Read Immortal Reborn - Arianna's Choice Page 31

Alexandria felt so at peace, so calm. She looked to see where she was and she was atop the cliff once more. She was alone this time, though. No Kronis. No one as far as the eye could see. Alex sat and crossed her legs, drawing in deep breaths of the salty air. She remembered the feel of Kronis’ aura meeting her own, and she felt the sorrow and pain attached to the darkness on display in that particular memory. He was fighting against her so hard, but drop by drop, she was rolling the darkness back.

  The feeling gave Alex an idea that had yet to occur to her. Perhaps she could seek out Kronis, not in Arianna’s lake of memories, but in the here and now. She might stand a better chance of getting to him before he hurt her or the ones she loved the most.

  Alex stayed in her meditative pose and began to let her aura flow out in waves as big as she could build them, and then she cast them into the currents of the wind which flowed high overhead. Alex imagined her aura swirling away like the sky in Van Gogh’s painting The Starry Night, twisting and spreading across the land. She had to breathe deeply and focus because the effort was taking so much of her strength.

  She sat like that, generating wave after wave, until she felt a faint prickle of the acidity she now knew to look for. Alex let her mind follow the currents, and over valleys, rivers, and mountains she soared. The world rushed by at such a rapid pace and then her consciousness began to slow. The terrain became more familiar. Trees and pastures, gardens and a terrace came into view.

  Terror such as Alexandria had never thought possible seized her as she beheld Aeoferth Hall coming plainly into her view. It was dark, and night was upon the castle. Everyone inside was a part of her now, someone she cared about. And Jack, Alex thought with alarm. He could not stand the attack of another dark Nephilim – that she knew with all certainty.

  Alex also knew that she had to warn them, had to save them all somehow. She looked within herself and offered the one thing that she had which they would all recognize. Alex sent out a substantial burst of her aura and willed it to spill into the windows, chimneys, and crevices. She could feel it diving, churning, and twisting around Aeoferth as it found its way into the mammoth structure, and she pushed it forward so that it touched the hearts, minds, and souls of the immortals within.

  “Wake up!” she screamed. “Please, wake up, my friends! Kronis is coming!”

  Alex felt Gaius’ hold on her and heard him calling to her mind, so she began to struggle to return to where she knew him to be. She begged her aura to retreat into her body on the cliff top and then implored her eyes to open. Her heart and soul knew that they all had to hurry back to Aeoferth, and Alexandria fought with everything she had to reseat her aura within her physical body once more. When she finally managed to force her eyelids open and see Gaius, he was holding her up and brushing her hair back from her eyes, sending his own aura flowing over Alex to heal and restore her.

  “Gaius,” she breathed, “we have to hurry! Kronis is coming to Aeoferth, I felt him. Please,” she pleaded.

  “Yes, Alex, I saw what you saw. Somehow you sent the message out to us all. You are burning up though,” he said, looking at her with great concern.

  “I don’t care! We have to go now!” Alex declared and started to struggle in an effort to stand.

  Gaius lifted her swiftly off of the bed and carried her back to her room, straight into the watercloset. He told her to freshen up – that they would be leaving in minutes. Dashing out of the room, Gaius called out orders to the others who were already up because of Alex’s warning.

  Alex took care of her basic needs and then ran to get her phone. She was just coming out of her room when Gaius met her in the hall carrying two large swords in their scabbards and a duffle bag. He bent and grabbed Alex around her legs with his free arm and, once he had lifted her, Gaius began to run down the stairs. All Alex could do was hold on to his shoulders tightly and hope that he did not drop her. Gaius sprinted out of the castle and into the helicopter, which Heath had ready to go.

  Once Alex and Gaius were aboard, John closed the door, and they lifted off, banking hard and away from Elysium. Alex sat and took her mobile out, then called Jack. He answered on the second ring.

  “Jack, please tell me you all heard my SOS, and everyone is getting ready?” Alexandria asked breathlessly.

  “We did, Alex. I don’t know how you did it, but even the horses and I heard you. We’re manning all battle stations now, and believe me, they’ve got this place covered. How are you after that?” he questioned.

  “I’m good,” she said, aware that several pairs of eyes were looking keenly at her. “Jack, you listen to me. I am not there, so there’s no need for you to play hero. Just hang back and do what Rohan tells you to do, do you understand?” she pleaded with him.

  “I’m not going to do anything foolish, Alex. Stop worrying about me.” Jack paused momentarily. “Why do I hear what sounds like a helicopter in the background?” he asked slowly.

  “We’re on our way,” she replied a little too quickly.

  “Oh, no you’re not, Alexandria. You get back to Elysium, right now! Put John on the phone!” he shouted, but Alex ignored him.

  “You’re breaking up, Jack. We must be going through a bad patch, I can’t hear you,” she lied and ended the connection, sitting back in her seat and trying not to shake. The mobile began to vibrate almost immediately, but Alex just canceled the incoming call and ignored it.

  John moved over to sit opposite her and put his hand on her forehead. Alex watched as he took her wrist between his fingers and checked her pulse. He looked at her with concern clearly painted on his features, but she tried to shrug off his worry.

  “I’m good, John, really I am. Just let me go to the restroom.” Alex rose, not looking at anyone, and quickly made her way to the back of the helicopter.

  She stood in front of the mirror and felt herself still shaking. She was pale and had sweat beaded across her brow. Alex found a cloth in a cabinet under the sink and wet it with cool water. She turned and leaned against the small vanity, and began to wipe her head and neck gently.

  The taste of metal hit the back of her throat, and unfortunately, Alex knew what to expect. She quickly got a tissue and balled up two tiny pieces, and then stuffed them up her nostrils to stop the blood from escaping. She held her head back, pinching the bridge of her nose tightly. Alex heard Sabina knock and call out to her to see if she was alright.

  “I’ll be right there, Sabina. Just a few moments, please,” she said, trying not to sound too nasally. Alex heard Sabina retreat from the door, and she continued to pinch her nose. Finally, Alex replaced the tissue with another dry set and flushed the first. After washing her hands, Alex made her way out of the bathroom and sat back in her seat.

  John looked her over and pursed his lips. He extended his hand, and she cautiously placed her palm in his. He sent his healing aura to her, and Alex began to feel her fever lessen and her nose stop its flow. She quietly voiced her thanks, and he smiled back, then looked over her shoulder and nodded to Gaius. John stood and the two swapped places. Gaius took Alex’s hand in his and sent her his energy as well, but with much more of a surge.

  She tried to pull back, afraid that he would need all of his strength for the coming battle, but he clamped down hard and slowly shook his head at her. Alex gave up her struggle and allowed Gaius to share his power with her.

  Heath was pushing the S-92 for all it was worth, and they were rapidly gaining on the castle. As the first rocks and small mountains came into view that signaled their approach, Alex could feel every one of the Nephilim’s auras increasing in size and strength. The angels within were becoming more dominant, and it was overwhelming in the confines of the small cabin.

  Alex leaned over and looked out of the window closest to her seat. She saw that the castle was lit up from every corner and crevice and shone like its own city below. She could not tell if the battle had begun yet or not, but
Alex was praying that she was ready for what was about to transpire before her. No matter what was coming though, she knew within her heart and soul that she was ready to stop those she loved from being harmed.

  Heath swung the helicopter quickly to the ground, and there was a noticeable bump when they touched down. It was not one of his usual smooth landings. As they all rose from their seats, John paused and sent his aura out searching for danger. When he felt their passage was safe, he released the door and steps, then turned to beckon them forward.

  They all disembarked rapidly, and Gaius kept one hand on Alex as they ran for the cover of the castle. Rohan, Iain, and Elrick met them mid-lawn and ran the rest of the way in with them. Once inside, Gaius released Alex’s hand long enough to step forward and embrace his friends with a quick slap on the back.

  Alex turned and saw Jack approaching, and she ran to him. He lifted her off the ground and hugged her tightly. When Jack set her back on her feet, he grabbed both sides of Alex’s face with his hands and looked into her eyes.

  “What are you doing here? You have no business coming back to Aeoferth, Alex! What are you thinking?” He shook his head at her, exasperation lining his brow.

  “I have to be here, Jack. I can’t let them all get hurt,” she said, pleading with him to see it from her perspective. Alex knew, though, that Jack’s training would kick in and he would try to put her out of harm’s way. Still, she had every intention of helping.

  “No, you’re going to let them do what they do best, and you are going to sit this one out, do you hear me?” he stated, rather than asked, and moved his hands down to hold her arms.

  “Jack, you can’t ask me not to help. Please, don’t demand this of me,” she whispered.

  “Yes, he can, and he should,” said Gaius, coming up behind her. He offered Jack his hand, and Jack released Alexandria to reciprocate. “I am Gaius. Nice to meet you, Jack. I’ve only heard good things about you,” he stated.

  “Same here,” responded Jack. “How do we handle this?” he asked Gaius, getting straight to the point.

  Gaius smiled in appreciation of Jack’s direct approach. “One moment at a time,” he replied steadily.

  Alex rolled her eyes, knowing what they were referring to, and they both looked down at her and smiled at her impatient look.

  Gaius looked back to Jack, and said, “Right now, let’s both keep her safe.”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” answered Jack.

  Rohan stepped forward and told them that everyone had gathered in the dining hall for a war briefing when they heard the helicopter approaching. He gestured them all forward, and they made their way down the hall in that direction. Alex was keenly aware that she was walking with Gaius on one side and Jack on the other, but she said nothing and touched neither of them.

  The thought of a battle coming there made her feel nauseous, but she willed her aura to still her shaking knees. Alex looked up at Jack, and he mouthed, “Courage,” to her, helping her to fortify herself for what was unfolding before them.

  Rohan called everyone together from their smaller groups and individual conversations. He welcomed the party of six back and asked Alex to tell them what had led to her signal. She recounted her dream and told them how she was learning to track Kronis through the memory of the contact between Arianna’s aura with his. She had felt it all around the castle and knew that they were in danger.

  She had sent as much of her aura as she could, calling out a warning, hoping that it would reach them, and she told them how grateful she was that they were all okay. After that, Rohan simply nodded and began to go over the different stations each Nephilim would take based on their strengths, powers, and past successes in battles with the children of the Fallen.

  One by one, they left the dining hall, most hugging Alexandria and thanking her for buying them time to be ready, until it was just Alex, Rohan, Gaius, and Jack. Alex looked expectantly at Rohan, willing him to bypass Jack and Gaius and give her something to do.

  He took one look at her face and shook his head. “Oh, no you don’t,” he scolded. “Don’t you give me that look. You’re staying inside with Jack. That’s final, Alex. No negotiating.”

  Rohan nodded at her as if that should close the discussion, but Alex turned and started to leave the three of them standing there together. She had made it to the door, so surprised were they that she dared to leave, but Gaius ran and caught her, lifting Alex off of her feet.

  “Be still,” he said in her ear, firmly enough that she took note.

  Alexandria stopped wiggling to get free and shook her head vehemently. “Please, Gaius, you of all people know what I can do, what I’m capable of. Let me help. Kronis is coming for me, and I don’t want him cutting through all of you to find me.” She searched his eyes, willing him to agree, but Gaius shook his head slowly.

  “Not this time, my love. Trust us; we’ve done this for so long, we can handle one more battle.” He set her on her feet and called for Jack over his shoulder.

  Jack approached and looked down at Alex, in total solidarity with Gaius.

  Gaius never took his eyes from Alex’s when he spoke to Jack. “Take her to the library, Jack. Lock the door and keep Alex in there, no matter what you hear, until one of us comes for her. They can disguise their voices, so only open it if we give you a safeword.”

  He put his hand next to Alex’s cheek. “What is a word that they would never know, but that means a great deal to you?”

  Alex did not need time to think and said, “Dudley,” almost immediately.

  “Dudley, it is. I’ll spread the word to the others.” Gaius turned to Jack and clasped his forearm. “Protect her,” he said firmly, and Jack nodded.

  “With my life,” he responded.

  Gaius turned back and quickly kissed Alexandria, then left with Rohan, headed towards the rear of the castle. Jack reached down and clasped her hand in his, and began to take her in the direction of the library without delay. As they were entering the grand room, Sabina ran up to Alex and handed her one of the swords Gaius had brought with them from Elysium.

  “This is your sword, Alexandria. I pray you don’t require it, but you need to be able to defend yourself and Jack.”

  Alexandria nodded her thanks, and the two embraced one another tightly before Sabina turned and took flight.

  Once Jack had locked the door, the two of them worked together to slide a heavy chest in front it. Neither thought the effort would do any great good, but Alex hoped that it might buy her a few seconds with which she could save Jack. He took her hand in his and led her over to the familiar sofa where they had sat together before, and she had slept. Jack turned and brushed Alex’s hair back from her face, looking her over and checking her condition.

  “You look like you have the flu, Alex,” he said, voicing his concern.

  “I think sending forth the amount of aura I generated took a lot out of me. But John and Gaius tried to heal me on the flight over, so I feel better. Honestly,” Alex qualified, hoping he believed her.

  She looked away from him and picked up the sword that lay across her lap. Alex slowly withdrew it and gasped aloud at the beauty contained within the plain leather scabbard which encased it. It, too, had the design of the Damascus steel blade she had practiced with, but Alex could feel that it had much more Inonya – the metal from their angelic fathers – forged within its folds.

  The pattern gave off such an iridescent glow that it was singing of its own accord without her aura yet connecting to it. Unadulterated power radiated from the sword. Alex looked at the hilt and found that it was pure Inonya, shining brightly like a star in its own right, acting as a conduit so that her aura had direct access to the blade. Alexandria realized she could fortify the weapon completely from her own power.

  Silently, Alex thanked Ganymede for the gift, for she knew it had to come directly from him. She then began to offer up prayer
s for everyone there that night. She called them by their name and recognized them by their aura. Alex realized that Jack was slowly rubbing her back, trying to soothe her while she was lost in her own thoughts.

  She opened her eyes and looked into his clear, blue irises staring back at her.

  “Hi,” Alex whispered.

  “Hey,” Jack said softly in return.

  “Jack, I’m sorry…” she began, but he would not let her finish.

  Jack leaned down and kissed her briefly but tenderly, then whispered, “No apologizing, remember?”

  They both laughed quietly over his previous reprimand.

  Alex sobered moments later. “Jack, if I can help from in here, I’m going to try. Please don’t interfere,” she said, staring earnestly into his eyes.

  “Alexandria, you heard them. They said to stay out of it – completely. I think they meant mentally, too. Besides, you already look wiped, and I don’t know if you can do any more than you’ve already done. And believe me when I say that preventing an ambush is a very big help in any battle.”

  She kept looking at him, imploring him to see it from her perspective.

  “Alex,” he sighed, shaking his head as his resolve lessened. “You brave, sweet girl. What am I going to do with you? Try to be careful, okay?”

  It was all the permission Alexandria needed.

  “Thank you, Jack. Oh, thank you!” She reached out and cupped his cheek. “You can help me. Keep one hand on me and keep me anchored to you, in this place. I think it will help me not drift too far off course.” She let her left hand fall from his face and took his hand with it.

  “Alex, at the first sign that this is hurting you, I’m calling Gaius. Do you understand?” Jack nodded at her slowly, until he received her nod of agreement.

  Alexandria sat back and closed her eyes. She imagined that she was floating above the castle looking down and set her mind free. Alex began to pour a blanket of her aura around the perimeter, so that the Fallen’s children would have to pass through the barrier to get to her friends, hoping that would slow them down.

  Then Alex began to register where each of her own Nephilim stood, awaiting the coming tide. She found Gaius with Rohan, Elrick, and Iain at the rear of the castle, and she saw Sabina, John, and Archimedes together at the kitchen’s entrance. Benen was on the roof with Ahadi, Daiki, Guymon, Weldon, Rawley, Paulus, and Tomoko, with not only their swords but also with bows and arrows made with Inonya.

  Nassor, Thomas, Tabor, Flynn, Braddock, Albion, and Abdalla were on horseback and riding out into the large lawn behind the castle, fanning out. Nikolaj led another contingent on horseback into the field nearest the library and lake. On and on Alex found them, one and all.

  Finally, she began to search for Kronis’ aura. She waited, tasting the air and willing him to find her and not another. Alex grew more and more frustrated as time dragged by. Had she misread something in her dream, she wondered? No, that way of thinking was too dangerous. Alex knew she could not doubt herself; she had to trust that her aura would never lead her astray. But rather than sense Kronis directly, a strong and pungent smell began to fill Alex’s nostrils.

  The odor was heavy and pervasive, and it spoke of death and decay. It was enough to repel her and send her senses fleeing, but Alex pushed against it. Instinctually, Alex sat up straighter, holding her sword tightly in her right hand. She knew the vibration in the air trying to overwhelm her and her comrades because she had felt it so many times before.

  Alexandria’s eyes flew open, and she whispered, “They’re here!”

  Every single Nephilim of the Light heard Alex’s declaration. They felt it roll over them and through them, steeling them for the onslaught. Gaius turned to go back inside, knowing what Alex was doing and desperate to stop her, but Rohan placed a hand on his arm and called him back to his position.

  “We cannot let them get to her,” Rohan said between clenched teeth. “Ganymede will be with Alex. Focus, Gaius, and push them back with me, brother.” He felt so miserable demanding that Gaius not return to her, but he had to hold the line.

  Gaius stared into Rohan’s eyes for a moment and finally nodded his head. He turned back to the encroaching enemy before him, now fueled by a fury such as he had not felt in over one hundred and twenty-one years. No one nor anything would ever get to her again, Gaius silently vowed to himself. It became his mantra, and it became his mission. He turned to the fields beyond and waited.

  Nassor’s and Nikolaj’s lines of Nephilim on their horses became the first to engage the enemy. The initial dark ones came across Alexandria’s barrier slowly, pushing against the Light which burned and scorched their skin. Many charged it, hoping that the speed at which they passed through it would save them. But the Light was trying to stamp out the evil it felt, and they were all touched in some way. Those who had come on horseback tried to use their mounts to scale the wall of Light, but they were still singed by it.

  The first line came running and riding in, and Nikolaj and Nassor met them with speed and strength. Swords rang out in the night that now looked like day, due to all of the castle’s lights and the Nephilim’s own internal Lights shining for all to see. Nassor and his stallion danced with a Fallen’s child named Trodon, Alex noted, and Nassor was not in the frenzied panic his opponent was. Rather, he was meticulously meeting him strike for strike and wearing Trodon down rapidly. As he tired from his initial burst of anger and speed, Nassor pierced his heart and then cut it from his breast. Trodon fell from his mount, no longer a threat.

  Alexandria was still sitting in the library with Jack, and he now had one arm around her back and held her left hand with his other. He tried desperately to anchor Alex as she had requested. Though her eyes were open, Jack knew she was watching the battle and not aware of him at all, yet still, he held firmly to her.

  Alex’s attention turned to Nikolaj and his riders. They were keeping a line of dark immortals from getting to the library where she now sat, and they seemed so very determined to protect her. She watched as Nikolaj and Conleth rode together to intercept a very large dark immortal, whom Alex remembered as Pulmaeous. They took him on either side, as he had a sword in each hand that rivaled Rohan’s longsword. Pulmaeous was incredibly strong, and he was a formidable opponent for them both.

  Finally, Conleth got in a solid cut across Pulmaeous’ abdomen, causing him to look down in shock that someone had actually dared to touch him. Nikolaj used the moment to swing with all his might and took Pulmaeous’ head in one fluid motion. Sadly, they did not have time to savor their victory as another two approached, ready to strike.

  Alex sent constant prayers for her friends’ protection up and pleaded to Ganymede and the other immortal fathers to stand with their children and fortify them against the darkness. She saw Benen and Ahadi call for volley after volley of arrows to rain down, cutting many from the approaching line. Their arrows, made of pure Inonya, sliced through the hearts and minds of at least fourteen invaders, which Alex counted before her attention was directed elsewhere.

  She drew in a sharp gasp as she witnessed Rohan, Gaius, Elrick, and Iain run at full speed against a line of six dark Nephilim that had made it past Nassor’s riders. Alex was amazed at the dexterity and conviction with which they fought. It looked as if metal was moving so quickly through the air to her that silver arcs were hanging in visible sight long after the sword had moved on to another position. Gaius sliced the head off of one and forced another to the ground, taking his heart and then his head as well.

  As Alex watched them push back the horde, she also saw Thomas falter, and he was soundly knocked from his stallion to the ground with enough momentum to delay him from immediately rising. She knew she could not send out a call to save him because it would cause the others to pause, and such a distraction could cost them their lives. Alex began to frantically search for an answer, for some way to save him.

nbsp; Alexandria grew warm all over, and she felt her sword growing hotter in her palm. There was one gift that she had which the others had relied on in times past. One thing that she, and she alone, could share with them. Without consciously ordering her body to do so, Alex stood, holding her sword at her side, her eyes still open to the battle.

  Jack went with Alex and stood behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her, trying to hold Alex to the present as much as he could. He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “I’ve got you, Alex, and I’m not letting go. I’m right here. I know you’re helping, but come back to me and to Gaius as soon as you can, baby.” He kissed her ear and held on for dear life, unable to do anything more.

  Alex stepped quickly ahead in time and saw what was to come. She saw all of the dark rays in the field of battle and knew them by name, and knew their positions. She saw her beacons of Light scattered and locked, each one of them, in their own deadly struggles. Alex attached her aura to her loved ones’ auras and began to send them the images she was getting of their opponents’ next moves.

  They had every advantage now, and they seized it. They looked through her eyes and began to cut down the enemy decisively. Braddock and Flynn moved to intercept a rider who was rapidly approaching Thomas and stopped him before he could trample and then kill their fellow immortal. Rohan moved in on one named Zimphadi, who actually laughed until Rohan closed his eyes and began to swing his longsword.

  Alex saw Sabina, Archimedes, and John fighting with three who had gotten so close to the castle’s kitchen entrance. Sabina was a marvel to behold as she used Alex’s sight to take the vital organs from one so much larger than she and then stepped in next to help Archimedes. Alex poured her love out to them all, willing them to come back to her unharmed.

  She began to stretch what little corner of her mind she could still hold to, in search of Kronis. He was nowhere to be found on the battlefield. Alex had felt him in her dream, so she knew he had orchestrated the battle encircling the castle. Where was he hiding, she asked herself in frustration. As her weakening aura searched, Alexandria felt the faint acidity on her tongue which she had come to associate with Kronis’ aura. Her consciousness turned to find him standing on the opposite shore of the lake.

  She moved to meet him – her aura to his. But Alex kept this hidden from the others so that they would not move to intercept him. Kronis was hers.

  Alexandria imagined that her aura could solidify and she could actually stand in front of Kronis. When suddenly she appeared at his side, he visibly jumped and gaped at her, bewildered. Kronis’ eyes narrowed as he realized it was a specter of her, not actually Alexandria before him after all.

  “Not the most effective way to challenge me, Arianna. Or should I say Alexandria?” he questioned, sounding deceptively calm and amused.

  Alex detected a slight edge of nervousness in Kronis’ tone, however. So… he was not so confident after all, she discovered.

  “Why have you come to have so many of yours cut down?” Alex asked softly. “You know you cannot win against us. It is a battle that will always end the same way. Good shall overcome evil, Kronis,” she said solemnly.

  He laughed, the same bitter laugh she had heard from him on the cliff.

  “You always have all the answers, don’t you? Well, not this time!” Kronis yelled into her face. “How have you come back? I saw you destroyed!” He looked her over in bewilderment.

  Rather than meet Kronis with hatred and venom in return – despite all the carnage that was taking place below them – Alexandria felt a shift. She truly felt what Arianna had so long ago. Kronis was striking out, but his response was that of an abused child, rebelling against a love he did not know how to process or think himself worthy of. It gave her pause.

  “Yes, I am here,” Alex said through her aura. “This should show you what the Lord is capable of, Kronis. He healed me and returned me from the damage you inflicted, and you can still have His love, too. I know you still struggle, and I can help shelter your spirit if you will only let me. Please, don’t turn away this time,” she pleaded.

  “Stop!” he screamed, putting his hands over his ears and trying to block out her voice. “Just stop! I cannot take it anymore! Do you know what you’ve done to me? You made me feel, damn you! And I felt it all, too,” Kronis sneered. “Every life, every soul I ever did damage to. If there were demons in me before, it was nothing compared to now.” He closed his eyes and then slowly reopened them to look at her with pure, unadulterated torment and fury.

  “I will end this, once and for all,” Kronis vowed lethally. He looked to the battle beyond the water, realizing that the night was lost to him. He shook his head slowly in disgust and then turned his haunted eyes back to Alex.

  “You may try, Alexandria, to bring me into the fold, but I cannot and will not follow you. I am not one of your sheep, and you are not my shepherd,” he spat through gritted teeth.

  Alex actually found a smile at his choice of words, and she angled her aura’s head at him before she spoke.

  “No, Kronis, I am not your shepherd. The Lord Jesus Christ is your shepherd, and you would do well to follow Him.” Alex let her words sink in as Kronis stood looking slackjawed into her beautiful face, radiating love and sincerity directly at him.

  Kronis screamed and brought his sword up, slicing with all his might into Alex’s aura, and she felt herself dissipate right before his eyes.

  Alexandria began to shake in Jack’s arms. She lost her grip on the sword she held, and she lost control of her legs. He saw her collapse coming and lifted her up in his arms, then gently laid her on the sofa. Jack did not have to place his hand on her face to feel the incredible heat rolling off of her body. He realized whatever she had been doing had just caught up with her.

  He knelt beside Alex and looked at her face, wishing he possessed an aura that could heal her and lead her back. Jack thought of what she had done for him when Aagon had attacked, and he leaned forward. He kissed Alex tenderly but with all the love and hope he held for her in his heart.

  When he lifted his head, she was still lost, and he whispered, “Come back, Alex. Come back as quickly as you can.”

  Chapter 27