Read In Theory Page 2

  Quistis began absently tapping her finger on her desk. "Well, I'm an Instructor, Selphie. We generally make it a policy to come." Hm.

  Selphie brightly smiled. "Sure. I know that, but you don't stay all that long. So I was wondering if you were even going to come this year." Selphie leaned forward. "You should really come to this one, Quis. After all, you'll get to see Zell and Sally. Aren't they adorable?"

  Quistis rested her chin in her hand. A date to the inauguration ball. "Hm." There was a first time for everything.

  Selphie tilted her head as she watched Quistis' expression. "Are you... Are you going to come, then?"

  Quistis straightened and turned toward her computer, opening her email program and bringing up a new form as she said "I think I will, Selphie. In fact, I'll ask him if he wants to come." Hadn't he said he wanted to hang out? Haven't we been having fun in our emails? Haven't I held him out at arm’s length long enough?

  "'Him'? 'Him' who?"

  One side of Quistis' lips twitched as she typed the name. "Zone."

  Selphie's jaw dropped.


  Zone cleared his throat and straightened the tie of his suit. He adjusted his position on the couch on the train--he got to use the SeeD car!--and crossed his arms. Inauguration Ball. That was a big thing. Not everyone invited got to go. Security. And not everyone that wanted to go got invited. Inauguration Ball. With Quistis.

  Zone rubbed at the back of his neck and cleared his throat again. His stomach churned and burned, but he ignored it. When did this happen? Hell if I remember! Emails. That's all it had been for a week and a half. Laughing at the stupid-ass things people did. Talking about missions done and missions to do. Exchanging pics and stories.

  Zone shook his head and just stopped himself from straightening his red tie for the fiftieth time.

  The train pulled in to the station at Balamb and he made his way into the aisle. He stared out at the eager and not-so-eager faces of those waiting on the platform--Oh Hyne. Quistis waited in full SeeD uniform. Zone swallowed hard, giving a slight smile when she intercepted his gaze. She acknowledged his greeting with her own smile and a lifting of her hand.

  Oh Hyne. Zone stepped down the aisle and into the last car of the train as he frantically searched the pockets of his suit coat for an antacid. He popped three, swallowing the starchy substance as he descended the train to meet Quistis at the bottom of the steps. She looked hot and smelled better.

  "Hi," Zone croaked. His ears burned. Shit.

  Her blue eyes twinkled, and she kept smiling. "Hello, Zone. How was the trip?"

  "Good. Good," he said, nodding. Damn it. He must have sounded like an idiot.

  Quistis' rose lips twitched, and she adjusted her thin, wire-framed glasses before looking and motioning to the exit of the station. "I've rented a car. It's waiting."

  "Okay." Zone cleared his throat and then scrubbed at the back of his neck. They didn't move.

  "You all right?" Quistis asked.

  Zone absently nodded.

  She smiled. "You look very nice."

  Zone's face and neck burned as his gaze briefly met hers. "Thanks. You look better."

  Quistis chuckled. "Thank you."

  She shocked him nearly to death by wrapping an arm around his and guiding him to the exit of the station. Zone walked like a zombie, and his gut felt like it would eat him alive.

  "Relax, Zone," she said softly. "It's just a party."

  Just a party? I'm going with Quistis Trepe as her date and she says it's just a party?! "Yeah. Sorry."

  Quistis chuckled again, slightly shaking her head. "Relax."

  Zone faced her. "Quistis, how am I supposed to 'relax' when I'm going with you to a dance!?" he stammered out, Quistis only smiling very slightly. "Y-You're. . . ." He didn’t even know what adjective covered what she was.

  "I'm what?" Quistis gracefully crossed her arms, a perfect blonde eyebrow arched. "I'm a woman who asked a man to a dance. He said 'yes'." She motioned briefly to him with a hand. "There he is. What else is there?"

  And she said it so calm. So Quistis. Totally in control.

  Then she straightened and again wrapped her arm around Zone's, tucking her hand into the nook of his elbow as she turned him toward the exit once more.

  Zone swallowed hard as he fisted and unfisted his hands several times. Is this happening? And when Quistis' hand in the nook of his arm gave several squeezes, Zone looked over--and intercepted a reassuring blue-eyed smile. His lips curved upward, but his stomach couldn't decide between flips and walls of fire.


  Quistis and Zone walked around the main corridor of Garden as the clip, clip, clip, clip of their shoes reverberated through the building like comforting raindrops. Quistis was more than buzzed, and she liked it.

  "This has been fun," Zone said, quiet. He sent her a sidelong glance. "Thanks for asking if I wanted to come."

  "You're welcome."

  Zone sent her another glance. "You want to go out again sometime?"

  "I would like that." Quistis laced her fingers with his, smiling when she felt his twitch and heard his slight clearing of the throat. Yes, she definitely liked the buzz. "Did you know this is the first time I've been to the Inauguration Ball with anyone?"

  "Nope," he said in a cracked voice.

  Quistis sent him a long, sidelong glance. He stared straight ahead, and his ears were red. "No one ever asked."

  Zone cleared his throat again, and the red migrated to his neck and face. "I would've," he croaked, and he absently rubbed at his gut.

  Quistis' smile widened slightly. "I know."

  He quickly glanced and just as quickly looked away. Quistis watched him as Zone rubbed at the back of his neck, still holding her hand and only occasionally sending glances her direction.

  Quistis chuckled. "Come with me." She began tugging him toward the Training Center, diving head first into the buzz and loving every minute of it. "I want to show you a secret place."

  "A s-secret place?" Zone stammered as he hurried to fall into step beside her.

  A place she hadn't been to since Squall's Inauguration Ball. A place that held less than wonderful memories for her. She sent Zone's geeky-attractive persona an impish smile and watched the red flare his face. She laughed. "In all honesty,. it isn't so secret. Hasn't been for years, but it's more adventurous to say it's a 'secret'. SeeD's live for danger and adventure, you know."

  Quistis sure as hell liked it.

  She led him down the corridor toward the Training Center and then into the front lobby, into the main portion, and then back to the entrance of the Forbidden Area that she wanted to make out in ever since she could remember. Too bad the only memories she had of the place was a less-than-glorious session with Seifer and, later, barely a word exchanged with Squall.

  "Wow," Zone whispered.

  Quistis smirked. "You haven't seen anything yet." She pulled him to the far side of the area and then pushed him back against the wall, her arms going around his neck as she pressed herself close. Zone blinked down at her with wide eyes. "Now you say 'wow'," she whispered as she lightly caressed his nose with hers and then nibbled his lower lip with her teeth.

  "Qui--" Kiss "Quistis--" kiss, kiss "Quistis, wait--"

  She smiled seductively up at him, her fingers playing in his hair. "Wait? For what? You like me, remember?"

  Zone cleared his throat and lowered his gaze from her inviting expression to her lips and then away from those, clearing his throat several times. "I do, but, erm." He glanced toward her again in time to intercept another teasing kiss.

  "Come on, Zone," Quistis purred against his lips, and she damn-well liked kissing Zone. It wasn't harsh, like the kisses from Seifer had been, and there was definitely something there. "Let's have a little fun."

  And he went along with it, drawing her a little closer and returning the kiss a helluvalot more than he had before. With the buzz, it felt damned good. Quistis smoothed her hands down the front of his shirt and
tugged it from his slacks. Zone surprised her by breaking their kiss and pushing her back, his expression serious the same as hers was surprised.

  "No," he said, shaking his head.

  Quistis arched an eyebrow and then smiled, leaning toward him to kiss the tip of his nose. "No? Or not yet?"

  "Quistis, no." He pushed her back again. "You're drunk, I'm buzzed, and you'd probably regret it tomorrow. Let's not do this. Okay?"

  She freed her arms from his grasp and stepped in again, hands returning to their previous duty. "But I want to," she said, giggling when he tried again to pull her hands away. She evaded them without problem and had him back against the wall, hands working at his buttons as she smirked up into his--Quistis blinked and stopped. He looked positively horrified and Quistis suddenly didn't feel very good. She dropped her hands away, face stricken as she stepped back, her stomach lurching. She covered her mouth with a hand and turned to hurry away.

  "Qi-Qi! Wait!" Zone actually grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to a stop.

  Quistis turned on him, blue eyes sparking. "Wait?" She pushed a finger into his chest. "First it's 'no' and then it's 'wait'? What the hell do you want from me, Zone? Or am I just a mindgame for you?"

  "Mindgame? You?" Zone sputtered several moments before motioning back to the now empty Forbidden Area. "I don't want you to do something that you'll regret."

  "Regret? Why the hell would I regret making out with you, Zone? It felt damn good!"

  Zone blinked, face and neck and ears turning red as he said, "What?"

  Quistis scoffed and crossed her arms as she regarded him. "Do you really think I would have brought you here if I didn't want to make out? Sure, sure, I'm drunk, but who the hell cares? I like having the excuse to quit acting the damned ice queen bitch and live a little."

  "B-But you're--"

  "I'm what, Zone?"

  "You're not," he forced out.

  "Not? Not what?"

  Zone swallowed hard. "An ice queen bitch," he forced out. "You're hot. And gorgeous. And a damn good SeeD. And your Battle Theory papers? It's no wonder you and Squall beat the Sorceress' ass."

  "So then why can't I have a little fun?" Quistis pressed, stepping closer as she pushed the finger into his chest again. He backed off, but she followed. "Why can't I bend the rules and... and..." She halted and reached up to pull the hair stick out of her hair, throwing it away and shaking her blonde tresses free. Zone swallowed so hard he nearly choked. Then Quistis stepped up, taking hold of his shirt to draw him close. "And have a little damned fun making out with a guy?"

  Zone cringed a little, a hand going quickly to his middle.

  For some reason, the action caused Quistis to smirk and then laugh. She released his shirt and smoothed the wrinkles as she moved slightly back. "Hyne, Zone," she murmured. She motioned to him. "Do you have your meds?"

  "Yeah." He looked down and began a search of his pockets, which eventually slowed and stopped as Quistis watched him with an arched eyebrow and crossed arms. Finally, his arms lowered to his sides and he lifted his gaze to meet hers. "It's only me, Quistis," he said, tone reserved. "Why would you want to make out with me?"

  She smirked. "Why would you be hot after me?" Zone flushed red and lowered his gaze. Quistis watched him before giving a delicate shrug. "Who cares? I, for one, would rather not think so much this time. I'd rather go for it."

  Zone tucked a hand into his pocket and slowly withdrew it, looking down at the small pouch of antacids before tucking them back away and giving a clearing of his throat. "Okay, Quistis, sure."

  Quistis laughed, drawing Zone's gaze and his hesitant smile. "Oh sure, now that the mood is ruined." She looked behind him to the view of Garden and then to Zone, expression thoughtful. She liked him. She liked how she felt when she was with him. When she kissed him. When she talked to him. Maybe it wouldn't be too hard to get back. Quistis lowered her arms and reached out to take his hand and draw him back. "But let's see if we can remember where we left off, shall we?"

  Zone's face was still red as he followed. Quistis replaced her arms around his neck and began to tease the hair on the back of his head. "Relax, Zone," she whispered, leaning in to nibble the bottom of his lip.

  Zone hesitantly placed his hands around her waist. "Y-yeah."

  Her lips teased his, enjoying the advance-and-retreat, the deeper press of his body against hers, and the slow progress of his hands along her curves.



  "Get out of my office."

  Seifer Almasy's green eyes hardened as his face reddened slightly. "Trepe--"

  Quistis stood from her desk, hands pressing hard against her desk top. Her blue eyes met and held Seifer's menacing glare. "There is no way I'm going to jeopardize my career with Garden for your 'hunch'." She gestured to the door of her office on the second floor of Balamb Garden. "Now get out of my office."

  Seifer snatched up the reports he'd placed on her desk. "Fine." He strode from the room.

  Quistis sat back in her chair and tightly crossed her arms. A hunch. Her blue eyes sparked as her hands clenched her upper arms. A hunch? You want me to risk everything on a hunch and a transcript report?

  She pressed her lips together and sharply stood, striding out of her office and turning to make her way toward the second story elevator. Quistis didn't understand why Squall had offered the position of Head of Network Security to Seifer Almasy. He had turned against Garden. He had launched attacks against Trabia and Balamb. He had even attacked them on numerous occasions, killing one of their GFs!

  Seifer Almasy was an arrogant bastard, but Squall had given him a second chance; allowing him to enroll at Garden and take his final exam, then assigning him rank 15 and instilling him as Head of Network Security for the newly partnered Gardens.

  A partnership that had been Seifer's idea.

  Quistis scoffed and crossed her arms as she waited in the hall on the second floor for the elevator. She had earned her re-instatement as Instructor in Garden. She had earned her rank of 24. She had earned her position as Head Instructor. How had Seifer earned his position? By being an ass?

  Quistis scoffed again, stepping aboard the elevator when it arrived. She pushed the third floor button and tapped her fingers against her upper arm. Yes, the original cracker invasion into the Network had been her fault. After all, she had been the one naive enough to believe Zone might actually have sent her an email first, including an ecard and a timid 'hello'.

  No such luck.

  It had been a Trojan virus that allowed a radical group of Purists to syphon information. But it didn't give Seifer the right to put her position on the line. Guilt would never factor into her performance of anything. Especially since the security issue, solved by the ex-librarian Sally Regal and new Special Security Officer, had opened Seifer's eyes to the possibilities of invasion that he missed before.

  That had taken his pride down a notch or two.

  Now, weeks after the invasion, Garden had new security policies, cracker radicals had been gathered up and put behind bars, and Zone had actually gotten up the nerve to email her.

  Quistis reluctantly smirked. Zone. He was a bit on the odd side, but she liked him. He was funny, a bit crude but funny nonetheless. She had fun talking to him in their emails, web cam chats, and instant message exchanges. And the evening of the Ball? Quistis absently touched her lips. Yes. She liked him. Her smirk vanished. If she acted like a traitor, would Zone respect her anymore? Would she even respect herself? Quistis frowned. There was no way she was going to risk losing a relationship with Zone as well as her post at Garden. No way in hell.

  The elevator opened and Quistis strode forward, interrupting Seifer and Squall's conversation. Seifer pointedly ignored her. Squall focused on her as she said "No, Squall. Absolutely not."

  Seifer faced her, pointing roughly in her face. "So you'd rather the bastards get away with it? As long as your ass is safe you don't give a flying fu--"

  "Guys," Squall
interrupted, stepping between. "Seifer, calm down."

  "Calm down?" Seifer's green eyes sparked as his tall frame went rigid. "The little bit‑‑"

  "Seifer," Squall warned. "At ease."

  Seifer clenched his jaw and hands as he breathed deep several times, still glaring at Squall.

  Squall focused back on Quistis. "What's the problem?"

  Quistis motioned roughly to Seifer. "He's putting my career on the line based on a hunch and a collection of transcripts that didn't even get Sally's attention." She pointed to herself, blue eyes flashing while her voice was strictly controlled. "There is no way I'm going to publicly complain about Garden and distance myself from it, thereby putting black marks on my record, just so that I might be recruited by underground radicals or a mole in the Garden Network."

  Seifer scoffed.

  Squall nodded before facing the Head of Network Security. "I agree with Quistis, Seifer."


  Quistis smirked and crossed her arms.

  "Come back with more information that proves the conspiracy exists and I'll reconsider. I won't order any SeeD to put their career or their life on the line without more facts. We've been screwed too many times."

  Seifer's jaw muscle twitched. "Fine," he said harshly. "I'll get you your damned facts." And he strode from the office, entered the elevator, and punched the button for the basement level.

  Squall released a deep breath.

  Quistis faced him. "Tell me again why you made him Head of Network Security."

  Squall stepped away to take up a report and open it. "It was my call," he said vaguely.

  She arched an eyebrow as she regarded him. He had grown and matured a lot since their battles against the Sorceress. Even more since beginning counseling upon the insistence of Rinoa. But he was still close-mouthed, not offering any information except the barest needed.

  "And that's all?"

  "It doesn't matter."

  She frowned. "How can it 'not matter', Squall?" He met her gaze. She gestured roughly behind her to the elevator. "He turned against us, and now you put our lives in his hands?"

  "He was controlled, Quis. The same as Matron. And Rinoa," he said calmly. "You want me to put them all in the brig? Or do you want them to be shot?"

  Quistis pressed her lips together and crossed her arms. "His scores didn't rate his position."