Read In Our Dream Page 1

In Our Dream

  Serious and humorous shorts


  Don P. Bick

  Copyright 2011 by Don P. Bick, all rights reserved.

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  I wish all of you love, laughter, and goodwill.

  Give freely of your love.

  Share a smile.

  And promote goodwill.

  For we are all One family.

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  Author’s Note

  These short writings where written using a unique style. This style is meant to be read a little slower, from point to point, allowing the emotion in the text to draw out your feelings; allowing you to identify and make personal the subject matter, to visualize it. The second section contains humorous pieces, while the first section is filled with writings of a more serious nature. Please feel free to laugh out loud, or cry if the mood strikes you. But most of all please feel the love I am sending out to all of you through these words. Enjoy!


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  Table of Contents

  Part I - Serious

  1. In Our Dream

  2. Maybe Today

  3. Beauty

  4. Illusive

  5. In Contemplation of You

  6. Loneliness

  7. Love

  8. Mirror

  9. Missing You

  10. Rebirth

  11. There

  12. Transitions

  13. Firewalker

  Part II - Humorous

  1. Lunch Room

  2. Appointment

  3. Blue-Eyed Blonde

  4. First Date

  5. Roller Coaster

  6. Vacation

  7. About the author

  Part I - Serious


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  I close my eyes. And shut out this world. An undesired reality. Physical plane life. A world of stress. Of pain. Of loneliness. I turn off my sight. My hearing. All external senses. I leave my tired body. And go to you.

  Far from me a light winks out. A few last thoughts. A letting go of the day. You fall asleep. Leave your body. And come to me.

  We meet in a new reality. A different plane. A world that responds to our every thought. Wish. Desire. One of peace. Of happiness. Of shared love.

  We're together. You look up at me and smile. Your beautiful face. Filled with emotion. Passion. Projecting a tender livingness. I receive your thoughts. Your focused attention. I gather my loving response. Create an orb of blue, filled with all the love of which I am capable. And send it gently on to you. Into you. Into your heart.

  I reach out and touch the softness of your hair. Smell the richness of your spirit. Your skin. Its smooth texture thrills my every nerve. Pulsating life radiates from each individual cell. Of yours. And mine. Your eyes glow. Your moist lips part in expectation. Anticipation.

  The space between us swirls in color. Wisps of blue envelope. Encircle. Enclose. Surround us. Fill our hearts with love. Then soft pink. It deepens. Changes to red, symbolizing our building passion. Ever darker. Deeper. Drawing us together into the vortex of its magic. Into the rhythmic enchantment of promised ecstasy.

  We join. Merge into one. And love.

  You and I. One and the same. I experience your feelings. Your thoughts. I become you. I am you. And you me. And yet we remain. Ourselves. Fulfilled. Whole.

  We share a lifetime. Ten thousand lifetimes. All in a moment of inseparable time. But time is not. Only the eternal now exists. A reality conceived in thought. And constructed with love. Our love.

  I awaken. The lingering sensation of your touch is strong. Then gradually fades. Becomes a pleasant mystic memory. A cherished dream.

  Until we meet. Again.

  In this world. I await another nightfall. And sleep. Another timeless moment with you. Wrapped within the paradise of your nurturing arms. Your loving caresses.

  Then together, we will share each other. Again becoming one. Once more exchanging our heart's love. Merging our souls. And experiencing every blissful moment of our created reality. Lost in the swirling mists of passion. In the pure essence of being. In us.

  In our dream.


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  I gaze upon your radiant smile. A picture of indescribable loveliness. Sunlight dances throughout your eyes. Loving beams of life, caressed as only you are able. Then projected. Their reflection speeds across the space between us. Lighting the fire of my life. Warming my heart. Touching my soul. Stimulating. Searing. Cycling tenderly, within and without.

  We lock onto each other's eyes. Those enchanted magnificent eyes. Peering deeply into mine. I'm transported to another world. Another dimension. Time stands still. A moment of suspended perfection. Ours to remember.

  The air is still. Warm. Quiet. A hum pierces the silence. An orange breasted hummingbird hovers nearby, investigating its safety. We watch. Entranced. Filled with wonder. Marveling at its gracefulness. Its exquisite beauty. A precious moment of delight. Of sharing. A new memory. Yours and mine.

  An inadvertent touch. Waves of electric current pass through my system. Elevating my heart rate. Causing my breathing to become shallow. Heightening my sense of touch. Making me consciously aware of your closeness. Of the electricity existing between us. Of the strong magnetic attraction for each other. Of our unvoiced longing to be together.

  Your fragrance. My senses reel. Your heavenly scent permeates my being. The perfume of ten thousand flowers fills my nostrils. I float upward on a cushion of aromatic bliss. I become high. Intoxicated with you.

  I yearn for another touch. The air between us becomes charged with anticipation. Charged with wondrous loving life.

  I'm falling. My mind says no. Stop. My heart refuses to listen. The world grows brighter. All about me is beauty. Life.

  Within me burns a raging fire. Fueled by the radiant glow of your presence. Of your unsurpassed beauty. My heart is on the verge of bursting forth with cleansing blue flame.

  The magic of love. The glory of oneness. The contentment of a loving companion.

  I awake. Refreshed. Rejuvenated. Filled with aspiration and desire. And yet incomplete. Unfulfilled. Alone.

  Maybe today you'll enter my world. My life. And we'll fall in love. Maybe today.


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  A stone. Dull in color. Apparently lifeless. Warm to the touch. It feels good. A speck catches your eye. A closer look reveals a spot of blue, tiny but miraculously alive. The stone is filled with fire, the fire of life.

  Your eyes.

  A flower. Unfolded. Yellow. Nine petals. Scintillating to the vision. Fanned out, accepting the afternoon rays of the sun. Attractive. Beckoning. You lean forward and smell. Aromatic. Sweet. The perfume of life.

  Your hair.

  A newborn fawn. Barely able to stand. Still wet from birth. His nose touches that of his mother's for the first time. He takes a step. The miracle of movement.

  Your lovely face.

  A child. Inquisitive. Active. Concentrating on a task. Curious of everything within her sphere of life. Intelligence in her eyes. An adult thought comes from her lips. The power of the mind.

  Your captivating smile.

  Mountains. Rising majestically toward the heavens. Snow capped. Covered with forest. Peaks shrouded in clouds. Sunshine reflecting off sheer rock cliffs. A waterfall in the distance cascading over a steep rocky bank. A lone eagle making its way toward his nest, high on a cliff-side ledge.

  Your personality.

  Sunshine. Lighting up my day with loving energy. With life. A golden disk, promising a new day after the darkness of night.

  Beauty. A word that can be summed up easier, and in two words.

  Our love.


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  I wander within my mind. Searching. Always searching. For something to write. Some story to tell. Some passage that will touch your heart. To bring a tear to your eye. Or a smile to your lips. Many pages I finish. Still, I'm unsatisfied. It's incomplete. Something is wrong. It's missing the indefinable.

  Why can't you come inside and read my thoughts? My heart? And know who I am. Know what's inside of me. Know how I feel about you.

  What I search for is not illusive. Except when I try to grasp it. Try and pin it to specifics. It isn't misunderstood, quite the contrary. I also believe it has to be definable, should be definable. But how? Even though I've tried all the words, I guess I have them out of order. They don't seem to go together quite right.

  Each day I sit and write. The words flow. They pour from my heart. They seem to blend with my mood. They become me. I feel. I cry. I laugh. Later, I wonder where the feelings went. They aren't on the paper. The words didn't capture what I intended. I'm disappointed. I wanted so much to share it with you, all of it. The real. The non-illusive.

  Perhaps today as I take pen in hand I'll find a way. A way to once and for all say with clarity what is on my mind and in my heart. Share with you my source. My well-spring of inspiration. My reason for writing. My desire to express.

  While I work on it. And until I