Read I Married An Alien Page 7

  Chapter Seven

  When Jordan woke he became conscious of something warm against his back, the first thing that alerted him to how much his life had changed. The second was that the heat source appeared to be breathing deeply – another person.

  Then he remembered. He was mated. He would not succumb to the Aging after all. And his woman was far more than he had expected. She had shown him kindness and concern he never thought her kind would display on their initial mating. It usually took months, sometimes even years for Earth women to acclimatize to the new lives that were so suddenly thrust upon them. He supposed because so many returned after their tour of duty, most expected to be amongst their numbers, not remaining behind to try and help the Terron race from dying out.

  He wondered just what Anita had been though to act more like a Terron female than the pampered young misses he’d first seen her with. Even though she seemed so inexperienced in the ways of mating, she possessed an aura of someone much older, someone who had seen great pain and suffering. Well, she had told him she had no family remaining on Earth. Perhaps she’d seen them all die, or something equally as tragic. Well, they had plenty of time to get to know one another now, he thought as he rolled over to face her.

  Jordan wasn’t surprised to find her still fast asleep, curled up beside him with her delicate fair-skinned hand tucked up under her small pointy chin. As he drank in her lovely features, he wondered how she could deny the obvious, that she was an angel, a golden haired beauty with a perfect flawless complexion.

  As for her body, Jordan felt himself harden at the memory of her perfect breasts, slender waist, and the soft feminine thighs she’d wrapped around him. But this time it was a normal reaction, not that desperate, life-threatening need to mate and thwart the Aging. Now they could make love at their leisure, after she had recovered from their first frantic coupling, of course. She hadn’t complained once last night, but he was certain she’d be sore when she woke. And he was tempted to rouse her, to gaze into her pretty blue eyes and make her smile. But Jordan merely lay there watching her sleep. That in itself was enough for now.

  It had been so long, so very long since, he’d been with a woman, let alone woken with one still in his bed. The loneliness had been crippling at times, but when Logan had joined him on the farm after they both had to give up their city jobs, life had improved. Although they had been close, their relationship just wasn’t the same as having a life-partner, perhaps even children, an entire family.

  When Jordan thought about his childhood, growing up in his parents’ big airy house near the ocean, brothers and sisters always around to play with, he wondered how he'd ever gotten to this day.

  His parents were gone now, after living to a healthy hundred and fifty-odd, but what had become of his siblings after the last big employment purge, he wished he knew. He supposed he could make some inquiries now he was in the Citadel, but doubted anyone in authority would release the information.

  All able-bodied men were needed on the farms to grow and harvest Earth’s ever increasing thirst for the Hytana oil. When he thought of the kind of work he’d been trained for, a deep sadness filled Jordan, because farming was so tedious and unrewarding.

  Suddenly he realized that Anita’s eyes were open, and she was staring back at him, looking too beautiful for words.

  “Good morning,” he said. “How are you feeling?”

  She yawned and stretched, “Fine. How about you?”

  “Never been better,” He had to smile. “You’re not sore, are you?”

  Her fair brow puckered a little. “Why, should I feel sore?”

  “Well, I wasn’t exactly gentle with you,” he reminded her. He thought he saw her cheeks reddened.

  “Oh that.” She shifted in the bed. “No, not sore at all.”

  “Hmm, well in that case…” he trailed off, deciding not to bother finishing his sentence. Instead he leant forward and kissed her, sliding his hand into her lovely soft hair. God, he loved the taste of her, the scent of her. As she responded to his kiss, her heady aroma surged up his nostrils, and he became much more aware that they were mated. He would only have to follow his nose to know where she was. The same would also apply to her, once she overcame her Earthean prejudices, but judging by the way she reached out to touch him with those delicate small hands, he didn’t think there would be much of that. This lovely female seemed to want him as much as he wanted her. The feel of her soft warm palms exploring his skin soon had him groaning with pleasure as he moved in to kiss her peachy smooth cheek. She drew back a little and quirked an eyebrow at him at the sound.

  “Yes, I like it,” he told her, placing his palm over her hand where it had stopped against the centre of his chest. He began to move it again, sliding her fingers over his breast bone. “Touch me all you like, wherever you like. I’m all yours, from now till death do us part.” He grinned when her other eyebrow quirked in question. “You think I might not take those vows seriously? We are not like Earth men. When we mate it is for life.”

  Jordan glided her hand down his stomach where he let it go, hoping like hell she’d take the hint and take him in hand. She did, her touch so delicate and soft that he growled out loud.

  “You sound like a tiger,” she giggled.

  “A what?” he gasped as she continued to caress him with soft enticing strokes.

  “You know, a great big striped cat.”

  “Oh one of those Earth creatures,” he purred, basking in the pleasure of her soft gentle hands. “I thought they had all gone extinct.”

  “Oh – maybe. So what kind of creatures do you have here on Terron?”

  She would have to ask that now, so he decided to tease her. “Great big scary ones with long hair and huge…” he paused for emphasis, coiling her hand firmly around him, where he began moving it up and down the way he liked. “Appetites!” he finished.

  “Oh,” she giggled, taking the hint, and tightened her grip. He jerked against her palm. “Yes, that is truly terrifying… I mean here we are, naked and intimate, and we hardly know one another.”

  “Our bodies know each other, and our minds will soon follow… Would you like me to show you some of Terron’s creatures?” Jordan asked as she continued to massage him, increasing the pleasure he felt deep in his organ. Now that the urgency of their initial mating had been sated, Jordan relaxed, letting her wonderful little hands work their magic on him. He was also glad to see that she had a sense of humor, and that he’d already managed to draw it out.

  “I’d like to see everything. Three days in the company of those giggling airheads was hardly enough to take in anything,” she admitted. She never once let up on the rhythmic delight she was sending through him. It also pleased him to hear that she was curious about his planet. Jordan was already looking forward to showing her parts of his world that Earthlings hadn’t managed to put their mark on yet.

  “But first I want to show you pleasure, Anita,” Jordan hissed as the intensity of what she was doing grew too much for him. He didn’t want to come just yet, so he rolled onto her, pinning her beneath him. He rained tender kisses down her neck, her shoulders, over her breasts, licking and sucking on her nipples until she writhed beneath him, her heady floral scent spiking as her pleasure mounted.

  Jordan basked in that sweet aroma, reveled in it, knowing he was pleasing her. But he wanted to do more, so much more so that her wonderful feminine scent exploded all around him. So he moved lower, over her abdomen, dipping his tongue into her delectable little belly button. She squirmed and giggled, so he did it again.

  He continued to move lower, and she pressed her thighs together as he neared the downy blonde triangle of curls.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” he murmured, positioning himself in such a way that she had no option but to part her legs for him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked uncertainly, as his hand found her breast again. Gently he trailed his fingers over her nipple. Clearly her previous lovers had never gave her true

  “You’ll see.” He kissed the inside of her thigh, inching ever closer to her hot moist core that called out to him with its siren’s scent. Unable to hold back a moment longer, he ran his lips over her downy mound and thrust his tongue deep into her moist folds, tasting the ambrosia of her juicy nub.

  She shuddered beneath him, and her hand gripped hold of his hair where it draped over her thighs. Jordan chanced a glance up the length of her body, those beautiful slender curves the color of pearls that felt like satin beneath his touch. She was gaping down at him in absolute wonder.

  “No man has ever truly worshipped you before, has he?” Jordan just had to say it.

  A tear trickled out of the corner of her eye, and therein he had his answer. Anger burned hotly through his veins as he cursed those vicious Earthean men to Hell and back again. And they thought it cruel to pair their women with Terron men, when he knew for a fact they would never ever hurt their mates on purpose. The natural bond that formed between the sexes was simply too strong. Jordan vowed to find out who had abused her, and make him pay. Oh how he would make him pay! But right now he would make Anita’s body sing.

  Lowering his gaze, he returned to her wonderful woman’s place, and teased her nub until she moaned with pleasure, all inhibition blown to the four winds. She bucked and gripped his hair in her fists, arching her back.

  She came in an explosion of high keening gasps, filling his nostrils and his mouth with her blooming womanly aroma. He lapped up her juices as they poured from her, his own organ almost as hard and hot as it had been last night. He tried not to come himself, but knew it would be too quick if he mounted her now. So instead he laid his head against her thigh, gently circling her damp opening with his fingers, gazing up at her relaxed face, her expressive blue eyes now closed, and her breathing deep and even as she basked in the afterglow.

  She has been well worth waiting for, he thought, as his own over-heated body cooled slightly, those painful hours yesterday, and all the long lonely years of emptiness, because she will never leave my side again for as long as she lives.

  Then when he thought he could sustain himself for more than five seconds, Jordan climbed back onto her, positioning himself between her hot damp thighs. This time there was no reluctance. She parted for him, and lifted her hips in welcome.

  “Oh Heaven,” he groaned. “You’re Heaven.”

  “You believe in the same God we do?” she asked as he slid unhindered into her tight hot channel.

  “You ask me that now?” he growled, placing a kiss atop her brow. “I’ll believe in anything you want me to as long as you…” Jordan didn’t get to finish his sentence as she clamped down on him, taking him over the edge and into oblivion. He thrust once, twice, and exploded across the stars.