dylan Black. It was the same as getting to go out on a date with someone like Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp or Keanu Reeves. Dylan was so handsome, and had this aura of power and sophistication around him. He was the perfect guy.

  A thoughtful frown formed on Dylan’s face. “I should have paid attention to you sooner. But I’ve come to realize that you’re…special.” A secret smile curled his lips.

  Vivien blushed at Dylan’s unexpected words. “Special? Me?”

  Dylan nodded solemnly. “You’re not quite at my level yet but…you have definite potential. I realized this with your acting during the picnic scene today. You really impressed me then. You looked…very in love with me. It…moved me.”

  “Really?” Vivien felt a little giddy because of Dylan’s praise. To have such an incredible actor compliment her was truly an honor.

  Dylan smiled charmingly. “Oh, yes…in fact, I have a present for you.” The actor reached into his jacket and pulled out a long velvet box. He set the box down on the table and slid it in Vivien’s direction.

  Vivien stared down at it and shook her head. “This is all too sudden. I can’t accept it.”

  Dylan took up the box, opened it, and flashed the diamond necklace at Vivien causing her to gasp at its beauty. He picked up the necklace, stood up from his seat, and sauntered over to Vivien. He smoothly draped the necklace around her neck and clasped it. “I was walking by Tiffany’s when the necklace caught my eye. Diamonds and aquamarines - the same color as your eyes, I think.”

  Vivien put a trembling hand over the necklace. It had to be worth several thousand dollars. “I can’t accept it. It’s much too expensive.”

  Dylan offered her a wry smile. “Not for people like us.”

  “Even so…I don’t like to be excessive.”

  Dylan chuckled. “Then you picked the wrong field of work. You’re an actress, Vivien. You need to believe that you’re better than everyone else, so that they’ll begin to believe that you are too. You also have to dress better than everyone. It’s all part of the illusion we create that we stand above them all. We make ourselves to be gods among men. We make this illusion truth. If you want to become a more respected actress then you need to start acting like you deserve that respect. No, demand it.”

  “Demand it?” Vivien shook her head. She didn’t have enough confidence to boss people around like Dylan did. Nor would she really want to. Her sister Audrey also made sure not to let Vivien get a big head by pointing out all of her flaws constantly. “I don’t think I could do that. I want to earn people’s respect the hard way.”

  Dylan’s expression turned amused. “You certainly are…unique. I think I’ll do you the honor of being my girlfriend.”

  Vivien choked on her champagne. “Huh? What? But we barely know each other.”

  “Isn’t that the entire point of dating - to get to know one another better? It’s settled. We’re dating now.” Dylan raised his glass. “Cheers. To us.”

  “Now, wait just one minute. This is too sudden, I-” Vivien began to object.

  However, at that moment-

  “Vivien, darling!” Came a familiar, mature female voice.

  Huh? What the hell? Vivien turned to see none other than her parents. Marilyn and Clark Tempest were approaching their table. Her parents were both in their sixties, but still incredibly handsome people. Marilyn had a short bob of wavy blonde hair, and blue eyes. Her lips were always painted a classic red. The actress was wearing a sophisticated, black, designer dress and high heels.

  Clark was tall and tanned with dark brown hair that was dyed at his age to hide his graying hair, and he had intelligent hazel-brown eyes. He was sporting a slick designer suit, and blue tie that matched his wife’s eyes perfectly. Vivien was certain her mother had picked that tie out for her father.

  Vivien had taken after her mother in the looks department while Audrey had taken after their father. Marilyn Tempest had been one of the great beauties of her time. The smile on her mother’s face was out of place though since Marilyn rarely smiled. It made Vivien instantly suspicious.

  “Uh…hi Mom, Dad. What are you guys doing here?” Vivien asked hesitantly.

  “Why, your boyfriend invited us, of course.” Marilyn tittered as Clark pulled a chair out for her.
Marilyn sat down on the chair and Clark scooted her in. Clark then took the seat next to his wife.

  “Boyfriend…but I don’t have a-” Vivien shot Dylan a questioning look.

  “Your daughter has just agreed to go out with me officially.” Dylan announced with a proud tilt of his chin.

  “I have?” Vivien’s head was spinning.

  Marilyn noticed Vivien’s gorgeous necklace next. “Ooo, what a beautiful necklace. Did Dylan get you that?”

  Vivien touched the necklace with her hand. Suddenly the necklace felt heavy, like a leather dog collar with spikes on it. “Uh, yes, but-”

  “You have excellent taste, son.” Clark spoke up, nodding in approval.

  Dylan nodded his head once, and then snapped his fingers to get the nearby waiter’s attention. “Bring us another bottle of champagne, if you please.”

  “Another?” Marilyn spoke up and noticed Vivien’s empty glass. She instantly frowned. “Vivien, what have I told you about drinking excessively in public?”

  So embarrassing! Vivien flushed. “Mom!”

  Dylan spoke up. “Mrs. Tempest, not to worry…your daughter is the epitome of a lady. I was a little nervous at getting to finally be on a date with your beautiful daughter and so I may have enjoyed more champagne than I should have. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “Oh, of course!” Marilyn tittered and raised a hand in front of her mouth as she laughed, showing her French manicure off. “Forget I said anything.”

  Unreal. Vivien sank back into her chair in relief. Dylan had just defended her and it felt…good.

  A moment later, a waiter arrived with a new bottle of champagne, and filled everyone’s glasses. Dylan held up his glass. “A toast…to your daughter, Vivien.”

  “To Vivien.” Marilyn and Clark readily repeated at the same time.

  Vivien could only gawk at her parents wondering if the real Marilyn and Clark had been body snatched. Her parents didn’t act this way…didn’t act nice towards her. Dylan was really showing how much power he had over her parents and it was scary. Her parents didn’t bend for anyone. At least, they never had before.

  Vivien felt like she’d just fallen into the Twilight Zone. Her parents were actually acknowledging her presence and it was all thanks to Dylan Black. She should have felt incredibly happy, but why did she feel so…suffocated. Trapped. She looked over at the exit door and longed for an excuse to escape.


  Levi lounged on one of the red leather couches in the VIP section at Ruby Skye while Ambrose was seated next to him. On Levi’s other side a human female was seated, and on Ambrose’s free side was yet another female. In fact, an entire group of fawning human females surrounded them. Some were seated in the nearby chairs while others were kneeling on the floor in front of them. The two men failed to notice the jealous and angry glares they were receiving from the other men who were seated in the VIP section and who were currently being completely ignored.

  “What would you like to drink, bro?” Ambrose asked Levi as he waved a waitress over.

  Levi glared at the girlie looking cocktail in Ambrose’s hand. It was a reddish pink color and even had one of those tiny little umbrellas in it. “Just get me something strong.”

  Ambrose blinked. “Sure thing. My friend will have a Scotch on the rocks. I’ll have another Sex on the Beach. And get these lovely ladies here with us whatever they wish.”

  “Yes, Ambrose. Right away.” The female waitress winked in a coquettish fashion before she skipped off.

  The waitress returned a few minutes later and set a lowball glass in front of Levi. Levi picked up the drink and chugged it back in one go. “Another.” He barked at the waitress before she’d even taken a single step away from their table.

  “Oh, yes…right away, Sir.” She ran off to get Levi another drink.

  Ambrose sipped at his cocktail while giving Levi a pensive look. “I didn’t know you liked to drink.”

  Levi shrugged. “I don’t.”

  “Oh? So…it’s unusual for you to call me. Did something happen?” Ambrose prodded.

  “Vivien Tempest.” Levi groaned as he let his head fall back against the couch.

  Ambrose’s eyes widened at his friend’s unexpected words. “Vivien? What about Vivien? Is she okay?” Ambrose Rune happened to be good friends with Vivien and personally delivered alcoholic cakes to her hotel suite at least once a week. It was a secret between the two of them, but Vivien claimed that Ambrose’s cakes helped her deal with her alcohol addiction.

  “I think…I’m in love with her.” Levi mumbled.

  Ambrose began to choke on a maraschino cherry. “W-What? What did you just say? You think you’re in love with her? But she’s a hu-” Ambrose coughed into his hand. “How the hell did this happen?” The patissier scratched his head. Levi just shrugged in response.

  “Here you are, Sir.” The waitress said as she set the new lowball glass down in front of Levi.

  Levi sat up and grabbed the glass. He began to chug this drink too. The merman had never been drunk before. But tonight he planned on getting hammered.

  “Well, we support you, Levi!” “Yeah, we think you and Vivien make a great couple!” “I’m definitely on Team Levi!” The girls began to burst out random exclamations.

  “Whoa, ladies, what are you talking about?” Ambrose interrupted the girls. “How do you even know about this?”

  One of the girls raised an eyebrow at Ambrose. “Who doesn’t know? Haven’t you seen the video?”

  “What video?” Ambrose asked with a feeling of dread.

  “Here. Take a look for yourself.” The girl whipped out her smart phone and brought up the YouTube video of Levi and Vivien dancing together in the fountain. She then scooted closer to Ambrose and tapped on her phone’s screen so that the video began to play.

  Ambrose’s eyes grew wider and wider as he watched the video. “Levi? I don’t understand. What the hell is this?”

  “Your friend Levi Devlin is going to play the part of the merprince in the Disney remake The Little Merman.” The girl explained and upon noticing Ambrose’s shocked expression she continued: “You didn’t know? Aren’t you guys friends?” The girl shot Levi a questioning look.

  “The Little Merman!” Ambrose shot Levi a worried look. “You can’t be serious. Why would you do such a risky thing?” He leaned over to hiss in Levi’s ear: “As soon as Agent Darkhart sees the movie…he’ll come after you.”

  “I know.” Levi snapped his fingers and the waitress grabbed his empty glass and rushed off to get a refill. “But…Vivien blackmailed me into this. I’m just going to enjoy what time I have left with my secret safe before Agent Darkhart comes after me. Him and I - we have to settle things once and for all anyways if I’m ever going to live my life freely. But don’t worry, I’ll be ready for him.”

  Blackmail. Now that was something Ambrose could understand all too well. His hand unconsciously went to the back of his neck and he let out a heavy sigh. “I won’t be able to stick my neck out for you again, Levi.” Ambrose said darkly as he continued to watch Vivien and Levi dancing. He was surprised by the tender look on Vivien’s face. “Well, she seems to like you too. So what’s the problem? Just ask her out.”

  Levi shook his head at Ambrose’s blasé suggestion and a desolate look formed on his face. “Vivien doesn’t like me. She likes Dylan Black.”

  Ambrose frowned. “Dylan Black? You mean the actor?”

  Levi nodded grimly. “He took her to dinner tonight, and gave her a diamond necklace. It must have been worth thousands.”

  “And she accepted the necklace? Just like that?” Ambrose asked and snapped his fingers. That didn’t sound like the Vivien he knew in his opinion.

  “Well, no, not exactly. But when he put it on her she didn’t take it back off.” Levi admitted.

  “Hmm.” Ambrose paused the video and used his fingers to magnify the expression on Vivien’s face. Vivien looked posi
tively enamored with Levi, or was she just playing with both guys? Ambrose wondered. Vivien was his friend but…if she played with Levi’s emotions like this, he wouldn’t forgive her.

  Another Scotch on the rocks arrived and Levi chugged it back. He was finally starting to feel something…a sense of detachment to the world around him. He liked it. Levi liked this - things didn’t seem so bad anymore. What had he been worrying about anyways? Oh yeah…Vivien and her date with Dylan. “Another.” Levi slurred, holding his glass up.

  “I think you’ve had enough.” Ambrose said firmly.

  “I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough.” Levi growled.

  Another drink arrived and Ambrose was unable to stop his friend from drinking it - unless he wanted to start a fight. “Man, you better watch it before you just-”

  Levi passed out on the couch.

  “Pass out.” Ambrose shook his head at the unconscious form of his friend and sighed. “Lovesick fool.”

  “Vivien.” Levi groaned pitifully in his unconscious state…and a single tear trailed down Levi’s cheek.

  Ambrose watched as the tear fell and turned into a black pearl. Whoa. Holy crap! Ambrose caught the pearl in his hand before anyone could notice. He held the pearl in the palm of his hand and clenched his fingers around it tightly. Levi was feeling true sorrow. And it was all Vivien Tempest’s fault.