Read House on Fire Page 48

Chapter 47

  We sat there, frozen in time. I felt lightheaded, but that was washed away by a wave of nausea. Her eyes met mine and turned to daggers. I knew this was going to end badly.

  “You son of a bitch! You heartless, fucked up asshole! I’m going to kill you!”

  True to her word, she launched herself from the bed, plowing her shoulder into my chest. As the air was forced from my lungs, the chair cracked, broke, and fell as we spilled onto the floor. She roared incoherently and pounced again. “What’s wrong with you? How long were you...?” She was all over me, her fists tight and furious, pounding madly at whatever she could reach. I gasped for breath.

  She screamed like a banshee and her nails clawed at my face. Splinters dug into my flesh.

  Her knee found its target and I curled into a ball, gasping in pain. She was howling and crying, dribbling and spitting. “How could you! How could you?” she shrieked, hoarsely now. After several attempts, I managed to grab her wrists, ending the physical part of the beating.

  Her fury abating, she collapsed on my chest, massive sobs shaking her body as she panted for air. “Why? Just tell me why!” She wailed inconsolably, clutching my wet and slightly bloody shirt. “Why di...” She hiccupped. “ tell me?”

  I writhed in pain, tasting blood in my mouth. I nervously loosed my hold on her wrists.

  “I don’t understand,” she groaned, “How could you…?”

  Cautiously, I lightly put my hands on her heaving shoulders. Feeling no resistance, I held her lightly as the tears cascaded onto me.

  “Sis, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I hurt you. It’s wrong, I know it’s wrong, and I’ll never say anything ever again. Just please, don’t hate me – I couldn’t bear it. I can’t help how I feel.”

  Physically I ached all over, but at that moment, all I could feel was the pain in my heart.

  “Just please don’t hate me.”

  It was as if weeks went by while I waited for her to say something, anything.

  “Okay.” It was a soft response, barely a breath.


  “Yeah, okay.” And the most amazing thing – her arms slowly and gently wrapped around me. We lay like that for a short eternity. “I won’t hate you. I still love you too, Cory.”

  It was like I fell off a cliff. My brain flailed, attempting to regain its bearings. I plunged through disbelief, vertigo, and elation. She reached out and pulled my face to hers. She rolled on her side, pressing her lips to mine. Whoa! It was something I’d felt a million times in my dreams, but the reality of it was unknowable.

  It was bliss. Her soft, moist lips, the salty taste of her tears, and the sound of her breath as she kissed me passionately. It overwhelmed my ability to take it in. I was lost in her kiss.