Read In Search of Love Page 5

  ‘ Go my darling go, and show this world that you are special and someone special will automatically find you one day.’

  You need to set out goal once,

  Path will come automatically without any suspense.

  Go on working hard towards your destination,

  No matter if you get anybody’s rejection.

  Just make sure not to break anybody’s trust,

  To reach sky with beloved ones this is must.

  Difficulties may arise in your life,

  Which may feel you depressed and cry.

  But you have to succeed without bothering why?

  Crossing each hurdle successfully to reach the sky.


  Chapter 19:


  Samaira went to Australia. She joined a ‘Talent and Art Academy’ in Australia. She did her training and gained knowledge in music and singing, under the supervision of the great experts of the musical world.

  ‘ You are one of the favorite learner of mine samaira. I have observed the pain in your melodious voice. Whenever I hear you, I feel as if you are lacking something in life. There seems an urge for something in your melodious voice.’ Samaira’s music teacher says to her.

  ‘ Music is my passion, sir, and this passion will make my destiny. Human nature is very demanding, their wants and desires are endless. Let’s see when my desire will be fulfilled and the urge to search someone special will come to an end.’

  ‘I wish you all the best from my heart. And I know one day you will surely become a great singer in the music world. You will find what you want. Your zeal to work hard and your passion towards music will surely make you successful in your way to achieve your goal.’

  ‘ Thank you very much, sir.’ Samaira wished him in a very grateful manner.

  She took training for two years and one day she really got a big break. Which brought samaira into limelight, she came up as one of the most talented stars in the eyes of people, this event proved out to be a stepping stone towards success of samaira. After this she never needed to turn back.

  One day samaira was sitting and stories of past were moving in her mind. She got disturbed and restless. No one was there in new country, with whom she can share her feelings, Noone was there to provide her a shoulder to cry. Her past thoughts made her mind chaotic. she could not hold herself and thus started playing violen.

  She was playing violen so passionately that her emotions were coming out in the form of music which was clearly defining her abysmal pain inside her heart. Tears were flowing down from her eyes. She got engrossed so much in her music that she forgot she is in the Academy. She continued singing till she got tired and completely exhausted. She burst out all her anger in playing her anger on her vocal cords and violen.

  She sat down with tiring breath and whole her body sweating. Suddenly a noise of claps clattered all over the hall, people were gathered there. Her teacher’s were so impressed that they said , we haven’t seen such passion for singing ever before. She should be given special chance and training.

  And from here journey towards success started for her.

  The proposals for her were increasing day by day and the time to overcome the demands and proposal was decreasing day by day. How five years passed away, struggling ,she also did not come to know.

  Life is a war at every step,

  You win yourself or with someone’s help.

  If approach towards war is positive,

  It will lead your mind with more creative.

  Consider every war as a challenge,

  Go on stepping ladder to reach the edge.

  Make your mind to be a winner,

  Not like boss, but like leader.

  Winning a race of war with best wishes,

  Always helps to stay in heart of well wishers.

  It’s been five years. Two years of learning and three years since working. She was thinking sitting alone, suddenly a call came in her mobile.

  ‘Hello Anna! How are you?’ asked samaira

  ‘ I am fine my darling….. I miss you very much. It’s been such a long time to see you. I am always waiting for you, when you will come back. Says Anna.

  ‘ I will come soon Anna. Even I miss you too.’ Tears fall from samaira’s eyes.

  ‘ I see your interviews on T.V many times, see your photo’s in magazines and newspapers also. I feel on top of this world. You did it samaira, you proved it that, anything can be achieved if we wish to do so.’

  ‘ Ok Anna, it's getting time for my recordings, talk to you later on. Bye for now.’

  Samaira decides to go back to India. She ends up with all her recordings within 3 months and returns to India.

  Chapter 20:


  ‘ All of you do it fast. My darling is coming after five years. Hey, you common clean this broken petals from the floor. Put some flowers here in the entrance. When my darling will enter the house, she should feel sweet fragrance of roses.’

  Anna decorated whole house with flowers. She collected flowers from all the florist in the city. She herself cooked samaira’s favorite Indian food. As she saw a car entering the house, her heart started beating faster.

  ‘ My darling……….’ She hugged her passionately. She had no words to speak. Her eyes started watering.

  ‘ samaira……….. My darling…….. I only know, how I spend these five years without you. I always prayed to god for you only, my child. The tears were flowing from the eyes of Anna. But this time the tears were flowing due to happiness.

  ‘ Today I am feeling that, the journey of my life becomes successful samaira. Today your name and dignity is so high that, this world is looking under your feet.

  Never leave hands with hope,

  As without this there is no scope.

  No matter how many time you are ditched,

  All keep your hope alive and preached.

  Fulfill your dreams with little bit of hope,

  Become a great personality and durable like gold.

  Never regret if not rewarded anywhere,

  As there is always second chance somewhere.

  Samaira was listening to Anna. To control on her emotions she says to Anna, ‘ Oh, Anna at least let me get inside. You will talk everything on the door. I know you must have made my favorite food for me.’

  ‘ Oh, sorry darling, come inside, I just forgot everything, could not hold on my emotions and burst out.’

  At night, Anna and samaira they conversed for the whole night as they met each other after such a long time. Samaira was sharing her experiences she had during last five years in Australia and Anna was also listening her curiously.

  ‘ Ok darling its very late now, you must be tired from such a long journey, take a rest. Go to sleep, my darling. We will have more talks tomorrow.’ Anna hugged samaira and saying this she switched off the lights of summaries room and she also goes to sleep.

  Chapter 21:


  ‘ good morning Anna’

  Samaira was getting ready as Anna entered to her bedroom.

  ‘ you got ready also samaira? I thought you must be sleeping.’

  ‘ I have to go for meeting Anna. After two days, there is live concert of famous international singers, where I have to perform. So I have no time now, I have to go. See you in the evening.’

  ‘ Bye Anna’

  ‘ Bye my darling’

  Today samaira has become famous and one of the greatest personality in the world of music. She had many followers and fans from all over the world.

  Though she is successful today, she has many followers and fans who are crazy for her just because of her talent, her talent of music. Whenever she sits alone, she always feels lonely. She had no one to cherish and love her from her whole heart and dedication. Still feeling of belongingness and desire to have true love is still alive inside her heart, which she buried five years back in her soul.

had to give time to her music, her practice, if anytime she don’t feel like to do so. Sometime she had to ignore her health also, and concentrate for practices and rehearsals. Life for her became a struggle at every step and she has to dedicate her time for her career, whether she feels well or not. To become a star was the main aim of samaira now, which she has to fulfill at any cost. And she did it. She proved herself that, if things done with the right time and true emotions, anything could be achieved.

  Never waste time,

  if you really want to shine.

  Sometimes had to miss the most favourite shows,

  Life is full of challenges for them who want to grow.

  Time, once gone never come back,

  Where’s the water gone, no one can track.

  Lust for enjoyment is endless, desires fulfilled in time are priceless.

  To give some value to life, You need to give value to time.

  Learn to make full use from each moment of life,

  Like just god’s divine.

  The day of the concert also came. Samaira was very busy with her preparations.

  ‘ Bye Anna, I am going see you at the concert. Do reach in time, I have kept the special passes for you.’

  ‘ Of course samaira, I will be there before time. After all, this is my darling’s concert, how can I miss the opportunity to see you performing on the stage.’

  Samaira gave a great performance. It was her first concert in India and all the youth crowd of the town was there to see her concert. It was a huge ground, lakhs of people were there to see samaira. The whole ground got clattered by the claps of people for samaira’s welcome.

  Anna was feeling on top the world, seeing such a great success of samaira from her eyes. Her eyes were watering due to happiness, but then she controlled her emotions.

  After the performance samaira was getting down from stage, due to hurry her step struck down on wire lying on stairs and she falls down. She fell so badly that she could not make her leg in straight position and to stand on her feet was getting just impossible.

  ‘ Any good orthopedic doctor here, please come on stage. We need help. I repeat again any orthopedic doctor here, please come on stage. We urgently need help.’ One of the assistant of samaira made an announcement.

  Anna got panic and got worried for samaira. She told samaira to try if she can get up, she wants to take her to the doctor. But she was unable to stand.

  Chapter 22:

  Dr. Wilson

  ‘Hello! Myself Dr. Wilson. How can I help you. I am an orthopedic doctor.’

  ‘ Oh yeah, please come here we really need your help.’ Says the instructor of the concert.

  ‘ Mam samaira had a cramp in her foot. She is having severe pain in her leg and foot. Please just help her.’

  Dr. Wilson holds samaira’s foot and try to move on round and fro direction.

  ‘ Ouchssss……..’ samaira shouts

  ‘Don’t do it please it’s paining’

  Dr. Wilson makes her stand and holding her, makes her sit in the car, drop her at her home. He took samaira in his car and Anna reached home with driver in another car.

  ‘ I will give you an ointment and a medicine, which would help you to sleep at night.’ Says Dr. Wilson to samaira on the way to her home.

  ‘ But doctor, In this late night will there be any pharmacy open?. It’s almost 2:30 am. Where I will get the medicine.’ Samaira asks with tension

  ‘ I said mam I will give you medicine. I have the medicine with me. I always keep some medicines with me which I feel may help during emergency.’

  After reaching samaira’s house, he opens the back cabin of his car and takes out the kit bag of medicines. He helps samaira to go to her bedroom and make her lie comfortably on her bed. He takes out ointment and applies on her foot. Then he asks Anna to get a warm cloth for giving heat which would be helpful for relaxation of muscle and hence reduce pain.

  ‘ Now you take this tablet, you will able to sleep nicely. Tomorrow, you come to my hospital for check up. I will do x-ray of your leg to clear any doubt of fracture. This is my visiting card. If you have any problem at night you can call me up any time.

  ‘ Thank you so much doctor, you really helped me out. Now I am feeling better. Tomorrow I will come for a check up in your hospital.’

  ‘ Ok, I take your leave mam. Good night. Have sweet dreams.’ Says Dr. Wilson

  ‘ Thank you very much Doctor. You really helped us very much otherwise it would have been very problematic for us.’ Says Anna

  Next day samaira goes to hospital of Mr. Wilson, she went with one of her assistant to help her to walk. Seeing samaira, all the staff members and patients formed a huge rush around her.

  ‘ Autograph mam, autograph please, I am the greatest fan of you.’ Such noises were heard all around the corridor.

  Hearing all the noises and disturbances, Dr. Wilson comes out of his cabin and got to know about the scene when he sees samaira.

  ‘ I request you all please maintain decency, this is a hospital, maintain silence.’

  Dr. Wilson was one of the topmost and famous orthopedic doctor in India. He was famous for his work and nature. People believe that once a patient come to Dr. Wilson, he has to get cured. He had a very good reputation and goodwill. The patients always get satisfied from Dr. Wilson. Once who goes to Dr. Wilson for treatment, never turns for another doctor that is sure.

  Love and devotion towards humanity,

  Will always give me success and prosperity.

  Feeling of thoughtfulness solicitous towards others,

  Will always proceed and never going to suffer.

  No matter how much life he have spent on this earth,

  Will always be remembered in everybody’s heart.

  His sinful death will not vanish him away,

  Instead everyone will adore him everyday.

  ‘ Come samaira’ helping her to walk by giving his hand for support, he takes her to his cabin. He makes her sit and then take X-ray also of her leg.

  ‘ Hmm, minor fracture samaira, but you don’t worry it will be fine.’

  Dr. Wilson did plaster of her foot and gave few medicines to eat.

  ‘ You have to take complete rest samaira, don’t give stress on your foot and leg, otherwise it may create problem.’

  Samaira was listening him carefully. He was an audacious personality of around 35+ years of age. He had attractive features with a deep sense of understanding capability.

  ‘ How much is your fees, doctor?’ Asked samaira after the plaster was done.

  ‘Well mam, you give me your autograph, that would be the biggest amount for me. I am also amongst one of the greatest fan of you. It’s my honor that I got a chance to help you.’

  ‘ But still doctor, I feel that I should pay your fees.’ Samaira insists

  ‘ No samaira please don’t , there are so many fans in this world who really wants to see you, talk to you, I am one of them. And I got a chance to do a treatment of your leg, I cannot take fees from you, I got more than that.’

  Samaira gave him an Autograph.

  ‘ After one week you come to me, I will change the bandage and check your foot also.’

  Chapter 23:


  ‘ Hello doctor’

  ‘ Oh ! Nice to see you samaira’ replies Dr. Wilson

  ‘ How is your foot now, is there any pain in your leg?’

  ‘No doctor much better.’

  ‘ You can call me Wilson.’

  ‘ Ok doctor, I mean Wilson.’ Says samaira with a smile

  While doing her dressing of foot, Dr. Wilson asked something to samaira.

  ‘ Is there anything lacking in your life.’

  ‘ No…… why…what happen….?’ Samaira asked with confusion

  ‘ Whenever I see you I feel so.’ Replies Mr. Wilson

  ‘ Tomorrow is very unpredictable, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. If you have any question or confusion In your mind for today,
you can ask me.’ Dr. Wilson says to samaira with concern

  ‘ Why do some people lack love in their life.’ Asks samaira

  ‘ God created every person with heart and soul in his body. At the same time he created ‘ someone special’ also for him to take care of that heart and soul. For you also there must be someone special who will always love you, cherish you , so that you have no regrets from your life.’ Says Dr. Wilson

  ‘ I feel nice talking to you Wilson.’

  ‘ My pleasure samaira. Anytime you feel like talking to me, you can come. Anyways, I have done crape bandage today, now plaster is not required. You can come for a final check-up next week. It will be perfectly alright.’ Says Dr.Wislon

  ‘ Ok Wilson, thank you for your concern. Bye.’ Saying this she went from the hospital

  Whole night samaira was thinking about Dr. Wilson. She was thinking that he is very mature person. He has very clear thoughts about life.

  Next week samaira went for check-up to Dr.Wilson.

  ‘ Hello Wilson. Good morning……’ says samaira

  ‘ Good morning, how are you?’ asked Dr. Wilson

  ‘ I have to be fine, after all I am your patient.’

  ‘ Ya… that’s the spirit , you should have faith in your doctor. Well, you can keep faith in me as a person also, I will be always there for you. It will be my honor to have a friend like you.’ Says Dr. Wilson with tenderness in his voice.

  ‘ But I don’t make friends now. Whenever I made anyone my friend I always faced betrayal. Though I know you are not like those but, I feel scared now.’ Says samaira

  ‘ Life has always offered you a second chance. You should give one more try to your love life. May be I can become the answer to all your questions.’

  ‘ No, Wilson , no… you don’t know anything about my past. I have black past. Which you may not like after knowing it.’ Samaira says stubbornly

  ‘ We all have something black in our life. May be past, present or future. No one’s life is easy and bed of roses. Even I have gone through separation of marriage five years back. I can understand the phase of separation of any relationship and especially marriage. I don’t want to know about what is your past. I just want a good loyal partner with whom I can share my feelings and lead lovable caring life.’

  Hearing him samaira sobbed out and hugged him, as she got what she was searching for. The search of samaira for love came to an end. She found her real love whom she was searching since childhood.