Read I Am Adam Page 14


  Eve had washed Sun's body in the lake as Star prepared a large amount of wood for a fire. Together they placed Sun on new, clean sheep covering and Eve wove flowers into her hair and covered her body with beautiful leaves and flowers. She told Star to go back home and have everyone meet at the lake to celebrate Sun's new life. The boy's sadness seemed to melt away as Eve explained where Sun had gone and how they would all see Sun again when they went to Eternity. Unlike the older Adams, Star accepted what Eve said and was happy to help Sun move on to Eternity.

  Eve climbed up the path toward the high clearing over the lake. She saw no signs of the other Adam, and wondered if he had stayed or if he decided to depart. As she entered the clearing, she felt his presence, and called out his name. He emerged for the forest near the clearing and stood looking at her, neither speaking nor moving any further.

  "How is your arm, Adam?" Eve spoke as she approached him.

  He looked down at his arm and returned his eyes to her. "It does not hurt. Where is Wind?" Eve set a sheep covering on the ground and opened it. In it were some cooked sheep's meat and sweet plants from the forest. She handed them to him and said, "Sit with me Adam, and eat this, for it will help you feel better. Wind is with the other Adam and the children, and we are going to meet at the lake to celebrate Sun's new life in Eternity."

  Adam sat beside the sheep covering and took the food Eve offered and began to eat. She saw that he had many marks on his body that appeared to be cuts. His hands were also hard and rough, but his frame was as strong and hard as her Adam. "What are these marks on your body, Adam? They look like cuts."

  "Animals fight against Adam in the trees, but they do not win," he said. "What do you mean by ‘a new life in Eternity’? I have never heard of Eternity."

  "It is where we go to when our time here is over. Sun lived with us and now has gone to a new home in Eternity. We will see her again when we go there."

  Adam thought for a moment and said, "I do not know of this place. What about Wind, when will she come to me?"

  Eve reached up and pulled some sticks out of Adams hair, and said, "We need to take you to the lake and let you get rid of the dirt and woods on you. You have gone far from home, and I will help you feel better." She took the sharp stone from the sheep covering and showed it to him. "I would like to cut away some of your head hair and face hair so you look better."

  He looked at the sharp stone and then looked at her and handed it back to her. She went behind him and began to cut away all the long snarls that hung over his back. As she did this, she saw he had more marks on his back, and she began to wonder how much pain he had gone through over his time of looking for Wind. She ran her fingers through the shorter hair and pulled out some of the smaller twigs and snarls. Coming in front of him, she held his face hair and gently cut off the long straggly pieces and made it all more even. He never said a word to her; he simply continued to look at her as she worked. She ran her fingers through his face hair and finally said, "Now we will go to the lake and swim and clean off the mud. Then you and I will wait for Adam, Wind, and the children to join us. My Adam knows you will be there as does Wind. We are all Adam, and this day we must be one and not be against each other."

  "Wind belongs to me, and not to him or this place."

  Eve stood and looked at him and spoke to him in a firm but loving voice, "You are here because the God of All Good Things wants you here. You, Adam, Wind, and I will talk of the problems you have after we celebrate Sun's new life. She was a loving person who gave us much joy, and she would have given you much love and joy. However, she is gone. You will come and be part of us who come to love, or you will sit here alone and be angry. However, do not come with anger to a place of love. I ask you this as one who will love you and be with you. Even so, if you cannot love, I will not be able to help you."

  She stood and looked at him as he stared at her. Finally, he stood, reached down, picked her up, and put her on his shoulders. "You are like Wind," he said, " telling me what to do and what is good. I will go to this place with your love for I like you. We will talk about other things after."

  As he headed down the path, Eve reached down and kissed him on his forehead. Ever so slightly, she saw him smile, and felt his body relax. "Walk in Light, Adam," she said quietly, "Walk in Light."

  They had finished swimming in the lake and were sitting on the shore near Sun's body when the others arrived. Star was holding Moon in his arms and Dawn was carrying Leaf and leading River with her other hand. Wind walked before Adam and held her baby and Sun's baby in her arms. They walk near Sun's body and stood looking at Eve and the new Adam. At last Adam left the group and walked over to Eve. He stood before her and looked at the new Adam, who remained sitting on the ground, as if not sure what to do next. Wind handed the babies to Dawn and took Moon and River by the hand. She walked beside Adam, looked down at her Adam, and said, "This is Moon and River. Together you and I have given them life."

  The new Adam starred at the children and finally stood and looked at Wind. "We made these before you left? Why did I not know this?"

  "I did not know until I was gone from our home, and unable to go back. I continued on, and saw fire smoke before me. I followed it and came to this home with Sun, Adam, and the children. I have wanted you to see them, but did not know where you were until you came into the home last night."

  Eve rose and said, "Let us come together for Sun, and talk of other things when we are done.” The two Adams looked at her and both sat on the ground and did not say a word. Wind walked over to the children and brought them to the two Adams. She said, "Eve, you seem to understand things we do not, so tell us what we are to do. I have come to trust you see things with eyes that are not of a child."

  Eve stood by Sun's body and quietly spoke, "Inside me are things that speak understanding to my thoughts. I do not know how this happens, but I do know that the understanding is truth. We are all part of the plan of the God of All Good Things, and we are here on Earth to accomplish the things God has desired. Sun came to Earth, from a place called Eternity, which is our entire place of beginning. This place is beautiful beyond anything we have ever seen, and is a place of Love and Light that never stops. We come to Earth to make it a place that is the same as Eternity, for that is the plan of God of All Good Things. Sun gave us love, and we loved her. She gave us life, and as her children, we will give life to others because of what she and Adam made. Sun loved us all, and now she is in Eternity, and waits for us to join her when we are finished here. This Sun is gone, and is but an empty shell. Our Sun is in Eternity, and we will send her shell into the sky, and celebrate that her love is always with us."

  She turned and took a flower and, kissing Sun, placed the flower on her body. She then handed a flower to Sun's Adam and he rose and stood before her body with the flower in his hand and looked at her. With tears in his eyes, he kissed her and set the flower on her body. Next Eve presented flowers to Star, Dawn, and Leaf. They stood with Eve and placed their flowers. Wind handed the babies to Dawn and went to Sun with River and Moon holding her hands. She kissed Sun and reaching down, put her arms around her and held her. Finally, Eve handed the new Adam a flower, and he hesitated and finally walked to Sun and looked at her for a long time. He placed the flower on her and then knelt on the ground and began to sob. Eve came to his side and lay her hand on him, but he turned from her and tears fell from him. Adam rose from where he was sitting, and walked to the new Adam and knelt beside him and asked, "Why does this bring you pain when you did not even know Sun?"

  The new Adam stood and wiping tears from his eyes looked at Adam and said, "I have lived looking for Wind, and now I find her here. I see this Sun and know that she is gone. This child Eve shows me love, and I have not felt that in a long time. I see Wind here, and know she will not leave. However, it is as if all this that I see has pulled a great pain from me. I have caused pain, and yet here I find pain taken from me. I feel great sorrow for the pain I caus
e, but great release from the pain taken away. What Eve says about being on Earth and in Eternity, I think is true. However, this time on Earth is hard, and I feel great sorrow for it. I now see these two children Wind and I made, and I feel good seeing them but believe they will not want me." He turned and looked at Adam and said, "And I see you, who I felt great anger for, turn, and bring me into your home. I see Sun, and am happy she is in this Eternity, but I see me, and I do not know where I belong." He turned abruptly and headed quickly to the path taking him to the high clearing.

  Adam stepped from Sun's body, watched the new Adam head away, and then shouted, "You are Adam! I am Adam!"

  Eve stood and shouted, "You are Adam, and I am Adam".

  Wind turned and shouted, "You are Adam, and I am Adam". Soon Star and the other children all shouted the same, "You are Adam, and I am Adam." The new Adam stopped as he heard their voices and turned to see them all standing looking at him. He hesitated and then said to them, "You are Adam, and I am Adam."

  Eve walked toward him, took his hand, and leading him back to Sun's body stated clearly, "We are Adam, and we are all one. Today, we celebrate our lives together and Sun's life in Eternity." Having said that, she took a flaming stick and put it under the wood beneath Sun's body. The flames grew and as they all stood together, that which was Sun on Earth, became one with the Universe.