Read I Married An Alien Page 6

  Chapter Six

  The medic arrived promptly enough. They must have had one stationed within the building, which didn’t surprise me, since it appeared to house so many people from both planets. What did surprise me was that the medic was a Terron woman, one of the very few I’d seen since my arrival on the planet.

  She swept past me without even a glance. Since I was sitting hunched in my over-sized armchair, she probably didn’t even notice me. She was almost as tall as her Terron male counterparts, with features equally as sharp and angular. Behind her she trailed a bag, no doubt containing her medical supplies. She was wearing a pair of long loose-fitting pale blue pants and an equally as comfortable looking white shirt. Her long honey-colored hair was tied back in a loose braid, and she wore no adornments or jewelry that I could see. It seemed only the women from Earth dolled themselves up, the same way they always had. I had to admit I preferred her casual garb to this tight and revealing gown, I continuously had to hike the bodice up on for fear of bits of me falling out of it. Nice boobs I might have borrowed, but I didn’t particularly want everyone getting an eyeful of them.

  Since I’d seen enough sickness with my slowly deteriorating mother, I glanced away when the medic entered the bedroom, preferring instead to concentrate on removing the irritating veil from my hair, no mean feat, since Dana had used almost an entire packet of pins and bottle of hairspray to keep it in place. Since I didn’t consider myself married I draped it over the armrest of my chair, absently fingering the soft gauze, wondering just what was going to happen to me next.

  I glanced back up at my guards, who both stood about a foot apart, their brawny arms crossed over their massive chests, legs planted wide, shiny silver alien weapons looking ominous in their side holsters within easy reach.

  Dana appeared in the main doorway. It wasn’t until she stepped up to one of the guards and slipped her arms around his waist, that I realized just why she’d come back. So this was her man, I mused, watching as he returned her embrace by draping his brawny arm about her slender shoulders. She looked more like a child standing beside him than his partner.

  I could hear the medic and Jordan’s elderly friend talking in soft voices in the adjoining room, but couldn’t make out any words. I returned my attention to my lap, not wanting to witness Dana and her mate’s affection. I’d always been embarrassed whenever I came across couples kissing or embracing in public places.

  “I’ve given him something that will revive him for a while,” the medic announced suddenly, her voice sounding almost as deep as a man’s. My head jerked up, and I saw her standing in the doorway between the two rooms, obscuring the bed from view.

  Her gaze dropped to me. “I suggest you get on with it as quickly as possible. With any luck you might be able to arrest the Aging process if you mate within the hour. If not, not only will his life be severely shortened, he might also need an amputation.” She waved her hand in the vicinity of her body where a certain male appendage would be. “I’ve never seen such a severe reaction.”

  I shuddered visibly. This was not good. Not good at all!

  She retreated into the bedroom to pack up her medical supplies, coming back out with the elderly man. They both walked past me without another word. Just as I started to wonder if they were going to leave the guards behind, they too fell into step behind them. Dana gave me one more reassuring smile, before the door slid shut in their wake.

  Naturally I had to follow them to test it, and of course I couldn’t find any way of opening it. There was no handle, no gap or break in the hard surface that seemed like some sort of metal, plastic and wood all rolled into one. With a sigh I stepped back and stood there in the sitting room. I knew I should go to Jordan, but I at that particular point in time I felt quite ill myself. All the rich food and wine was starting to repeat on me.

  Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders, turned around, and entered the bedroom. Jordan still lay unmoving on the bed, his eyes closed as though merely asleep. I wondered how long it would take whatever the medic had given him to kick in.

  Slowly I stepped closer, continuing to study him. He really was the most beautiful man, with strong powerful legs, a lean waist leading to an impressive six-pack and massive abs. Even when out for the count, he was impressive.

  All that long wavy blonde hair fanning out about his head seemed so incongruous with the hard lines of his strong, masculine face. In repose his mouth had softened, and the long, fair lashes resting against his high cheekbones contrasted with the tough guy look he wore when awake.

  I wondered what kind of a person he really was. Since I was now married to him, I supposed I would find out soon enough. However the way I had been shanghaied into this did not sit well with me. In the past three hundred years Humanity had taken a huge retrograde step in the way it treated its womenfolk. After all those years of fighting for equal rights, us females were right back in the middle-ages, to be traded or sold as merchandise for plant oil, of all things.

  A soft moan from the bed yanked me out of my irritated thoughts, and I wondered it Jordan was finally coming out of his stupor. I continued to gaze down at him, but he didn’t stir. In fact he seemed to look worse than ever, his skin flushing red from whatever fever ailed him.

  Did this mean I had to take matters into my own hands? Reluctantly I slid my gaze back down his powerful body, to that ominous bulge in his pants. It was still there, and I could have sworn I saw it twitch.

  I’d seen a few pictures of men’s anatomy over the years, but not once had I ever touched one. I wondered how I could possibly bring myself to do so now. The heat returned to my face as I reached out so my fingertips grazed against the satin of his pants. It felt as soft to touch as it looked, but didn’t elicit a reaction from the man who wore them. As I gently laid my hand against his leg, I was conscious of how firm and hard it felt compared to the materiel which covered him. Every part of him seemed packed solid with muscle. Just what did he do for exercise to get so strong? Or were all Terron men simply gifted with their impressive physiques by nature?

  Once again I found myself wondering how my own species could have stooped so low as to force its womenfolk to pair up with such powerful men. Wasn’t it bad enough that women were physically weaker than Earth men, that they now had to ‘mate’ with these virtual giants from another world?

  I had never considered myself much of a feminist, but I felt like one now, rebelling in my mind at the injustice of my current situation.

  But then a new feeling snuck up on me as I looked down at my small sender hand resting against the man’s strong thigh. It took me completely by surprise, since I don’t think I could recall ever experiencing the like. It started as a slow burning heat in my stomach and spread downwards, making my legs grow weak, It shocked me as much as warmed me, because I recognized what it was… desire…

  And why shouldn’t I feel it?

  Here I was stroking the thigh of an incredibly sexy man who had no idea I was doing it. I could do anything I liked to him until he stirred, if he ever did. Perhaps the concoction the medico had given him wouldn’t work, and he’d grow old before my very eyes.

  He was too beautiful, I couldn’t help thinking. I can’t let that happen to him. And I knew in that instant I would do what I’d been brought here to do.

  With shaking hands, I slid my fingers under the waistband of his trousers and eased them down. He wore no underwear underneath, just like I’d been forbidden to wear anything under my tight white sheath of a gown. The materiel stretched easily, but I still had to pull to get it over that massive erection of his.

  The sight of it as it sprang free actually made me gasp out loud. More heat flared in my cheeks and other parts of my body. The skin looked so tight and red, I almost felt sorry for him, wondering if it actually hurt to be so hard and erect. I remembered how tense and uncomfortable he’d been before, that he had even had trouble speaking, and thought that I was probably right.

  A down of soft blond
e curls surrounded that massive member, several shades darker than the lush waves surrounding his head. He had none on his chest, and his arms also appeared to be relatively hairless. I supposed that was another difference between Earth and Terron men. My mother had harbored an almost unnatural aversion to body hair, and hated it when my father didn’t shave every morning and night.

  Tentatively I slid my hand up into that nest of hair, finding it warm and soft. Then before I lost my nerve completely I slid my fingers around his shaft, not surprised to find I could barely reach around it. It jerked against my palm, and my eyes shot up to his face, but he was still out for the count, the reaction clearly an involuntary one.

  I became conscious of how utterly soft the skin sheathing that hard, unyielding rod was. It felt like velvet. I slid my hand upwards, now quite fascinated by the way he unconsciously responded to my touch, twitching hotly against my fingers.

  Before I completely lost my nerve, I hitched up my skirt and climbed onto the bed beside him. When I had the garment hiked up around my middle, I straddled him, and positioned myself over his phallus.

  As I felt it brush against the sensitive skin of my nether regions, I experienced another surge of heat coiling around my belly and hips. God, I felt so wanton, so unlike myself, and wondered if perhaps hormones were responsible for my actions, or the fact that I now inhabited such a beautiful young body. There was no way the Ruth Clarke of old would have dared try something like this on a half-naked comatose man, no matter how damn good he looked.

  Since I’d had some experience with tampons and pap tests, I had no trouble easing him to where he had to go, but a sliver of fear managed to infiltrate as I felt the hard tip of him nudge against my opening. I was certain it was going to hurt like hell.

  Suddenly I felt myself drop forward, as Jordan surged up in front of me, growling loudly. “Not like that. It will never work like that,” he cursed, his silver-blue eyes flashing with a strange mixture of ire and something else I couldn’t place.

  I ended up in his lap as his arms came around me. He stared at me and shook his head. I could still feel his erection pressing hotly against the apex of my thighs, and once again it sent a surge of pleasure through me.

  Now that his face was so close to mine I caught his scent, a mixture of something sweet yet powerful, something that wafted seductively over me, and I inhaled, filling my nostrils with it, feeling myself relax into his arms, my head coming to rest against his shoulder.

  As Jordan glanced down at the small woman in his arms, he realized the Aging hadn’t taken hold of him yet. His body still looked the same, and for a moment he dared to hope he still had enough time to curb its effects.

  But what amazed him the most was Anita’s selfless attempt to save him. It filled him with such warmth and tenderness all he could do was hold her small soft body against his.

  Jordan knew as well as the next man how Earth females felt about his race because of The Treaty, despite the fact that most who ended up mated found peace with their partners in the end. Perhaps it wouldn’t require quite so much from him to pleasure her enough to accommodate him for their first time together.

  But suddenly he wanted to please her. Jordan longed to make her moan and writhe in delight. He could tell their connection was already working its magic on her, since she’d relaxed in his arms, and he inhaled the scent of her, that beautiful floral aroma that had drawn him to her in the first place, marking her as his mate. He had heard it described, but never knew it would be so potent.

  Jordan continued to cradle her against him with one hand, and trailed the fingertips of his other hand up her spine and over her shoulder, to her chin, where he lifted her face to his. She gazed dreamily back at him, her eyes misted, showing how relaxed she was.

  Yes, this wouldn’t be so difficult after all, Jordan thought as he gently touched his lips to hers.

  When I felt Jordan’s lips against mine, I almost jerked back, but his hand against the back of my head prevented me from moving even an inch. Suddenly I realized I didn’t want to.

  Never having been kissed before, I had no idea it could taste so good, so sweet and heady, although I suspected it more to do with the fact of who was dong the kissing; a drop-dead gorgeous man who knew just how to do it.

  His silky smooth lips continued to move seductively against mine, enticing me, urging me to taste more of him. Gently he nudged my lips apart with his soft tongue, which tasted even better, and I just had to draw it into my own mouth like the tastiest of morsels.

  He moaned again, pulling me closer so my breasts brushed against his bared chest. I felt my nipples strain against the materiel of my gown by the contact. He felt as hard as rock, but was infused with such warmth that I wanted to bask in his heat.

  As he held me tight, he continued to savor me, his tongue tracing the inside of my mouth, melding with mine as we drank in one another’s nectar.

  My hands seemed to move up out of my lap of their own accord, sliding up the front of the gaps in his silky shirt and gliding across his hot skin as they sought him out. My touch seemed to please him and another soft moan purred up his throat. He sounded more like a contented cat than a man.

  Finally my questing fingers reached his wide shoulders, and I slid them into his hair, not surprised to find it felt as soft and silky as my own new blonde tresses. I simply had to comb my fingers through it as his lips left mine to glide softly across my cheek. He kissed his way down my neck, and the feel of his hot mouth against the sensitive skin made me squirm as waves of delight cascaded through me.

  Then I felt his hand against my left breast, and a completely new sensation shot through me as his fingers stroked my nipple through the thin materiel. It was my turn to moan.

  “Let me taste them,” Jordan growled thickly against my ear, his hot breath tickling my cheek.

  “What?” I had no idea what he’d asked. I’d never known so much physical sensation existed. Or was it Anita’s body causing my responses? Whatever, it all felt so wonderfully intoxicating that I let him continue to muzzle my throat with his beautiful warm mouth.

  “I want to taste you, all of you,” he murmured, as he slid the strap of my gown from my shoulder. When I realized he’d bared my breast, my ingrained modesty made me want to cover myself, but Jordan had already bent his blonde head to my breast.

  When he took my nipple into his mouth, a potent jab of fire shot through my chest. I drew back an involuntary gasp of pleasure, soon followed by another and another, as he traced his hot tongue around and around the tight bud.

  “Stop, stop,” I begged, grabbing his hair into fists. “It’s too much. Too much.”

  “I haven’t even begun,” he murmured against my skin. He nudged the materiel away to bare my other breast.

  Never in my life had I thought I’d end up in a situation like this; a gorgeous man suckling on my breasts as though it was his last meal. He continued to purr in that catlike way of his, and white hot bolts of fire kept flaring through me. I felt weak and disoriented, like I was drunk or stoned, two other things I’d never really experienced.

  Suddenly I found myself on my back with him leaning over me. His long hair dropped forward as he balanced himself on his bent elbows, his massive shoulders blocking out the light.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his eyes glittering silver as he gazed down at me.

  His impassioned words brought tears to my own eyes. I knew the real me was anything but. I tried to reach up to dash the wetness away, but the way my arms were imprisoned between us, made it impossible to reach round him. I let them drop helplessly at my sides

  “Tears?” Jordan queried, a frown forming on his brow. Before I had a chance to respond, he dropped a tender kiss against my damp eyelids, first one and then the other. “There’s no need to cry, my lovely. I’ll be gentle with you, always.”

  And I believed him. The soft, soothing rumble of his deep voice, and the gentleness he’d shown so far had already convinced me that h
e meant me no harm. I’d even begun to suspect I might actually enjoy this mating of ours, so why did I have to spoil it all by bursting into tears?

  Because I wasn’t the beautiful woman he thought I was. I was a fake, a fraud, masquerading as this gorgeous man’s bride.

  “Don’t you believe me?” he asked, a note of doubt entering his gravelly voice.

  “It’s not that,” I said, closing my eyes. I could no longer hold his gaze, seeing the glitter of desire for the perfect woman that wasn’t me.

  Suddenly I felt him shudder and my eyes blinked back open. His mouth had grown tight and the frown marring his brow deepened.

  “What is it?” I asked in concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “The Aging, I think,” he groaned, gritting his teeth. “It hurts.”

  Instinctively I tried to soothe him by running my hands up his back, feeling the hard play of muscles writing beneath his skin as he shifted uncomfortably. “Then we must put a stop to it right now.” I moved against him, feeling the hard press of his erection against my thigh.

  He groaned again. This time I was certain it was from desire, not pain. I moved my hips again, feeling quite aroused myself from the firm hard pressure of him against me. Liquid heat pooled between my legs, as my insides continued to quiver with shivers of pleasure.

  “You’re not ready yet,” he murmured against my ear, at the same time gliding his right hand down my body, past my breasts, over the creased, tangled mess my gown had become, and down to my thighs, finally to slide into the very core of me. “Maybe I’ll take that back,” he groaned, as he slid a finger into me. “You’re so slick and wet… but so very tight.”

  He was right. I could feel the pressure of his finger inside me. But it didn’t hurt, and then he began to rub my juices over the outside, moistening that part of me I’d never been game to touch myself.

  Of course I’d read about it, heard about it and how much pleasure it could bring, but like some Victorian Lady I had never dared touch myself except in the process of washing and taking care of the monthlies.

  What Jordan did to me now far exceeded the pleasure I’d felt when he’d suckled on my breasts. It was so overpowering, so intense that I soon lost all sense or reason. I became sheer sensation, rocking against him, gasping and panting despite myself. I’d never felt so out of control before and if frightened as much as exhilarated.

  “Stop, stop,” I begged again. But he didn’t, instead returning his mouth to my breast, sending more jolts of electricity through my body.

  The pressure continued to build, lifting me higher and higher, until I was certain I’d pass out from complete loss of control.

  And then it happened; my first orgasm ever. It surged through me in a burning rush, then ebbed into soft lapping waves that eased me back into such a relaxed state I couldn’t have moved if I’d wanted to.

  But nodding off was not an option, because Jordan increased the number of fingers inside me, making me conscious that he too needed his release.

  “I wish we had more time,” he murmured, as slid his fingers from me. I glanced up to see him part my thighs so that he could position himself between them. “But this is killing me.”

  “Then do it,” I urged, my fear of it hurting only a numb reminder in the back of my mind. I was still on too much of a high from that awesome orgasm. Maybe it would also numb my insides should they not be able to accommodate him.

  He was big, massive. I even had trouble wrapping my legs around him as he nudged his hard rod ever closer to my opening.

  Then I felt him press against me, and slowly he eased into my passage, stretching me. Wider and wider I gaped, feeling like I would split right through the middle. But there was no pain, only the intense pressure of him filling me to capacity. Obviously Anita had done this before.

  “Are you all right, my love?” Jordan asked gently, once he’d slid in all the way.

  I nodded.

  He obviously took that as his cue, because he drew himself back, only to thrust deeper into me.

  It was finally happening. For the first time in my life I was having sex - and enjoying it. Yes, the feeling of him sliding in and out of me felt good, nothing like the orgasm, but it gave me a different kind of pleasure. I wanted to hold tighter onto him.

  Instinctively I raised my hips to him, helping him to ram home. The harder he thrust, the more I wanted to feel him inside me. I couldn’t believe it. I really wanted him connecting with me, joining with me, becoming one, this stranger I barely knew.

  Jordan’s skin became damp from perspiration. He gasped and shivered in my arms. His face grew flushed and his eyes glazed over as he pumped into me like a man possessed. He too lost control of himself, completely at the mercy of his body.

  Then he convulsed, a low bestial growl tearing from his throat, and liquid fire shot into me, but pain wasn’t the result. No, my whole body exploded into fireworks, shooting sparks into every organ, every pore, even the ends of my hair. It was way more intense than the orgasm, something so profound and powerful I clung to the man in my arms for dear life.

  “Dear God! What the hell was that?” I gasped as Jordan collapsed against me, his big body pinning me under him.

  It took him a moment to answer as he continued to breathe heavily into the pillow. His shaft still spasmed inside me, sending more trickles of that burning heat through me.

  “My seed… my life-force,” he replied at last, finally managing to lever himself onto his elbows. “Sorry, was I squashing you?”

  “Just a little,” I replied, as he rolled from me to collapse against the pillows. I noticed then that he still had his trousers and boots on, but his massive erection had subsided, once again looking healthy and pink as it nestled in its nest of blonde curls.

  I snapped my eyes shut, realizing just where I had let my gaze linger. Since when had I become such a perv? I asked myself cynically, just as I remembered what Jordan had said.

  “Um, does that mean I’m pregnant now?” I asked tentatively. Heavens, with all that alien life-force pumping into me, I was probably going to end up with king-sized half-caste quads.

  Jordan rolled onto his side towards me, and I turned my head to meet his gaze. “We can but hope,” he murmured, his expression intense. “But it rarely happens the first time. This time was mainly to infuse you with the Terron anti-aging hormone - that is if I had any left.” He smiled wryly.

  “You mean I won’t grow old either?” I gasped in awe. Not only had I earned extra years by jumping into Anita’s body, but it seemed that I would now remain youthful until my dying day.

  “You really didn’t read your notes, did you?” Jordan grinned. It was the first time I’d really seen him smile, and it made him look like a completely different person. The tight grimness that had surrounded him like a dark storm cloud had been washed out to sea, replaced with a much more relaxed and friendly man. I suppose gaining the release he’d been aching for and being assured he wouldn’t grow old overnight had to be a massive weight off anyone’s shoulders. He looked even more handsome, if that was possible, his silver-blue eyes once again bright and alive.

  “I started to, but… I meant what I said at the ceremony. I’m really not supposed to be here,” I said tiredly, suddenly feeling weary to the bone.

  “I think you all feel that at first, but it will fade. I’ll take care of you Anita. You’ll want for nothing. I’ll even let you visit your family back on Earth whenever you like,” he tried to reassure me as he reached for the sheet to pull it up over us. It drifted down over me like a soft satin cloud.

  “I don’t have any family.” I yawned hugely. ‘I really should get out of this silly dress.” But I was too tired to move.

  “Allow me.” Jordan sat up beside me and reached for the garment, easily sliding it down the length of my body, where I finally kicked free of it with my feet. He stopped to gaze down at me for a moment, but I reached for the sheet, yanking it back up. I really didn’t want to hear him tell me how beau
tiful he thought I was.

  Somehow I had to find a way to make this right. I wasn’t meant to be here, married to this handsome alien man, possibly pregnant by him, definitely infatuated with him, and too damn tired to worry about any of it right now. I drifted off to sleep, with the sensation of him nestled beside me filling me with warmth I had never known.