Read In Search of Love Page 1


  Pooja Agarwal


  Copyright 2014 Pooja Agarwal

  The V.H.Book Studio

  Lets’ Publish the Future


  My husband and my children

  I am from you and I will be from you

  Note from the Author

  Man is one of the biggest creations of god in this huge world of nature.

  Man is one of the most genius personality created by god.

  Today in this world of huge nature, man has created many things with his genius mind. He invented computers, which is next to the man.

  Man is one of the most curious human being on this earth who has always been in search of something. His desires are endless.

  In today’s economic world of competition on this earth, he is engrossed so much in this materialistic platform created by him that he himself cannot survive.

  The upcoming generation is becoming more and more demanding and desirable. Their materialistic demands are fulfilled by their parents. But still they are searching something in their life. The urge for belongingness and desire for love arouses their whole personality without which they feel life is worthless.

  If you really want to see the life of teenage girl, lacking love and affection then read with me


  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  About the Author


  Chapter: 1


  I got up early morning and as I looked outside, through the window, I saw a beautiful scene of nature which cannot be expressed in words. It was looking like Autumn has come. The scenic beauty was awesome which could be enjoyed from My room. The beautiful garden in front of the room and the river flowing away with great force by side. The beauty of nature was speechless. Early in the morning with raindrops on leaflets, chirping birds and cuckoo singing song of sonnet everywhere, made me enthusiastic and energetic towards life.

  Oh, feeling like to dance and enjoy the life with the beauty of nature.

  I saw a beautiful bird flying in air,

  Imagined I would also do the same I swear.

  I would have enjoyed every gift of nature,

  Never disturbed any bud before it mature.

  I would have played around beautiful flowers,

  Go to sleep in my nest under twinkling stars.

  I imagined I would play with butterfly in the garden,

  Flurting like caterpillar around flowers in garden.

  No botheration about the human world,

  Which is full of tensions and making things absurd.

  I was enjoying My morning with lovely thoughts and romantic atmosphere. Suddenly, a noise came from back, “ get ready soon, my darling, it's almost time up now. You are getting late for your classes. Go and take shower fast, I am preparing breakfast for you.” Said Anna.

  ‘Oh Anna you disturbed my mood. See, it’s so beautiful outside you also come and join me. We will have great time together.’

  ‘ No darling, it’s already 10:30 Am, and your classes begin at 11: am. Don’t waste time and get ready soon.’ Saying this Anna went out from the room.

  I got up from the wall of my window, went to bathroom to take bath. While taking shower I was wondering that, god has created so much of beauty in this world. The world is full of greenery and beautiful flowers and happy colors which makes our life more beautiful.

  Samaira Comes out from the bathroom and wonders, it’s getting late. Rushed to the dinning table, having breakfast in huckle and Shuckle and rushed for my classes.

  Being an Art student, her interest always inclined towards creativity, music and dance. She had no time to chatter with others as she was always busy with classes only. In college, she gives time for classes only. Nothing more than that. From classes, back to her house, then she and her friend Anna, she is everything for her.

  I always ask Anna, ‘ when mine “unknown” prince will come?’ you have always told me the stories and tales of prince who come on a white horse and take his princess. And then they live their life with love ever after.

  ‘when mine prince will come Anna?’ when a smart and dashing prince with a beautiful and caring nature will come for me?’

  As the days are passing, the age of teen i.e. 17 is growing, the lust for care and love is becoming more sharper in her. The desire to get someone special who would cherish her with love is becoming stronger.

  When the night gets dark,

  It makes me think sharp.

  Where are you hidden away from me,

  When will you come and cherish me?

  Gazing moon in the sky,

  Thinking always when you will be mine.

  Soft breeze blowing away from my side,

  Arising a feeling of love and divine.

  My passion goes on becoming stronger,

  As time is passing making days more longer.



  Darling, you are full of life. You enjoy your life in every circumstance. I know you and that’s why I really love you so much. While talking to samaira I went into the old memories of long years back.

  I was 10 years old when samaira’s grand mother brought me from an orphanage.samaira’s grandmother Mrs.Muffet was a social worker. She worked for poor and orphan children and always dedicated her time and money for bringing happiness in their lives. She was an epitome of serenity and calmness.

  I was one of the outcast children and always sat quietly in a corner of my matron’s room. One day Mrs.Muffet came to orphanage and she saw me there, called me, ‘ come, come here my child’ I got up quietly and went close to her. She looked at me with love and kindness and told the matron that she want to adopt me. She brought me home and treated me like her own daughter.

  Samaira’s mother, daughter of Mrs.Muffet was 7 years old. I started living and playing with her. She became a very good friend of mine. As the time was moving our friendship was getting firmer and she started believing me very much. After her marriage she brought me with her in her new house. So that she never felt lonely in the new house and new people also.

  When samaira’s mother died. She said me….

  ‘ I have very little time Anna. I can leave this world at any moment. Just promise me that you will take care of samaira and never feel her alone and parentless in this world.’ Saying this she closed her eyes for ever and left a small cute little angel in my hands.

  I still cannot forget those sad demises that, the little child who never got the love of her parents. Mr.Samson, is always busy with his work. He never spends time with his daughter. After death of Mrs. Samson, he made his work everything. His whole world got confined in business only. Today he is one of the greatest millionaires of the decade.

  Though she did not
get the love of her parents, she has hope and desire for love in her heart. She has beautiful dreams like every teenage girl have in their eyes for their bright future.

  Anyways, taking a long breath…. I came out of my thoughts and vision of past history.

  I always tried to motivate samaira with inspirational and spiritual stories. Which should incline her thoughts towards bright future and happy loving life. She started believing too, that one day she will definitely find her “unknown” love for whom she has heard in my fairy tales and stories from early childhood.

  I tried to develop her positive attitude towards a bright future.

  Shaking my shoulders, she asks me ‘what Anna, where are you lost? You seem to be thinking something. Tell me Anna, what you are thinking? Is there any problem? Tell me. After all, I am your friend. Isn’t it?’

  ‘ Yes, my darling, you are whole world for me.’

  ‘You have such a melodious voice, why don’t you join in singing?’ you are fond of music and singing. I want your love for music should be polished.

  Yeah, good suggestion, Anna. Even I was thinking for a few days to get engaged into some creative activity.

  ‘ Oh Anna, you really make me feel special. You are the one who understands me. She kissed me on my cheeks and expressed her feeling of belongingness and happiness towards me.

  I admire you,

  Because you are always true.

  You are the one who inspires me,

  From your deeds motivate me.

  I admire you,

  Because you are never shrude,

  You are cool and calm like a sea.

  Blowing like a soft breeze.

  You are the person whom I admire,

  To become like you

  Is my desire.

  I always admire only you,

  And no other person can

  Replace you.

  Chapter 3:


  All of a sudden I got a call on my cell phone when I was busy in taking a violin class of my students.

  Hello… Hello.. (A voice came from the other side)

  ‘Yes, ma'am, may I know whom you want to speak to?’

  ‘ Ya, is this from “ music Academy”?’

  ‘Yes mam, what can I do for you?’ yeah, I got your number from newspaper Advertisement. Do you take home classes also? Yes, ma'am, I do.

  ‘Ok, I am interested in taking violin classes from you. You may have to come to my home for taking classes.’ Samaira said in requesting node.

  Ok, Mam you message me your Address and your contact number. I will let you know about, within a few days.

  Fine, I will do so. Saying this she ended the call.

  After finishing my classes, I thought that I am free in the evening. Now only during morning hours mine 2 batch are going on. I checked my schedule and gave a call to her.

  ‘Yes Mam, this is from “Music Academy”. When should I start for your classes? I am free during evening hours. Fine with me, you can start with tomorrow. I am also free during evening hours.’

  But mam, mine fees for taking personnel home classes is more, comparatively.

  Ok, no problem with me.

  I went the next day to her house for taking classes. It was not house, it was a palace. A big huge palace. While entering her house, a security guard on the main gate, asked about me. He asked all my details. After getting confirmation through the intercom from inside the house, he slowed me to enter her house.

  As I entered her house, one of the servants called upon her from inside. I was told to wait in the living room. So big and lavishing, I have never seen such a beautiful house before.

  There comes one pretty girl, introduced herself.

  ‘ Hello, I am samaira. I called you up for violin classes. I am going to learn music from you.’

  For a minute I was unable to blink my eyes from her pretty face.

  Beauty is always speechless,

  Defining it is worthless.

  No one knows what is inside,

  Always misunderstands by judging from outside.

  Those things which appear appealing,

  Sometimes are not wise and soothing.



  She was practicing the first notation of violin taught by Ash yesterday. She was enjoying her time with learning music. Suddenly, someone knocks, the door.

  ‘Who’s that?’ I asked

  ‘Your music teacher has come mam Samaira.’ Replied the maid who was knocking the door.

  Ok, take him to the ‘music room’ I am coming. She holds her violin and goes into the ‘music room’.

  ‘Hello sir,’ she wish him

  ‘Don’t call me sir, you can call me Ash. My students call me by my name. I like to be friendly with my students.’ Says Ash

  He started taking her violin class daily in the evening around at 5:30 PM. She enjoys his company, due to his friendly and jolly nature.

  ‘Today I will teach you new tune, you will enjoy this one. This is very romantic and passionate tune.’ He holds violin on his shoulders and started playing it.

  She really got so engrossed in listening to the music of his violin, that she forgot there is something else around.She Cannot see anything else except Ash playing violin and hear nothing but only tunes of his violin. She was lost in the holy world of pleasure.

  He was looking so smart having tall height with broad shoulders, curly black hair on fair complexion with brown expressive eyes. When he plays violin so sweetly, anyone would fall in love with him.

  Love for music was changing its face, and when the feeling for Ash started taking place in her heart and mind, she also don’t know.

  Now, many times she keeps on listening to Ash for hours.

  ‘Ok mam, it's time up now, I have to take your leave.’ Says Ash.

  ‘Wait Ash! Please once more…. I want to hear this music again. Please for my sake….’’

  ‘ I will not ask you to play again then. Just once……’

  ‘ Something is there in you, which pulls me towards you. Even I cannot ignore the beauty and attraction in you.’ Ash thought for a moment, looking towards samaira with passion and then sat on the chair again, to play the violin.

  There was the beginning of love story of both of them, about which they also don’t know. The feelings for each other were taking place in their heart.

  Love is a beautiful feeling,

  Which cannot be based on any dealings.

  It becomes more strong and strong,

  When intentions behind are not wrong.

  Caring and sharing are the foundation of love,

  When nourished with understanding becomes healing stuff.

  No medicine can bring you back in this world,

  But love can return your happiness with entire world.

  Love is an endless desire,

  That cannot be purchased of brought on hire.

  Love can happen anywhere with anyone,

  Does not see the culture or color of person.

  No one knows when it comes in life?

  Without whom we cannot survive.

  Love change away the entire life and personality,

  Which help us to reach more closer towards humanity.



  ‘ Hello ! Samaira’

  You look marvelous, Samaira….

  Is there anything special today?

  This ‘baby pink’ color is blossoming your beauty and you are looking as fresh as pure like a budding flower.

  Giving sweet smile, she comes with violen, close to him.

  ‘Ok, Ash lets start…’ she says

  ‘ Start? Start what??

  Ash….. Marked Samaira shows him violin in her hands.

  Oh yeah, come.

  ‘ Hold the violin in your left shoulder, and string in your right hand.’

  He held her hand and guiding her to play from his hands.

/>   ‘ Ash, this is not my first day. I am not a beginner, it's going to be more than a month I am learning violin from you.’

  Today Ash was unable to hold his emotions. Again he insisted her. Again holding her hand, he says ‘you are not playing properly, I will tell you.’

  His hands were moving slowly…. Slowly… in her arms. He was trying to feel the silky softness of her skin.

  She was looking so pretty in that pink sleeveless gown, that it was becoming difficult for him to hold his feelings. He was trying to smell the fragrance of her body which was making him crazier.

  Though samaira was enjoying but, still a bit of hesitation was there in between both of them.

  ‘ Ok, Ash… I think, you may be getting late. Its time now.’ Saying this she moved away hesitatingly.

  ‘ But, hello!! Listen man, Samaira……’ murmured.

  She ran away from there. But he can feel the passion for him in her eyes also. He knows that, she was trying to suppress her feelings she has in her heart.

  Whole night he could not sleep, he kept on thinking about her only.

  Thinking whole night just about you,

  Unable to understand the reason of infatuation towards you.

  Want to understand you from toe till head,

  My unfilled desire will make me completely mad.

  Cannot think of anything else,

  Becoming a mystery like closed sea-shell.

  Unless I taste the fragrance of your beauty,

  which looks awesome as dipped in purity.

  When I went to sleep did not know,

  Heated body shivering, as if, there is snow.



  ‘ Hey, you are completely wet… the water is dropping from your hairs and clothes. How come you got so wet Ash?’

  ‘ I am feeling cold samaira, first help me out, get me something to change my clothes, then tell you the whole story about.’ Ash replied with shivering voice.

  ‘Oh, sorry! I am so sorry. When I saw you coming here, from my window, I ran so fast to open the door that, I forgot about everything.’