Read Inappropriate Behaviour Page 5

I hate the sound of my alarm most mornings, but when it goes off at 0600 on a Monday morning when I’ve been awake all night with a busty brunette it’s really painful. I turn over to see Jamie still lying there in my bed, flinching at the sound of my alarm, before slowly opening her eyes.

  ‘What time is it?’

  ‘Six unfortunately.’

  ‘I don’t want to get up yet. I’m so tired, you’ve killed me.’

  ‘I’ve got work but you’re more than welcome to stay here for a bit if you want?’

  ‘Can I?’

  ‘Yeah, no one else will be in today but if you leave just pull the door to ok?’

  ‘Ok,’ speaking quietly with a mumble, turning over, going back to sleep.

  I head for the shower. The water is hot but feels refreshing. My penis aches from the night’s action. All of a sudden reality kicks in. the dreaded thought of the photo I received starts to haunt me, making me feel sick and nervous. It’s now only a matter of time before the weekend’s events come to a head and pops.

  I return to my room, sit on my bed where Jamie is sleeping and sit there watching her. I really like this girl. There’s something about her, but I really need to focus on what’s actually happening. I pick up my jeans from the floor and take the photo out of the pocket and stare at it for a few seconds, trying to work out who may have seen me. From the angle of the photo whoever took this was pretty close and was watching every move. Rather than dwell on it I get dressed into my work suit, do up my tie, kiss Jamie on her forehead and head for the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

  I have mixed feelings. Part of me feels happy that I have met Jamie but the other part is feeling scared due to the fact that I have murdered an innocent girl and disposed of her body. I drink my tea fast and check myself over in the long mirror in the hall way at the bottom of the stairs. I still have slight bruising on my neck from trying to hang myself but apart from that I'm look pretty sharp in my grey suit. I pick up my car keys, gently shut the front door behind me and head for my car.

  I fire up the engine of my C Class Mercedes and turn on the radio. The seven o’clock news is on to hear that a body has been found down Barry docks, but the person has not yet been identified. I knew now at this point my life would really change for the worst. I don’t normally smoke in my car but decided this morning would be an exception.

  I drive off to work, constantly looking in my mirror to see if anybody is following me. I get to work and park up in my allocated parking space and make my way into the building. As soon as I get into my office I shut the door and close the blinds whilst waiting for my PC to load. I call my assistant.

  ‘Julie, can you get me a cup of black coffee please. I’m not feeling too great.’

  ‘Of course Jay. Heavy weekend?’ with her polite, well-spoken voice.

  ‘Something like that, yeah.’

  Julie walks in about five minutes later. She’s always well dressed in her business suit, nice tied back black hair with big brown eyes and a lovely friendly smile. I’ve always kept things professional in work, whether it’s with my assistant or anybody else for that matter. I’m a completely different person when I’m in this building. That’s how I got to where I am today. People in here trust me. I treat my staff how I want to be treated by the boss which is my only management strategy and works very well. Julie places my coffee on my desk along with today’s Daily Mail.

  ‘Can I get you anything else?’

  ‘I need to cancel my morning meeting with Peter Jill. I've got a lot going on in my head and can’t face a client meeting just yet.’

  ‘No problem. I’ll schedule the meeting tomorrow if that’s ok?’

  ‘That’s perfect. Thanks Jules.’ She smiles and leaves my office, gently closing the door behind her.

  Sitting back in my chair I slurp my coffee and pick up the paper. The front page headline is the body found down the docks. Even though the door is shut along with the blinds, I try to keep composure, but inside my mind I’m screaming the place down. I read though the article which is brief and doesn’t really give anything away apart from the obvious facts. I’ve secured my alibi, Jamie, who would confirm I was with her all night. My main concern is the bastard who took the photo of me walking with Chloe down my street. I need to find out who this is before they cause a lot of damage but I'm completely stuck. For the time being I decide to carry on my working day as normal and focus on that to take my mind off the shit that’s going on.

  Before I know it my day is done and I'm making my way out of the prestigious building I work in and climb back into my car heading home to get ready for a gym session. En route home I give Jamie a call on the hands free.

  ‘Honey, how are you? Good day?’

  ‘Hi Jay. Not bad. Been keeping your bed warm all day.’

  ‘You’ve been in bed all day?’

  ‘Well Mr Duracell bunny kept me up all night, so needed my beauty sleep,’ giggling at the end of her sentence.

  ‘If you weren’t so hot, love, I wouldn’t be like that. Are you still at mine now?’

  ‘I am yes. That’s ok isn’t it?’

  ‘That’s fine. I’m on my way home now. Won’t be too long.’

  ‘Ok, see you in a bit then,’ I said hanging up the phone. Part of me felt invaded that she was still there, but then again the other part of me felt lifted, as though I have a new mate. I tune in to the radio to find one of my guilty pleasures is on and sing as loud as I can, with the most dreadful singing voice ever.

  I enter my house and head straight up to my room. I walk in and the smell of human body and breath hits me instantly. It was obvious she had been sleeping all day and made me gag slightly.

  ‘Hello handsome. Look at you in your suit!’ jumping up in her bra and knickers, giving me a long, sloppy wet kiss, along with the taste of morning breath.

  ‘What are your plans for this evening?’ pulling away from her clench.

  ‘I was hoping to stay another night, if that’s ok with you?’ trying to look sexy with her bed hair. I didn’t really want her to stay another night. The room felt clammy and I really wanted to go to the gym. However, having Jamie here will help keep my mind off things, helping me to act normal.

  ‘Yeah that’s fine, but are you planning on taking a shower?’

  ‘Why? Do I smell?’

  ‘No you don’t smell, but I'm going to want to do the wild thing with you soon and think you need to have a quick wash.’ She looked at me, shocked at my words. I have a habit of saying the wrong thing which comes across as inappropriate at times.

  ‘Actually, think I might shoot off home. I don’t have a change of clothes and I'm feeling a little skanky.’

  ‘Sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude.’

  ‘You were honest though, I like that. But seriously I'm going to make a move. Thanks for letting me stay though.’

  ‘You’re welcome. When will I see you next?’

  ‘When I’m feeling fresh Jay,’ leaping up out of my bed with her breasts bouncing, almost popping out, giving me that horny, dirty feeling. I grab her and passionately throw her onto the bed.

  ‘Not just yet dear,’ kissing her heavily and rubbing myself up against her. She instantly starts undoing my shirt, then makes her way down to my trousers and slides them down. I touch her gently and feel she's ready for me and gently insert myself inside at the same time listening to her sexy groan. Literally minutes later I’m finished. Feeling embarrassed I jump up and wrap my dressing gown around me, then sit on the edge of the bed.

  ‘You ok Jay?’ still catching her breath.

  ‘Yeah, sorry about that one. Found it hard to control myself.’

  ‘Ha-ha you silly sausage! It’s ok. You got me anyway.’


  ‘Yeah, come on big boy. Don’t be hard on yourself. Look, I really am going to make a move. I feel vile and in desperate need of a shower.’

  ‘Ok sweetie. Text me later yeah?’

ll do.’ She climbs out of bed, throws on her clothes and makes her way to the bedroom door. Before leaving she turns to me.

  ‘I like you a lot Jay. Please don’t mess me about ok? That’s all I ask.’ I nod and she blows me a kiss whilst leaving the room.

  I lay down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, feeling lucky. Feeling lucky I’ve met her but deep down I know this isn’t going to last. I know I will eventually get found out about killing Chloe and then Jamie will want nothing to do with me.


  Chapter 6