Read How To Defeat Pixies. Page 6

  “This was thrown through it Gram.” Chris passes her the picture and she looks at it. “He’s still after you Amy even though you’re no longer a threat.”

  “I know.”

  “He wants revenge for escaping.” We all exchange glances and then I hear the door slam shut. “Where’s Ashley?”


  Chapter 15

  I run to the front door Ashley is nowhere to be seen.“Where could he have gone?”

  “I don’t know.” Something hits my stomach and I fly back into Chris. He catches me and smiles. I look up at him. Gram picks the object up and looks at me. “They are taking stuff out of your room Amy.”


  “This is yours isn’t it?” She passes me my old black porcelain doll that was my nanas. Its face is cracked and one eye is missing. “Gram what are they trying to do, scare me?”

  “Yes, well that’s what I think.”

  “What else have they taken?” I look at Gram and Chris. Me and Chris go upstairs to look for anything else that is missing.

  My first ladybird book, my Rotta toy, a picture of me and mom, my favourite DVD and a photo of me and Chris before he went to Valhalla are missing. We make a list and go back downstairs. “Gram I thought that pixies couldn’t go somewhere they aren’t invited.”

  “No they can’t but humans can.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think they are having help from someone who isn’t a pixie”

  “Oh no, I can’t believe, but, why would Ashley run out of the house?”

  “I don’t know?” Chris adds to the conversation.

  “You wanna know what I think?”

  “Not really.”

  “I think he knows who it is and I think he was tricking you Amy. The only reason he helped you was to get in the house so he knew witch room was yours.”

  “You just hate him because he is a pixie!”

  “There is that but that has nothing to do with it.”

  “Chris is right Amy, I think Ashley betrayed us all.” I sigh. I know they’re right but I don’t want to believe it. I run upstairs and into my room. I throw myself on the bed and fall asleep.

  Someone covers my mouth and I open my eyes. A guy in a balaclava looms over me. I try to scream but their hand stops any sound. The guy wraps his other hand around my throat. He leans into my face. “They will kill you!” I recognise the voice, I’ve heard it in school. The guy leaves and I take a deep breath. Chris bursts through the door. “Amy!”

  “Chris how did he get in here?”


  “I don’t know but I recognised him.” We go down stairs and he gets me some water. I curl up on the settee. Chris sits next to me and pulls me close. “Where’s Gram?”

  “She got a call, there was a crash on the main road.”

  “Oh. Chris what if they kill me?”


  “The pixies and what if Ashley is using me?”

  “I don’t know but we’ll find out.” He holds me close and I snuggle into him. “You’ll be ok Amy I’ll make sure of that.”

  “I know you will.”

  The next morning I am woken up by Gram patting my shoulder. “Amy, come on sweetie wake up.”

  “Huh?” I rub my eyes and look at her. “When did you get home?”

  “About half an hour ago.”


  “Chris told me about last night.”

  “He did?”

  “Yes, he said someone was in your room last night.”

  “Yeah, I recognised the voice it was someone from school.”

  “I know.” She sits on the arm of the settee. “Chris went to the shop to get some bread.”

  “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “I’m a grandmother I have to know.” Chris opens the door and walks in. he smiles at me but I can tell something is wrong. We hear a bang upstairs. I go up to investigate.

  I open my bedroom door and see a tall slim boy stood in the middle of the room. He turns around and faces me. “Danny?”

  “Amy, princess of the pixies.”

  “I’m not half pixie anymore.”

  “I know but they need a queen and you are the strongest in the town.” He smirks. I step back and he laughs and jumps out of the window. I run over to the window but he’s gone. Chris comes upstairs. “What was it?”

  “Danny Lea.”


  “It was Danny Lea, you know that kid who sits at the back in science.”

  “Oh yeah, why him?”

  “He has a weak mind. Easy to control.”

  “Good point.” We go back down into the kitchen and have some breakfast. I munch on my cereal and watch Chris pacing up and down the kitchen. “What?”

  “Nothing I’m just thinking.”


  “Danny, why would the pixies choose him and where is that pixie friend of yours?”

  “I don’t know I haven’t seen him for ages.”

  “Right I’m getting Noah to call Dev and Zara.”

  “Chris no we don’t need their help. We will figure this out together.” He smiles at me and takes my hand. He pushes my hair behind my ear and runs his finger across the scar on my neck. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault Chris.” He kisses my head and everything spins.

  “Whoa are you ok?”

  “Yeah just felt a little...”

  I must have passed out because I open my eyes and I’m on the settee. Gram puts her hand to my forehead. “How are you feeling?”

  “Weird, what happened?”

  “You fainted honey, Chris called me.”

  “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know.” We look all over the house and Chris isn’t there. He doesn’t come back that night either. Something is wrong I can feel it.


  Chapter 16

  Chris staggers through the back door. I spit out my juice and run over to him. “What the hell happened to you?” I sit him down in the living room.

  “Ashley, ambush, pixies. Amy I tried.” He passes out and I run to the phone.

  “Gram, Chris turned up. He’s injured really badly. It was Ashley. You guys were right about him.” I hang up and the front door bursts open. Ashley walks over to me. I back up to the wall. “Hello Amy.”

  “Leave me alone you used me.” I shake my head and he laughs.

  “What happened to the trust between us?”

  “You gave that up when you tricked me. You used my trust against me.”

  “You catch on quickly.” He wraps his hands around my throat. I choke and Gram opens the door. “Pixie!”

  “Were!” Ashley turns on her. “How are you Sandra?”

  “Hey Ashley, stay away from my family and friends!” I hit him over the head with a metal poker. He drops to the floor and I drop the poker. Gram wraps her arms around me. “Are you alright sweetie?”

  “Yeah, Chris isn’t though.” We go into the living and Gram looks at Chris. “Is he ok?”

  “He’s fine, just a couple of bumps and cuts. He’s just in a bit of shock. Let him rest.” She stands up and goes into the kitchen. I sit down on the floor in front of the settee and gently stroke Chris’ hair. “I’ll find my father and who did this. I promise.” I whisper into the settee.

  Chris limps to the car. “Hey where do you think you’re going?!” I yell at him from the door. “Out!”He gets in the car and I wave him off. Gram wraps her arm around my shoulders. “Come on Amy I have a surprise for you.”

  “What, why?”

  “Because.” She walks me into the kitchen. There is a cake on the table and she smiles. “Happy birthday Amy.” My birthday, I had totally forgotten. I had been worrying about the pixies. I smile at her and hug her. “Thank you Gram!”

  “Don’t thank me I didn’t bake it.” She laughs and Chris comes back into the house. I hug him around the waist. “Come outside I have something for you.”
r />   “What?” He takes my hand and leads me into the front hall.

  “Close your eyes.” I do as he says. He takes my other hand and leads me outside. As we walk down the drive way I can hear yapping. “Chris?”

  “Keep your eyes shut and stand there.” He lets go of my hands and I can hear his footsteps going away. He walks back towards me. “Ok you can open them.” I open my eyes and look at him. In his arms is a wriggling mass of fur. “Chris?” he hands the cavalier king Charles puppy. I hold the small bundle in my arms and he reaches up and licks my face. “Well what are you going to call it?”

  “He hasn’t got a name?”

  “Nope.” We go back inside and I think about a name.

  “What about Andy?” the puppy jumps up and licks me again. “I’ll take that as a yes.” We all laugh and Noah and Alice knock on the door. Gram opens the door and they come in. For a day the pixies and Valhalla stuff disappears and everything seems normal.

  I sit curled up on the settee, Andy is spread across my lap. I stroke behind his ears. Chris comes in with hot chocolate. He hands it me and I smile. He sits next to me and puts his arm round my shoulders. “Why Andy?”

  “What?” I look at him and he chuckles. “What?”

  “Chocolate moustache.” I wipe my top lip with my sleeve. “That’s better, why did you call the dog Andy?”

  “Well I couldn’t call him Chris could I?” I laugh and he tries to keep a straight face. “Right that’s it, you asked for it.” He starts to tickle me.

  “No, stop it. Andy help me!” I joke, Andy stands up shakes and nips Chris’ fingers.



  “It bit me.”

  “He’s just protecting his mom.”

  “His mom?” He looks at me and smirks. I hug Andy and giggle. Chris stands up and goes into the kitchen. “Did he draw blood?” I shout into the kitchen.

  “No, I’m ok.” Andy yaps at something outside.

  “What is it boy?” I put him on the settee next to me and stand up. I look out of the window but there is nothing there.

  Andy wakes me up the next morning by licking my face. “Andy stop.” I sit up and smile at him. “Come on then let’s go for a little walk.” I get ready and sneak through the living room and out of the back door. I run down the hill and stop at the edge of the woods. Andy carries on running. “Andy stop, get back here!” I yell at him but he carries on. He must have seen something. I hesitate but run after him. “Andy!”

  “AMY!” Gram’s voice echoes through the trees.

  “Shit, Andy come here now!” Andy runs back to me and I scoop him up in my arms. “Bad dog!” I poke his nose and he sneezes. I can’t stay mad at him. I run the way I came and Gram meets me half way up the hill. “Amy, don’t do that. You scared us.”

  “I’m sorry I let Andy out and he ran off.” I try to explain. “I’m sorry Gram.”

  “Ok. Come on let’s get you inside.” We go inside and Chris sighs.

  “I thought you had been kidnapped Amy.”


  “Yes, don’t scare me like that.” He hugs me and we have some breakfast.

  The day is pretty normal. Noah and Alice come round and we all talk about random things and no-one mentions pixies or weres. We all go out on the fields and play about with Andy. He loves it. Then an arrow zips past my head and Noah catches it. I can’t believe that when I first met him he was in a wheel chair unable to walk and now he’s catching arrows in mid-air. “What the hell?”

  “We should go inside.”

  “Yeah.” I scoop Andy up and we all run inside.

  “What’s the matter with you four?” Gram laughs. Noah shows her the arrow. “OH!” She opens the back door and runs outside. I put Andy in the living room and run after her. Chris must follow me because I can hear foot steps behind me. I run into the wood after Gram.


  Chapter 17

  Gram runs through the trees, I run after her. A hand grabs my arm and pulls me behind a bush. “Chris what are you doing?”

  “If you go after her they will kill you.”

  “I don’t care she could get hurt.”

  “Amy you don’t have to be the hero all the time.”

  “I’m not trying to be a hero.”

  “Amy I know you care about her but she can take care of herself as long as she stays out of the house.”


  “Get down!” We duck as a Pixie walks past. Gram runs into the pixie house. I fidget wondering what to do. I turn back to Chris. “You call Noah, I’m going after Gram.” I stand up and run towards the glamoured house.

  “Amy! Get back here, hey!” Chris’ voice gets quieter.

  I run into the front hall of the mansion and Gram stands in front of me. “Gram, are you alright?”

  “Amy, no get out of here.” My father comes out of one of the many rooms leading off the hall. “Oh, how nice a little family get together.”

  “I’m not half pixie now dad.” Did I really just call this thing in front of me dad. I never had a dad and he is certainly not my dad. “I know but it is a shame only one of us will survive.”

  “What?” I step towards him, a pixie grabs me from behind and wraps it’s arm around my throat. I watch as my father strides over to Gram and shows her a knife. She just stands there, unafraid, strong and powerful. “Well were?”

  “Gram turn, fight him! Don’t let him kill you or me please!” I yell at her pleading but she shakes her head. My father stabs her in the chest and she crumples to the floor like a rag doll. I watch in horror. Why didn’t she turn? I guess I’ll never know now. “Gram!” I elbow the pixie holding me and run over to her. I drop to my knees by her side. Her gray/brown hair is soaked in her blood and so is her smurf pyjama top. “Gram hold on.” I press on the wound. The pixie drags me away and I fight back. My father walks over to me. “You have been a thorn in my side since the day you were born.”

  “Good!” I spit at him. He takes my chin and lifts my head up. I pull back away from him. “But now you are an even bigger threat you are eighteen and soon will become a full were. And I must make sure that doesn’t happen so now you will die!” He holds the knife in front of me. I grab his wrist and turn the knife on him. He lets go and I jam it into his chest. “That’s for my mom and my Grandmother!” He laughs and tears the knife from his flesh. He rams it into me. The pain shoots through my heart and I look at him. “Now we’re even child!” He drops to the floor and so do I.

  Chris and Noah burst in. The pixies scatter and Chris runs over to me. I struggle to breathe but still manage to smile at him. “I told you not to didn’t I?”

  “Gram?” He looks over at Noah and he shakes his head.

  “I’m sorry babe.”

  “What’s the point?”

  “What do you mean darl?”

  “I’ve lost everything.” He holds me close and kisses my hair. It is crusted with blood. “Not everything.” They tear one of the curtains down and use it as a stretcher. Chris and Noah carry me to the running track and call for an ambulance. They take me to the hospital.

  Alice smiles at me. I smile back. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’ve been better. I guess my father was right. One of us did survive.”

  “I’m glad it’s you.”

  “Yeah.” I think about Gram’s body laid out on the cold marble floor and the fact that she didn’t turn.

  “Well look on the bright side at least the pixies are gone.”

  “No, Alice. Pixies are always there, sometimes they can be in your back garden and you won’t even know until it’s too late.”

  “Oh Amy, I’m sorry about Sandra.” She hugs me and I squeeze her tight. Chris walks in and clears his throat. “You can go home tomorrow. Amy you were so lucky.”

  “I know.” I smile at him and he smiles back. “Chris in the house before you came in with Noah, Gram had the chance to turn and she didn’t why?”

res can’t change in pixie homes.”


  “They’re gone Amy don’t worry.”

  “I know but I can’t help feeling like he’s still out there.”


  “My father.”

  “He can’t be Amy.”

  “I know.” Alice and Chris leave and I roll over. My chest hurts so I lay on my back.

  The next afternoon, Chris picks me up from the hospital. He takes me back to mine. “Amy I’m selling my house so that we can both live here.”


  “If that’s what you want.”

  “Yeah, that would be great!” I wrap my arms around his neck and he gently kisses my arm. We go inside and I put all my stuff down. Chris goes into the kitchen and comes back with a box full of all the missing items from my room. He smiles at me and passes it to me. Andy jumps up at my legs. “Hey puppy!” I try to bend down but my wound pulls and a sharp pain shoots through my chest. Chris sits me down and Andy jumps up next to me. He’s grown a lot and his colours are getting brighter. I look up at Chris. “Come on.”

  “Where to?”

  “Some where you haven’t been.”

  We get in his car and he sets off. I have no idea where we are going so I ask him about Gram’s funeral. “Noah and Alice are sorting it out for you.”


  “What’s wrong Amy?”

  “I just lost the last relative I have.”

  “I know but we still have each other. Look this will cheer you up.” He turns his attention back to the road. “We’ll be fine Amy, your father is gone.”

  “But…. Never mind. I think I’m just being paranoid.” Chris drives down the bumpy back road. Andy sits on the back seats. A tall man with long brown hair, steps out in to the middle of the road. Chris slams on the breaks. We look at each other and then the man. “That is impossible.” We say in unison. On the back seat Andy barks and jumps around. The man smiles at us. This is not over.

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