Read I Am Adam Page 13

Chapter 9

  Year 8

  Sun thought how quiet it was and decided it was either early or the children all had slept late. She opened her eyes and saw that it was very light.

  "Welcome home, Sun."

  She looked around, saw Domatarious standing beside her, and sat up quickly. "Dom, how good to see you again after such a long time." She viewed her surroundings and immediately saw she was not in the clearing. "Where am I?" she asked as she stood to look about.

  "Sun, your journey is over, and you are home with us. Do you remember what happened?"

  Sun gazed at the surroundings and felt great joy at seeing the beauty and glory of everything. Looking down, saw she was in the beautiful white garment and that the light radiated from it, and brought her great comfort. "I was hurt when I fell, but I do not remember what happened after that."

  Dom sat near her and said, "You hit your head and it damaged your brain. Your heart was no longer able to work and your body died quickly. You fell when the new Adam pushed Wind into you, and you lost your balance."

  "The new Adam?" she asked.

  "Wind’s Adam found her and became angry when he saw your Adam holding Wind."

  Still looking around her, she replied, "Anger because he was still demanding that Wind belonged to him? This is a hard lesson for him to learn. Where am I now?"

  "This is Eternity, Sun, and this is the place all life begins. You came from here, but this is the first time you are aware of being here. You are a new soul, created by the thoughts of God for the purpose of your journey."

  "I am no longer living on Earth?"

  "No, your journey on Earth is over, but it is just the beginning of your journey, for you have many other adventures before you. Each adventure will teach you more about the magnificence of God's love and the Power of Light."

  "I feel like I am still alive, Dom. I can see, hear, and," she squeezed her fingers together, "I can feel. If I am not alive, what am I?"

  "Sun, all life as we know it is created by the thoughts of the God of All Good Things. You are that thought, and we call you a living soul. Your purpose is to explore the Universe and constantly see how the Love of God is the source of all things. Each journey you take, as with the one you just finished on Earth, provides new experiences for you to see God's love in action. God created you to be one of the first humans on Earth, and therefore, it was your first journey. Your Adam has made several journeys and has seen the power of God's love from different experiences."

  "Adam never spoke of this to me. Why didn't he tell me about these journeys?"

  "When you enter a new journey, you will not have a conscious memory of your other journeys, and will enter each new lesson as a new experience. However, in your soul, you remember all these lessons, and if you truly listen to your inner self, you are able to call upon these experiences to guide you in your new lesson. The more lessons you learn, the easier it is to hear your inner self and receive guidance. You were created with an abundance of love and understanding for your first journey, and you did well in walking in that creative love."

  Sun looked at the beauty around her and asked Dom, "What of Wind, and the children? Are they able to draw on their past journeys?"

  "Wind, like you, is a new soul, created by the thoughts of God for the beginning of the human development. The children, except for Eve, are souls who have asked for their journey on Earth, so they may experience new things."

  "Why is Eve different?"

  As she sat beside Domatarious, he explained, "Eve is a soul who remembers her other journeys, and she has many insights she can share. Eve has become aware of the Power of Love and is trying to bring everyone together so the shadow will not grow. She is having success thus far and I am sure she will give them all alternatives to the shadow."

  "My little Eve is an old soul," laughed Sun, "I always felt she was different, but I did not know why. How is my Adam doing now?"

  "He grieves you leaving him, but Eve gives him hope and he is finding his inner strength. He and Wind will find strength in each other and carry on in their journey."

  Sun considered this for a minute and said, "They will be good together for they are good souls. I felt her love always, and I know she will be happy. What of the other Adam, will he be with Wind and Adam?"

  "We will see how he progresses, but I believe it will all work for him in his journey. Are you ready to share your journey thoughts with me now?"

  Sun sat quietly for a while and thought about all she had seen on her Earth journey. "I do not remember ever having a feeling that did not focus on love, and the reality of walking in the Light of love. I am also aware that I did not really share with others about the Power of Love. I think that would be a wonderful thing to do for the children, as they will need understanding of this to pass on to others. I see in my journey that I allowed the distractions of life to become a strong focus instead of using my internal senses. I often felt things inside that certainly desired to give me understanding, but most of the time, I ignored thinking of these things and went on to do something else. I do remember the things Satari taught me, and I spent much more time thinking about these truths before I had Adam and the children. Those thoughts became quiet as I became more active."

  "It is a common problem when away from here," Dom interjected. "The shadow grows in the distractions, and there are many things to draw away attention from Light and truth. Anything else you feel was important in your journey?"

  "The sense of possession of others is a problem in the growth of trust," Sun said. "I remember sensing the need to encourage Wind to have a deeper relationship with Adam, because I felt her need and love. She was hesitant to do this because she felt he was mine. The strange part is how she disliked feeling the possessiveness of her Adam over her, yet she placed the same thing on me. I believe this is a problem in the nature of the creation that may continue to cause the shadow to appear."

  "The creation will evolve into a natural coupling," Dom said, "but we can only hope it is a coupling of the soul and not driven by the desire to possess. You and your Adam did not have a connection from previous soul journeys, and yet the two of you flowed naturally. Wind is also a new soul, but she and her Adam did not melt into soul understanding. This is also a problem in one of the other Adam locations and we will watch to see how it evolves. Eve and a few others who have deeper understanding will impart this insight to the species, but it will be up to the Adams whether or not they develop relationships based on the Power of Love and Light or on the deception of shadow and possession."

  Turning to her, he took Sun's hand and said, "You have lived your journey well and imparted truth of the Power of Love as you desired. Go, enjoy Eternity and then decide what you would like to do in your next journey."

  Sun thought for a moment, and said, "I would like to bring the Power of Love and Light into a more difficult relationship. Adam was very open and giving, and it was easy to love in that place. I believe it will strengthen my understanding of the Power of Love and Light to use it in a situation that is difficult."

  "That will be your next journey. You will have an additional gift of sensitivity to be able to find your soul connection in relationships and try to impart more Light into that area. If your inner strength is truly prepared for this growth, you will also have ability to teach others the truth of the Power of Love and Light. If you cannot succeed in this task, you will know more about God's love through your failure." Dom placed his hands on her said, "You have done well Sun, and your understanding has grown. The God of All Good Things sends you forth with all the Love and Light needed to accomplish your journey."

  Sun reached up, embraced Dom, then rose from the seat, and walked out into the splendor of all her surroundings. Within she felt the joy of being part of the beauty and peace of eternity. "How wonderful is the plan of the God of All Good Things," she thought, and then wandered out toward some others she saw waving at her and beckoning her to come and see them.

  He watched her
as she walked off to meet new friends and establish herself in Eternity. She was a gentle soul, and the journey she requested would challenge her greatly, but he was confident she was able to handle it with Love and Light. She was created as one of the eight female Adams, and she had shown her strength in truly loving.

  Domatarious turned from Sun and entered into a room that contained the sleeping form of Satari. He looked down at her and smiled, remembering how she, in her human form as Eve, was beginning to have recollections of being in Eternity. As Pantermums, she, Domatarious, and others traveled throughout the Universe overseeing creation and the progress of the plan of the God of All Good Things. Whenever they had permission to become one with creation, the level of understanding greatly increased among the created. Domatarious was aware that Satari provided a strong force that could bring understanding, and influence the evolution of the humans greatly. The ability to use the Pantermums in the creation process was a great help. The first Earth creations did not have this gift, and had only their own understanding. With the humans, the addition of periodic Pantermums among them would give a guidance they could choose to follow or reject, for the choice was always up to the created species. Nevertheless, the direction provided by the Pantermums would allow them understanding of the eternal plan and not just the things in the temporal world. He smiled and touched Satari and said, "Work well my love, and I will wait for your return."