Read I Am Adam Page 15

  Chapter 10

  YEAR 18

  Sun was sitting on the hill, looking out over the beautiful array of color filling the landscape. Eternity was beyond anything she tried to express, yet it felt as it was part of her very being. Those she met and shared with had such joy and love, and the adventures they had all been through in their journeys! She loved their journey stories, and felt herself strengthened by all they shared with her.

  "Isn't it beautiful, Sun?" she heard a voice say in her thoughts. Turning, she saw Domatarious standing beside her, and she felt the peace and joy his very presence brought to her.

  "Oh Dom, it is beyond anything I can describe, and it fills me with such peace to simply look at its beauty. Every color produces light and yet there is no sun or light in the sky."

  "That is the beauty of Eternity," Domatarious said as he seated himself beside her. "All light comes from within, and there is no shadow or darkness. I am happy that you are meeting others and growing in your understanding. Are you ready to begin your next journey Sun?"

  "So soon? I am only starting to settle in and find new things here?”

  Domatarious laughed and said, "Sun, in your Earth time, you have been here ten years".

  "That is not possible!" she exclaimed. "I just got here and have only started to explore."

  "In Eternity, there is no time, Sun; days, months, years, all become one. However, on Earth, because light comes from outside, time is something that you measure. Come with me; let me show you something that will please you greatly."

  He stood, took her hand, and led her down the hill to a great lake. As they neared the lake, she saw that it was clear, and she saw through it to the bottom. As she peered deeper, she saw trees and mountains in the bottom. "What is this, Dom?"

  "This is the place we watch all life on Earth and see how it all progresses. Look over to those mountains and tell me what you see."

  Sun looked over the landscape and saw a river running through into a lake. As she looked, it began to come closer in her sight until she made out a small settlement in a clearing near the lake. Looking at the clearing it became larger to her until she was able to see sheep grazing in a field and a shelter built near the lake. "What is this Dom?"

  "It is your home, Sun," he replied, "It is the place you lived on Earth."

  Sun looked at the shelter, and it came closer to her until she saw people around it. "There is Wind," she exclaimed with joy, "and the children are playing over there. Oh, Dom, look at how much they have changed. I do not know some of them."

  "Wind has had a few children since you left," Dom said, and pointed to a group playing near the middle of the clearing. "Those are the babies you had before you came here, and over there you see Dawn with the new ones. Wind has had two set of twins and a female child. Look down the river and tell me what you see."

  Sun looked at the river and followed it past the clearing to a small area that had a few people gathered together. She looked closer and was now able to see a tall male and two females working on something.

  "That is Star, Moon, and Eve working on a new creation they have formed," Dom said. "Star and Eve followed the river until it widens, and they have found ways to float on the water and go even farther. What they are working on is a raft, and the three of them shall soon journey from home to a new destination. Look back toward the lake. There is River and Leaf cleaning the animals they have caught with the new Adam. He is now called Adam Hunter, for he has learned to catch animals for food and shelter and the boys go with him for each hunt and have become good providers."

  "They kill the animals in the forest?" Sun questioned.

  "It is the way they have decided to provide for themselves, but they are always thankful for the animal giving its life so that they may live. It is their way of living."

  Sun thought about this and said, "I do not think the killing of another life is right, but they must do what they think is best. Where is my Adam?"

  "He is over there with the sheep."

  Sun looked past the clearing to another large clearing filled with white sheep. She spotted him on the edge, and as she focused, he appeared much closer to her. "He looks well and seems happy," she said quietly, "I do miss him."

  "That is because you are soul connected, and you will spend time together throughout eternity as you journey back and forth. You will connect with others in your journeys. You will find great joy in being together, no matter where you find yourselves. You may not know Adam when you meet as you travel, but you will have an inner peace that lets you know he is one with you. You will also have times together up here to share your love for each other."

  "Do you have a soul connection Dom?" He smiled and said, "I have different connections, as I am a Pantermums and not an eternal soul as you. Satari is one with me, and we find each other often in our travels."

  "Where is Satari, Dom? I have not seen her in Eternity."

  Domatarious pointed to Eve and said, "She is the life energy in Eve."

  "My little Eve is filled with surprises," Sun laughed.

  "Well Sun, you have one more surprise coming with Eve," Dom said. "In your next journey, you are to be the life energy in the child she creates. As a Pantermums, we can be life energy, but we do not provide connection for other souls in the reproduction. When a Pantermums becomes life energy, we will not produce after our own kind, so it is necessary for a soul who has journeyed before to become the life energy in the womb. You are the only soul who has completed a journey on Earth; now you are going to be the life energy for the being in Eve's womb. She has not met her mate yet, but will soon, and then your journey will begin."

  "I am to be the child my own child brings forth," Eve stated, and laughed saying, "The ways of the God of All Good Things are all good, so this too I know I will enjoy."

  "You will not remember Eve in your human understanding, but you will feel the connection in your own heart. She is to journey with Star and Moon to a new location and will become one with another Adam there. He is a very strong male Adam and leads many people in the ways of the God of All Good Things. You will become a leader of these people and meet with a new Adam who is very strong in ability and yet is deep in his shadow. Your journey will be to lead him back to the Power of Love and Light so the people around the two of you will walk in all that God has provided."

  "Will I succeed in this?" Eve asked.

  "That we do not yet know. You and the male Adam will have choices that will determine how your journey progresses. If you succeed, then the progress of humans will go in a direction according to that outcome. If you fail, then it will go in the direction of that outcome. Either way, you will learn much about God's love and the Power of Love and Light, and the evolving of the humans will be one-step closer to God's ultimate plan. The plan of God is like a river in a mountain. It will flow from the top to the bottom, and nothing can stop it. If it meets an obstacle, it will simply flow in another direction as it journeys to its conclusion. Nothing will change the eternal plan of God, it simply flows in different directions until it finally comes to the conclusion God has determined is perfect."

  "Somehow, I understand what you are saying, and it brings me great peace," she said.

  Dom pointed to the clearing and said, "Close your eyes and open them".

  Sun did as he asked and when she opened them, she saw Wind, Adam, the new Adam and all the children gathered around a fire near the lake. It was night, and she saw the light of the moon on the ground around them.

  "They have all gathered for a Celebration of Sun." Dom said.

  "What is this Celebration of Sun?

  "Every full moon they gather by the lake and Celebrate your life with them. They tell the story of how God sent you to give them life. They express their gratefulness to God for you and for their lives."

  "They gather to celebrate me?" she asked with alarm. "Why are they doing that?"

  "You are the mother of life to them, and they see you as a special person sent f
rom the God of All Good Things."

  "But Wind is the same as I am," she protested.

  "Yes," he replied, "but your death has become a focal point for celebrating life and giving thanks for all that the God of All Good Things has given them. Watch how they go about this celebration."

  Sun looked at the group around the fire and saw Eve stand and face the group. Eve had grown into a fine young woman with a strong body and long light colored hair. As Sun focused on Eve, she began to hear her speak.

  "Today we come together as the Family of Adam to give thanks for our lives and for all that Mother Sun provides for us." Bending down she took dirt, sprinkled it on her feet, and said, "We are reminded we are from the Earth and are part of the Earth. We are thankful for the life it gives to us." With that, she sprinkled the Earth on Adam’s feet, who in turn did the same to Wind, who continued by doing the same to Adam Hunter, and on it went until each person had covered the feet of his or her neighbor with Earth. Eve continued by taking a bowl and dipping her fingers into it. She took the red liquid, wiped it on her stomach and between her legs, and said, "From the Mother of life we come forth to live as one. We give thanks today for the life we have and for the ability to create new life."

  Eve passed the bowl and each person took the liquid and anointed their belly and genital with it. She took the bowl and again dipped her fingers in it and wiped the stain between her breasts. Handing the bowl to Adam she said, "We give thanks for our life within, for it is who we are. Mother Sun was a life within who has returned to her home and our life will return to her in our time. It is in this place we shall forever be one." Again, each person passed the bowl around and repeated what Eve had done.

  Receiving the bowl, she once more placed her fingers in it and touched her forehead saying, "This night we cleanse our thoughts and ask Mother Sun to take our thoughts and make them one. Our thoughts are now pure as hers, and we are truly one Adam."

  When the bowl returned to Eve, she turned and poured it on a large bunch of stick behind her and then lifted her arms and declared, "I am Adam." She took a flaming torch from the fire and handed it to Adam who declared, "I am Adam," who passed it to Wind who did the same. As the torch made its way around the fire, every person who could, stood and said, "I am Adam". Eve took the torch and put it into the sticks, and as the flames grew, she turned and embraced Adam, Wind, Adam Hunter, and went around until she had touched them all. As she did this, they all began to move their feet and clap their hands in unison. Soon they began to move around the clearing, and embrace any who happened to be beside them. As Sun watched, she felt touched by the joy she sensed in the gathering.

  "That was beautiful Dom," Sun said as she continued to watch them, "but I feel a little small in comparison to all that Eve gave me credit for as she spoke. But I also feel the love and joy in the celebration, and know it is good."

  "Let me show you something else going on in this celebration," Dom said as he waived his hand over her eyes. Suddenly, everything she saw became such vivid colors, she stepped back in awe. The trees and forest were vivid greens and the area of the clearing literally exploded in beautiful white light.

  "What am I seeing Dom?" Sun asked.

  That is the color of the Power of Love and Light, Sun. When there is great joy, the light is very bright and white. The trees are bright green for they give life and thrive in the harmony of being together. Look off into the distance; do you see the other colors?"

  Sun looked out past the clearing and saw a glimmer of red and some yellow. As she looked at this, Domatarious said, "Those are some animals in the forest who are feeling fear due to the fire and noise. When any feeling comes, other than joy and a feeling of harmony, the colors change. The colors show shadow growing and it is a place that is not part of the joy of the God of All Good Things." As he said this, he waived his hand toward the red light and Sun saw a white glow depart the celebration and move toward the red. As it came near, the red started to fade and became the bright green as the trees around it.

  "What did you do to cause that?" she asked.

  "I simply directed a Provider toward the animals so they might feel safe and without fear."

  "What is a Provider, and how did they make the animals feel safe?"

  Domatarious pointed to the very white lights around the campfire and explained, "When a great sense of joy and harmony is given, the white lights all come together and it is very powerful. The white lights are Providers, and they bring Light and peace to everything they touch. They will produce whatever is necessary to increase Light and peace, as long as love and good thoughts are active. This interaction is the source of everything the God of All Good Things provides, and we call it energy. However, when there is no love, or the thoughts are not focused on the goodness of life, the Providers withdraw and there is only emptiness."

  Sun looked at the white light around the people and saw that it was not one light, but countless numbers of lights all together. "What happens when they are not there, and it is empty?"

  "Close and open your eyes again," Dom said, and as she responded to his words, she now saw she was looking at a different time and place. Looking closer, she saw her Adam and Wind playing by the fire, and she saw herself standing and laughing behind Wind. Dom said, "This is the night you died. I want you to watch the colors and see how the Providers work with the energy around them."

  He waived his hand again and Sun saw the beautiful colors all around the fire. The white lights of the Providers covered the three of them, and she saw the lights coming from within the shelter where the children slept. Off to the side, her eyes saw a bright red glow slowly moving toward the camp. Suddenly, the glow rushed into the camp and ran into Wind who fell. Another red glow ran from the side and attacked the first red glow and Sun knew this was Wellna attacking the new Adam. "Now watch carefully Sun, and see how the Providers respond," Dom said quietly.

  The light lifted above the clearing and pulled away from the red fighting on the ground. Sun watched as the light pulled back from her Adam and then from Wind. She still had them on her, and still saw them in the children's shelter. Her Adam and Wind began to change from the beautiful green color into the red as the ones on the ground.

  "When any negative or unloving energy becomes part of life, the Providers pull back," Dom explained. "You see the two Adams, Wind, and Wellna have now started to become red. At this point, they are on their own, and will have no provision to give them joy and fullness. If they stay like this, they will be without power to use the joy and goodness God gives all creation. Due to this, they will only be able to create more things that will cause them unhappiness and lack. Now close your eyes and open them again."

  Sun did as he said and saw her Adam and Wind sitting by her dead body on the ground. Domatarious waived his hand, and she again saw the colors. Both Wind and Adam were now bright Red, but there was no color on her body. She saw a bright light enter the camp, and realized it was Eve. She watched as Eve talked to Adam and Wind, and saw bright flashes come off Eve and touch both Adam and Wind and then return.

  "Eve is sending love to both of them. She cannot change how they will handle what they are feeling, but she can send Love and Light to them to help them make better choices than the anger they now feel." As Eve talked, Sun saw her Adam begin to grow dimmer in his redness and the light from Eve was staying with him much longer each time it went forth. Wind was not as red, but she still reflected more red than Adam did. At last, she saw her Adam move from red to green and when this happened the Providers rushed in and covered him with light.

  "When the Providers come," Dom stated, "there is a new sense of love and peace. Whatever the person needs in order to grow in this love and peace, the Providers will go find it and bring it to them. It may be wisdom, friendship, something to use, or a direction for the journey. Whatever is needed, if the energy is kept loving and in harmony, then the Providers will do what they have been created to accomplish. They will provide."

m took Sun’s hand and led her to a couch near the lake. As they sat together Dom said, "I have given you this insight so you may retain it for your journey. Eve, as your mother, will teach you many things about the inner strength of your soul. You will have this understanding in your inner being and, if you use it, it will aid in your task."

  "I don't understand why this truth is not given to all on Earth to help in their journey."

  Dom looked at her and replied, "It is given to all, but the choice to follow it or not is up to each individual. Ultimately, all humans will understand the truth of Love and Light, and will walk in harmony with each other. This will complete the plan of the God of All Good Things. However, the harmony must come through the free choice of every person, and that will take time to accomplish. Your task is to impart these truths, in order for others to know and accept them. Understanding the love of God only comes from seeing how empty the journey is without this love. When that is known, there is joy in walking in the ways of God."

  Sun put her head on Dom's shoulder and said quietly, "I understand these truths, and I desire to go and provide them to others. When will I go back?"

  Putting his arm around Sun, Domatarious said to her, "Close your eyes Sun, and let your journey begin."