Read Inappropriate Behaviour Page 6

Working out in the gym is my release. I like to warm up on the treadmill then hit the weights hard. The gym is an old-school average Joe’s blood, sweat and tears gym. It’s not your typical David Lloyds where you have brand new equipment and drinks machines; it has dirty mats, old iron weights and is full of meat heads but suits me to a tee and is cheap. I notice two skinny, rough looking Turkish guys looking over at me at every minute and it’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable. After about twenty minutes of them doing so I decide I have no option but to approach them.

  ‘What’s up fellas?’

  ‘Nutting mate.’

  ‘You keep looking over at me. What's going on?’

  ‘Nah mate, you must be mistaken.’

  ‘I don’t think so boys. Either stop staring or tell me what the problem is!’ I feel pumped up and angry. I look the two guys up and down thinking to myself, if this kicks off I’ll be ok.

  ‘Just go back to your weights man,’ the taller of the two says.

  ‘Doesn’t work like that fellas. Stop staring over at me yeah! If I see it again then see what happens, got it?’ I turn and head back to the bench I was working on when I hear one of them mumble something in a language I don’t understand. I turn and walk straight up to the taller one, pressing my forehead against his, hard.

  ‘Have you got something to say skinny boy?’ He pushes his head against mine but before I have a chance to do anything else, three of the regular meat heads I know run over and pull me away before it really does kick off.

  ‘You stay back there man,’ spitting as he speaks.

  ‘Fuck you! I asked you to stop staring!’

  ‘Think you two should leave, before you get a hiding,’ said one of the meat heads about the size of two of me. This time they didn’t say anything and left the gym.

  ‘Cheers guys,’ I said as they walked back to carry on what they were doing.

  Feeling pumped to the max I had an awesome workout. I grab my stuff and head down the stairs out of the gym and onto the street. To no surprise at all the two skinny Turkish fellas were there, obviously waiting for me.

  ‘Not so brave now are you without your muscle men behind you.’

  ‘Piss of you little runt. I’m not scared of you.’ I turn my back and walk off down the road towards my car. I jump in and drive off down the road, passing the two guys who just gave me a stare that could kill.

  I arrive home from the gym still pumped up and angry from the altercation with the two guys. I see a police car parked on my street, not too far from my house. I have a feeling of dread, a knotted feeling in my stomach telling me there’s something wrong.

  I slowly put the key in the lock to open the front door when it suddenly opens revealing Tommy, not looking too impressed.

  ‘Jay, we have visitors.’

  ‘Really, who?’

  ‘Pigs mate. What have you been up to?’

  ‘Nothing. Move out of my way.’

  ‘Tell me now what you’ve done. I will find out.’ I push past him into the hall way. I make my way into the lounge to find two police officers sitting on the couch with cups of coffee in hand. One of them is stocky, not the sort of copper you’d mess with; If he said ‘sit’ you’d sit. The other is fat, looks as though he would have trouble getting out of the chair let alone trying to arrest me if needed.

  ‘Mr Jay Rowlands, I believe? I’m PC Ward and this is my partner, PC Bailey.’

  ‘Yes I’m Jay. What can I do for you?’

  ‘We need to ask you a few questions. How well did you know Chloe James?’

  ‘I don’t know her sorry,’ trying to think fast, but failing, knowing that each answer I give will be analysed.

  ‘I have been given information you were seen walking back here to this address with her this Saturday night. Is this correct?’ staring me straight in the eyes, at the same time I’m trying to work out who saw us together and most importantly of all who took the photo.

  ‘No officer. I’ve never heard of her,’ sitting back, folding my arms, taking a deep breath.

  ‘Ok Jay. I’m going to ask you one last time. I need you to answer truthfully.’

  ‘Look, I don’t know a fucking Chloe James ok.’ The stocky PC of the two stands up and walks over to me, grabbing my arm.

  ‘Jay, we tried this the easy way for you. I’m now arresting you on the suspicion of the murder of Chloe James. Do you understand why I’m arresting you?’ now forcing both my arms behind my back and handcuffing me. I feel gutted, as I look up to the doorway I see Tommy’s face looking at me with emptiness, shaking side to side. I look away from him instantly not being able to hold myself together as they escort me into the police car.

  Sitting in the back of the car handcuffed is very intimidating. I keep trying to work out what my story is. I struggle to come up with how there was a photo of me walking up my street with Chloe when I said I don’t even know her. Then I remembered Jamie. Jamie is my alibi. She can vouch for me especially as she spent the whole night with me. At this point I thought about Jamie. I actually like this girl and when she finds out about this she’s going to run for the hills.

  I gaze out the window, watch the world go by, street by street, taking in the musty smell of the police car whilst listening to the voices on the radio. It’s funny; though I can’t work out a word that is being said the officers manage it. It starts to rain heavily outside. It looks grey, which matches my mood exactly. I can feel the handcuffs behind my back, digging into my wrists and my fingers feel slightly cold. It’s really hard to comprehend what is actually happening. I question how I managed to get myself into this situation. At the end of the day it was all an accident however, the fact I handled things completely the wrong way won’t do me any justice at all. Part of me is tempted to tell the truth but then again I'm not that brave, feeling lying and trying to get out of things will be much easier.

  Thirty minutes later and we pull into the police station. The car park walls are tall and grey, and there’s a big metal gate which the driver opens using a swipe card. We drive in. All I can see are countless police cars and officers walking around. The car comes to a halt. I take a deep breath trying to prepare myself for the fore coming events. The stocky officer turns round to me with a confident look in his eyes.

  ‘If I was you Jay, I would be open and honest.’

  ‘Yes officer, that’s all I've been.’ He then turns away, climbing out of the car, walks over to my door and opens it.

  ‘Right come on. Let’s get this over with.’ I freeze for a second knowing that once I'm in that police station that’s it, I won’t see freedom again.


  Chapter 7