Read I Will Be There For You Page 29

“Wake up Ashley, we have reached your home.” Jake kissed me slightly on my forehead and I opened my eyes.

  “Did I sleep on your shoulder?” I asked him, not realizing when I fell asleep.

  “Yes, you were snoring.” He teased.

  “Shut up.” I said, hitting him on his shoulder.

  “Okay, okay I was just kidding. You were just sleeping.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “Because you seemed really tired and you were looking so cherubic. I didn’t have the heart to wake you up.” He replied, sweetly.

  “Were you able to drive with me sleeping on one shoulder?”

  “I could do anything if you are beside me. I was very comfortable, don’t you worry.”

  “Awwww Jake , you are the beat guy in the whole world. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” He said and kissed me.

  “Thank you, I had a fabulous night.” I said, getting out of the car. He got down too and leaned on the car, hands shoved in his pockets.

  “I had a beautiful night too.” He said and kissed me again. We said goodnight but didn’t move from our places. We kept on staring at each other.

  “Don’t be harsh on Becky.” I said in a dim voice.

  “I won’t.” he replied. He was looking at me continuously and kept he on smiling. He was looking so handsome and classy standing there.

  “Good Night Jake.” I said finally.

  “Night, Ashley!” he replied and waved my bye. I walked towards the door and he was still standing and staring. He stood there until I was inside my house safe and sound. As I closed the door behind me I heard his car starting, it made a really loud noise, and raced down the street.

  “I’m home.” I shouted. I couldn’t remove the smile which was fixed on my face. I just can’t stop smiling and now my jaw’s paining.

  “Hey dear, late again?” dad asked straight away.

  “Relax Henry, let her first change into dry clothes. Honey go and change or else you’ll catch a cold.” mom said.

  “I am sorry dad, we lost track of time.”

  “It is okay sweetie, go and change.” Mom didn’t let dad speak and I too rushed in my room. I quickly took a shower and changed into not-so-swampy-clothes. My heartbeat is doubled and tripled as I thought about today’s night. It was so memorable. I will never forget it. Everyone was so happy and delighted especially me. I never thought my first kiss with Jake would be so damn romantic. I am going crazy. My happiness comes to a halt as I sneeze three times in a row, I take a break of a minute and then sneeze again.

  “Honey, see you have got a cold.” mom said, entering the room with a thermometer and a few medicines.

  “My nose hurts!” I said, rubbing my nose after all that sneezing.

  “Lay down, let me check your temperature.” She said and I followed her orders. I opened my mouth and she put the thermometer inside. I few moments later it beeped and mom took it out.

  “Cherry on the cake, you’ve got fever too.” Mom said and I sneezed again.

  “I hate it when I am sick!” my voice has also changed. It has become a bit hoarse but I sound good. This voice suits me. Oh! Shut up Ashley.

  “It is okay honey. It’ll get better. All you need is a little rest. Just sleep now without any tensions. So sweetheart, sleep tight.” She said and kissed me like a very caring mother who, by the way, she is.

  “Thank you mom for all this. Please close the door when you leave.” I requested and tucked myself in bed, covering my whole body with my silk duvet.

  “Okay honey. And just in case, I have kept disprine and a glass of water on your side table. Have it if you have excessive pain.

  “Got it mom. Good night.” I said then sneezed then sniffed and then finally snoozed off.

  Mom was completely wrong. I don’t feel any better only worse. It’s my nose, head, chest, throat, everything is paining. I went to the restaurant (mom and dad strictly opposed it but I wanted to go.) but Justin sent me back. He said that customers wouldn’t like soup with spit in it. Jake dropped me home and is still sitting with me. He is the most caring guy ever.

  “Jake I am fine.” I can’t say anymore because I’ve to sneeze.

  “Ya, I can see that.” He is sitting beside me on a chair and taking care of me. And I can’t help but laugh.

  “No, you should go back to your job.” I said.

  “You are so sick because of me and so it is my responsibility to take care of you and ensure that you are absolutely fit and fine.” He replied.

  “It is not because of you, it’s because of my stupid and weak immune system, I mean you, Emma and Emmet were also there. None of you got sick.” Sneeze.

  “Awww…. It is okay, you will get better.” He said, pulling my cheeks.

  “Soup time!” mom said, entering the room with a tray.

  “I don’t want to have anything!” I whined.

  “But it is good for your health. And you’ll feel better.” Mom explained. “Jake dear, what would you like to have?” mom asked Jake.

  “Nothing Kathy, thank you!” He replied.

  “I am leaving this soup over here. So you be a good girl and finish it.” Mom said very sternly.

  “I will take care of it!” Jake said.

  “I trust you.” She said and left.

  Sneeze, sneeze once again.

  “Here we go.” Jake said and brought a spoonful of soup near my mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand. I didn’t want to have it.

  “Stop being such a baby.” He said. “Please Ashley have it for me!” he made a puppy face and I didn’t had any other choice but to have the soup.

  “Ughhhhh.” I made a bad face as the soup was disgusting. I don’t want to be rude but that‘s the truth. Mom does have a bad luck when it comes to soups.

  “What is wrong?” he asked

  “Why don’t you have a sip and then I will ask you the same question.”

  “I am not sick.”

  “Well you are responsible for me being sick.” Ha, take this one.

  “Okay!” he said and took a sip of the soup. His jaw tightened and lips twitched but he didn’t utter a single word. He swallowed the soup without changing his expression but I could tell he could puke right now.

  “See, your turn now.” He said. I again made a bad face but knew I have no option but to drink the soup so I took a quick gulp with arguing further. Turn by turn we both drank and finished the soup.

  “It was pathetic. I have never had such a bad soup in my life.” I said.

  “It was not that bad.” Jake is seriously a saint.

  “You wanna have some more?”

  “No.” he instantly shouted and I started laughing and then sneeze, sneeze.

  “I am sick and tired of these sneezes. They are driving me bananas.” I fumed.

  “Blame your immune system.” He taunted.

  “You are not helping.” I said in a singing tone.

  “Maybe this will.” He said and moved towards me then kissed me softly on both the cheeks and my forehead.

  “I would have preferred the French one, but you know……..” he said pointing at my nose and making a dirty expression.

  “I know, you’ll fall sick too.” I said, understandingly.

  “And moreover your nose keeps flowing.” He said laughing. My jaw dropped, how mean is that. I picked up the pillow lying on my side and started to hit him with it.

  “Ow, ouch!” I could hear his shrieks but I won’t stop.

  “Cut it out.” He said and grabbed the pillow from my hand and threw it away. “I was just kidding.”

  “Ya!” I snapped and turned my face away. He slowly came more near to me and I tried not to smile. He placed his finger under my chin and lifted it up. He brings his face no near to me that I could feel his breath. When I realized he was going to kiss me I drifted back.

  “No, you don’t have to kiss me. I am not that unreasonable, I was kidding.” I said.

  “Never test my love I c
an go beyond any limits.”

  “And I love that about you.” I replied. He can be so romantic even in the most unromantic times. Suddenly being sick is romantic. But actually these silly moments change into everlasting memories.

  “But seriously were you about to kiss me? Right now my mouth is the home for millions of germs.” I said feeling amazed.

  “So what, I don’t care about the germs in your mouth. All I care about is you feeling great.” He replied.

  “I love you Jake. You are the bestest guy in the whole wide universe and I am so lucky to have you in my life.” I said with extreme sincerity.

  “I know I am the best.” He flaunted and raised his collars.

  “You really are.” I smiled. We both stared at each other as if the time has stopped and it’s just us sitting here and enjoying our togetherness. My perfect moment is broken when I sneeze, thankfully not at his face.

  “I am sorry!” I said rubbing my nose.

  “It is okay, I guess I will sit over there only.” He said pointing towards the empty chair on which he was sitting before.

  “Ya that would be better.” I laughed.