Read I'll Be Okay Page 9

  Kimaya looked at him dumbfounded. But I don't think low of myself!

  "It happens, Kim. Take it easy!" Said Mr. Arora, in a soothing voice.

  Kimaya nodded, still feeling lost.

  "Okay, enough of sadness now. What really matters is that everyone is fine, and the culprit - or at least a relative of the culprit - is in jail," said Astrid.

  Kimaya smiled.

  "You could make this your next book you know!" Said Tashanna, suddenly. She had been quiet all this while, still feeling guilty.

  "Come on, Tashanna! Not much of a story, is it!"

  "Of course it is! My sister has all the brilliant ideas!" Laughed Vihaan. He earned a punch from both Tashanna and Kimaya, and ended up laughing harder.

  "Oww!" He faked a yelp. "I'm still weak! Please be softer, ladies!"

  "Oh, let me show you what softness is. May I?" Challenged Kimaya.

  "No, please. I'm in no mood of taking on a karate champion!"

  Everyone started laughing. With Aakash in the police's hold, they didn't have much to fear. Everyone was finally relaxing.

  "Oh, reminds me, what happened to Kim's book?" Asked Vihaan. "I'm sure it must've been a hit!"

  "Yes, it was," replied Kimaya's mother. "The publishers came to us, saying that they wanted to talk to Kim for expanding the sales. But Kimaya wasn't there that time... And we were too upset for all that. We'll contact the publisher tomorrow itself!"

  "Awesome!" Said Astrid. "Let's party!"

  "No more parties for me. Not yet!" Groaned Kimaya.

  Astrid suddenly remembered that it was the party which started it all. "Sorry," she said, slapping her head.

  "Party or not, what you all must do now is sleep," said Mrs. Verma firmly. "Astrid, stay the night. I'm not letting you go home at this time. Tashanna, Vihaan, it would be great if you stayed too!"

  "Thank you, Anisha," said Mr. Arora. "But I guess we should go home now. If not, we'd never end up sleeping!" He added, with a laugh.

  "Alright, then. But I still insist, do stay!"

  "Really sorry Anisha. Some other day maybe?"

  "Oh well, okay!"

  The bell rang.

  "Dad!" Said Kim, getting up to open the door.

  "Hello," said Mr. Verma, coming in.

  "Good timing, Nikhil," said Mr. Arora. "Or we'd have to wait till the morning to meet you!"

  "What, you're leaving?" Asked Kimaya's dad. "No way! I know your house is literally the next one, but I insist you stay. Even your wife has fallen asleep here!" He said, seeing Mrs. Arora dozing away on the couch.

  "But Nikhil we really must---"

  "I won't take no for an answer. Anisha, prepare the guest room. They are not going anywhere at this time."

  Mrs. Verma got up, and Kimaya followed her to the room.

  "I'm sorry, mom..." Said Kimaya, as they entered the guest bedroom.

  "Why are you sorry, Kim?"

  "For all this trouble. I should have been more... careful."

  "It's not your fault sweetie! Trust me; I'm going to kill that Aakash for what he did to my child!" Said Mrs. Verma, taking her daughter into her arms. Kimaya smiled.

  "Okay now let's get this room done!"

  They put in a water jug and glasses, so that no one needed to go out of the room at night. When they went down again, Mr. Verma was busy telling them about what happened in the police station.

  "So now he is officially under arrest?"

  "No, he will be from tomorrow, after Naina and Kimaya's statements."

  "Naina too?"

  "Yes. She was the real reason behind all this, right?"


  "What about that cousin of his? Whose son harassed those girls?"

  "He shall be brought too, along with his son. If Naina recognizes the boy, he's done for."

  "Good for him. Such disgusting people should be locked up forever."

  "I totally agree. Aakash committed a huge crime too, by hiding the facts. I pity that girl, Naina. For so many months, she must have lived under the burden of her friend's death; probably knowing that she could never get justice done."

  "Yes. I hope she'll be fine from now."

  "I'm thinking I'll have a few sessions with her," said Mr. Arora.

  "That's a good idea," replied Kimaya. "She shouldn't feel depressed any longer."

  "And you all shouldn't stay awake any longer!" Said Mrs. Verma.

  "God, look at the time! It's 2 AM already!"

  "Anisha is right," said Mr. Verma. "We've got a long day up tomorrow - we all need some sleep!"

  "Hopefully things will be quieter now."

  "Yes they will. Now let's sleep!"

  And with that, everyone went to their rooms.

  Kimaya lied down on her bed. She was sharing the bed with Astrid. She stretched out, feeling the comfort of her bed after days. The last time she'd slept on this bed was the night before her book released - and she'd been so anxious that time that she hadn't really been comfortable.



  "Do you really think Aakash's cousin won't strike back? I mean, he's still roaming free, right?"

  "If he does, I must say he'd be a pretty damned fool. He cannot save his son any longer. There's no reason for him to harm uncle or any of us, actually."

  "There's still revenge..."

  "I don't think he's that bad, Kimaya. Well, at least I hope not. If he's anything like Aakash, he won't do anything. Anyway, the police will arrest him tomorrow itself. He's only got the night to hit us, and we're all here together. Surely we can manage him!"

  "Hmm. I hope so too."

  "Now you sleep; you have a big day tomorrow!"

  "Yes," Kimaya replied. "Goodnight, Andy."

  "Goodnight Kimmy."


  "So is this your final statement, Ms. Kimaya Verma?"

  "Yes sir. Aakash Singh hypnotized and kidnapped me twice, and tried to murder my uncle, all for the sake of shielding the deadly crime of his nephew. Last night, as some of you witnessed, he also tried to touch me."

  "What do you have to say about your failed attempt of murdering your own uncle?"

  "I was in the state of hypnotism at that time. I swear I would have never even imagined such a thing in my right mind."

  "What proof do you have regarding that?"

  "Excuse me? I know my daughter well. Please don't harass her by asking such questions and putting the blame on her," said Mr. Verma, angrily.

  "Forgive us, but it is our duty. Tomorrow, if your daughter tries to kill someone else and succeeds at it, what would you say then?"

  "She is suffering from a personality disorder, allowing her to be hypnotized easily. You can get the symptoms checked through any renowned psychiatrist," said Mr. Arora.

  "Then we shall have that done," replied the inspector.

  Kimaya was almost in tears. The burden of the guilt she was already feeling was terrible. Kimaya weakly fell on her knees and started sobbing.

  "Look at what you have done! My daughter has suffered a lot in the past few days and you are putting the blame on her? Don't you realize the pain she's already feeling?" Roared Mr. Verma.

  "Sorry sir. Now, can we please have her checked?"


  "No dad... He's probably right. I'll go with them, it's better to have me checked," said Kimaya, cutting her dad short.

  "But Kim... Baby you don't have to do this."

  "It's okay dad. I'll be fine."


  The police led Kimaya away to a hospital nearby, and the rest of the people present there gave their statement too. A date was fixed as the judgement day when Aakash would be presented in the court, and be officially sent to jail after Naina's statement. That was two days later, to allow Aakash to get a lawyer. Kimaya was tested and declared innocent too.

  Meanwhile, another senior team of the police was sent in the lookout of Aakash's cousin, the person who started this mess. Aakash had given them the address,
but the police wasn't exactly sure if the man was still there.


  "Hurry up, Sameer," said Aakash's brother on the phone. "They've captured Aakash and he's spilled the beans. You gotta get out of there fast."

  "Oh shit. Yeah, I'll take Tej and vanish. My stupid son. I wish he'd never touched Naina and her friend in the first place. None of this shit would have happened then."

  "Yes. Now cut the crap short and run. I have to go. Be careful," replied Aakash's brother, hanging up the phone.

  "Had a nice talk with your cousin, eh?" Said a voice behind him.

  Aakash's brother went pale. The inspector. Oh no.

  "I... It was my wife... She---"

  "I thought 'Sameer' was a boy's name."

  "No. It's short for... Umm... Sam. I mean Sameera! Yeah. Sameer is short for Sameera."

  "Then why were you telling your wife to run? Is she an athlete with a running race tomorrow?"

  "Yes sir... I mean no! Actually..."

  "Actually, you're under arrest."

  "No! I didn't do anything! It was completely Sameer and Aakash's plan! Leave me alone!"

  But it was too late. The inspector had already handcuffed him and pushing him through the door of a cell.

  "You have some company, Aakash," he said as he pushed Aakash's brother in the same cell.

  Aakash looked at his brother and let out a frustrated sigh. Idiot, he thought.

  "I'll let you two brothers have some time alone and regret on your deeds. Meanwhile, we've got your cousin to catch - Sameer." And the inspector walked off.


  The car stopped in front of a bungalow.

  "Are you sure this is Sameer's house?" Asked Senior Inspector Aryan.

  "Yes sir, this is the house according to Aakash's directions."

  "Alright then. Search the house properly."

  The policemen got down from the car and went inside the house. They looked around, but it seemed like Sameer had already disappeared with his son Tej. As one of them searched the bedroom, the landline rung. The policeman picked it up, careful to not say anything in case the person on the other line recognized a change in voice.

  "Sameer, man, the flight to Guwahati has been delayed by an hour. Be careful, I'll meet you at the airport."

  The policeman cut the call, and went to the Senior Inspector.

  "Sir!" He said.

  "Yes Venkatesh?"

  "There was a call on the landline. It was a man saying that Sameer's flight has been delayed by an hour. He's going to Guwahati."

  "Brilliant! He has no way to escape now."


  Half an hour later, the policemen entered the airport.

  "Sir, you cannot go any further," said a security guard.

  The inspector shoved his badge into the guard's face. The guard stepped back and let him enter. He went to the nearest inquiry centre.

  "Which flight to Guwahati has been delayed by an hour?" He asked the attendant.

  "Just a minute sir. I will check and let you know."

  "Yes. Fast, please."

  "Is anything wrong, sir?"

  "A lot! There's a man on that plane who oughts to be in jail."

  A little scared, the attendant quickly gave him the details of the particular plane.

  "When does the boarding start?"

  Before the attendant could answer, an announcement was heard.

  "Assam Airways flight from Bangalore to Guwahati is now boarding."

  "Give me a ticket for that plane, fast!"

  "That is not possible once the plane starts boarding, sir."

  The inspector cursed his luck and muttered a hurried thanks to the attendant, rushing towards the boarding area.

  "Your ticket, sir?"

  "I don't have a ticket, but I have to catch a man on that plane."

  "I am sorry sir, but you cannot enter without a ticket."

  "You care about my ticket or the lives of the passengers on that plane?"

  The flight in-charge stepped away hurriedly, frightened. The inspector smothered a smile. Sameer was not that dangerous; but to make him sound dangerous was the only probable way that he could enter that flight.

  The inspector passed a glance to the sketch of Sameer and Tej he had. There was no photo available, so he had made Aakash describe them.

  His eyes searched the plane desperately, looking for Sameer. Damn him! Thought the inspector. Sameer had probably disguised himself to avoid recognition. Just then, he noticed a young man with a dark scar near his ear, something that Tej was supposed to have, according to Aaskash.  So this man, who didn't really look much like the person in the sketch, could be Tej. Bad luck, Sameer. He smiled to himself.

  The inspector walked up to the person with the scar. "Excuse me?"

  "Yes?" Asked Tej.

  The inspector didn't reply - instead, he lingered his hand near Tej's mouth and gave a sudden tug at the beard. It came off easily, revealing that it was just a disguise.

  "Mr. Singh," said the inspector triumphantly. "You are under arrest. And now, please reveal where your father is."

  "I don't know any Tej Singh!" Protested Tej.

  "But I never mentioned that Mr. Singh is Tej Singh, did I? Asked the inspector, acting innocent.

  Tej went pale and looked down, afraid. The inspector cuffed him up, and ordered him to show who Sameer is. The boy silently did so.

  "Hello, Mr. Verma?" Said the inspector on the phone. "Both Sameer and his son have been arrested."

  Chapter 12

  December 7th, 2011 (Two Days Later)

  "Ms. Naina Agarwal, please give us your statement," said the lawyer.

  "It was over a year ago. My best friend Sharon Scott and I were returning home from our coaching centre. We were preparing to write the medical entrances. We weren't able to find a taxi near enough so we had to walk a bit further than our usual point. It is not a very crowded area, so it was quite silent. Suddenly... A group of boys including Tej came to us. There were five of them. Two or three even seemed drunk. I didn't know any of them except Tej. They tried to tease us, but we just ignored them and kept walking. Just then, two of them came from the front on motorbikes. They surrounded us completely. When one of them tried to touch us, I started begging for help from Tej. But he simply laughed and did nothing. In fact, he came forward and started harassing us too. No one tried to help us. Just when one of those boys was starting to hurt me, Sharon slapped him. And after that, those boys, including Tej, went wild on Sharon. Two of them held me back. I could not do anything - I could not save my best friend the way she saved me. The next day, she sent me a mail, and hanged herself. She was my best friend... She took all the blows on herself, just so she could save me..."

  Naina burst out crying. She still missed Sharon, her best friend. The lawyer led Naina away. Kimaya couldn't help but feel bad for Naina. She had lost a best friend, and hadn't even been able to get justice done. Naina came back and took her seat near Kimaya.

  "It will be alright..." Said Kimaya soothingly to Naina.

  "I hope so," said Naina, with tears in her eyes.

  "You'll be okay, Naina. Stay strong."

  Naina managed a weak smile. Kimaya smiled back.

  "The Court declares Tej Singh and his friends to be guilty of harassing Naina Agarwal and Sharon Scott - sexually and otherwise. His father Sameer Singh and Uncle Aakash Singh are guilty of hiding Tej Singh' crime. The Court sentences Tej Singh and the rest to one year and six months of imprisonment. Sameer Singh and Aakash Singh are also arrested for hiding the crime and misleading the police. Court dismissed."

  The judge got up, and walked away. Everyone slowly got up, talking among themselves.

  "Well, I must say, this case got on pretty fast. It could have taken months and years!" Said Mr. Verma.

  "I agree," added Mr. Arora. "We were very lucky."

  Naina hugged Kimaya and started crying.

  "Thank you so much! If you hadn't been so brave... I guess Sharon w
ould never be justified."

  "It's alright Naina. You don't need to say thank you. But what you must do now, is forget the past and move on."

  "Kimaya, you're so much like Sharon... Practical, brave, loving. Will you be my friend?"

  "Are you asking? I'm already your friend!"

  Naina smiled; a real smile, after so long. Sharon was an inseparable part of her life - and the feeling that she herself was the reason behind her best friend's death was unbearable for Naina. After months, she saw a ray of light, a ray of hope. Sending Tej and his friends to prison was a big step for her. She felt lighter, happier.


  "Sharon... Sharon you've been justified. Those horrible boys are in jail. I wish you were here to see this day, Sharon. You shouldn't have killed yourself... I miss you..."

  "Naina... Come," said Kimaya gently. They were in the graveyard, where Sharon lay.

  "No... Just five minutes. I haven't visited this place since her burial. I was too guilty to even face her grave..."

  Kimaya nodded.

  "Sharon, I want you to meet Kimaya. She's the reason why Tej is in jail today. She's so much like you, Sharon. And you know what, she fought with those bad guys. They tried to kidnap her. But she fought on... And here we are today. I'm sorry Sharon, I could do nothing for you..."

  "Sharon... I'm sure you were a beautiful young lady. And all those terrible people who did anything wrong with you, they are where they ought to be. You had a lovely friend, Sharon. Naina is an amazing person. She loves you so much. You were very, very lucky to have her..." Said Kimaya.

  Naina looked up at Kimaya and smiled.

  "Thanks... For bringing me here," she said.

  Kimaya hugged Naina.

  "Don't say thanks... Just wipe those tears off your pretty face. You look so much better without them!"

  Naina let out a little laugh and wiped her tears away.

  "Good! Now no more crying. I'm sure that's what Sharon would want. So, smile?"

  Naina nodded.

  "The pain is inevitable, Naina. But the wounds will heal. You have to move on, how much ever it may hurt."

  "It's just so hard... Sharon and I, we were like soul sisters. I miss her so much..." Said Naina, starting to cry again.

  "Naina, I know how hard it must be to stop those tears. But time will heal everything... All you need to do is give time some time."

  "Yeah," said Naina. "I'll try my best, Kim."

  Kimaya smiled.

  "Now shall we go home?"


  They got into the car which led them to Kimaya's house. Naina was staying with Kimaya for a few days. It was thought that what Naina really needed at that moment was a friend - a friend to take her thoughts off Sharon. And Kimaya seemed to be the best choice.