Read Immortal Reborn - Arianna's Choice Page 32

Every Nephilim of the Light felt the precise moment Alexandria left the field of battle. Gaius felt it so keenly that he thought his knees would buckle. There were only a few half-demons left to dispatch, and Alex’s brethren made quick work of them. As one, Gaius, Rohan, Elrick, and Iain laid the last before them to rest and then turned, headed back into the castle.

  Gaius did not bother with the safeword. His anguish gave him renewed strength, and he burst through the library door, throwing the chest across the room as he entered. He was by Jack’s side in an instant, looking at her fevered body. He ran his hands through the air over her, looking for signs of life and aura.

  “She’s still with us, Gaius. But just barely, I think,” Jack said warily.

  Gaius nodded at his words, then stood, gathering Alex up in his arms.

  “Help me run a cold bath for her, Jackson,” he asked, and Jack moved with him rapidly up the stairs to her room.

  Jack ran into the watercloset and plugged the tub, filling it with cold water. Gaius sat on the seat by the large window and began to take off Alex’s shoes and then her socks. When the tub was half full, he lifted her and placed her in it. Alex shook a bit more from the tremors running through her body, but Gaius knelt beside the tub and held her head up so she could breathe. Jack moved to the opposite side, ready if he was needed.

  Gaius looked at him and then nodded his thanks. Jack returned the gesture, and they moved their gaze to Alex’s body.

  “She still burns with fever,” said Gaius in anguish. “Jack, will you hold her head up for me? I am going to try to reduce her temperature.”

  Jack placed his arms in the chilly water and used his forearms and hands to support Alex’s head and neck. Gaius took both of her hands in his and closed his eyes. After several minutes, Jack began to actually smell a fragrance in the air. He knew that Gaius was using the full strength of his aura to connect with Alexandria to heal her and bring her back to them. Jack wondered to himself if his face held the same grief stricken look he saw on Gaius’ countenance. He was sure that it did.

  They stayed that way until Jack lost all feeling in his legs. Sabina, John, and Ahadi came in and began to employ their auras also. Eventually, Archimedes, Rohan, Iain, Elrick, and E-We squeezed their way into the now crowded space and began to work towards Alex’s healing as well. Jack was so touched by their love and devotion that he had to close his eyes and bow his head for a moment.

  “We must take her from the water now, Gaius,” said Sabina softly. “Please, let us,” she implored. When he lifted his eyes to hers, they were red and haunted. “Please?” she asked gently again, and he finally nodded.

  Rohan helped Gaius to his feet, and Iain stepped forward to help Jack up. A silent understanding passed between the men and the women, and all of the men left the watercloset together.

  Sabina, Ahadi, and E-We moved forward and lifted Alexandria gently from the now frigid water. Ahadi held her while E-We and Sabina removed Alex’s sodden clothes and wrapped her in the robe that was still hanging on its hook by the shower. E-We dried Alex’s hair with a towel and ran her fingers through it, willing the air to move and dry it further.

  Sabina opened the door as Ahadi carried Alex through and over to the bed. Archimedes and John had already turned down the sheets to prepare it for her. Rohan, Elrick, and Iain had started a fire while Gaius and Jack stood numbly, trying to think and feel their way through.

  As soon as Ahadi and E-We had Alex settled they turned and looked to Sabina, who took the lead.

  “My friends, Alexandria is not lost to us, only overly taxed,” she said with unmistakable confidence in her voice. “We are all covered in the gore of battle. Ahadi, E-We, and I will stay with her while you all go and bathe yourselves, then you may take over the watch.”

  Gaius started forward, but Sabina stopped him by holding up her hands.

  “Go, Gaius, and make yourself clean. When Alex wakes – and she will wake – she doesn’t need to see you like that. Go,” she ordered him.

  Gaius turned and stalked from the room, saying nothing in response to her command. The rest of the men took his lead and filed out, except for Jack.

  Sabina turned towards him next. “Jack, go next door and put on dry clothes. You are soaked through from Alex’s cold bath. Go, so that we can put Alex into a sleeping gown. We will let you back in when we are finished.” She nodded in encouragement to get him moving.

  Jack dipped his chin and walked out as well, allowing the ladies privacy to change Alex into clothing and tuck her into bed.

  Ahadi stepped into the hall to find Jack already changed and leaning against the door to his bedroom. She walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “She will be well, my friend. Have faith.” Ahadi smiled encouragingly, and he managed to smile back slightly. “You may go in now; Alex is dressed.”

  Ahadi walked down the hall, and Jack slowly entered Alex’s room. E-We and Sabina were both beside her, sharing their auras with her. Sabina looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.

  “Jack, come and sit on the other side of the bed. You can keep watch from there.” She motioned him forward with her head.

  He walked over and picked up a chair, putting it as close to the bed as he could. But even there, Jack still felt too far away. Gaius followed closely behind Jack, and he came in looking freshly showered and changed, no more blood splattered across his skin or clothing. E-We looked at him tenderly and inclined her head at Sabina, then took her leave.

  Gaius came to look down at Alex and nodded in Jack’s direction, acknowledging him.

  “I will go wash the blood away now too, Gaius. I’ll be back with food for you both when I return,” Sabina said and smiled tentatively before turning and leaving them with Alexandria.

  Gaius moved forward and lifted what Jack knew to be a very heavy chair, and placed it where the women had just stood. He took Alex’s hands in his and began to pass his aura along to her once again, trying to restore her, to mend her.

  Gaius finally looked up at Jack and said, “Thank you, for being with her once again. For trying to keep her safe.”

  “I’m not sure how much good I did, Gaius. She was so engaged in what you all were struggling through that I could only hold onto her and try to keep Alex anchored to something real and tangible.” Jack exhaled heavily, still filled with regret that he could not have done more.

  “And that may have made all the difference, friend,” Gaius said.

  They remained silent for some time, and both took turns eating while the other held Alex’s hands – Jack for support and Gaius for healing and restoration.

  Early in the morning, just as dawn was peeking through the windows, Jack spoke again.

  “Gaius, I can only imagine what it would be like to have Alexandria as my wife, but you do know. You’ve loved and lost her, and I’m sure you don’t want to lose her again. I don’t want to come between the two of you, so say the word, and I’ll take my leave,” Jack said in as even a tone as he could manage around the emotion behind his words.

  Gaius looked into Jack’s eyes and smiled sadly, then he began to shake his head.

  “No, my friend, but thank you for your words. If Alexandria wakes to find you gone, she would truly hold it against me. No, whether I find comfort in this situation or not, we are both in her life for a reason. She will choose her path, and the one whom she wants to share it with.”

  “But know this,” Gaius added, “I truly believe she is mine. I have been her husband for almost two thousand years, and I will not give her up so easily. I never want to be parted from her again,” he said, conviction and determination resounding in his voice and in his words.

  “I understand, Gaius. I do,” murmured Jack, looking back over at Alex who still slumbered, and who still looked too pale.

  Alexandria was walking through a library, her bare feet striking the cool stone tiles softly. Sh
e could feel the heat on her skin from the stifling Egyptian air, but the roof soaring over her head provided some relief. Alex slowed as she passed a small reflecting pool, which sat in the center of the room in which she found herself. She ran her fingers through the cool water, savoring the temperature and the texture.

  Her sheer, white linen dress was perfect for such a climate, but Alex wished she could peel it off and get into the water to take some of the heat away. She looked around and beheld many men with shaved heads. Each wore a linen wrap shendyt, and they moved from shelf to shelf, some replacing scrolls while others removed them. She observed two men discussing the contents of a particularly large scroll they had placed on a table before them, using smooth stones to hold down its corners and edges.

  “Ah,” she thought to herself, “I know where I am.” Alex felt her smile grow as she observed all that was before her.

  “The great Library of Alexandria,” said Ganymede reverently as he came to stand by her side. He gazed out with Alex at the vast repository of knowledge that seemed to go on forever. “It was never really lost, you know. All this was once, and so it still remains. Humankind will never forget this place.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I see.”

  Alex put one arm out and encircled Ganymede’s waist. He, in turn, put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her to his side. They stood together like that, holding on to each other and watching as the scribes and priests moved from shelf to shelf until Alex pulled back and looked up into his eyes. They were bright and shining with his love and pride.

  “I am so proud of you, my daughter. You did well for your friends. They suffered no losses because of your bravery.”

  “I tried, Ganymede, but I don’t think it was enough. When I cast my aura out and use my mind in other capacities at the same time, it becomes too much, and I feel stretched too thin. Shall I get better in time, you think?” she asked him.

  “I think that you may become more at one with your powers, and thus, become skilled as you once were. You will be able to control more than one ability at the same time, and thereby protect more innocents.” Ganymede looked down at her with concern etched across his forehead. “Have you decided what you will choose, my child, for your future? Will you remain mortal or will you return to immortality?” he asked her gently.

  Alex shook her head. “I have yet to decide, Ganymede. I’ve learned so much this past week.” She laughed aloud at that thought. “Goodness, I can’t believe it’s been just a little over a week for me! I am truly beginning to see what good I might do, but I need to learn more about the service that will be required of me, and what I will be sacrificing if I tell you yes. Can I have just a bit more time, please?” she asked quietly.

  He turned to meet her gaze and answered her question truthfully. “Yes, Alexandria, you may have more time, but not as much as I would like to give you, my child. Time is drawing short for you, and you will have to give your answer sooner than you may like. It is the way it must be, though.”

  “You, my daughter, are like this great library you were named after,” he said, extending his arm and gesturing to all the knowledge contained within its walls. “There is so much more to what you can accomplish if you agree to spend the ages here guarding and protecting, as these priests do with the scrolls. These parchments are like their children, their treasures. So, too, would humankind be to you. Think carefully in the days ahead and be ready with your answer when next I ask.”

  “I understand, Ganymede, I do.” Alex took a few more moments to look back at the never-ending documents displayed throughout the Library while she considered what he was telling her.

  “I thank you for helping me save my friends. I felt myself falter several times, but you continued to channel your power through me. I only wish I could have reached Kronis more,” she said quietly, sighing with regret.

  “Daughter, I think you have done more for him than anyone had ever dared or dreamed possible. You gave him yet another opportunity, I know, and the Lord is well pleased. Do not doubt your gift to see what others cannot. Love knows no bounds, as you have once again proved.”

  Alex smiled but raised a hand to her head to wipe the sweat off of her brow.

  “I’m sorry, Ganymede. I am so very hot,” she said, looking around for water to quench her thirst.

  “You have expended much to save the other immortal children, Alexandria. Come, let me cool your fever and restore you. You must rest for the next few days before you attempt to use your abilities again,” Ganymede instructed, searching her eyes with his.

  He placed his hands on her temples and smoothed her hair back from her face. Alex felt a cool wind lift her hair and then what felt like crisp, healing water cascading from her head and flowing through the rest of her body. She felt Ganymede kiss her forehead and, as before, Alex felt very drowsy and succumbed to sleep.

  Alex felt cool, finally. She sensed sheets around her, so she thought herself to be in bed. She tried to open her eyes, but they would not cooperate. After much effort, Alex was able to pry one open and was surprised by what was before her. She opened both eyes then and fully took in the scene. Jack was kicked back in a chair with his feet propped up on the bed to her right, and Gaius was in a chair to her left. Gaius’ head was lying over on the covers, and his palms encircled her left hand.

  Alex did not want to disturb their sleep, so she lay there just watching the two. How had she ever become so blessed, so quickly, to have not just one, but two dear friends who would risk so much for her safety and well-being, Alex asked herself? Perhaps, she mused, because she was willing to risk just that much and more for them as well. She would do anything for those she loved.

  She saw Jack shift a little, and his eyes lifted to see her staring at him. He smiled broadly and put a finger to his lips, pointing then at Gaius. Alex nodded and stretched out her right hand to him, and he gladly took it in his. Jack squeezed it and mouthed “Welcome back,” to her.

  “Thank you,” she replied silently as well.

  Jack winked at Alex and slowly got up and made his way over to the door. He looked back at her and smiled again, then left, closing the door softly behind him. It was just enough sound, though, to rouse Gaius.

  Gaius’ head came up quickly, and he looked first at the door and then at Alex and saw that she was awake. His eyes became moist as he brought her hand to his lips.

  “Alexandria,” Gaius whispered in quiet reverence.

  “I’m here, Gaius. I’m here,” she said, lifting her hand from his embrace to run her fingers through his hair. It was as silky as she remembered.

  Gaius closed his eyes in silent surrender to her touch and inhaled deeply. He slowly stood and came to sit beside her on the edge of the bed, leaning over Alex and bracing his weight on either side of her with his long arms. His eyes roamed over her face for a few moments before he spoke.

  “What you attempted saved many, Alex, but it also cost you dearly. You must take more care, if not for yourself or me, then for all the others who love you. Still, I am very proud of you,” he said, smiling. “Though I wanted to tear the doors down and come stop you, Rohan convinced me to stay and fight. You saved us all, my love.”

  She shrugged, embarrassed by his praise. “I saw you fighting, Gaius. I was so afraid for you, so afraid to lose you,” Alex whispered, and she saw his eyes widen a fraction at her comment.

  “So there is hope for us yet, then?” he teased and angled his head to the side.

  “Of course there is.” She chuckled. “You look so young when you smile like that. Gaius, how old are you?” Alex asked quietly.

  “You know that I am almost two thousand years old, but I stopped aging at about twenty-nine human years, as they measure the calendar now. Why?” he pressed for her thoughts.

  Alex just shook her head.

  Gaius leaned closer, his lips hovering just over hers. “Why, Alexandria?” he
breathed against her skin.

  “Just curious what my mother might think when she meets you.” Alex giggled, surprising herself.

  “I love that sound, Alex, the sound of your laughter. I am so glad you are here,” he said, leaning in to touch his lips to hers.

  It was an undemanding kiss. One that spoke of Gaius’ adoration, but also his desire to not excite Alexandria, only soothe her. When he pulled back, he smiled tenderly and moved a hand to trail it down her face. He gently caressed her skin and made her sigh as his aura danced across the path his fingers traversed.

  Finally, Gaius paused and asked, “Alex, do you want to try to get up?”

  She thought about her body’s needs and agreed.

  Gaius stood again and put his arms under Alex’s knees and back, then lifted her, taking her into the watercloset. He settled her on the same bench where he sat holding her the night before when he had removed her shoes and socks. He placed one finger under her chin and lifted it so she would look into his eyes.

  “Alexandria, I am going to be right outside if you need me. If you feel faint or ill, call out, and I will be right back in here by your side. Do not worry about modesty. There was a time when I cared for your body, as well as your heart and soul. Understand?” he said gently.

  Her eyes grew large, but she replied, “I do. Thank you, Gaius.”

  He kissed her on the forehead, then turned and left her alone.

  Alex stood and realized just how weak she really was. Jack’s diagnosis the night before seemed appropriate now. She really did feel as though she were recovering from the flu.

  She moved slowly and took care of her most immediate needs, then remembered that she still had tissue in her nostrils from the helicopter ride over. Alex removed each tiny ball and flushed all evidence of them away. Then she glanced at herself in the mirror. Alex decided that a shower was called for and she got into the warm water, letting the seat support her while she bathed.

  She tried not to remember the blood she had seen in the shower after Aagon attacked Jack, and the blood she had witnessed during the night as her friends fought their enemies. It was too much, and Alex closed her eyes against the mental images.

  When she was finished, she stood and left the shower, reaching for her robe and thankfully found it on its hook. She chastised herself for not checking before. Alex found her legs were really beginning to shake by then, so she sat hard on the bench and tried to bring the room back into focus.

  Feeling herself close to tipping over the edge, Alex called out to Gaius. He was there before she could finish his name. He came over and took one look at her, and then lifted Alex and headed back towards the bed. Sabina was there, as well as John. Gaius propped Alexandria up atop the bed and began to place a few extra pillows around her to better support her. Sabina gently touched Alex’s arm, and then handed her a glass of fresh orange juice to begin the process of nourishing her still weak body.

  Alex tried to pull her robe around her, and she looked at John, hoping for answers.

  “John, why am I so weak?” she asked. “I feel like I’ve been very ill.”

  “Alex, you generated an incredible amount of mental and aura offense last night. Your muscles and body are reacting to the strain. You must take it slowly for the next few days, okay?” he asked expectantly.

  “Yes, that is what Ganymede told me to do,” Alex said, and snared an immediate response from Gaius.

  “When was he with you, Alexandria? Last night?” Gaius asked.

  “I certainly felt him with me throughout last night’s battle, especially when I found Kronis. But he was with me while I slept, and helped me to return,” Alex answered, noting the looks of shock and dismay on their faces.

  “You faced Kronis last night? How, Alex, and where?” whispered Gaius, his expression unreadable.

  “Don’t be angry with me. I found his aura while I was giving you all access to their future plans. He was on the other side of the lake, standing back and watching everyone else fight for him,” Alex said, shaking her head. “I just basically imagined my aura coalescing in front of Kronis, and I was able to talk to him. Is that not something I have ever done before?” she asked them all.

  Gaius closed his eyes and sat back beside her on the bed. Alex looked around at their expressions and finally made eye contact with Sabina.

  “No, Alex, it is not something you have ever done before to my knowledge,” she answered. Sabina looked at the others. “I think we should all hear the details of last night from your perspective, Alexandria. If I helped you to dress, would you feel like coming downstairs to sit in the library, so that we may all talk?”

  “No, Sabina. Alex does not need to be downstairs. She needs to stay right where she is,” Gaius stated, trying to quell her idea.

  Alex thought she saw a way around the stalemate forming between the two, and took the matter into her own hands.

  “Gaius,” she said, touching his hand to draw his attention back to her. “I am hungry. Why don’t I let Sabina assist me as I put some clothing on, and then you can help me go downstairs to the kitchen? I’ll eat something first to give me some strength and stamina, and then I can sit beside you all and tell you what happened. Will that work?” Alex patted his hand, hoping to gain his cooperation.

  Gaius gave her an exasperated look. “You let one of us carry you, alright? No walking, running, or anything too strenuous. Understand?” he pressed.

  Alex could not help but laugh at Gaius just a bit, though she was trying so hard to take him seriously. Her laughter was infectious, and Sabina and John started to chuckle as well. Finally, Gaius gave up the struggle to maintain a straight face. He hung his head in defeat and laughed softly along with the three. Peering up at Alex, Gaius shook his head in mock reprimand.

  “Oh, Alexandria! You are just as bossy as you ever were,” he said playfully. Gaius stood and kissed her quickly but firmly and headed out of the bedroom.

  John took his leave next, and Sabina began to help Alex dress in clothes she had brought upstairs from her own closet. Alexandria was grateful that Sabina did not seem embarrassed by her state of undress, and it made it easier for Alex to disrobe in front of her.

  “They stayed with you the whole night, Alexandria, both Jack and Gaius,” Sabina said as she was helping Alex into her undergarments.

  “I know. I woke and found them both here, one on either side of me. What am I going to do, Sabina? I have feelings for them both, and I do not want to hurt either of them,” said Alex, sounding so forlorn.

  Sabina told Alexandria how the two men had worked together to place her in the cold bath, and how the others had helped to care for her body when she could not. Alex was deeply humbled and moved by the attention and concern they had shown her. Sabina concluded by telling Alex how Jack and Gaius had returned and taken over the watch, and how she felt the two had reached some type of accord.

  “I have every faith that this will all work out as it should, Alex. Continue to follow your heart, and it won’t lead you astray,” Sabina advised, straightening Alex’s shirt for her.

  “But what if my heart has affection for both, Sabina?” she pressed.

  “Ah, Alex. The heart can love many different people in many different ways: mother, father, brother, sister, friend, husband, or wife. If you truly listen closely enough, you will eventually work out who is who in your heart, and you will follow it to happiness. I am sure. Now that you are dressed let us do something with your hair.” Sabina smiled as she helped Alex stand and walk back into the watercloset where she could assist her further.

  “Thank you, dear friend,” said Alexandria, looking at Sabina in the mirror while she took over the task of drying Alex’s hair for her.

  “No, it is we who are thankful, Alexandria. Thankful for your sacrifice last night, and your friendship today,” Sabina replied, smiling at her friend and squeezing her shoulders.

/>   They left the bedroom together and found Gaius waiting in the hall. Sabina just shook her head and went ahead of them down the stairs as he lifted Alexandria and began down with her. Alex looked into his eyes, so blue and green, but still more blue that day than green. She smiled and held fast to Gaius’ strong arms as he took her into the kitchen and placed her on a stool.

  As Gaius straightened to retrieve a glass from a cabinet, Jack turned away from the sink and came over to sit on her left, smiling. He leaned into Alex and bumped her shoulder with his as he asked, “How ya feeling?”

  “Like I have the flu.” She smiled back at him, and they both chuckled. “How are you, Jack?”

  “Never been better,” he quipped, stretching his legs out in front of him. “The good guys won, and I saved the girl.” At that statement, they both burst out laughing, causing others in the kitchen to laugh along with them.

  She shook her head as Gaius walked back over and placed a tray of food in front of her. He lowered himself onto a stool and took his place to her right. Alex let the two of them keep up the flow of conversation while she ate every morsel that was placed before her. She felt like she could eat another bowl of oatmeal, and Gaius, seeming to understand where her eyes were looking, got up and made her a second portion without comment.

  After she had finished, Alex began to stand to clear her place, but both Gaius and Jack placed a hand on one of her shoulders. They gently pushed Alex back down on her stool. They were both shaking their heads, and she understood their silent message.

  “Oh, good grief, you guys! I can walk on my own, I really can,” Alex said, clearly frustrated with them both. She heard Rohan’s laughter behind her.

  “They giving you a hard time, Alex?” he asked. “Come here.” Rohan leaned down to lift Alex from her stool with such strength that she grabbed his arms and yelped.

  “Be careful with her,” Gaius warned.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he sighed and started off with Alex in the direction of the library.

  “You’re calling me Alex now,” she said, meeting Rohan’s intense gaze. “I noticed when I left to meet Gaius.”

  “That’s your name, isn’t it?” he asked, walking her over to a large, leather chair in the library.

  Alex swatted his arm, and Rohan pretended to drop her so that she really had to hold on to him. Alex squealed with delight. They shared a laugh over his uncharacteristic play. She leaned up in his arms and hugged him.

  “Thank you, Rohan,” Alex whispered.

  He muttered something she could not make out, turning gruff from her praise. Still, Alex did not miss the slight blush staining Rohan’s cheeks as he turned away.

  Slowly, they all came to the library and either found a seat or brought a chair in with them. Archimedes took the lead and called everyone together. He asked that they all give Alexandria their attention while she told them about her experience the night before.

  Sabina stepped forward to avoid a tug-of-war between Jack and Gaius. She helped Alex stand and guided her over to a desk so she had something to lean against. Alexandria told the immortals how she used her aura to build a fence around their perimeter, how she had tried to monitor their progress by locating their auras, and how, when she saw one fall, she used her ability to see into the future to help them turn the tide decisively. All of this, Alex thought they knew.

  Then, she explained how she had focused a portion of her concentration and mind on Kronis’ aura, and tried to locate him in the mêlée. Alex had finally found him on the shore of their lake, and she told the Nephilim of her effort to solidify her aura and actually speak to him. She repeated their conversation, word for word, and told them how Kronis had struck out at her aura with his sword. Alex quietly related that it was that action which caused her to falter.

  Finally, she told them that Ganymede had visited with her while she slept and helped to restore her so that she might return. Alex did not mention that he had asked her if she was ready to transition, or her request for more time. Nor did she tell them that Ganymede had warned her that her time was running out. Those thoughts Alex kept to herself for the moment.

  “Alex, I don’t know whether to think you are incredibly brave, or just plain crazy,” said Elrick, coming over to hug her. “Girl, you’ve got some nerve, I’ll give you that.”

  He patted Alex, then turned and leaned against the desk next to her. Elrick stayed there while the group discussed Kronis’ possible future plans, and one and all agreed that this felt like his attempt to test the waters to learn what Alexandria was capable of. Alex began to lean into Elrick’s side, and he put his arm around her to hold her up.

  Several members began to discuss plans to recall many more of their brethren from their stations around the globe and consolidate power. Strategies and battle plans became the topic of discussion, and Alexandria felt her fatigue taking hold again. She leaned completely into Elrick and dozed off, still mostly sitting upright.

  Elrick realized that she was no longer conscious, and continued his hold on her until Gaius came forward and took Alex in his arms. Upon returning to her room, he settled her into bed, then brought his chair back to her side. Gaius extended his legs and took Alex’s left hand in his right, and soon they were both napping together.

  Much later, Jack came to the door and knocked softly. Hearing Gaius call him inside, he entered and stated that he was just checking to see if either of them needed anything before he turned in for the night. Gaius feigned a need to step out for a while and gave the watch over to Jack.

  Alexandria did not know that they took turns keeping guard throughout the night as she slept the remainder of her afternoon and evening away. When she woke the next morning, she felt much more refreshed and got out of bed before Gaius could stop her. Alex showered and shooed him from her room while she changed into clothes that Sabina had brought in for her to borrow since her luggage was still back at Elysium.

  While she was getting ready, Alex made a decision about her immediate future which she needed to address. It was the one decision she could make and be completely at peace with, and it felt like the right time to do it.

  She went to the bedside table and picked up her phone. Alex sent several messages, then made her way across the bedroom and opened the doors to her balcony. She stepped out and gazed across the estate while the cold, winter wind played with her hair. Alex saw that there were still some faint traces of red and pink in the snow, but that all other evidence of their struggle had been removed.

  Closing her eyes, Alex tested the strength of her internal voice. She called to them, one and all, and asked that they meet her in the dining hall, as she had something of importance to tell them. She came back inside and closed the balcony’s doors, locking them behind her.

  Alex looked up to see Gaius coming back in her room, looking concerned. He walked over to stand in front of her and lightly clasped his hands on her upper arms.

  “Alex, what is it? Are you alright?” he asked, studying her face closely.

  “Yes, Gaius, I am much better,” she replied, smiling up at him. “Don’t worry so. I have made a decision, and I think you will find it to be good news. Come walk with me downstairs.”

  Alexandria would not let Gaius carry her. Instead, they walked down together as all the Nephilim made their way to the dining hall to hear what she had to say.

  Chapter 28