Read Immortal Reborn - Arianna's Choice Page 1

  Immortal Reborn

  Book 1

  Arianna’s Choice

  A Children of Angels Novel

  Natalie D. Wilson

  Copyright © 2012 Natalie D. Wilson

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1301111947


  The story of Alexandria and Arianna began in my mind years ago when I heard an instrumental composition, and I asked myself what story would evoke the emotion behind the melody. Through the years, I slowly developed different aspects of the tale within my imagination, but I always knew from the very beginning what the last scene of the last novel would be. Writing to that point seemed a daunting task to one who was new to writing her own stories, as I was. But no journey, such as mine has been, is without love and support. And it was through the encouragement of my dear, sweet husband, Will, that I finally decided to put my thoughts to paper and create the world of the Nephilim that I saw in my mind. For his honest appraisal of the story, his willingness to go without sleep so that I could keep the light on to type, and his unwavering devotion, my dream has been made real. For it all, Will, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  To the sister of my heart, Catherine, I also extend my most sincere thanks. It was she who was the first to read the initial two chapters, and it was she who told me that there was indeed something there that sparked her interest and curiosity. Hearing that positive feedback did propel me forward, and I shall always be grateful for the hope she brought to my journey.

  When the initial draft was complete, I turned to my dear friend Danielle, asking for her input, honest opinion, and constructive criticism. Danielle was able to cut through the sheer emotion I felt after writing the final page of the first novel, and helped me fine tune many scenes so that they were what I had truly intended them to be. And her unwavering support and love of the characters gave me a kindred soul to confide in. For the quotes she shared to keep me rolling, and the constant texts which bolstered my spirits, I must humbly say, “Thank you.”

  For the final readings, I enlisted Nicole, Sally, and Eileen. They also read through the first novel in record time and quickly asked for the second in the series. With that request, I knew that others could and did love my characters as much as I did. And for any author, I would imagine that the sheer elation one feels when you receive that kind of validation was equivalent to the soaring high that I experienced. So, ladies, thank you for loving Alex and her friends as much as I do.

  And finally, I have to say a special thank you to my true Father. I prayed and worked towards using my words and ideas to glorify Him, and I hope that my readers will see and feel the love I always experience whenever I think of the Lord. It is no small thing to feel as inspired as I have felt while creating these stories. And I can honestly say that there were many moments when I felt as though His words were coming through more so than my own. And the story is all the better for that inspiration, I think.

  So, readers, I sincerely hope that you will enjoy the first installment in this new series. I hope that it will entertain you, inspire you, and perhaps make you laugh a little, too. I certainly know that Rohan helps me laugh quite often. Enjoy, until the next story, my friends.



  Cover by Perry Elisabeth Design (

  Images (c) Ivan Mikhaylov and dziewul |; and 

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