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  In Theory

  A Bookworms and Booya Book

  © 2003 By Nona Mae King & J. ‘Peppermint’ Seay

  Inspired by the characters Quistis Trepe, Zone, Seifer Almasy,

  and other characters from

  Final Fantasy VIII © SquareEnix

  Published by Mintfield Books

  Cover design by Nona Mae King & Fury Publishing

  Discover other titles by Nona Mae King:


  To Save A Soul


  My Fair Princess

  Searching for Sara


  Bookworms and Booya (series)

  Few Words

  The Reluctant Knight

  A Rose By Any Other Name

  Terra (series)

  Ace of Diamonds

  Digital Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the site and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Glossary of Characters:

  Quistis Trepe--Head of Instruction at Balamb Garden. She grew up at the same orphanage as Zell, Squall, Seifer, Selphie and Irvine. She was adopted at a young age, though never grew close to her adoptive family.

  Zone McCormick-- a determined man dedicated to justice, even should that put him at odds with people in authority. Because of his serious view of life and justice, he acquired ulcers at the age of 13 and has battled them ever since.

  Seifer Almasy--Head of Network Security and long-time rival of Squall. He is hard on his team and demands nothing but the best. The head of the Disciplinary Committee before the second Sorceress War. He is often seen as a bully rather than a true law enforcer.

  Janine Larabie--(property of Nona Mae King) Outspoken and highly opinionated, she is not above questioning orders if it means saving the life of innocent civilians or her squad. On her own since the age of 13, she and her brother lived on the street until she was taken in by a missionary and his wife. She is the only female gun-blader.

  Jaxon Crest--(property of J. Seay) Entered Trabia Garden at the age of fifteen and quickly progressed through the ranks. Studied battle theory and practiced swordsmanship since the age of ten. He is easy to work with and is often requested for missions outside of the Garden Network. He still feels guilt about the death of his fiancée.

  Fujin 'Ahndra' Kelley-- a young woman with pale skin, short silver hair and an eye patch. She was a member of Seifer's Disciplinary Committee and is now part of Garden's Security Network. Fujin prefers to speak in terse sentences, often with only a single word.

  Marshal Beita--(property of Nona Mae King) a calm individual who thinks before acting, generally only behaving irrationally when protecting those he cares about. He has a tendency of using sarcastic humor to alleviate tension. He witnessed his younger sister's rape and murder.

  Zell Dincht--an impulsive martial artist who is loyal to his friends. He also has a passion for hot dogs, a recurring gag of the game being they are always sold out by the time he reaches the cafeteria. He grew up at the same orphanage as Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, Squall and Seifer, who gave him the nickname "chicken-wuss". Zell was adopted by "Ma Dincht" from the city of Balamb.

  Sally Regal (the Library Girl)-- a timid individual who has a knack for solving puzzles and a fierce loyalty to Zell Dincht. She was originally enrolled at Garden by her parents to help her with her extreme shyness and lack of social aptitude.

  Selphie Tilmitt--an instructor at Balamb Garden who originally transferred from the now destroyed Trabia Garden. She is active and energetic, although slightly clumsy. She participates in many extracurricular activities, such as planning the Garden Festival and running the school's website.

  Squall Leonhart--Commander of the Garden Network. He rarely speaks and is known as a lone wolf who always focuses on duty. He grew up at the same orphanage as Quistis, Zell, Seifer, Selphie, and Irvine, though he was never adopted.

  Rinoa Heartilly--the daughter of General Caraway and singer/pianist Julia Heartilly. She is a member of the Forest Owls, a resistance faction seeking to liberate the small nation of Timber from Galbadian occupation. Squall and Rinoa are romantically involved.

  Irvine Kinneas-- one of the Garden's elite sharpshooters. He acts like a carefree, but misunderstood loner; however, this is merely a façade to charm women and hide his lack of confidence. He grew up at the same orphanage as Quistis, Zell, Seifer, Selphie, and Squall.

  Author's Note: The following is a work of Fan-Fiction based on the world and characters from the video game Final Fantasy VIII by Square-Enix. Additional information about the game and characters can be found at and Wikipedia.

  What is "Balamb Garden"--Garden is a prestigious network of military academies for elite mercenaries known as "SeeDs". There are four Gardens as of this series: Balamb, Galbadia, Trabia, and Deling.

  What is a "GF"--GF stands for Guardian Force and is a magical creature able to be summoned in battle. There are a wide variety of GFs in the Final Fantasy universe. A side-effect of consistent use is loss of long-term memory.

  If you have not read Bookworms and . . . Booya!, I would recommend doing so before reading In Theory. The following book is a side-story which takes place during books 3 and 4 of the Bookworms and Booya series.

  In Theory



  Quistis Trepe stared at her computer, slightly frowning as her slender fingers tapped an absent rhythm on her desk in her office on the second floor. The radicals that had invaded the Network through her computer had been caught just the morning before, but she still didn't trust the email sitting in her in-box. There were no viruses detected. No hidden attachments. No imbedded dangers.

  Quistis briefly frowned and clicked on and highlighted an e-mail in her 'sent' folder. Her fingers stopped tapping.

  'Zone, I wanted to let you know that Sally told me you weren't responsible for the Trojan on my computer here at Garden. I'm not able to tell you much more than that. Security reasons. But I can tell you I was relieved. You helped us so much before that I didn't want to think you had changed sides. It's nice to have allies outside Garden. And it's very important to have friends there, too. Quistis'

  Quistis stared at the email, frown gone. Then she clicked back over to the waiting message in her in-box. With a deep breath, Quistis highlighted the message.

  'Quistis, Thanks.'

  She smiled and shook her head. Two words. She'd been staring at the message header for five minutes and it held only two words? She chuckled and hit reply.

  'Zone, You'll be pleased to know the radicals are enjoying Seifer's hospitality in the brig. Fujin has plans to begin interrogations after they've spent a few more days under his wing. They'll likely be ready to talk then. If you want to come out and have a session of 'discussion' with them, I'll see what I can do. Seifer already offered me some time, and since your reputation was also affected, I thought you might like to watch the fun. Just let me know. Quistis’

  Quistis sent the note, still slightly smiling, and then moved her focus to her work. Two words. She chuckled.


  The tone of the accepted message in her inbox caused a twitch. Quistis looked at the clock on the wall and then the icon in the system tray noting the waiting message. Thirty minutes since. . . . She lowered her pen and clicked the icon. It brought up her mail program and displayed the list of mail, read and unread, within her inbox. The one unopened m
essage was from Zone. Quistis cleared her throat, feeling an unexpected flutter of something as she highlighted the message.

  'Quistis, I don't think me going there would be a very good idea. I'd probably do something stupid and get me put in the brig. I'll just let you have all the fun. Thanks anyway. Zone'

  Quistis smiled and absently tapped her fingers on her desk. 'He reads naughty magazines.' She gave a slight shrug. She had a few herself. Who didn't? She smirked. Sally. Quistis chuckled and hit reply.

  'Zone, Too bad. It would have been fun. Quistis'

  She sent the email. Alright, Zone. Your turn. You serious? Or not?


  Quistis absently towel dried her hair as she stared down at the computer in her room. She stared, specifically, at the 'email' icon in the system tray. It had been two days since her email. She draped the towel over her chair and then slowly sat. She double-clicked the icon and highlighted the message header.

  'Quistis, I've been meaning to ask, what made you get into Garden in the first place? I started with the Owls because me and Watts and Rinoa were pissed that there were all these rebels not rebelling. We wanted to do something to change everything for the better. It was damn hard getting people to take us serious, even Squall thought we were a joke, but we've never been afraid to do something if it meant life'd be better. Is it the same for you and garden? Just curious. Zone.'

  Quistis sat back in her chair and slowly crossed her arms as she re‑read the message. The first serious email from him and it was about who she was and what she was about: making a difference. Quistis released a slow breath and ran a finger lightly down the bridge of her nose. Then she cleared her throat and sat up, rubbing her palms on her terry-cloth robe.

  "Okay, Zone," she said under her breath as she prepared the new email. "You want to know about me and Garden."

  'Zone, Don't worry about Squall. About that time he thought everyone was a joke. Didn't stray from 'orders' and didn't want to get involved. It was safer for him. Now he gets involved in everything, and it's a pain in the ass. Makes more work for us. :) Not that I mind. As for me and my role with Garden, that evolved with my candidacy. At first I was enrolled by my foster parents at the age of eleven. I was told I had a control issue, and the studying at Garden would either curb it or put it to good use. I liked studying at Garden, and as the years passed I found that I liked being a part of something. We helped people on a grand scale. We affected change. In a way, we controlled things. I liked that. I suppose it was the power. Very addicting for someone like me. At times I wondered at the ethics of our assignments, morally, but Headmaster Cid did a wonderful job of choosing which to accept and which to pass. I know some of the other Gardens weren't so... differentiating.

  'I stay with Garden now for much the same reason. I affect change. I affect lives for the better. And, I learn myself. that is the greatest draw; the inner change. The inner challenge. And that is likely why I will be a member of Garden until it's time to retire. Thank you for asking. Quistis'

  Quistis gave a brusque nod and clicked 'send'. Point one in your favor. Next match.


  "You going to the game tonight, right?" Zone asked as he pushed his arms into his favorite green pullover.

  Watts, ever the energetic fetcher of information, stood ready in the middle of the living room of Zone's apartment for anything. Zone didn't think his friend knew how to relax.

  "I think so, sir." Watts dug an envelope out of his back pocket. "Yes. Here are the tickets, and it says it's for tonight's game."

  Zone laughed and ran a hand through his short, straight black hair. "Geez, Watts. Relax." He put on his team cap. "Galbadia doesn't look over our shoulders anymore, so bre--" Zone's computer chimed notice of received email, causing both Zone and Watts to look over at it with surprised expressions.

  "You've got mail, sir?"

  Zone's ears pinked. "Y-Yeah. I've been, uh. . . ." He cleared his throat and scrubbed at his scalp after removing his cap.

  "Aren't you going to read it, sir?"

  "Um... S‑Sure." Zone hesitantly walked to his desk and sat down, sending Watts a glance as he moved to stand beside him.

  Zone double-clicked the icon in the system tray as he said, "Dude, can you get me a soda? Ice and a glass would be killer."

  "Right away, sir." And he disappeared to the kitchen.

  Zone released a deep breath and highlighted the message header of the new mail. Exchanging emails with Quistis Trepe still seemed surreal. Each time he saw that icon in his system tray he had to blink and look again. After all, she was everything he wasn't. And now he was telling her why he joined Rinoa and the Owls, and she was telling him why she stayed with Garden. The reasons were so similar it freaked him out.

  Zone flinched when Watts set the requested glass of soda beside him on the desk. Then he innocently asked, "Who's it from, sir? Rinoa?"

  Zone closed the program window with hurried motions and stood. "No one. Nothing. Chill. It's all good."

  Watts blinked at him. "O-Okay."

  “Look.” He cleared his throat and gestured to the door. "Can I meet you and Dwight later? I'll look for you at the front gate."

  Watts nodded. "Yes, sir." And he left the apartment without a question about anything. Zone released a deep breath and then turned back for his computer. He stared at his monitor, tapping his foot without even realizing it. Then he released another breath and reopened the mail program. "I'm emailing Quistis Trepe," he mumbled. "What am I doing? She's--" He opened a new email window. "She's. . . she's Quistis!"

  Zone scrubbed at his scalp and started typing.


  He stared at the one word, unable to type a single word after that. "Dude! What am I doing?" he mumbled. He scrubbed at his scalp and leaned back, remembering Zell's pushes to tell the gorgeous blonde Instructor how he felt. "But just like that? She'll think I'm a stalker!"

  Zone leaned onto his desk, arms crossed as he stared at her note enclosed in the body of the email. She'd told him something about her life. Do girls do that when they're not interested? Zone groaned and hid his face in his arms. Crap. I'm toast. And his stomach twisted and flared in pain just to prove him right.

  He lifted his gaze to the email again. "Oh hell. Why not? Might as well have major ulcers for something." He straightened and started the letter again.

  'I guess it's no surprise when I say that I like you. Zell says you already know. Hell. All of Timber knows. Why else did the dickhead at the ISP try and screw me over by using my ID to infect your computer with a Trojan. And I'm really sorry about that, Quistis. I didn't think you'd ever want to talk to me after that. And then you sent me the email. That's why I only said 'Thanks'. I couldn't believe you wrote.'

  --Dude, you're rambling!--

  'So, if you don't mind keeping on sending emails back and forth, I'd really like to hang out with you every once and a while. I know Seifer'll shit bricks with all the security issues it'll bring up and stuff, but I don't care. I like you, and I think you're damn gorgeous. So, yeah. Talk to you later, Quistis.'

  Zone hit 'send' before he could change his mind and then doubled over with a grumble of "Ow ow ow ow ow," as he stood and went in search of his medication.


  Quistis' lips twitched at the recognizable chime of the incoming Instant Message. She sent a sidelong glance to her monitor in the second story classroom. A few of the candidates lifted gazes from papers.

  "Eyes on your papers, candidates," she instructed firmly.

  The eyes returned to their previous focus and Quistis turned toward her computer.

  TREPE: Well hello. I thought you and Watts were going to Deling City to scope some possible radicals.

  ZMAN: had to go to the dr

  TREPE: Ulcer giving you problems again?

  ZMAN: always. i guess it's better tho. don't ahve to take as many meds.

  Quistis looked up from the computer to the approaching candidate. "Yes, Trevor?"

  The t
all candidate with the blond thatch and green eyes flushed and rubbed at the back of his neck. "Um... I need to go."

  Quistis motioned to the door. "Five minutes."

  Trevor nodded and exited the classroom. Quistis focused again on her computer.

  ZMAN: regal back from her exam yet?

  TREPE: No. According to reports, the tranz has only just arrived at the mission site.

  ZMAN: how's dincht? nuts yet?

  TREPE: Hasn't left the T.C. since she deployed.

  ZMAN: what a crack, dincht losing it over a girl. maybe he'll get ulcers too

  TREPE: And have him bitching about that *and* not enough hot dogs? No thanks.

  ZMAN: you think he eats so many of those to make up for something?

  Quistis restrained a howl of laughter. "Eyes on papers. Trevor, sit down."

  TREPE: I doubt it.

  ZMAN: i've told him he needs to quit or he'll have people wondering. he doesn't take me serious.

  TREPE: I guess he'll learn the hard way.

  ZMAN: ^0^ you said hard.

  TREPE: That's as close as you'll ever get to it.

  ZMAN: d'oh

  Quistis sniggered. "Kelley, one more look and I'll assign a new test. Duncan, stop kicking Ally's chair."

  TREPE: The warriors are getting restless. I better go.

  ZMAN: ttyl, Quis. tell me when regal gets back

  TREPE: I will.

  Zone logged off. Quistis stared at the message window for another moment before closing it and turning away. She sent the monitor a sidelong glance.


  Selphie Tilmett poked her head in and around the door of Quistis' office. "Hey, Quis. How you doing?" she asked in her bright voice.

  Quistis looked up from her duty of grading final essays and smiled. "Hello, Selphie." She waved her in. "I'm doing fine and need a break. Come on in."

  Selphie entered the rest of the way, her brunette hair bobbing around her shoulders as she stepped forward and sat in the chair across from Quistis' desk. "You going to come to the Inauguration Ball?"