Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 9


  The following morning Levi awoke feeling very satisfied. A smirk formed on his lips as he reached his arms out to embrace Vivien closer to his body. But his arms wrapped around thin air. Where was Vivien? His sleep-fogged mind wondered. Where was his woman? Levi sat up on the couch and that’s when he caught sight of a fully dressed and showered Vivien running around the living room and grabbing the things she needed before she went to today’s film site.

  Levi’s smile widened as he admired her. She was so beautiful. Irresistible. “Vivien.”

  Vivien flinched at the sound of his voice and glanced over at Levi. “Oh, hey, Levi, you’re awake.”

  Levi opened his arms invitingly. “Come here.” His voice was husky.

  Vivien hesitated before walking over to Levi, but she remained just out of his reach. She frowned. “Look, Levi…about last night…”

  “It was amazing.” His dark blue eyes were shinning with raw emotion.

  “Ah…I was drunk. I don’t really remember it.” Vivien said carelessly and without meeting Levi’s eyes.

  Levi dropped his arms and his happy expression shattered. His heart clenched painfully inside of his chest, making it hard to breathe. “What?” A feeling of dread washed over him.

  “Look, last night was a mistake, okay? So let’s just forget about it.” Vivien said hotly with her hands on her hips. “Let’s pretend it never happened.”

  Levi could feel his blood turning to ice in his veins. “A mistake? Forget? But…I thought you loved me.”

  “Huh? Whatever gave you that idea? I never said that.” She wrapped her arms around her chest unconsciously in a protective gesture.

  “But…we had sex.” Levi’s brow furrowed.

  “Just because I had sex with you doesn’t mean I love you. It doesn’t mean I belong to you either.” Vivien’s ire had begun to rise. What was with men and thinking they could own women? She didn’t belong to anyone but herself, darn it!

  “But Tristan said…you should only have sex with someone you love.” Levi’s voice cracked on the word ‘love’.

  A flash of pain crossed Vivien’s blue-green eyes but was gone in an instant to be replaced by coldness. “Well, I’ve never been in love, okay?” My own parents don’t even love me…so how the hell would I know how to love someone? Or know if I love someone. Vivien looked down at her watch. “Crap. I’m going to be late. I gotta get to the shoot. I expect you to be gone by the time I get back, Levi. The last thing I need is a scandal.” The action heroine didn’t wait for Levi’s response - just left the hotel suite and closed the door behind her.

  Levi clutched at his chest. His heart ached. It hurts…it hurts so much. The merman started to gasp for breath. It was getting harder for him to breathe. Vivien didn’t love him. She’d just…what? Used him? For…pleasure? Mistake. Forget. Pretend it never happened. Vivien’s harsh words banged around inside of Levi’s head mercilessly.

  Levi doubled over in pain and let out a roar full of sorrow. Hot tears began to stream down his face.

  And as those tears hit the carpet they turned into black pearls.

  To be continued in…Fish 7: Broken Sword