Read I'll Be Okay Page 10

  They reached home in sometime. It was pretty late in the evening by this time, and everyone had dinner, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. It was not good for Naina to be in a dull atmosphere.

  "So how's the princess?" Asked Mr. Verma, entering the house just as dinner was being served.

  Kimaya almost choked on her soup, remembering how Aakash would call her princess.

  "I meant that for Naina, a very beautiful princess," said Mr. Verma, laughing at Kim's reaction.

  "I'm fine, sir."

  "Sir? Wow, I'm not your teacher or something. You can call me uncle!" Exclaimed Kim's father.

  Naina laughed. "Okay, uncle!"

  "Much better! So do you like the food?"

  "It's amazing! Probably the best I've eaten in months. Tastes like a restaurant's food!" Said Naina. She had not eaten out for months... Since Sharon had gone.

  "I'm glad to hear you like it!"

  They finished dinner and talked about random stuff for some time, just to keep the atmosphere light. Finally, Kimaya said, "Hey, it's quite late. I guess we should sleep!"

  "We sure should. Especially Naina."

  "Why especially me?" Asked Naina, confused.

  "Oh, you'll know that tomorrow!" Kim replied, winking.

  "But I'm a very curious sort of person!"

  "Even better! Let it be a surprise, you'll like it!"

  "Damn you. Alright!"

  "Good!" Kimaya laughed.

  Within fifteen minutes, the lights were off, and dreams took over.


  The Next Morning

  "And now, you can open your eyes!"

  Naina slowly opened her eyes, a wide smile forming on her face as she saw the beautiful scene in front of her. There were balloons and streamers and ilovely music played in the background. But the best of all was the cake. Naina had almost forgotten that it was her birthday that day.

  "Happy birthday, Naina!"

  "Mom!" Exclaimed Naina. "When did you come here?"

  "Did you really think I'd miss my daughter's birthday celebrations?" Asked Mrs. Agarwal.

  Naina laughed and hugged her mom. She didn't remember when she felt this happy before... It was surely before that  fateful night. Naina suddenly felt upset. She missed Sharon... How amazing it would be to have her here right now...

  Naina's mind wondered back to her birthday before Sharon died..

  "Happy birthday Naina!" Sharon cried, waking her up in the middle of the night. Naina's room was decorated and her parents were there too. There was a pretty cake. It had a photo of Naina and Sharon made on it.

  "Oh my god! This is so... Amazing!" She said.

  "I'm glad you liked it!" Said Sharon.

  She cut the cake and made Sharon eat it before anyone else.

  "It's your birthday, stupid!" Said Sharon, and smeared a piece of cake on Naina's face.


  "Say cheese!"

  Mrs. Agarwal clicked a photo of the two best friends. It was cute, with Naina's face covered with cream.

  "And now, you just wait!" Said Naina, picking up another piece of cake to put on Sharon's face.

  "Don't you dare!" Said Sharon, running around the room.

  In the end, both of them had cake on their faces, and everyone was laughing.

  "Hey... Don't cry baby..." Said Mrs. Agarwal.

  Naina suddenly realized that there was a stream of hot tears pouring down her face.

  "It's alright, I'll smear the cake on your face instead!" Said Kimaya, with a wink.

  "No way!" Naina ran out of Kimaya's way. Kimaya suddenly tripped and the cake flew out of her hand, landing on Vihaan's face, who was just coming in. He stared at them, with mock anger and amusement.

  Everyone burst out laughing. Vihaan looked absurd! Kimaya was happy to see Naina in a better mood. Everything seemed just so perfect.

  Chapter 13

  June 7th, 2013 (A year and five months later)

  New York

  "Wake up sleepyhead!" Said Michelle.

  "Let me sleep some more..."

  "You're going to be late for college."

  "Then I'll skip college today!"

  "I thought you had a test today?"

  "Oh shit, I totally forgot!" Said Kimaya, jumping up.

  "Get ready fast, you've got to drop me," said Michelle. "I don't have a ride today!"


  Kimaya went into the washroom and snapped the door shut. She sure was going to be late today! How could she forget about the test? It was the last test before the break started and she didn't want to screw this up. She had to give up a lot to come here, to the New York City. Now the last thing she wanted to lose was her good grades!

  She was out and dressed in a little time, and found her roommate, Michelle, waiting for her.

  "So what happened to your ride?" Asked Kimaya, as they got into the car.

  "Lost a tire, I guess," Michelle replied, frustration clear in her voice. Michelle was an aspiring lawyer, and she hated to be late to college. Kimaya was not usually late to her college either... But she had slept late the last night - making some last minute changes to a report - and was still very sleepy. Kimaya was doing a journalism course from Columbia University.

  "So you're done with your report?" Asked Michelle, as Kimaya drove.

  "Yeah. I just hope it's good enough."

  "Of course it will be good enough. Christ knows when you'll start trusting yourself."

  Kimaya laughed. "Well, here's your college. Am I picking you up in the evening or you'll come back on your own?"

  "I'll be fine. Best of luck for the test!"

  "Okay, thanks!"

  Michelle got down and Kimaya drove off towards her college, reaching just in time. Sighing in relief, she made her way to her class.


  A year had passed since Kimaya had come to New York to study. Her father had finally given in to her pleas of doing a course in journalism, and she had earned a scholarship in the Columbia University. It had been painful for her, leaving all her family and friends behind; but no worries for now as she was going home in a week. Her college ended two days later, and then, giving herself time for packing up and finishing any leftover things, she was leaving for India.

  Kimaya missed her home a lot, but New York was a wonderful experience. Michelle, who was originally from Boston, had been looking for a roommate around the time Kimaya had come there - and the two had been great friends since then.

  Kimaya enjoyed New York - it was lively and fast paced. She was glad she was finally able to fulfil her dream, her passion. After graduation, and a master’s degree, Kimaya intended on joining a newspaper or a good magazine, and continue as a novelist in her free time. She was just happy that she was able to live her life based on her own choices.



  "Call Tej out," said the inspector. "It's time he's let free."

  "Yes sir."

  "Come, my boy," said Sameer, Tej's father.

  He stared at his son, with outgrown hair and beard, and angry eyes.

  "Kimaya. I will..." Started Tej.

  "Shut up Tej. Get out of this place first."

  Tej nodded. They completed the needed formalities and filled the documents.

  "You are free to go now, Tej Singh," declared the inspector.

  "Thank you sir," said Aakash, leading Tej away.

  "You idiot! Do you have any idea what a risk you'd be taking if you said anything in there?!" Aakash shouted.

  "But Kimaya is such a... Argh. If I don't make her suffer for her deeds, you can change my name."

  "Calm down, son. Let's go home, your mother is waiting for you."


  "Kimaya is coming home next week!" Cried Naina, cheerfully. She was sitting with her mother and her Aunt, at Tej's house, not knowing that he was being let free that day. Her aunt had purposefully called her there, wanting the two cousins to make up their broken bonds.

"Oh, she is?" Asked Tej, entering the house.


  "Yes, me. Why, you didn't know? I've completed my term in the prison."

  "Mom, let's go," said Naina.

  "Wait, Naina," said her aunt. "Please, I want you and Tej to talk."

  "There's nothing left to talk."

  "Yeah, she's right," said Tej.

  "Apologize to her, Tej," ordered Mrs. Singh.

  "I will not, mom."

  "He doesn't need to, aunty. I won't forgive him anyway. I'm going now. Mom, are you coming, or should I go alone?"

  Naina's mother cast Mrs. Singh an apologizing look and went out with her daughter.

  "You could have said sorry, you know," said Tej's dad, coming inside his room.

  "No, I should have said thank you instead."


  "She gave away Kimaya. One week. One week, Kim. Enjoy as much as you want. After that, I'm going to make your life hell."

  "Tej you just came out of jail. Do you seriously want to go back again?"

  "Let's just hope I won't go to jail again. But I won't let Kimaya stay happy for long."


  A week later

  New York

  "Come on Kim!"

  "No Michelle!"

  "You won't agree so easily. Do you want me to pull you off your chair?"


  "You have to dance, this is the last night of this year!"

  "I'm tired Michelle. And I have a flight tomorrow!"

  "Shut up and get up," said Michelle, pulling Kimaya off her chair.

  The music finally got Kimaya dancing. The two girls danced the night away in their little apartment.

  An hour later, they fell back on the couch, laughing. Michelle was leaving for Boston the day after, and Kimaya was going the very next day. This was the last few hours they could spend together for the next month, and Michelle decided to have a little party for the two of them. They painted their nails, made up their hair, and decided to end it with music and dance.

  "I'll miss this craziness of New York. India is quite calm, you know," said Kimaya. "But well, I'm too excited at the idea of going home!"

  "Me too! I love New York but I miss Boston! Hey Kim, you going to go skydiving these summers?" Said Michelle, teasing Kimaya.

  "Michelle, you idiot!" Kimaya picked up a cushion to hit her.

  "What?" Said Michelle, picking up another cushion. Bad luck for her, Kimaya struck her before she could defend herself.

  It became a full blown pillow fight and fifteen minutes later, Kimaya stopped, laughing. "Now unless you want these pillows to burst into feathers, stop!"

  Michelle chuckled as she put her pillow down.

  The Next Day

  "Happy journey Kim!" Said Michelle, seeing Kim off at the airport.

  "Thanks! See you in two months!" Replied Kim.

  "Don't forget me okay? Keep in touch!"

  "Yeah!" Kimaya laughed. She just didn't know that what would happen in the next days would make her forget everything... Except, perhaps, pain.

  Chapter 14

  June 16th, 2013


  "Mom!" I said.


  I engulfed her in a big hug; I was seeing her after a year, after all. It felt so good to be with her again.

  "You're still a bear." My mom laughed. Honestly, my bear hugs could seriously crush people sometimes. But at that moment, I couldn't care less. All I wanted to do was hug her tight.

  "I missed you so much!" I said, almost in tears.

  "I missed you too sweetie," she replied. "And so did your dad and Tashanna and everyone else."

  I was about to ask about Astrid when I remembered that she too had gone back to Europe for her higher studies. I looked at my watch and smiled. It was an Armani; Astrid had given it as a parting gift when I'd left for the U.S. I wondered how Naina was; I just hoped that she was happy.

  "How's Naina?" I asked.

  "Absolutely fine. Her depression was almost fine before you left. After you went to New York, she was a little upset again. But she recovered soon. You taught her how to live again, Kim."

  "I'm so glad she's happy."

  "Come, let's go to the car," said mom, smiling.

  "Yeah," I smiled.

  We got into the car and mom and the driver helped me get my suitcases in. There was a lot of luggage, since we weren't allowed to leave our stuff in our New York apartment when no one was there in it.

  I rolled down the windows of the car and looked out, letting the wind hit my face. I liked the feeling of it - that Indian feeling. The traffic of Bangalore was still the same, but for some reason, even that felt good.

  "So?" Asked mom. "How's New York City?"

  "It's amazing. It's so different from our lives in India. People there are fast moving and fun loving. It's a good place to be in!"

  "Glad you like it. I wouldn't want my daughter to be in a place she doesn't even like as much as her home town!"

  I laughed. "I absolutely love New York!"

  Mom and I talked throughout the way to our house. We talked on the phone and Skyped many times... But never face to face, of course, and I missed this so much. We anyway had a lot to talk about! And I was sure, even if we did run out of topics to talk about, we would still not stop talking. It was a mother-daughter reunion, and it was just so wonderful.

  The car stopped in front of our house, and we got down. Dad was waiting for me at the door itself.


  "Dad!" I cried, hugging him.

  "How are you?"

  "I'm absolutely fine! How are you?"

  "I'm good! Glad that New York took good care of my daughter!"

  I smiled. We went inside the house, where Tashanna, Vihaan, and their parents were waiting.

  "KIM!" Screamed Tashanna, hugging me as hard as she could.

  "You're more of a bear than me!" I laughed.

  I gently hugged my uncle and aunt.

  "Hey," said Vihaan.

  "Hey!" I replied.

  "How have you been, wildcat?"

  That earned him a punch.

  "You'll never stop that, will you?"

  "Nope!" He said, and we both started laughing. This felt good - it felt good to be home after so long.

  An hour later, all the reunions were done and the food soon vanished. Jet lag was taking over me slowly and I almost fell asleep on the couch, when mom took me up to my room and asked me to sleep there. My eyes opened wide as I stared at my room. It was decorated beautifully, with flowers and new sheets and a new carpet - all in red and white to match the theme of the room. My room smelt fresh and felt awesome!

  "Thank you so much!" I said.

  "Now get into bed before you lie down on that carpet and fall asleep right there!"

  I burst out laughing. I used to love to lie down on the carpet, and many-a-times, I would fall asleep on it. I slowly got into bed, and mom took out a blanket from the closet and spread it over me. Before I even knew it, I was asleep.


  "Kimaya is back, dad."

  "Don't even think of hurting her Tej. You'll only end up getting in more trouble than you already are. She's overcome her disorder too, as far as I know. You'll be dropping a bomb on your own self if you try to cause her any harm."

  "Like I care. But I will take my revenge."

  "You will not!"

  Tej smiled maliciously and shook his head.

  "I'm afraid that ain't possible, dad."

  He walked out, leaving his father in despair.

  This idiot will cause some trouble again... And I doubt I'll be able to save even a hair of him this time, thought Sameer.

  "Where are you going Tej?" Mrs. Singh asked.

  "Just to meet some friends, mom," he replied, and got out of the house. Mrs. Singh heard him turn on his bike and disappear. Just then, her husband came to her.

  "What's going on, Sameer? He's not behind Kimaya, is he?"

sp; "I... Hope not."

  "Which means that he is. Listen to me Sameer. If he does anything foolish this time, I am not going to let you protect him in any way. The last time he did all that with Naina and his friend, I was against you protecting him. But you did. And what did you do? Almost destroyed so many lives. I won't let you do that again, Sameer."

  "Okay," said Sameer sadly. He just hope that this time, his son wouldn't be so stupid again.



  "Hey, Danny," I said. Danny had gone to jail with me for abusing those girls that night, and was one of the only people I knew would support me.

  "Hey Tej. How ya doing?"

  "I'm fine. I'm sure you remember that night... You know, that night?"

  "Because of which we ended up in jail! Of course I do. We got arrested for it, but man, it was still fun."

  "I know," I said. "Want to do something like that again?"

  "Are you crazy bro? I don't want to go to prison again!"

  "And if I say we won't get arrested?"

  "How can you guarantee that?"

  "Ninety percent guaranteed. Now, would you?"

  "For sure!"

  "Awesome!" I said. "We'll meet in two-three days? I'll let you know when and where. I gotta fix some things before we hit on her.

  "Sure bro! You got my number, message me when you want to meet."

  I smiled, and left. Kimaya Verma, you are in for a big surprise. Oops! Not surprise... Shock.

  Three Days Later

  I had kept in touch with Danny for the past couple of days, and finally had a plan that seemed fool proof to me.

  "Hey, Danny," I spoke on the phone. "Let's meet up. When are you free?"

  "Dude, I just got out of jail; don't really have a job yet! I'm free all the time. Just name the place."

  "Cool then. I'll see ya for lunch then? Choose the place."

  "Okay, we'll go to the fast-food centre near my place. 1:30 will do?"

  "Yeah, sure. Bye."

  I hung up the phone. God, I felt excited. As far as I knew Kimaya, she would have to give in this time. I just hoped that my plan wouldn't backfire; I had no intentions of going back to prison.

  1:30 PM

  "Hey bro," said Danny, taking a chair next to me. "You're punctual for like, the first time!"

  I laughed, and then I got serious. "Time to cut the jokes short. It's important to discuss this out for now. First of all, are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to force you - you may get into trouble because of me."

  "Well, I want to do this, I'm just not sure whether I should. Actually, so long as we don't have to go to jail again, I'm good."

  "I can only be some eighty-eighty five percent sure about that. I really can't say a thing, Danny."

  "That ratio is good enough. So yeah, I'll do it. I had the time of my life last time. I'm sure it'll be just as good this time too!"