Read How To Defeat Pixies. Page 5

  “Yeah, I saw Chris but he didn’t want to leave.”I smile at them. Gram rubs my shoulders and I lean into her side. Someone knocks on the door. Gram runs to the door and answers it. She comes back into the kitchen and hands me a parcel. They all look at me. “Open it Amy.” Noah points to the brawn package in my hands. I nod and open it. I recognise the blue fabric wrapped up in the paper. I drop it and put my hand to my mouth. “Oh. My. God!”

  “What?” Alice picks it up off the floor and takes out the t-shirt. “Who does this belong to?”

  “Ashley, they found out he helped me. I have to help him. If I don’t they’ll kill him.” I open the kitchen door and Noah grabs my arm. I look at him and smile. “I have to Noah.”

  “Then let me come with you. I don’t like the guy but if they are going to kill him. I’ll help.” We head towards the woods. Alice and Gram watch us go.

  “Stay safe!”


  Chapter 12

  I walk next to Noah. His hands have formed into fists. I follow his gaze. About five pixies are stood in a line in front of us. I look at them searching for Ashley’s face. The pixies part and another one comes forward with Ashley. “Ashley!” I go to run forward but Noah grabs me. My farther steps forward. “I know he helped you escape princess!”

  “Let him go!”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Princess don’t, not for me.”

  “Shut up traitor!” Two pixies grab Noah and another one grabs me. Ashley stands in front of us. I look at him and he smiles. My father stands to one side and a pixie holding a bow and arrow steps forward. “No, you can’t!” I struggle. “Ashley run!” He looks at me and kneels in front of the pixie archer. I turn away and hear the whistle of the arrow cutting through the air. The pixies go and drop me and Noah. I drop to my knees and Noah holds my shoulders. “Amy we have to go.”

  “They killed him because he tried to help.”

  “I know.”

  “But he helped me I would be dead if it wasn’t for him, I didn’t...”

  “Come on lets go back.”

  “OK.” We go back up the hill and back home.

  Gram meets us at the door. “Well?”

  “No, they killed him. I didn’t even have a chance.” I push past her and go to my room. I slam the door and throw myself down on the bed. I hug my pillow and cry into it. Gram opens the door and walks over to me. She pats my shoulder. “I’m sorry honey. When your father and his pixies are involved no-one is truly safe.”

  “If you’re trying to give me a pep talk it’s not working Gram. Leave me alone.” My voice is muffled by the pillow. “OK.” She closes the door softly behind her. The doorbellgoes, whoever is at the door must have a twitch or something because they press it again and again until she opens the door. “Oh.” Gram’s voice is pure shock. “Gram what’s happening?!” I shout but I’m too scared to open the door. The front door closes and I can hear talking but I can’t make out the words. Then I hear someone coming up the stairs. I jump off the bed and hide in the wardrobe. I bite my fingernail and the door opens. “Amy?” I recognise the voice, I should it’s my boyfriend. I hesitate and bite my lip. He must here me because he walks over to the wardrobe and pulls the doors open. “Why are you in the wardrobe?”

  “Looking for a shirt?”

  “Oh, ha, ha. No seriously what are you doing in there?” the shock hits me. He’s actually here, but in Valhalla he told me didn’t want to. “How are you here, you can’t be can you?”

  “I made a deal with Odin. He cheated you and that was wrong.”

  “Cheated me?” he pulls me to my feet and I step away from him. “How do I know you are you?”

  “Amy, it is me. I promise you.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Amy, I made a deal with Odin so I could be with you.” He puts his hands on his hips. “Plus if I was a pixie I wouldn’t have been able to come in here.”

  “I guess not, but you might be a shifter of something. I don’t know.”

  “AMY!” Gram shouts up the stairs. “Come down here a minute.” I walk over to the door and point at Chris. “You stay there.” I run down the stairs.

  Noah looks at me. His face is confused and his eyes are wide. I smile at him. “Amy, in here.” I walk into the kitchen.

  “What’s the matter Gram?”

  “I know you’re shocked sweetie but that boy is Chris. He told me the whole story. He gave up his were blood to come back and fight. I trust him and so should you.”

  “It is a little strange him turning up when Ashley died.”

  “I know it is but he can’t be here he said he wanted to stay.”

  “No, that was a shifter.” I turn around and Chris stands in the door way. “Odin knew why you were there, the true reason. He sent the shifter in my place to tell you to leave. It worked you left and he thought he had won. I found out and went up to him. He wasn’t happy about losing me. But I had to come back you guys still need me.” He smiles and I back up to the door. I open it and slam it behind me I run down the hill just out of sight but still within ear shot. I lie on the grass and try and run through what just happened. I close my eyes and feel something cold on the skin of my neck. I open my eyes and Sophie kneels next to me. “All I have to do is cut along the line. I said I would kill you Benson.” She applies pressure and the knife digs into my skin. I try to move but the slightest movement sends the knife further. I scream instead. Gram, Chris and Noah run down the hill Sophie runs. Chris pulls me up and I hold onto him. He kisses my hair. “I believe you, I really do!”

  “I know you do.” We all go back up the hill.

  I sit at my desk and send Zara and E-mail telling her that Chris is home safe and sound but the pixies are still trying to kill me. Gram knocks at the door. “You won’t need to send that E-mail.”

  “What?” Zara steps from behind her.



  “I’ll leave you two to talk.” Gram goes downstairs.

  “They don’t know I’m here any of them. Well Astley does he always does.”

  “Amy, I heard about Ashley and...”

  “I’m sorry Zara I tried to help him. I really did ask Noah.”

  “Let me finish. I know about Chris and the deal he made. Ashley is no ordinary pixie. He has good friends in high places.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come down stairs.” We go down stairs and Zara opens the living room door. Ashley is sat on the big arm chair and Gram and Chris have their eyes on him. I feel my face lift and I run over to him. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. Chris squeezes the arm of the settee. I smile at Ashley. “I thought you were dead. I thought...”

  “No, not me. I will not die not until I know you’re safe.” Chris grabs my arm and drags me into the kitchen.

  He stands with his hands clenched into fists. “Why did you just hug that pixie?”

  “He died in front of me, he’s my friend and I was shocked to see him.”

  I turn away but he grabs my arm again. “I saw the look on your face. You love him.”

  “No, Chris how could I you are the one I love.” He shakes me and I look at him his face is crinkled with anger. I pull away and go back into the room. Ashley smiles at me and I smile back. Chris follows me and goes straight to Ashley. “You touch her and you’ll have my hands around your throat!” He opens the door and goes to his car.


  Chapter 13

  After Chris leaves Ashley goes to. “I’m sorry about Chris.”

  “It’s alright princess it was not your fault.”

  “Call me Amy, Ashley. It freaks me out when you say princess.”

  “I am sorry.” He goes and Gram turns to me.

  “He’s a nice boy, Chris will come round.”

  “I hope he will.” She smiles at me and rubs my cheek. “Gram what if he doesn’t?”

  “He will.” I smile and go upstairs. I look out at the fields and woods. Th
e trees are starting to bud and the grass is bright green. It’s hard to believe that a couple of months ago it was winter and the ground was pure white. I sigh and pull my running trainers on. I sneak out of the back door and run down the hill. I head for the woods. I know what I’ll find and I know it’s dangerous but I don’t care anymore. The birds are chirping in the trees and for a moment it’s like none of the pixie stuff is real but that moment ends abruptly when something hits my shoulder. I look down at an arrow stuck in my flesh. I yank it out and look around for the shooter. “Show yourself pixie!” I yell into the trees. Ashley appears in front of me. “Ashley!”

  “You’re hurt.” He points at my shoulder. Blood is dribbling down my arm. I look at it. “I’m fine.” I smile at him but he shakes his head. “Ashley I am fine it’s just a scratch. I have had much worse.”

  “I know.” He finally smiles and I walk past him back towards the hill. He follows me. Gram opens the door. “There you are, where have you been?”



  “The train tracks.”

  “That’s not where I found you.” Ashley looks at me. Gram glairs at me.

  “Where were you?”

  “I was in the woods happy.” I walk past her and into the house. She follows me and shuts the door on Ashley. I stand in the kitchen with my shoulder under the tap. “Amy what happened?”


  “Tell your shoulder that. You have to be more careful. Here let me see that.” She takes my hand and pushes the sleeve of my t-shirt up. I wince and bite my lip. She surveys the wound and shakes her head. “You are lucky Amy.” She walks over to the first aid kit and patches my shoulder up. “No school tomorrow.”


  “NO!” She shouts and I look at her I can feel tears welling up in my eyes and I manage to hold them back. I run upstairs and into my room.

  The next day I stay at home alone. After lunch Ashley knocks on the door. I smile at him and invite him in. He sits in the living room. We talk about random things like the weather and what courses I am doing. Time passes quickly and Chris opens the door. “You heard of knocking?” I joke and go to hug him. He pushes me away and goes up to Ashley. “Why are you here parasite?!”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Get out of this house!”

  “Chris this is my house if I want him here he can be.”

  “Shut up!” He shouts at me and turns back to Ashley. He grabs Ashley’s coat and pulls him off the chair. “Chris!” I run over to him and try and pull him away from Ashley. He moves his shoulder and I fly backwards. Alice catches me. “Are you alright?”


  “Get out and never come here again!” Chris punches Ashley in the face and lets go of him. Ashley scurries past me and Alice and out of the door. “What was that in aid of?” I stand with my arms folded across my chest. He laughs and walks over to me. I step back. “Oh come on!”

  “No tell me why you did that to him.”

  “He is a pixie.”


  “You just don’t understand.”

  “I don’t understand? Why do you think I have scars all over my arms I didn’t do that to myself!”


  “No you are such a wolf sometimes!” I run out of the house and after Ashley.

  “Ashley!” I run up to him. “Are you alright?”

  “I am fine.”

  “No you’re not. I’m sorry about Chris he still thinks he’s a were sometimes and gets angry.” We sit on the bench and I look at him. “Here.” I pass him some tissue. I smile and he smiles. Chris runs up the path towards us. “Did you not hear what I said pixie?”

  “Chris stop, he’s my friend weather you like it or not so lay off!” I shout at him and he steps back obviously surprised. “I don’t want any trouble.” Ashley stands behind me. I look at Chris. “And I want her safe!”

  “I understand that.” Ashley walks away and Chris looks at me.


  “You like him.”

  “No, he’s my friend he saved my life.”

  “And you feel like you have to save his?”

  “Exactly.” I push past him and go back to the house. Alice is explaining what happened with Chris and Ashley. I walk into the kitchen. “Ashley’s fine a little shaken but he’s ok.”

  “Amy, you can’t just invite a pixie into the house.”

  “I know, but he’s been in before and he’s my friend.”

  “I know that sweetie but Chris still can’t get to grips with the idea that you have a pixie friend other than Zara and Astley.”

  “I just wish he could.” She hugs me and Alice’s phone rings.

  “What, Noah slow down.”

  “What is it?”

  “Chris just phoned him. He said he’d tied a pixie to a tree.”

  “Oh shit!” I run out of the house and Alice follows me. We run down to where I left Chris.


  Chapter 14

  We run over to the trees and start to look. I hear a moan behind me I swizzle round on my heels. “Ashley, oh my god. I’m going to kill him!” I start to carefully unravel the barbed wire wrapped around Ashley. “Alice help me get this off.” We work together and Ashley drops. He is too weak to stand. “Ashley, are you alright.”

  “I will be fine Amy.”

  “What did he do when I left?”

  “He beat me and tied me to the tree for your father to find.” He wraps his arms around his stomach. “Come on I’m taking you home with me.”

  “Amy Chris won’t like that.”

  “I don’t care Alice there was no need for this.” I help Ashley back to my house.

  I lie Ashley down on the settee and go to the kitchen. Gram’s voice explodes from the living room. “Amelia Benson, why the hell is there a dying pixie in my living room?” She storms into the kitchen.

  “That dying pixie saved my life I’m just repaying the favour.” I walk past her with a bowl of water and a cloth. “Well what happened to him?”

  “Chris tied him to a tree with barbed wire.”

  “Oh.” We both go back into the living room. Ashley tries to sit up.

  “I will leave if you want me to?” I push him back down.

  “You are not going anywhere.” I start to clean his wounds. They’re small but deep. The water in the bowl soon turns orange. Chris bursts into the house. Gram stops him from entering the living room. She takes him into the kitchen. I can hear her shouting at him. I smile at Ashley and he sits up. He kisses my forehead. “You are kind and strong a good leader.” He stands up and staggers to the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I will be back do not worry.” He opens the door and leaves. I watch him walk down the path.

  Chris comes into the room. “Why did you help that pixie? I know it was you so don’t lie to me.”

  “Yeah I helped him.”


  “One, because he’s my friend. Two because you were so totally wrong and three because he saved me!”

  “He’s a pixie you can’t trust him.”

  “You trust Zara.”

  “She’s different.”

  “No she isn’t. She is not different.”

  “Yes she is she was pixie kissed, he was born that way.”

  “I bet you wouldn’t like me if I was a pixie.” I walk out of the room and out onto the back garden. Something is running up the hill towards me. I squint trying to work out what it is. It’s Ashley chasing someone. I run down to see what’s happening. Sophie launches herself at me. “This time you will die!” She bites my wrist and my neck. Ashley grabs her and drags her off me. They start to fight. I can feel the blood running down my hand and dripping off my fingers. My neck and arm tingle. This didn’t happen last time. My neck starts to throb and I realise that Ashley and Sophie have disappeared. Ashley runs over to me and picks me up. I am completely paralysed I can’t move at all. He ca
rries me up to the house. Chris runs out and snatches me off Ashley. “See what happens when you get involved.”

  “I was the one who helped it was one of her father’s pixies who did this to her.”

  “I don’t believe or trust you.” He turns and walks into the house.

  He lays me in the bath, he takes my clothes off and runs the water. He starts to wash my wounds. I look at him. “What happened Amy?” I shake my head and close my eyes. “Amy no, don’t give in to it.” I open my eyes again and look at him. He holds my hand. “You’ll be ok.” I gulp and wince. He picks me up out of the bath and takes me to my room. He lies me on the bed and tucks me under my quilt. Gram walks in. “I got your message Chris what is the matter?”

  “Amy was bitten by a pixie.”

  “Gram, Will. It. Affect. Me. As...” I stop for breath.

  “No it shouldn’t do sweetheart.” She pats my shoulder. Over the next couple of hours I drift in and out of consciousness. Gram stays next to me and Chris goes looking for Ashley.

  When the effects of Sophie’s bites wear off I come round and sit up. Gram pushes me back down on the bed. “Where’s Ashley?”



  “Yes, Chris is watching him.”

  “He won’t rip him to pieces will he?”

  “No, Ashley told us everything. Chris believed him and they have decided to work together to help us get rid of your father. Amy, you…”


  “Well, when you gave up you’re pixie blood your were blood took its place.”

  “Really, oh my god.I that’s why it tingled and didn’t hurt.” She nods and smiles.

  “Come on then.” We go down stairs and into the living room. Ashley and Chris look at me. Chris stands up and hugs me. “I thought I’d lost you Amy.”

  “I know you did.” I squeeze him back and Ashley smiles. I can tell he is upset and I pull away from Chris and hug Ashley. “Thank you for saving me.” Chris waits until I stop hugging Ashley and leads me into the kitchen.

  He sits at the breakfast bar. “You were right about him he’s a good guy.”

  “That’s what you really think?”

  “Yeah it is.”

  “Wow.” I hug him and he laughs. We hug for ages. Something smashes through the window and hits the back of my head. “Ow!” Chris picks the object up. “What is it?” I look at the picture frame in his hands. The corner is chipped and the glass is smashed. “That’s my mom.” Chris looks at me and gulps. Gram runs in. “What was that noise. Oh Jesus Christ what happened to my window?!”