Read I Will Be There For You Page 30


  “Sweetie, how are you feeling now? Kathy told that you are not getting any better.” Dad exclaimed, dashing inside my room.

  “Dad I am fine. It’s just mild fever and it will get okay.” I replied.

  “Do you want me to call the doctor?” Dad so panic stricken. He gets all dramatic when something happens to me. My sweet, cute dad.

  “No dad I am fine and besides I have got you, mom, dad and Jake with me.” I replied.

  “Jake?” he asked gobsmacked, he was so worried that he didn’t notice Jake sitting here.

  “Hello Henry!” he greeted Dad with a smile.

  “Sir!” dad said sternly.

  “Pardon me!” Jake said confused. Even I was confused too. What the hell is sir?

  “I would appreciate if you would call me sir!” Dad said.

  “Dad, Jake has called you Henry from, I don’t know, forever.” I was shocked at dad’s behavior. He never told any of my boyfriends to call him sir before. He is acting weird.

  “Yes but back then Jake was just your best friend’s brother but now he is your …. Umm….friend, who is sitting beside you when you are ill.” Dad explained. I don’t believe this. When did he become so possessive for me? I shifted my gaze to Jake who is trying very hard to control his laughter. I too couldn’t help but giggle. I don’t know how he will react when I will tell him that Jake and I are going together.

  “Okay sir!” he stressed on that ‘sir’. One should be aware of him he can get really sarcastic but of course dad doesn’t notice the sarcasm in his tone.

  “Jake I was thinking that maybe you should leave now. I am here and I would take care of Ash. So, I don’t think Ash needs you anymore.” Dad said.

  Sneeze Sneeze.

  “You alright?” Jake asked. I knew he did that just to bum my dad out. He couldn’t hide that smirk that has crept on his face.

  “I am fine. Sneezing seems really normal now.” I replied eyeing him fiercely.

  “Well bye then, take care of yourself Ashley and remember I am a phone call away.” He winked. I saw dad from the corner of my eye and he looked really aggravated.

  “Thank you Jake, bye.” I said.

  “Good bye sir.” He said and bowed a little. Typical of him. Dad nodded and he started to walk away. When he was about to exit, he sent me a flying kiss when my dad’s attention was wrapped around me. I blushed and gave him my brightest smile. He went outside and closed the door behind him.

  “Dad what was all that about?” I asked him crossly.

  “What?” he asked acting completely innocent. Dad sometime can act like such baby.

  “With all that sir and weird behavior with Jake.” I made quote marks with my fingers.

  “Sweetie I just want to be sure about him.”

  “Dad that is very sweet of you but Jake’s a great guy, who else would’ve stayed here with me all day, missing on their job that too when I am all sneezy.

  “I know sweetums but I want to be sure.”

  “Dad, I just want to tell you that Jake is very nice and I really enjoy his company.

  “I know that, he has been really nice and helpful to us. But, you know being a dad it’s always tough to get use to the face that your little daughter is going to start dating boys, have relationships and then get married one day and leave us all.” Dad said, brushing my hair a bit.

  “Dad, no matter how much I love my boyfriends or how much time I spend with boys or who I end up marrying, you’ll always be my no. 1 man. I love you dad.” I said, hugging my dad.

  “And you will always be my princess.” He hugged me more tightly. I have never had such a conversation with dad before but I am glad we had this pep talk.

  “Have some rest, doll.” He kissed me on my forehead and left the room. That is what I am going from the morning rest, rest and rest. I really wanna go out and I want to be fine again. I want to go to the restaurant and chat with Emma, play with Emmet and most importantly spend some time with Jake. I know, I know I have spent the entire day with him but it doesn’t seem enough.

  I slept for about two hours and after waking up I feel a lot better. My nose has stopped flowing and my body is aching less. I got up and stretched myself. Finally I am able to inhale properly, without making any sorts of noise. I went downstairs and found mom and dad chatting in the drawing room.

  “Hey!” I greeted them, entering the drawing room.

  “Honey, why have you gotten up? I think you should be resting.”

  “I am fine. Look my voice is also getting better. I think I could manage sitting for some time.” I settled down in a chair beside mom.

  “It’s really nice that you’re feeling better but you still have to take care of yourself. Don’t get careless.” Mom instructed and I nodded.

  “Mom please check my fever. If it is normal then I’m going to the restaurant.” I said.

  “No, you aren’t going anywhere. You need to rest and we don’t want you to work in this condition.” Dad got really angry.

  “Daddy I am okay. It’ll be a good change for me. Moreover my sneezing is also under control.” I defended myself.

  “Honey you can’t exert yourself.” Mom said. “You haven’t completely recovered and you are still vulnerable to infections.”

  “I am bored. I don’t have anything to do. Just laying in the bed for the whole day bores you to hell. I want to have some fun.” I wailed like a young girl.

  “I think we could help.” Came in a very familiar voice. I turned around and saw Emma, Emmet and Jake standing at the door of the drawing room.

  Oh My God!!!!!

  “You guys.” I rushed towards them and hugged Emma tightly. I was so pleased to see them. I bent down and hugged Emmet too, who was sitting in his wheelchair.

  “How are you Emmet?” I asked, kneeling down on my knees.

  “Great. You tell how are you, sneezy girl are?” he asked. I looked at Jake angrily and he pretended not to notice ‘sneezy girl’ and looked away.

  “I am fine too!” I said, bringing my attention back to Emmet. I got up and was going to hug Jake too but then realized my over-possessive father is standing right behind me.

  “Hello Jake.” I said, casually, extending my hand.

  “Hey Ash.” He said and shook my hand.

  “Well hello everyone!” mom introduced herself. “I am Ash’s mom, Kathy.”

  “Hello Kathy.” Both Emma and Emmet said in unison.

  “And I am Henry, her dad” he said warmly.

  “Hi Henry!” Emma and Emmet again sang in unison.

  “Hello Sir!” Jake said in a scampish manner. Both Emma and Emmet watched him, agog. They were confused too like we were when we first got to know that Jake is supposed to call my dad SIR.

  “Hello everyone!” he replied.

  “How are you feeling?” Emma asked, concerned.

  “I am better.” I replied.

  “You will be perfectly fine babe.” She side-hugged me.

  “These are for you!” Emmet said, handing me a very beautiful bouquet.

  “Oh! Thank you so much, they are beautiful.” I said, taking in their enthralling fragrance. “They are really nice. I love flowers. Emmet so thoughtful of you!”

  “You are welcome.” He said.

  “Honey, give me the flowers, I will put them in a vase.” Mom said and I gave her the flowers, taking in their scent once again.

  “I guess we should go to my room now.” I said, excitedly. Emma and Emmet are visiting my house for the first time, I am bubbling with happiness. It is wonderful to have them here at my house, I was getting so bored. They are truly great friends.

  “Of course!” Emma said and started strolling Emmet’s wheelchair.

  “You go with Ashley; I will take care of Emmet!” Jake said. Taking the wheelchair under his control.

  “Thank you Jake. You are really sweet!” Emma said and came with me to my room before the guys.

  “Please don’t mind the mess.”I said, biting my lowe
r lip.

  “Oh please, your room is beautiful.” Emma said.

  “Thank you!” I replied. Emmet and Jake also entered. Emma sat on the bed Emmet’s wheelchair beside her and Jake is standing leaning on the doorframe, hands in his pocket.”

  “I am so glad you all came. I was missing you guys.” I jumped with delight.

  “Easy there.” Emma said, “it was all Jake’s idea, to cheer you up and we instantly agreed.”

  “Thank you Jake!” I said making an Awe face.

  “Actually, I had a very selfish, secret reason that I invited Emma and Emmet.” He said, giving a sexy half smirk.

  “What?” I asked.

  “It is very simple. Your dad wanted me out of here but I knew he wouldn’t say anything if Emma and Emmet came with me too. So, this was my master plan to be with you.” He explained.

  “That’s so mean, Jake.” Emma said and threw a, nearby kept, cushion at him. It didn’t hit him though; he caught it before it could attack him.

  “Bad shot!” he teased her. She didn’t say anything but rushed towards him and smacked him with the same cushion.

  “Stop Emma. Atleast we four our together again and I really enjoy our little gang.” Emmet said.

  “Ya alright!” she said and came back to her place.

  “One member is missing though.” Jake said sadly.

  “Who?” Emma asked

  “Rain!” he said, peeping out of the window.

  “Don’t even mention rain.” I said, crossly. “It is because of rain that I am sneezing so much that my nose is hurting.” Everybody started laughing and I joined in too.

  “It’s because of rain that you and I became us.” Jake said in a very, very romantic tone. I was completely flattered. I didn’t know what to say. My eyes spoke itself, they shone and sparkled and showed my happiness. I had the brightest smile on my face which reflected my feelings for Jake.

  “Jake and Ashley, sitting in a tree,


  First comes love.

  Then comes marriage.

  Then comes baby sitting in the baby carriage.

  Sucking his thumb,

  Wetting his pants,

  Doing the hula-hula dance.” Emma and Emmet both sang and danced.

  “Oh! Stop you both.” I said, sheepishly, still having the same, broad smile.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.” Emma teased. The fact that she is right makes me blush more.

  “You guys look so cute together.” Emmet said.

  “You know what is cuter. This……” he said and licked his lips. He came slowly towards me and when he finally reached nearly me, he wrapped his hands around my waist. He looked so gorgeous standing there that I couldn’t help but kiss him on the cheek.

  “Ahhhhhhh!” Emma and Emmet were our background musicians.

  “Did you all plan to embarrass me today?” I asked, my cheeks turning really red but I didn’t escape from his hug as his arms felt warm and nice around me.

  “We didn’t plan anything sweetie but did you plan to keep us hungry all day.” He snapped and retracted his arms.

  “I am so sorry guys. I am such an idiot. I completely forgot.” I said, hitting my head and feeling like a very bad hostess.

  “Relax Ash, Jake is just kidding!” Emmet said. I glanced at him and there was a scampish smile on his face.

  “You little sarcastic lad!” I said lividly and whacked him on his stomach.

  “Ow! That hurt!” he said, clenching his stomach.

  “Exactly my intentions” I said, raising my eyebrows.

  “Well that is mean, harsh and not acceptable.” He replied. Great, our first relationship row.

  “Come on guys, stop fighting.” Emma said.

  “Ya man, hug it out!” Emmet chimed in.

  “I wouldn’t mind that at all.” Jake said, his naughty side returning and I blushed. He wrapped me once again in his arms. His embrace got tighter and I did the same. He smells so great; I could stay in his arms forever. I feel so safe when I am with him. I closed my eyes and buried my head in his chest as he is taller than me.

  “It is so unfair?” I said.

  “What?” he asked me and escaping from the hug.

  “You are way too tall than me.” I protested.

  “Believe me, there is an advantage of that.” He said and kissed me on my lips.

  “I don’t think so!” I replied.

  “Well, I am taller than you that means when you hug me you could hear my heart that beats for only and only you.” He said and kissed me again.

  “I think you are absolutely right, sweetheart!” I replied. He is so cute, romantic and the best person I know.

  “Awwww…… that was so sweet but guys we are still here.” Emma said and we instantly jumped apart.

  “Sorry!” I said playing with my hair.