Read I Will Be There For You Page 31


  We spent another two hours with each other. We talked, laughed and had lots of fun. And the most amazing part is that I didn’t even sneezed once, even my nose didn’t flow. Seriously, I am one little lucky girl who’ve got amazing friends with whom she can be completely herself and not feel stupid. I just love them all. I know I have mentioned it many times but I just can’t say it enough. It’s because of them that I have started to believe in destiny. Seriously, it is pure destiny that I have these three wonderful people in my life who are gonna be there for me always and forever.

  I smile as Jake and Emmet were making funny faces and Emma is clicking their photographs. Emmet and Jake too have gown really close just like me and Emma. A perfect group. Now I really do have best friend who truly understands me and will never leave me alone in tough times. Becky is out of my life but the problem is she is the part of Jake’s life and quite a significant one. I don’t want that, because of her there should be any problems between me and Jake. I can’t leave him for anyone. I tried to ignore Jake for a single day and it was so damn difficult, forget about forgetting him for my entire life. Please God, don’t let anyone come between us ever. I want him forever and I cannot live without him.

  “Ash can I talk to you for a sec, please?” Emma shook me out of my reverie.

  “Ya sure!” I said and we both went to the balcony to have a little girl-to-girl chat.

  “Ashley, I don’t know how to thank you for your favor.” Emma said.

  “What favor?”

  “You helping me out with Emmet, remember?”

  “Oh ya that, of course I remember. And I have told you a million times that you don’t have to thank me for this, I enjoy it!”

  “Yes I know but I visited the doctor a and he said that Emmet is improving.”

  “Em, that is such a great news!”

  “All of this became possible because of you and Jake.”

  “I am so glad that we could help.”

  “The doc said that Emmet is responding to the treatments and they could operate him and there are chances he could fit and fine again.”

  “That’s so wonderful.”

  “You have really helped me a lot. I don’t have anything to give you in return but I’m just so thankful that I could have someone like you in my life.”

  “You are welcome sweetheart.” I said and hugged her. “You are a great sister and a great friend.” I said honestly. I love her.

  “I think I’m not interrupting anything?” Jake asked, knocking the balcony door.

  “No!” Emma replied.

  “Emma I think we should leave. It’s getting late and even Emmet wants to rest, he must be tired.” Jake said.

  “You are right, we should be leaving. Bye Ash.” She said and side hugged me.

  “Hey, I can also come along to drop you guys off. I am feeling much better and I am not sneezing.” I protested.

  “It’s not that, I don’t think that sir would like you coming with me.” Jake showed me quote marks.

  “Now, why do you call Henry, ‘sir’?” Emma asked, finding it strange.

  “Because sir likes being called sir by me. He wants me to call him sir and not get any personal with him. That is why I call him ‘sir’.” Jake explained. Everytime he stressed on that sir.

  “Would you let it go already?” I asked.

  “No, I really like it. He is a very, very protective father.” He replied.

  “That he is!” I said, feeling really proud.

  “No doubts!” he said and once again shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “Okay guys, I think we should leave. It’ll get dark by the time you return Jake.” Emma said.

  “Okay bye. See you tomorrow at the restaurant.” I said and hugged Emma again. I went inside and hugged Emmet goodbye too.

  “Bye guys!” I waved them bye as they all left my house. I went back inside and mom was sitting in the lobby on the sofa and reading the Vogue.

  “I cannot live a day without those guys!” I said to mom, sitting on the sofa beside her.

  “I am really happy for you sweetheart. Everyone of us needs that one person with whom we can be completely ourselves. We can spill all our secrets in front of them and trust them to keep it to themselves. We need someone to be there for us all the time. In bad times and good times. Someone who always tell us the truth and inspire us to do our best. And you are very lucky to have that person.” Mom explained.

  “Seriously, Emma is great!”

  “I know she’s a darling, but I wasn’t talking about her.” Mom said and smiled.

  “Who?” I asked even though I knew the answer. I bit my lower lip in order to hide my anxiety.

  “Jake. He is such a nice lad!” mom replied.

  “I know he is really great. He is always there for me and he really cares for me. I really love him, mom. I really do. I am madly, deeply and crazily in love with him.” I confessed it to mom.

  “That is great, I am glad to hear that. You have found someone who is so sweet and caring. Calls for a celebration, let me get some wine.” She said and was about to get up when I stopped her.

  “No mom, no celebration, right now.” I said sadly.

  “Why?” she asked in a pell-mell manner.

  “Dad. He doesn’t seem very comfortable with Jake.” I replied.

  “Honey, you must have heard that ‘a son is son until he finds a wife but a daughter is a daughter for eternity. Dads around the world love their daughters more than anything. Love, you are our only child and we both are crazy about you. We just want you to be happy, that’s all, especially your dad that is why he tends to get a little over-protective of you.” She explained.

  “Mom I understand and Jake too, but at some point of time I’ll have to move out. I am a big girl now.”

  “You’ll always be our little Ashley even when you have kids of your own.” Mom kissed me on my forehead.

  “I know but I have to tell dad about my feelings.” I was getting emotional.

  “Of course you can talk to him about your feelings. Here, I will tell you a secret. Henry really likes Jake and he thinks that Jake is the best for you.”

  “Seriously he said that?” I asked with widened eyes. I am surprised to hear that.

  “Yes he said that and meant that too.”

  “Then why he insisted Jake to call him ‘sir’.” I asked curiously.

  “Because he is jealous.” Mom laughed.

  “Jealous!?!” I was stunned. Out of all the possible reasons this one seems the vaguest. Dad jealous of Jake?

  “Your dad knew that there was something brewing between you guys and he thought that Jake would steal you away from him. You’ll get married to him and fly away. His princess will find a prince.” Mom explained.

  “Oh my god, I don’t believe this. He is so far sighted. I mean he knew that I was in love with Jake and still acted aloof.” I wanted to laugh but was too surprised.

  “We love you honey and we know what you want and what is best for you. And we think that Jake is the best for you!” mom kissed my cheek.

  “Thank you mom, I love you both!” I said and embraced her.

  “You know when I told your father about my pregnancy, we were strolling in a park, and he jumped and shouted on top of his lungs that he was going to be a father. All the people were gawking at us and giving us sweet smile or muttering ‘congratulations’. It was such a lovely day for us.” Mom revealed this secret.

  “I don’t believe it, dad shouting in a public place is just not possible.” I couldn’t believe my ears but mom nodded and confirmed that I had heard right. Dad is a total gentleman and when it comes to behave in public places he is so strict. He never gets too excited or shouts, he always remains humble and subtle. He is so prissy and does everything to show-off his persona and he always forces us too, to behave the same way. It gets on my mom’s nerves and sometimes mines too.

  “I am so glad we had this talk.” I hugged mom.

  “Me too
. I think we should have them more often.” Mom suggested.

  “Only on one condition.” I said.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You will spill more of Dad’s secrets.” I laughed and mom joined in too.

  “Promise!” she said. I really enjoyed our little mother-daughter talk.

  “What’s going on, darlings!” dad voice came in.

  “Nothing just Ash and me, hanging around!” mom replied, keeping our little talk a secret.

  “Good. So, what’s there for dinner?” dad asked and kissed mom.

  “Well we’ve salmon fish roll.” Mom replied in a perfect waitress-tone.

  “So from here I have learned all my waitressing skills. Right mom?”

  “Absolutely.” Dad said and kissed my mom again. “The dinner sounds scrumptious darling. I am really hungry can we eat please.”

  “Wait for just a minute they are under preparation.” Mom said. “You know Henry, when all the kids were here; Jake really helped me take care of them.” Mom lied to see dad’s reaction. Actually, shortly after my friends came, dad had to go urgently for some work.

  “That is very…….good.” dad said, hurting his ego. He looked so cute.

  “Nice boy!” mom said on purpose.

  “Yes!” dad said and then busied himself with the magazine mom was reading before. I don’t understand, he likes Jake but won’t admit it. Typical dad.

  “Ashley, isn’t it surprising that you are fine now, without any medications?” dad asked changing the topic.

  “I know, my head still aches a little and I feel fatigue but all the fever and sneezing is gone.” I said, pleased that finally sneezes and I have broken up. I was tired and sick of them. I am so happy I can breathe again.

  “Quite a miracle!” mom said, “I think it is Jake’s magic.” Mom said it under her breath but loud enough for dad to hear it. Dad started coughing on hearing mom’s statement and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You alright?” mom asked, laughing herself.

  “A-okay!” dad replied coughing and showing us a thumbs-up. Mom got him some water and he calmed down and his coughing faded away.

  “I’ll go and set up the dining table.” Mom said and went inside the dining room. She did it on purpose so dad and I could get some time alone to chat.

  “Dad, how was work?” I asked. Always start a conversation with work with dad. His mood lifts up that we are interested in what he does for a living.

  “Great, work is always great.” Dad replied.

  “Dad I think we should talk.” I said, it is so difficult to talk to dad about your relationships. Especially a dad like mine.

  “Sure, kiddo!” dad said and kept aside the magazine he was reading.

  “Dad, what do you think about Jake?” I asked, crossing my fingers behind my back. I am really nervous even though I know that he likes Jake.

  “He is …….nice.” dad replied. Nice just nice, I am offended. He is a lot more than nice, he is the best. I cannot take criticism at all for me or my loved ones. I control my emotions and explain myself to keep calm.

  “But dad he is so sweet and cute.” I said in a very humble voice. But I know I was losing my cool as dad wasn’t replying. He looked at me for a moment and then finally he replied.

  “Honey, what is your point?”

  “Dad, I know you care for me a lot and I am lucky to have parents like you. But at one point you have to let go. You didn’t have any problems with my exes because you, somehow, knew that they were just a fling but what I have with Jake is something special. He is the one who’ll never leave my side. He is really a sweetheart and we are going together.” I finally blurt it out. I feel so light and nice. Mom too joined us and sat on the chair kept beside the sofa. She raised her eyebrows and I nodded. She smiled and that assured me everything would be alright.

  “Well, that is not a surprise.” He said although his expressions told a whole very different story. My anxiety levels are sky high.

  “What?” I asked shyly.

  “I mean that it is obvious that you and Jake have something special. You guys look so cute together.” Dad gave a big smile and all my tensions flew away. But I am shocked, this is not my dad. He is okay with me going out with Jake? All that cold and sneezes have really done wonders for me.

  “Dad are you, seriously, okay with it?” I think I am in some kind of a trance. Everything is going perfectly.

  “Of course Honey. Jake is a really nice, caring and a loving person. He seems just like me, very protective of you. He gives me the assurance that he would always be there for you and never leave you alone. Nothing wrong would happen to you until he is there. Anybody can see that he loves you, his eyes shine when he is with you. I am so glad that you are not dating any obnoxious, irritating lad. Jake’s perfect.” Dad seemed happy with his little speech. I am unable to utter a single word. It’s like I haven’t been this happy ever. Jake and I have been accepted by my parents. I am so glad. I am dying to talk to Jake. He would be so happy. I am sure he will scream with joy even I am feeling to shout on top of my lungs that my life is perfect.

  “Congratulations honey!” mom and dad both sang.

  “Thank you, thank you so much mom and dad. I can’t tell you how exhilarated I feel.” I said felling so relaxed and comfortable. Parents can sometimes surprise you and leave you in amazement. I feel so blessed to have parents like Henry and Kathy. They are my first love, seriously. They both have seen it all, my uncontrollable laughter, my demands, my irritating behavior, my attitude, my stubbornness, my anger and yet they love me as I’m the perfect piece send on Earth. They understand me like no one else, I mean come on they could understand me when I couldn’t even speak. Mom and Dad are the most precious people, for me, in the world.

  “You okay there honey?” mom asked.

  “Perfect!” I replied. Mom and dad gave me a big grin and I joined in too.

  “Dad, if you liked Jake then what was that entire ‘sir’ thing?” I asked, making quote-marks with my fingers.

  “I just wanted to see how obedient he is. After all I am still a father and have to be sure that every guy that comes near you is good!” he said in a very strict and father like tone. He has such a diverse personality.

  “Oh! Iron dad.” I said, showing my non-existing muscles.

  “Absolutely!” dad replied, making a karate action with his hands. Mom and I laughed really loudly. Dad looked so funny. Today I am seeing dad’s not-known-earlier-phases. Mom and I couldn’t control our laughs, it was so funny.

  “Come on, it wasn’t that hilarious!” dad felt embarrassed.

  “Oh please ask us.” Mom replied.

  “Dad it didn’t suit you.” I chimed in too.

  “Okay, I won’t do it again.” Dad said again picking up the magazine.

  “Henry darling do you wanna continue reading or are you hungry?” mom asked and I laughed again.

  “Of course I am hungry and I would really appreciate if we had our dinner without my leg-pulling.” Dad said.

  “Of course.” Mom said. We three went inside the dining room and the table was neatly set.

  “Mom where did you learn your sophisticated waitress skills?” I asked, settling in the dining chair.

  “Well I was born talented.” Mom flaunted.

  “Is that so? I thought you learnt them from your Aunt Althea.” Dad snapped and I laughed and high-fived dad. Aunt Althea is my mother’s father’s sister.

  “Aunt Althea just helped.” Mom tried to cover herself up.

  “Of course!” dad replied.

  “Do you want dinner or not?” mom asked and raised one eyebrow.

  “I am sorry. You are perfect darling.” Dad kissed mom’s hand. He is such a flatter machine and mom falls for it everytime.