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  A Novel by


  For a full discussion of I AM ADAM go to the blog at I Am Adam

  I Am Adam

  Living Word Publications, Inc.

  7 Dey Street

  Suite 207

  New York, NY 10007

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third party websites or their content.

  I Am Adam

  Living Word Publications, Inc published by arrangement with James Terry Shipman Twerell

  Copyright©2008 by Living Word Publications

  This is dedicated to Janetta who took me through the door of life, and to Peter, who showed me the door.


  This is the book of generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him: male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

  Genesis 5:1,2

  For a full discussion of I AM ADAM go to the blog at I Am Adam

  Chapter 1

  The New Earth

  High atop the quiet mountains a solitary figure stood and gazed across the landscape below. The early morning sun was weaving a pattern of light into the darkened terrain, and he pulled in the strength of the dawning of a new day. His name was Domatarious and his task was to guide all of creation toward the perfection of the plan set in motion by the thoughts of God. While not alone in this task, for he was part of the force known as Pantermums, this particular dawning found him feeling very alone and, for the first time in his journey, saddened.

  "Why, with all the Love and Light in the creation, would the created choose to walk in shadow?" He asked himself quietly. "Of all the eternal places I have found, this Earth was always one of my favorites, but now it is rather plain. Well, not actually plain, simply not the reflection of the Universe I loved and admired when I was last here."

  "Appreciating the new Earth or merely reflecting on the old one?" He felt her there even before he heard her words.

  "Satari," he said, as he turned to her, "how wonderful to see you and feel your presence in this rather different place. You bring hope to me that some things may still be beautiful as they used to be."

  As she took his hand in hers, he felt the transfer of her energy and was refreshed immediately.

  "Domatarious," she said, "it is good to have you back and to be one with you again. Much has changed in this world, but the love of life is still a strong force between us." She moved closer and they stood and looked out over the growing light as it filled the world. "It has changed greatly my love," she spoke in a quiet voice, "but it is still a beautiful place in many respects and it is a place the God of All Good Things has created for pleasure."

  He and Satari had journeyed many places in the Universe, and shared a bond that strengthened them in all their tasks. While he had been away from her for some time, they were always together in their deep love for each other.

  "It appears the Earth has become a rather resistant part of the creation," he said as he once again looked out over the valley below. "I have never seen any part of the Universe ignore the Power of Love and Light as has happened here on Earth. It would be so much easier if they chose to follow the beauty of God's Love and Light, and enjoy a journey filled with peace and joy. It is ever so sad when the creation chooses to trust in its own understanding and not follow the plan of God, and then experience a difficult journey. It is clear that ultimately, all of creation will follow the plan of God's Love and Light, for that is the only conclusion of God's creation. How else can it be when the God of the Universe creates all things to meet perfection?"

  Satari turned from the view of the valley and said, "Evolving of understanding is the reason for God's thought, and it is the task we and other Pantermums have to assist in this evolution. Throughout the Universe, much of God's creation has progressed through the choices and arrived in the place of harmony and love. While some have taken longer than others have, the work on Earth has become one of the slower transformations. However, you and I both know the transformation will take place in God's perfect time."

  Turning to Satari, he put his arm around her and led her to a couch near them. As they sat he said, "When I left, the species had begun to grow and seemed to be gaining in understanding. Obviously, they departed from the Power of Love and Light, and things did not work well for them. Were you here for these changes?"

  "I was called to Conponious shortly after you left, but returned here prior to the destruction. The species evolved rapidly as individuals, but never formed any thought of harmony with each other. This isolation from each other and the lack of mutual understanding provided an open door for the power of the shadow. In less than 200 years, they had learned to fight with each other and bring destruction, but had not developed any growth in knowledge. They never left the valley below during their entire existence. Ultimately, they destroyed themselves faster than they could reproduce. The beauty of Earth began to disappear and we decided to head to the higher places to remove ourselves from the differences they produced. We had been told to let this species evolve without direct interaction."

  The job of the Pantermums was to guide the creation into the place of harmony. When difficulties might arise, they would normally turn to the Circle of Understanding for help. The Circle of Understanding is the place in Eternity that serves as a source of wisdom for all creation. It is here the Pantermums interact on the progress of creation and receive the insight for their task. The Circle was truly the place of orchestration for all the creative force in the universe and served as the final word in all difficulties.

  "Did you go to The Circle of Understanding to ascertain if anything could be done to stop this?" Domatarious asked.

  "Several went to The Circle to see what might be suggested," she said, "but they always returned with the directions to simply wait, for things were coming together according to the great plan".

  She settled back into Domatarious' arms and continued, "One year, there was a great eruption from the surface of the sun and it greatly impacted all the system around it. The nearest planet fell into the sun and the force of the change brought major upheavals to the atmosphere of the Earth. Because the species had not developed, they could not adapt to the changes, and ultimately they all perished."

  "None remain?" he asked.

  "We have remnants for the next part of the plan of the God of All Good Things, and they are the only ones here on Earth." She replied.

  Standing, she took his hand and walked over to the edge of the porch. "We sought answers as to why this was all happening and The Circle of Understanding showed us the heart of the species was caught in shadow so dark, that the Power of Love and Light was seldom embraced. The destruction of the species was the conclusion of shadow without the balance of Light. They had opportunity to walk in the Light and remove their shadow understanding, but refused and thus sealed their fate. It is the purpose of the Universe to allow created life the opportunity to journey toward truth and embrace the reality of the beauty of Light without outside force. You and I, Domatarious, walk in eternal Light because we are Pantermums and have no shadow in us. However, those creations that walk with shadow and Light will evolve until they bring harmony to both. When that takes place, Light will be the only path they seek. Why it takes place in this manner, I do not know, but it is the plan of God for this to happen."

  "It is hard to believ
e this happened in such a short time," he remarked.

  Laughing she replied, "You are definitely a traveler without knowledge of time. We have completed over 10,000 cycles since you left. In what we now identify as years, instead of completed cycles, you have been gone 100,000 years. Much can happen in that long an absence."

  He smiled and thought how traveling without the presence of time does make a difference in how one judges things. To him, a day was as a thousand years on Earth, and a thousand days but a moment. There is no sense of time in the eternal journey; it is lived one moment at a time. "The absence of time is a blessing for all of us," he replied as they once again embraced, "for it makes being apart seem but a short time."

  Satari smiled at him, held him, and said, "I have been here since the start of the reconstruction plans, and I think of you always. I am grateful that we are together for this new mission. We are of one heart and it always refreshes me to be with you."

  Pointing out over the valley below, he saw a familiar area. "Do you remember the gorge filled with Accertoms that used to be there? How we would love to spend time in the blossoms as they changed color and gave off such wonderful fragrance. I too think of you always, and remember all of our great experiences. How magnificent this Universe is and how I do hope we will see Earth recreated to reflect the beauty it once contained."

  He looked at Satari and again felt the beauty she gave off to the world around her. The darkness of her eyes provided a place of comfort lit only by the great joy of her bright smile. They had journeyed so long that he did not ever remember being without her. Even when apart, it seemed as though she was still by his side. "Now we have a new adventure." He said, "Tell me how things progress in the rebuilding."

  "We have taken the new forms created by the God of All Good Things and set them in separate places on the Earth. There are eight total and we placed them so they could easily find at least one other form when the time is correct. We call the forms Adam and they all have adapted to the new Earth and are making incredible progress in establishing order to their surrounding. In The Circle of Understanding, we received instructions that the God of All Good Things would only newly create half of the human forms. The other halves are from the remnant of the previous species that we have preserved until instructed to release them."

  Contemplating this he asked her, "This new form known as Adam, does it contain both shadow and Light?"

  "Yes," she replied, "for it is created by God for the purpose of finding balance and walking in the beauty of Light without following shadow. However, this Adam is currently pure in thought and reflects only the Light at this time. The introduction to the former species will provide the opportunity for both Light and shadow to interact, for the previous species, while they are the same as the Adam forms; have developed a deeper sense of shadow awareness. Light is the ability to embrace the beauty and Power of Love and the desire to walk as one in love. The former species will have this ability the same as the Adam form has, but the interaction with the new Earth will present opportunity for the former species to make choices. The Adam form has not been challenged with such choices, therefore the interaction between the two of them will begin the process of evolving toward harmony that will provide the ultimate free desire to follow only Light. As you know, we have permission to work with the new creation in a more direct manner. I am sure that this new creation will succeed in their evolving toward pure Love and Light."

  "When may I meet this Adam?" he asked.

  Taking his hand, she smiled and said, "Come my love, let me take you into the new Earth and meet Adam, for she awaits you."