Read I Am Adam Page 3


  "She is beautiful Satari." Domatarious said as they watched Adam play with the dog-like animal she had befriended. "She is a gentle and loving being that truly reflects the Light given to all."

  "She has been a joy to me since we placed her in the valley." Satari replied, "She smelled the fear in the dog-like and it was foreign to her. She fears nothing and nothing fears her. She has wandered through the valley and up to the high places and fills everyday with the joy of discovery. She is the power of Love and Light in a walking form."

  They watched Adam play in the water and enjoyed the exuberance she gave to all creation around her. As she swam around, birds, fish, and other water creatures all came to her and she spoke to all of them as her long lost friends. She would dive under the water and stay so long they thought she may be in trouble, but she would bound out of the surface laughing and carrying on a conversation with the fish she had visited. As she and her dog friend came to the shore and lay in the sun together, the beauty of her features shown forth. Her hair was long and very light. She had a very long back and legs that gave her the appearance of being tall. However, when she stood she was as average as most of the species. Her body was dark from the Sun and she had strong arms and legs. In all, she was a beautiful female of the human species who was now mother to all the Earth.

  "Are the others like her?" Domatarious asked Satari.

  "They are all similar in shape, but different in coloring and interest. This Adam is very interested in the forest and animals around her and loves to explore. I noticed that one of the others is very much into knowing the types of fruits the trees produce. Another one is quieter and spends a lot of time walking long distances to see what is over the next hill. She often goes for days and then returns to the place she started. However, they are all very human and very pure. They reflect the beauty of Light in every way. Come Domatarious; let us go speak to her. You must use voice communication as she does not use thought transfer."

  Satari went down the hill and they entered the living area that Adam used as home. Sumba looked up as they entered and wagged her long tail. She was a beautiful black leopard and her babies were all nursing as she rested. Satari bent over and stroked Sumba on the head and behind her ears.

  "Adam has not figured out how Sumba became pregnant," Satari said, "and her curiosity is growing daily. I think when we introduce the male Adam, she will probably want to have babies as soon as she is able. I imagine we will discuss this today, as she always brings up having little Adams the same way Sumba had little Sumba's"

  "Satari you have come." Adam came bounding into the clearing like an antelope, but she stopped short when she saw Domatarious. He saw her smell the air and try to feel him as she looked at him. He sent her powerful love energy and felt her receive it and relax.

  "Who is this Satari? I feel goodness from this person and I want to know why."

  Satari took Domatarious hand and walked toward Adam. "This is a very good friend of mine Adam and his name is Domatarious."

  Adam cautiously looked at him and said, "This being gives me a good feeling and I like that. What is a ‘very good friend’ Satari? Is this a new kind of being?"

  Domatarious started to interact with Adam, but remembering that she did not use thought transfer for conversation, he spoke to her. "I am a being just as Satari and have been with her a long time. I am going to be with you as Satari has been and I am very happy to see you."

  Adam came over, touched him and then, leaning very close, stroked his hair. While it was rather disconcerting, he took it as the way she offered her greetings.

  "You have a very hard name to say Dom-a-tar-ious."

  "You may call me Dom if you desire, Adam, which would be fine with me."

  She smiled and said, "I will call you Dom for now, but will call you Dom-a-tar-ious sometimes if you like. Why will you be with me like Satari?"

  "Domatarious and I are here to help you learn more about the way of this world so you will gain in knowledge Adam. There are many new things to learn, and we will help you to understand if you would like."

  Adam continued to look at Domatarious as she spoke, "I would like that very much as I enjoy speaking to you and having you speak to me. My friends in the woods don't always speak so I can understand them, but we talk to each other in different ways. My new friend Dom, you do not look like Satari or me, but I enjoy looking at you."

  He smiled at her and said, "Adam, I am fashioned as the male of your kind. You are female and, therefore, you look different. I must say that you are very beautiful and I enjoy looking at you also."

  She smiled at this and he thought she somewhat blushed. "I do not have a covering as yours. My friends all have coverings, but I don't think I would like one. I have some covering on my arms and legs, and I have covering between my legs, but nothing like Sumba or my new friend Wellna. Should I have a covering as them and you?"

  "Would you like that, Adam?" Satari asked her.

  She paused for a minute and said, "No, it would make it hard to run down the mountain, and I love to run. I may seek one at another time if it seems like I would like one."

  Turning, she ran to the edge of the clearing and called, "Come look at Sumba and her littles, Satari and my new friend Dom. They are getting very big."

  They followed her and once again saw the leopard lying with her babies. She was a beautiful black color with magnificent green eyes. She had five little cubs that began to stir as Adam sat down and stroked them. Sumba was totally at peace with Adam and gave little notice to Domatarious and Satari. As they watched her with the cubs, they heard something in the bushes behind Adam and caught sight of the dog-like creature she called Wellna. Adam saw him also and called, "Wellna, come and meet all our friends and show them your pain place that is now well."

  Wellna came to the edge of the clearing and Sumba tensed and watched him carefully. Adam put her hand on Sumba and asked softly, "Sumba, what is this I feel from you? Wellna is our new friend, as is Dom, and you are not to put out your grrrrrr sound toward them." Adam reached over, gave Sumba a big hug, and stroked her fur. They could feel the energy from Sumba change as Adam did this. They watched Wellna emerge from the woods and come to Adam, who also gave a big hug to him. She took Wellna's front paw and held it for Sumba to see. "This is the place Wellna was in pain and I felt it, but I felt the fixing come through me and now it is well. I call it Wellna for now it is well. Wellna is now our friend, Sumba."

  The leopard stood to her feet and she was much larger than Wellna. Slowly, she came to Wellna and looked at him then looked back at Adam. She gave Wellna a lick on the face. They felt the energy change to such peace and joy as all this took place. Wellna, still unsure of his position, sat next to Adam and looked at Sumba, as if to say, “This is nice, but let us take it slow for now.”

  Satari sat next to Adam and began to stroke her long blond hair with her fingers. "How are you feeling in the forest, Adam? Have you been exploring again?"

  As Dom sat next to Adam, she leaned into Satari as if to encourage her stroking her hair. "I have felt many things here, and I truly love all the new friends I meet each day. But I would like to have littles as Sumba. How do I do that, Satari?"

  "For Sumba to have littles, she found another like her, but male. She is female as you, and the male is her opposite. When they came together, she developed the littles inside her and she brought them out with your help. Do you remember that time?"

  "Oh yes, I do." Adam replied excitedly. "I felt Sumba's pain, but then it was such great joy when the littles came out of her. They sucked on her breast and fed them. I have had them suck on my breast, but I have not been able to give them food as Sumba. I want my breast to work like hers. This male and female you talk of, what is the meaning of this? Dom said he is the male of your female. Who is my male? Sumba found this male and made her littles, but I have not found my male."

  "Adam," Domatarious replied", would you like to meet your male?"

; "Oh yes," she said quickly and jumped to her feet, "let us go now."

  Satari laughed and said, "Not right now Adam, but very soon we will bring him to you."

  "Is that my males name—him?"

  "No Adam," Satari replied "'Him' is how we speak of the male and ‘her’ is how we speak of the female. Sumba is a 'her' and your new friend Wellna is a 'him', for he is the male of his kind. The 'him' we speak of is also called Adam, but this Adam is male and you are the female Adam."

  "So, someplace there is a Sumba male and someplace else is a Wellna female. I am here as Adam female and ‘him’ is somewhere as Adam male. Why are we not together, or do the male and female not live together? I don't know Sumba male, so him must be somewhere else. I don't think I would like to be with Adam male all the time, because Sumba does not like to be with Sumba male all the time."

  Feeling her confusion Domatarious asked, "Adam, in your discoveries have you seen your animal friends together?"

  "My flying friends are together, but they are many. My friends who live in the water with no feet to touch the Earth are together, but they are many, too. I see my friends who climb the trees; they are together and are not so many. Is it good to be together as male and female?"

  "Yes Adam," Satari spoke, "it is good to be together, for you will be able to do more things and you will be able to talk when you want. You can also have littles, which you will call ‘children’. You and Adam male will have much fun together."

  "I will think on these things, Satari and Dom, and I will watch for you to bring Adam male to be my new friend. I am going up the mountain to see forever, for it is a good place."

  With that, she rose up and ran off into the woods, with her new friend Wellna by her side. Satari stood and watched her go. "She becomes overwhelmed with new thoughts and goes off to sort them out. We have given her much to think about today. Are you ready to meet the Adam male now, Domatarious?"

  "Tell me something about him," he asked as he watched Adam disappear into the forest. "I dearly love our little Adam female and I feel somewhat protective of her now."

  Satari laughed and said, "Well, father Domatarious, it seems you have fallen under our beautiful woman's spell. I understand, my love; I have come to love her and I am hesitant to expose her to her counterpart, but she is only half of God's plan and we must trust the other part will also turn out well. As for the male, we have eight that are prepared for cohabitation. They are the result of bringing together the egg and sperm of the first species and are identical to the new creations except they are male. We identify them as the male Adams and we kept all of them in separate locations and gave instruction to each, similar to the guidance we provided for the eight female Adams. The Adam male we shall introduce to our Adam is aware of the female of the species and prepared for the meeting. We will bring him here tonight and they will wake to each other tomorrow. Come, let us go to him."

  Taking his hand, they left the garden and moved to another location on the other side of the mountain. This spot was similar to the forest they had left, but it was more orderly and fashioned as a living space rather than a clearing. Domatarious noticed a herd of sheep-like creatures all settled together in the corner of the settlement area. Looking around he said, "I see Adam male has started to structure his environment."

  "Yes, he has learned to bring certain animals into the compound and take care of them. I don’t think he knows why he has them, so that will prove interesting in the future. When we move him, we will bring the sheep he has with him, then he will continue care for them as he has been. This will be unusual for our female Adam, but I am sure she will adapt. He has also watched the wheat make seeds and grow again, so I am sure he will continue to explore what that process may provide to him. For now, both of them live off the fruits of the land, and have done nothing other than forage for food."

  Turning, Satari pointed to a path toward the mountainside. "I see him coming now" she said, "Let us go meet him."

  Domatarious watched as the male Adam came into the settlement. He had expected Adam to be tall and rugged, but while he had muscle and dark complexion, he was not much taller than the female. Unlike the female, he had dark hair with a strong chin. He was handsome, yet very rough in his looks. As he caught sight of them, he smiled at Satari but stopped quickly when he saw Domatarious. Similar to the female, he smelled the air to try to determine who this person was with Satari.

  "Adam, how are you today?" Satari asked. "Come here and meet my friend Domatarious, who is very happy to know you."

  He came and stood before Domatarious and looking straight into his eyes said, "I am Adam."

  Domatarious sent a strong energy of love toward him, and while he felt him relax, Adam did not move a muscle as he continued to look at Domatarious. "Hello Adam, I am Domatarious and I am happy to meet you." Not moving, Domatarious sensed Adam's eyes take in every aspect of his presence. Domatarious felt Adam's strength and was impressed with how he showed neither fear nor aggression.

  "Satari feels good with you near her," Adam said. "So it makes me feel good too and I am happy to see you". He made a change in his face that looked almost like a smile, and turned to Satari. "I am always happy when you are here and I am happy that this one makes you happy." Turning again to Domatarious he said, "I am Adam, and you may sit and talk to me for I do not know of you."

  As they sat on the ground, Satari said, "Adam, Domatarious is a long-time friend and he has come to be with you as you explore and find new things. As I told you, we are going to have some very happy things happen that you will like very much, and Domatarious will show you how to enjoy these things even more."

  Adam looked at Domatarious and with a grunt said, "Dom-a-tar-ious is a long name for you. I like Satari's name, it is easy to know."

  Just as the female, the name had become a problem for him. "You may call me Dom if you want. I like it also."

  Thinking for a minute, he said, "I will call you Dom and will think about calling you Dom-a-tar-ious some other time. You come from above the mountain like Satari?"

  "Yes Adam, I come from the same place as Satari, and I will come and visit you often as you explore your fields and forest. Have you made a lot of new friends in the forest?"

  Again looking Dom in the eyes, he relaxed and almost smiled again. "I have many friends who are with me in the forest. I am as fast as most of them, but some are faster. I have the furry friends that I have made at home with me." Saying this, he pointed to the sheep in the corner of the field. "They stay with me and I give them food. They have trouble with some of my faster friends in the forest who chase them. Here with me, no being chases them and they are happy. I like to touch them. Go touch them, Dom, for you will like it too."

  Following Adam's commanding instructions, Domatarious rose and went to the sheep in the corner of the settlement. They were healthy and rapidly growing a thick coat. He wondered how long it would take Adam to figure out any use for the sheep and their coats. Looking about the clearing he could not see any sign of fire, and surmised that Adam had not figured out how to create a flame yet. Given his disposition for organizing his surroundings, Domatarious was sure that Adam would find out all these things very soon. Returning to Adam and Satari, he sat down once again and spoke to him. "Adam, the furry ones are called ‘sheep’ and you have a very nice group of them here. Satari tells me you are aware that you will meet the female Adam soon. What do you think about this?"

  "Satari tells me this is a good thing to do, so I am happy to do it. I like to talk and be with Satari, and I miss it when she is away. My friends around me are all I need to be happy, but I am sure this new friend, the female, will also be good. Will you be with me like Satari? You feel good to me and I like you here.”

  Domatarious finally felt Adam truly relax and his energy became very positive. "Yes Adam," he replied", I will be with you and help you learn more about how to work and grow in the place you live. You have learned a lot about how to bring peace and order to your wor
ld, and I am happy to help you learn more."

  Standing, Adam actually smiled at both of them and simply said, "Good". With that, he walked away and went into the woods across the settlement.

  "They both come and go as they please, and operate with independence," Satari said as she watched Adam leave. "It will be interesting to see how they react to another being of their own kind when they are together all the time. What do you think of the male Adam?"

  "He is much more cautious than the female, and is also very territorial in how he sees his surroundings. It took him a while to relax into acceptance when introduced to me. I think my going to the sheep and looking at them was important to him. That strong possessive quality interferes with the Power of Light flowing through him. He seems to be establishing his value by the things he is doing rather than by being himself. The female is much more comfortable just being alive and part of all that is around her. She is a truer reflection of the Power of Light at work."

  "Yes she is," Satari replied, "but her trust in the world around her does leave her more vulnerable."

  "True," Domatarious said, "but the ability to really trust is how she will walk as one with the plans of the God of All Good Things. The male's lack of trust will make his journey more difficult, as he will question everything and may not be open to the leading of the Light."

  Standing, she took his hand and looking into his eyes replied, "You and I have seen that the ability to trust comes only when we have explored the pain of not trusting. Those who are naïve are not trusting; they simply do not have enough information to make choices. Often, our best information for choices comes from the pain of making the wrong ones. When we know that there are options, we make choices to walk in Light and not follow the deceptions of the shadow. This process defines all that you and I try to accomplish with this human species. The souls that journey through this Earth will inhabit the human form and will make choices. If they learn to trust in the wisdom of their inner journey, they will follow Light. If they trust only in what they can see and feel around them, then the journey will be difficult. The female will help the male to trust more, and hopefully, the male will help the female to understand the development of making choices. Our job, my eternal love, is to guide them in this process but not to interfere in their choices. Let us go prepare for the move of the male and see how the God of All Good Things will work out the plan for this new creation."

  As they walked away, Domatarious thought back on how the Earth used to be before the shadow became so strong. He knew that the God of All Good Things already saw this as a perfect conclusion. He would now trust in that thought and not dwell on the possible obstacles that lie ahead. Truly, all things will work together for good.