Read I Am Adam Page 2

Chapter 2


  She rested in the clearing and watched the sunrise over the trees, "I love the quiet of the new day for I can feel it all around me. I hear the grass begin to move as the sun warms it. It stretches and flexes its strength and then stands up tall to celebrate another day of life. I feel the Earth move below me as my night friends begin to settle down for rest while the sun shines above them. Hello, my beautiful forest, I am Adam and I am happy to be with you today. What adventures do you have in mind today as we discover each other?"

  Rolling over, she met the beautiful green eyes of Sumba. "Hello Sumba my beautiful friend; how I love to wake and feel you next to me. Kiss me awake, Sumba, and tell me you care for me as I care for you." She pressed close to the green eyes and felt Sumba's tongue slide across her face. She ran her hand through Sumba's fur and both felt joy together. "So how are my beautiful littles today?" She asked as Sumba stretched out and exposed the young sleeping below her. "Wake up you little wonders, it is a new day!" she exclaimed. The one near her opened its eyes and scampered to her hand. "You are getting very big my little friend; you are bigger than my hand." The kitten snuggled to her and then jumped down to feed.

  "Oh Sumba, you are able to do what I can not. I have breasts, but they do not work as yours. Maybe I need to have little ones like these and then they will work. We share everything as friends, but you have made others of yourself, and I have not. Satari will visit today and I will ask how to make others of myself as you have."

  She gave Sumba one more stroke on her beautiful body. "How black is the cover she wears," she thought, "and very soft. I do not have a cover as hers, but it isn't necessary, as I would not like to carry such things around all the time. Sumba moves as the wind when she runs, and her cover does not slow her down. Maybe her cover makes her run faster. I will think about this today."

  "I am going to the water Sumba. I will be back to go up the high place with you and we will carry the littles so we can go fast."

  Listening, she heard heavy steps by the water and they were not familiar to her. She went higher so she might see the visitor and know how to prepare. She could smell the odor of the visitor, and something about it was very unusual. Looking near the water she saw this strange new being.

  "It appears to be somewhat like Sumba, but very light in color." She thought. "It is holding a leg up and walking on some of its feet. I must go see this being up close to find why it walks in such a strange way."

  "Hello new being, I am Adam. Why do you walk on only some of your feet?" She felt something coming from this being. She sensed the creature's pain and its hesitation at her appearance. "I am feeling hurt from you and it is unwelcome. Are you hurt?" She felt the being wanted to run away, but it also wanted her to come to it. "I will sit here near you and you may come meet me and we will know each other."

  "What is that smell this being gives to me?" she wondered "It is even greater than the hurt I feel but I don't know what it is. Does the being not want to know me? Why would that be? Wait, its foot is hurt and the red comes from it into the water. I must help for that is why I feel the hurt. It must be the reason for the other smell I don't know."

  "My new friend, I will help you with your hurt. How did you do this to yourself? Here sit next to me and let me see your foot, for I will help you walk again without the pain we both now feel."

  As she looked this being in the eye, the smell she could not recognize began to go away. "This creature is soft as Sumba and as we touch, I feel its hurt become less. Here my friend put your head on my leg while I look at your foot."

  There in the bottom, she sees an opening that was bleeding. "I have done this to myself my friend and I have had the red come out also. I know it hurts, but I feel your hurt even more than mine. I will put my lips on your pain, for that always makes my pain better."

  She could taste the blood as she put her lips on the cut. "I desire for this hurt to stop and this red to stop. Make my new friend's foot as it was."

  She continued to press her lips on the cut and then thought, "Oh there is the wonderful feeling again. It's how I feel when I run fast down the mountain. I feel it all over my body and I know it's making my new friend better."

  "See my new friend, it is not red now, and it is like it was before."

  The animal looked at the foot as she showed it. "The red from the hurt covers my face and body. I'm going into the water and remove all this red. Come my new friend, let us go into the water together, and be wet. I love the water all over my body. Your red is on me and I need to wet it off. Come my new friend; come into the water. I think I will let you meet Sumba and we can all go into the high places together. I will now go see the water animals whose feet never touch earth. How I love to watch them and touch them as they move around. Come my new friend, let me show you my other friends who have no feet and after that, I will take you to meet Sumba and her little Sambas. That's right, come all the way in and join me. I think I will call you Wellna, for you were not well and now you are."

  Wellna came to her side and splashed her with its feet showing how well they now worked. She could now feel the happiness in Wellna and it made her happy. "You are Wellna my new friend, and I am Adam. Together we will have great adventures.”