Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 8


  Vivien was drunk. She barely participated in the conversation Dylan was having with her parents. They all looked so content, talking together like one big happy family. They didn’t need her there. It was all so surreal - the dinner, dessert, and Dylan and her father smoking Cuban cigars together while acting like old friends.

  Vivien’s clutch began to vibrate across the table as her cell phone rang. Vivien opened her clutch and pulled out her smart phone expecting to see a little picture of Levi with the words ‘Brawler Chef’ beneath it as the incoming call. Her expression fell when she saw a little picture of Ambrose and words ‘Patissier Prince’ beneath it instead. “Ambrose?” Vivien frowned and looked up at Dylan and her parents. “Sorry…I have to take this.” She said but they didn’t even notice. The actress grabbed her clutch and moved to a quiet area of the restaurant before swiping her finger across the screen to answer the call. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Vivien. It’s me, Ambrose.”

  “Hey, Ambrose. What’s up? It’s odd for you to call me so late, did something happen? This better not be a booty call.” Her voice held a note of warning too it.

  “Ha, not this time, babe, and sorry to interrupt your date with Dylan Black.”

  “How did you know about that?” Vivien whispered into the phone as she looked around the restaurant suspiciously for signs of the paparazzi.

  “So it’s true then. Look, I’m here at Ruby Skye with my pal Levi. He’s completely drunk. In fact, he’s passed out right here on the couch. F.Y.I - it’s all your fault.”

  “My fault…?” Vivien furrowed her brow.

  “Well, he was moaning your name in his sleep so I just assumed it was, but if you don’t care what happens to him I was thinking of letting the girls here take care of him. If you know what I mean.” Ambrose’s voice was dripping with sexual innuendo.

  “What! You can’t do that. Levi…he…don’t you dare let him go off with some strange girls! I’ll be right there. You hear me, Ambrose. Don’t move!” Vivien yelled into her phone before she ended the call.

  Vivien thought about telling her parents and Dylan that she had to go, but didn’t want to risk them stopping her. The actress ran out of the restaurant and hailed a cab. She hopped into the back of the cab and told the cabbie: “Ruby Skye. And step on it. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “Yes, Mam!” The cabbie said happily as he pressed on the gas.

  Levi could very well be in danger…if he went off with some strange girls there was no telling what might happen. What if they discovered his secret? He could end up in a lab somewhere. With that thought in mind Vivien told the cabbie to ‘please hurry’.

  It took six minutes for the cabbie to drive Vivien to Ruby Skye, and he pulled up right in front. Vivien paid the cabbie generously, hopped out of the cab, and bypassed the line, going right up to the front entrance. She was about to walk inside when the bouncer put his hand on her arm.

  “Hey, where do you think you’re going, lady? You’re going to have to wait in line like everyone else.” The bouncer said in a stern tone.

  Vivien turned to glare at the bouncer. What was it Dylan had said? Demand respect? “Do you have any idea who I am? I’m action heroine, Vivien Tempest!” She flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

  The bouncer blinked at Vivien before his eyes lit up with recognition. “Vivien Tempest. Wow…it really is you.”

  Several people in the line recognized Vivien too and began to speak excitedly about her and whip out their smart phones. “Oh my God, it’s Vivien Tempest!” “Vivien! Over here!” “I love you, Vivien!” “Hey, Vivien look over here!” “Can we get your autograph?”

  Vivien held her chin up a little higher and smirked.

  The bouncer noticed all the fuss and quickly unhooked the red velvet cord. “Sorry about that Miss Tempest, go right inside. And sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you.”

  “Thanks.” Vivien said distractedly as she made her way into the club. She took off across the dance floor that was filled with people dancing to thumping techno dance music and lazer lights zigzagging across the floor. Vivien took off for the stairs, which led to the VIP area. She wasn’t stopped as she entered and noticed that the security guards seemed to have been alerted that she was inside the club.

  Vivien looked around and spotted Ambrose surrounded by a gaggle of pretty, scantily clad girls seated on a long couch. Levi was fast asleep on one of the other couches. Levi. Her heart was beating fast inside of her chest, but that was just because she’d run across the dance floor. Relief filled her at the sight of him. She stalked over to Ambrose, stood in front of him, and put her hands on her hips. “Ambrose, I’m here.”

  Ambrose removed his eyes from the cleavage he’d been drooling over to look up at Vivien. He blinked and a slow smile curled his lips. “So you came after all. Maybe you do care.”

  “Why did you get Levi drunk?” Vivien demanded accusingly.

  Ambrose raised a red eyebrow at her. “I didn’t get him drunk…you did. Now, I have to go.” Ambrose stood up with a beautiful girl on his arm. She had short black hair and pale lavender-colored eyes. Vivien noticed that the girl was wearing a sparkly, silver tube dress and silver high heels. “I have an important engagement to attend to. So you can either take care of Levi…or not. It’s up to you.” His expression was sly.

  Vivien gawked at Ambrose. “I didn’t know you could be such a selfish jerk, Ambrose.” The actress rushed over to Levi’s side and shook his shoulder to rouse him. “Hey Levi, wake up. It’s me…Vivien.”

  “Vivien?” Levi groaned, “You can’t be her. She’s…with Dylan.” The pain was obvious in his tone.

  That pain made Vivien’s heart clench inside of her chest. “No, I’m not. I left Dylan and came here to get you.”

  Levi’s eyes snapped opened and he peered at Vivien, “Vivien?”

  Vivien nodded. “Yes, it’s me. Help me get you home.” She said as she lifted Levi up into a sitting position.

  “Sure.” Levi agreed dazedly as he allowed Vivien to put his arm around her shoulders. He grinned dopily at what she was doing. “It’s true what they say…if you drink enough you’ll see the one thing you want the most. And your dreams come to life.”

  Her heart beat faster at his drunken words and Vivien figured it was from the physical exertion she was using to lift Levi. “Come on, Levi. I’m getting you home.”

  Ambrose watched Vivien intently out of the corner of his eye. It looked like Levi would be in good hands with her. He turned his attention back to the dark haired seductress he’d encountered at the club. There was something oddly familiar about her…but he couldn’t place it. She was incredibly sexy though and really that was all that mattered. Ambrose planned to have a very special evening with the girl on his arm.


  Somehow Vivien managed to carry all two hundred plus pounds of Levi out of the club and into a cab. “Cabbie, please take us to Poseidon’s Trident-”

  “No.” Levi objected in a groggy voice. “I don’t want the guys to see me like this. So pathetic. I’ve never been drunk before.”

  Vivien frowned and hesitated. She pondered for a moment before she came to a decision. “The Fairmount Hotel.” She would let Levi stay the night at her hotel room. He could sleep on the couch. They were a couple of mature adults, so there shouldn’t be any problem.

  “You got it, lady.” The cabbie drove them to the Fairmount Hotel. Vivien paid the cabbie once they arrived, and struggled to get Levi out of the backseat. She put his arm around her shoulders and approached the front door.

  “Welcome back, Miss Tempest.” The doorman called as he opened the door for her and noted her charge. “Would you like help with your…gentleman friend?”

  “Ah, no, it’s okay. Really. I’ve got him. Thanks!” Vivien replied as she quickly made her way over to the elevator. She pressed the call button and the elevator arrived a few seconds later. Vi
vien guided the half-awake Levi inside and pressed the door close button. Phew. The actress let out a breath of relief once the elevator door closed.

  Man, Levi was heavy! But Vivien was strong. She could handle it. Vivien didn’t go to the gym almost seven days a week for nothing. Oh boy, her sister Audrey was going to kill her if she found out about this, but there was no way she could have left Levi alone in his current state. They were…friends. Yeah, friends…and coworkers after all.

  The elevator door opened with a bing and Vivien dragged Levi out into the hall. She led Levi down the hall and to her room number 2006. She fished her keycard out of her white clutch and used it to open her door.

  Vivien helped Levi inside and kicked the door closed behind her. The actress dragged Levi over to the couch and dropped him down on it with a whoomp. He was so heavy that she almost ended up falling on top of him. Somehow her hands ended up on his chest and she peered down at him, her face just a few inches away from his own. She froze.

  Vivien was about to pull back when Levi opened his eyes and stared at her. He smiled languidly. “I must still be dreaming.” He reached out to run his huge hand through Vivien’s silky hair.

  Vivien sucked in a surprised breath and stayed still while Levi ran his hand through her hair tenderly.

  “So soft…like golden silk.” Levi murmured in an awed tone. “So beautiful. Blinding like the sun. I used to stare up at the sun from under the sea for hours and wonder…if I breached the surface would I be able to cup it in my hands.” Levi cupped the back of Vivien’s neck and brought her forward for a kiss.

  Vivien was too shocked to resist or pull away. Or maybe, deep down she didn’t want to.

  Levi gently pressed his lips against Vivien’s and after a minute released the back of her neck.

  Vivien pulled back to give Levi a questioning look. Why did he stop? She wondered. Her lips were tingly.

  “So that’s what a kiss feels like.” A boyish grin formed on his face.

  Vivien’s breath hitched at his words, and her eyes widened. “That was your first kiss?” I was his first kiss. No freakin way.

  Levi nodded as he reached out to stroke her head. “It was…delicious.”

  Vivien frowned, feeling lost and confused. “Why did you kiss me, Levi?” Had it merely been out of curiosity?

  Levi blinked. “Why? Because I wanted to. Because…I think I love you.”

  Vivien’s heart was suddenly hammering against her rib cage because…maybe she’d forgotten to breathe. Levi…loved her? She swallowed thickly. Vivien wouldn’t allow herself to get her hopes up. “Why do you think you love me?” After all, Vivien was a practical minded girl. And she and Levi had only known each other for days. He simply didn’t know her well enough to love her.

  Levi frowned. “When I see you…my chest aches. My heart beats faster until I can barely breathe. And when I saw you with Dylan my blood boiled. I wanted to grab him and beat the crap out of him and break everyone bone in his body for daring to get close to you. I’ve never seen a woman that was as beautiful as you. Your hair reminds me of the sun peering down through the surface of the ocean. So blinding. So unreachable. So far away. Your eyes are like the sea. Peering into your eyes feels like coming home.”

  Were those butterflies in her stomach? No…her dinner must not have been sitting well with her. “You really think I’m beautiful?” Vivien found herself asking. She cringed at the hopeful note in her voice.

  Levi nodded solemnly. “The most beautiful female I’ve ever seen.”

  “Why did you stop kissing me?” The actress asked breathlessly.

  Levi’s brow furrowed. “I know I’m not good enough for you. I’m not a male of worth.”

  “I think I’m the one who decides that. And right now…I want you to kiss me again, Levi.” Help me forget. Help me escape reality. Help me feel loved for once in my life. Help me to feel good enough. Vivien demanded in her mind.

  “Your wish. My command.” Levi rumbled as he grabbed Vivien by the back of her neck and brought her forward for another kiss. As their lips touched for the second time, Vivien felt tingles again, but Levi still didn’t move his lips. Vivien decided to take the initiative and began to move her lips against his creating a scorching heat between them.

  Levi flinched as if surprised by what she was doing before he began to mimic her movements. He eagerly began kissing her back and enjoyed the new physical sensations he was experiencing for the very first time. Vivien ran her tongue over Levi’s bottom lip, seeking entrance.

  Levi pulled back and gave Vivien a questioning look. “What are you doing with your tongue?”

  “Trying to French kiss you.” Vivien smiled impishly.

  “French kiss?” He tilted his head at her. It was freakin cute.

  “You don’t know what French kissing is?” Vivien asked aghast, and Levi shook his head. Vivien’s eyes went wide. “Whatever. I’ll teach you. Open your mouth a little for me…”

  Levi did as he was told. Vivien pressed her lips against his and thrust her tongue into his mouth. Levi released a strangled groan at the feeling. The actress caressed Levi’s tongue with her own, tasting dark spices. Levi quickly began to mimic her movements, making her toes curl. Mmm. Levi was a fast learner. Oh boy.

  Their kissing became more heated, passionate. Desperate. Vivien wanted to be closer to Levi, no, she needed to be closer, and so she swung her leg up and over Levi so that she was straddling him on the couch.

  Levi groaned at the feeling of having Vivien on top of him and her thighs wrapped around his waist. Her softness cradled his hardness. The merman’s hands automatically came to rest on her hips to help keep her in place as they continued to make out. Levi tasted her. She tasted like sun-warmed sea grapes. To Vivien, Levi tasted like Scotch and another exotic, spicy, masculine flavor that was uniquely Levi.

  Vivien ran her hands over Levi’s muscular chest and torso through his shirt. Dang, the boy was as hard as a rock. She reached up to run her hand through his blue hair and was surprised by how soft it was. Vivien assumed Levi dyed his hair to get that sky-blue color and so had expected it to be somewhat fried. His hair was just long enough to be able to sift her fingers through it. His hair was razored on the sides giving him a bit of a mohawk. She couldn’t help but play with his ear piercings next.

  Levi’s hands began to slide up her body towards her chest instinctively. His hands were trembling slightly but Vivien hadn’t noticed yet. He pulled his hands away and gave Vivien a questioning look. “May I touch you?”

  Vivien nodded eagerly and boldly grabbed Levi’s wrists before moving his hands and placing them right over her. “Yes, please.”

  Levi gasped at her bold actions. He tentatively caressed her through the material of her dress. She was so soft. He worried about hurting her. Were all human females this soft? Levi wondered.

  Vivien moaned in approval at his gentle caresses. But then Vivien realized she needed more skin-to-skin contact. Their clothes were definitely in the way. The actress leaned over Levi and began to take his leather jacket off. “Take off your jacket.”

  Levi nodded and sat up. He took his jacket off and tossed it to the floor. It landed with a surprisingly hard thud, but the jacket was probably heavy because of all those metal spikes.

  “Now take off your shirt.” Vivien demanded and licked her lips in anticipation.

  Levi hesitated before he took off his T-shirt and tossed it aside. He was feeling oddly shy all of a sudden. Which was odd considering he felt that clothes were unnatural to begin with.

  Vivien let out a purr of approval as she stared at Levi’s chiseled torso. She reached out and ran her hands over his hairless chest, over his pecs, and down to his six pack abs. Vivien had never really paid much attention to his bare flesh before or perhaps she’d been avoiding looking at it because now she noticed a scar right over his sternum, and another scar on his stomach that looked like a shark had tried to take a bite out of him
. My battle scarred merman. His skin was pale but appeared to be dusted with gold hues.

  Levi remained utterly still as he allowed Vivien to explore his body with her surprisingly delicate hands while holding his breath. He’d expected her hands to be rougher since she was a fellow martial artist, but they were as soft as silk. Her graceful fingers traced his scars tenderly as if she were trying to heal them. It touched him somewhere deep inside.

  Vivien grabbed one of Levi’s hands and placed it on the back of her gown. “Unzip me.”

  Levi swallowed the lump in his throat and did as he was told. He slowly unzipped Vivien’s dress all the way down to her lower back.

  Vivien slipped the straps off her shoulders and let the dress pool around her waist to reveal her sparkly blue bra.

  Levi must have liked her bra because he let out a groan of pure masculine satisfaction. “So pretty.” The merman purred as he raised his hands to caress the bra. “Soft.” His ministrations elicited a gasp from Vivien.

  “Oh, I like that.” Vivien readily approved of his actions. But still she needed more. “Take it off.” Vivien said at last. She needed to feel Levi’s bare hands on her flesh. Right. Now.

  Levi nodded and did as he was told. He reached around Vivien and unclasped her bra. Vivien removed her bra and tossed it aside with an air of impatience.

  Levi’s throat felt dry at the sight of Vivien’s bare flesh. She looked ready to be plundered and Levi was so ready to do some plundering.

  “Put your hands on me.” Vivien instructed.

  Levi was quick to obey and placed his hands on Vivien’s bare flesh.

  “Yes, oh yes.” Vivien gasped as she rubbed herself against his hands, enjoying the feeling of his calloused fingers. He had the hands of a chef…or perhaps the hands of a warrior. His hands were so large. Powerful. “More.”

  Levi experimentally caressed her in a different manner, and Vivien threw her head back in bliss and squirmed on his lap.

  Holy crap! Levi thought he felt her grind against him.

  “Kiss me.” Vivien said before she impatiently grabbed Levi’s face with her two hands and smashed her lips against his.

  Levi fervently kissed her back as he continued to caress her. Hey, I think I’m getting the hang of this whole kissing thing. It’s not so hard. I can do this. I can pleasure this female in my arms.

  Levi wrapped his arms around Vivien to pull her closer. Levi’s hands went up and down her back. “Mmm.” He released a masculine purr. The feeling of having this woman in his arms…exquisite.

  Vivien raised her hands to Levi’s hair and tugged at his scalp. Soon even this wasn’t enough. Vivien craved more. As they kissed, she lowered her hands to the waistband of Levi’s pants. She unbuttoned his leather pants and began to slide the zipper down.

  However, Levi noticed what she was doing and pulled away from Vivien. He reached out and grabbed her wrists, stopping her. They were both flushed and panting for breath, as they just stared at each other for a heated moment.

  Vivien could see her own hunger reflected in Levi’s dark blue eyes but there was also another emotion lingering there, which she couldn’t quite define. Fear? “What’s wrong?” She asked softly.

  Levi frowned as a serious expression fell over his face. “My friend Tristan told me that I should tell you that I’m a virgin and to ask you to take care of me.”

  Vivien blinked. “You’re a virgin?” She asked, even though she knew that had to be the case if she was truly his first kiss. But it was still pretty unbelievable that a man that looked like him was still a virgin.

  Levi nodded, looking worried.

  Utterly adorable. Vivien offered Levi a reassuring smile. “You just leave everything to me, Levi. I’ll take very good care of you.”

  Levi swallowed and nodded nervously.

  Vivien turned her attention back to Levi’s pants, which she unzipped. “Raise your hips.” Levi did as he was told and Vivien slid his leather pants down his legs. She loved how obedient he was being. It was crazy having a man as huge and powerful as he was under her complete control like this. It gave her a heady feeling.

  Vivien quickly pulled Levi’s pants off and tossed them aside. While she did this she also pushed her gown off her body until she was only in her panties. She couldn’t quite remember when he’d gotten rid of his boots, but she didn’t really care. Vivien crawled back on top of Levi, straddled his body, and caressed him through his boxers.

  Levi hissed at the incredible sensation and grew stiff out of nervousness. His body was trembling and he didn’t want Vivien to notice. He really didn’t want her to think he was some kind of wimp or something. Levi dug his hands into the sofa cushions.

  “Shhh it’s okay. It feels good, right? Just relax.” Vivien purred as she continued to pleasure him.

  “Yeah…it does feel good.” Levi forced himself to relax. He knew that Vivien wouldn’t hurt him. He trusted her.

  “And this will feel even better.” Vivien boldly stuck her hand down Levi’s boxers to touch him.

  “Holy crap!” Levi swore and threw his head back into the armrest.

  Vivien smiled devilishly as she pleasured him. Levi’s hips bucked off the couch instinctively, and the merman groaned. “Levi, I’m going to kiss you…right here, okay?” Vivien asked.

  “Kiss…there…?” Levi’s brow furrowed at the idea.

  Vivien pulled Levi’s boxers all the way down. Whoa. He was quite impressive and Vivien mused that it had to be because he was a different species. Vivien leaned over Levi and began to pleasure him with her mouth next. Mmm, sweet.

  “Christ.” Levi swore as he punctured the sofa cushions with his claws that had emerged. He threw his head back in pure bliss. “Never…felt anything like this. Oh God.” Levi groaned.

  Vivien smiled. I’ll make him feel even better.

  Heat gathered in Levi’s lower abdomen and the merman tried his hardest not to move. He didn’t want to hurt Vivien by bucking his hips up abruptly. He used all his willpower to remain completely still as she pleasured him with her mouth, and ended up shredding the cushions.

  Seconds later, he shattered. A wave of immense pleasure crashed into him and swept him away like a powerful tsunami. Vivien continued to pleasure Levi as his powerful body continued to tremble and his muscles flexed attractively. She kissed him until the very end, and thought that he tasted delicious.

  Vivien finally pulled back and licked her lips with satisfaction. Levi stared up at her with hooded eyes filled with admiration and adoration. “Vivien…that was…amazing…I…” Is that how human sex is? Incredible.

  Vivien put a finger to Levi’s lips. “Oh, it’s not over yet, big guy. We’re just getting to the best part.” The actress lifted her hips, pulled her panties off, and tossed them aside.

  There’s more? Levi gulped as he looked at Vivien’s bared flesh. Concern and trepidation swirled inside of Levi’s chest as he wondered how he could possibly fit inside of her.

  Vivien put her hands on Levi’s chest and prepared to unite their bodies. She began to lower herself on top of Levi, and he gasped when he felt them joining.

  “Vivien…stop. It won’t fit.” Levi objected, putting his hands on her hips and preparing to push her off of him. “I’ll hurt you.” Never want to hurt this female. Only want to protect her.

  “I’ll make it fit.” Vivien challenged as she continued to unite their bodies fully. She gasped at the sensation of becoming one with Levi.

  “Crap, crap, crap…” Levi swore as he saw stars.

  “I know…right? So good.” Vivien forced her body to relax as she took him all inside of her and made sure not to show her slight discomfort. After all this was Levi’s first time and she wanted it to be special and memorable for him. And the last thing she wanted to do was scare Levi off of sex. They were both trembling at the sensation…of being one.

  “You see…we are one, Levi.” Vivien panted as she grinned down at him and g
ave him this triumphant look. Never felt so claimed.

  Levi put his hands on Vivien’s hips as he continued to tremble out of nervousness, fear, and more importantly love. “Feels so good to be one with you, princess. This is amazing. Sex is amazing.”

  Vivien grinned down at Levi. “This isn’t sex…this is.” And then Vivien started to move over him.

  “Oh crap…!” Levi grunted. “Vivien!” The merman cried out at the rush of pleasurable sensations he was feeling.

  Vivien found a steady rhythm as she surged over Levi. She reached down and caressed his chest. “Your body is so sensitive…so responsive. I like it.”

  “Yours too.” Levi groaned as he reached up to caress Vivien’s chest. The merman salivated as he looked at her collarbone and had the oddest desire to suckle it. He finally gave into that temptation. Levi leaned over and began to nibble and suck at her collarbone.

  “Levi!” Vivien cried out as she reached the peak of her pleasure against him, pushed over the edge by the sensation of Levi’s mouth on her.

  “Vivien!” Levi shouted as he reached the peak of his pleasure next. Mine. This female is mine. The merman thought possessively to himself.

  Vivien collapsed on top of Levi, utterly sated and spent. Her mind was all fuzzy from sex and just the way she wanted it.

  “Love you.” Levi cradled Vivien’s body in his arms protectively.

  Vivien stiffened at the L word, but then forced her body to relax against him. For now she’d let Levi have this dream. Tomorrow he’d have to wake up from it.

  I love this female. The merman thought before he fell asleep. Finally content.