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  Incident In Rhodes

  Copyright 2017 by Donald Harry Roberts

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  The occasion was so special Mrs. Victoria Foley could hardly keep her wits. When her husband Larry arrived home from his errands she said in a narrowly controlled voice. “It’s all set up. I have booked a vacation to Rhodes in the Greek Islands. It’s a complete package tour and James and Laura-Anne Breckenford are coming with us.”

  Larry, in his solid, controlled version of enthusiasm smiled and replied, “Excellent dear. Excellent. But I thought James and Laura-Anne were….well….having troubles.”

  “Yes, but I think they are trying to work things out and if they take the right leads they will make it.” Victoria responded in a positive frame.

  “That’s great. We should have a wonderful time.” Larry replied.

  For the next several weeks Mrs. Foley organized the vacation, that meaning….. she did all the packing because Larry was in many ways a very typical male. He did not look at the details of travelling, especially to foreign countries. She and Laura-Anne, (never just Laura) made sure that the trip to the airport was all arranged and that they would arrive in plenty of time. “There is nothing worse than having to hurry on occasions like this. One nearly always forgets to do something, or leaves something behind, especially James who is for-ever distracted by his work.” Explained Laura-Anne.

  “I am sure things will come along just fine.” Victoria assured. But on the eve of their departure James Breckenford seemed more distracted than usual. He seemed worried and nervous, pacing the house like a caged cat. It made Laura-Anne quite uncomfortable.

  There was a cool quietness between the Breckenfords as the limo drove the group to the airport. In her usual good natured way Victoria tried to lighten the mood and for a time it seemed she had succeeded. James managed a few smiles and stopped talking about this deal and that deal for the latter half of the drive from Belleville to Toronto…. And Larry turned things a little better with his always jovial commentaries, this time talking about trying to communicate with the natives in Rhodes. His attempt to speak a few words in Greek made every one laugh.

  Things went along good until they were well on their way and cruising 35000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean. “James. Please. Put that away. We are on vacation. We need this time to …..” Laura- Anne was saying in a pleading voice. But all she managed to do was cause James to go off in a huff.

  “That man!” Laura Anne spouted miserably under her breath, nearly in tears. “Some days I could just wring his neck.” She spoke just loud enough for passengers seated nearby to hear her threat.

  Victoria heard her as well. “Now, now Laura- Anne. Be patient with James. He will come around.” She consoled.

  “I will believe it when I see it. He is a stubborn man.” Laura-Anne replied moodily. “And I think it will take more than a holiday in Greece. He is too hard a man to understand such subtleties. I wish he was….”


  Laura-Anne did not finish her wish having seen her husband emerge from the lavatory. As he returned to his seat he said. “You will never tell me again when or when I cannot do business.” Then he dropped into his seat and no one uttered another world until the plane landed. It was on the way to a connecting flight to Rhodes Island that James paused for a moment, took his wife in his arms and whispered something in her ear. A smile, sad though it was, formed on her lips, then she whispered something back, and it seemed they had at least come to some kind of peace between them.

  “Well then. Let’s get on our way to Rhodes. I am looking forward to a tour of The Palace of Grand Masters.” Said James Breckenford cheerfully. “A little too cheerfully.” Victoria thought but let it slide hoping her natural senses that something was amiss would prove wrong. “Pray that all will go well.” She thought, with a quick glance skyward.

  And so for the flight to Rhodes and checking into their hotel rooms all went along peacefully. Even at dinner the mood between the Breckenfords was amiable and they managed a play full quip with one another.

  “Well I think after a long flight and probably some jet leg we should turn in and get a fresh start in the morning. All the arrangements for the tour of The Palace of the Grand Masters are made.

  Apparently it will take most of tomorrow.” Victoria suggested.

  At 8 am members of the Palace Of The Grand Masters tour were gathering. Laura-Anne was standing with Victoria and Larry Foley waiting for James to arrive.

  “Isn’t it just like him to be late.” Laura-Anne groaned disheartenedly. “He went out about an hour ago for a quick walk.” Her words barely trailed off when suddenly she turned a grayer colour of pale and stood there staring.

  “What is it?” Victoria asked urgently.

  Across the room stood a tall elegant looking man with silver hair and glimmering blue eyes. It was the last person Laura-Anne expected to see so far away from home.

  “I can’t believe he would come all this way to….to…..well… stalk me.” She said in a hoarse whisper, just loud enough for Victoria and Larry to hear but no one else.

  “Who?” Larry responded abruptly and watched where Laura -Anne was pointing. “Him. His name is Malcolm Thurlow. Many years ago we dated. Long before I ever met James. About three months ago he showed up again and has been stalking me since.”

  Larry took to foot across the room but before he could reach the man he was gone, vanishing it seemed into the crowd. Larry glanced about quickly trying to see which way the man went but there was no sign of him. Still looking about he went back to where the girls were standing.

  Just then James arrived apologising for being late but giving no reason for it. He saw the worry on his wife’s face and said. Goodness Laura-Anne. I wasn’t that late.

  “It has nothing to do with you James.” Laura snapped and headed for the exit door where the bus to the palace was waiting.

  “Well what is it then? James called after her, but it was Victoria who explained what had happened.


  Victoria saw Laura-Anne move from the lobby into a small courtyard off to the left of the main entrance way. A few minutes later Malcolm emerged from an elevator and followed Laura- Anne, Victoria over run with curiosity followed him, which I suppose some people might call snooping into other people’s business but under the circumstances, given what had happened earlier Victoria could be forgiven and even justified in her….eavesdropping.

  By the time she found the two, standing only a few inches apart she quickly noticed they were having a heated conversation with angry looks on both their faces. Though she did not like that they were arguing Victoria thought it was better than the alternative.

  Suddenly Malcolm tried to hug Laura but she pushed him away and quickly looked around.

  Victoria moved a little closer and was able to hear what Laura-Anne was saying, “Stop Malcolm. Someone might see what you are doing and get the wrong impression,” to which Malcolm replied, ”Then do as I want tonight so we can be together.”

  Though Victoria saw Laura-Anne shake her head no she missed what was said and what happened next because a group of people came through and blocked her view and crowded her out of the way. When she tried to get sight of Malcolm and Laura-Anne again they were nowhere to be seen. It was only when she returned to the lobby that Victoria came across Laura-Anne making her way toward the elevators. She caught up to her and asked, “Are you okay?” Laura-Anne
was nearly in tears and shook her head no.

  Laura-Anne was almost asleep when she heard her husband get out of bed and dress. She glanced at the clock. It was just past 1 am. At first she was going to ask him where he was going

  at that time of night but decided to wait until he was out the door then quickly dress and follow him. What was whirling around in her mind frightened and angered her. If the notion proved to be true she would……”No….don’t think like that girl! There is probably a very good explanation.” She thought, but was not convinced it was sound. What could have a good explanation in the middle of the night?

  Laura-Anne was entering the hall-way when she heard the elevator hiss shut. She quickly made for the stairs and hurried down three flights to the lobby. James had just reach the main entrance when she arrived. In the next second her worst