Read Incident In Rhodes Page 2

fear materialized.

  The woman was young, barely in her twenties Laura-Anne guessed. “How could you?” Shesobbed as her husband and the young woman exited the hotel.

  Laura-Anne considered going back to the room but anxious anxiety drove her on. She wanted to know exactly how far this evil tryst was going.

  “Oh my.” The words stopped Laura- Anne cold in her tracks. “She knew that expression well and who used it regularly. She turned and saw Victoria Foley purposely striding toward her.

  “Did you see Victoria? Did you see who my husband was with?” Laura-Anne asked with an uncontrollable quaver in her voice. “I am going to……”

  “Now, now Laura-Anne. Don’t say such terrible things. Come with me. I’ll stay with you for a while.” Victoria urged and directed her friend toward the elevator.


  Breakfast at 8 am. Victoria, Larry and Laura-Anne met in the dinning-room for the first serving two minutes before the hour. James, according to Laura-Anne, had gone off early as usual, “Probably to see that young woman.” She suffered.

  “Well we can get started and I am sure he will show before breakfast is done.” Larry replied not quite catching Laura-Anne’s implication. Then the light went on. “What woman?”

  “We don’t know the answer to that dear. At least not clearly. It could all be very innocent.”

  Victoria replied then went on to explain the details. When she was done Larry frowned but kept his thoughts to himself.

  Their breakfast was just arriving when a hotel porter entered the dinning- room followed by a man in a gray business suit accompanied by two uniformed police officers. They came straight to the table,

  “This is Inspector Papadopoulos. He wishes to speak to you.” He announce not pointing out any one in particular at the table.

  Larry Foley stood from his chair and inquired. “Good morning Inspector. Is there a problem?”

  He plied his knowledge of Greek…..The police officer stretched his lips into mirthful grin and responded.

  “Indeed Sir! The Inspector spoke in English….nearly perfect. “Do you know a man named James Breckenford?” he inquire.

  “Yes we do.” Larry was answering but before he could go on Laura-Anne got to her feet quickly and explained. “That’s my husband.”

  A practiced, sad expression came across the Inspector's brow. “Please have a seat Madam.” He instructed gently.

  Laura-Anne reclaimed her chair but kept an anxious stare fixed on the Inspector.

  “It is with greatest regret Madam that I must inform you that your husband’s body has been discovered at the rear exit of the hotel. I am afraid it appears not to be accident or any other mishap. He has been murdered.

  “Murdered!” Laura-Anne wailed out in horror so loud the entire room started and fixed their gaze on her as she vaulted from her seat.

  “Murdered.” She repeated. This time in a softer voice over-written with grief.

  Then……She fainted.

  Laura-Anne was in her room laying on the bed when she came to. For a moment she thought she had just experienced a horrendous nightmare. Somewhere deep inside she almost felt a sense of relief. Then it all came back as she opened her eyes and saw Victoria looking down at her.

  “It’s alright Laura-Anne. You are in your room.” Victoria said softly.

  “Then it is true. It is not a dream. James is dead. James was m…m…murdered.” Laura-Anne replied curiously rather than grievously.

  “Yes. “ Someone else answered. A man.

  Laura-Anne glanced toward the voice and her Gaze fell on the frowning brow of Inspector

  Papadapoulis. “As soon as you are able I need to ask you some questions.” He announced in a matter of fact tone.

  “Of course Inspector.” Laura-Anne replied and rose to a sitting position. “I am fine. I…..I could hardly believe….”

  “Really. I have several people that say they saw you leaning over the body of your husband and you were holding something that looked like a knife. Which I could guess would be the letter opener he was stabbed with.”

  Laura-Anne’s face turned ashen.


  “We require you to accompany us to the police station Mrs. Breckenford for more questioning.” Announced Inspector Papadopoulos. At that two uniformed officers took her by the arms and guided her away.

  Inspector. This is completely unnecessary. I am sure Laura-Anne has a perfectly good explanation.” Victoria interjected.

  “Maybe, but as it stands, it seems Mrs. Breckenford is our main and possibly only suspect.” The

  Inspector replied.

  “Not at all. You must know that there is another party that may have considered killing James. His name is Malcolm Thurlow, and then there is the young woman Laura-Anne and I saw with James late last night.”

  “That could be true, but there were no witnesses that say they saw anyone else near the body. And….we have the murder weapon which is being examined for finger marks this very moment. We need to compare them with Mrs. Breckenford’s. I must say I will surprised if her prints are not on the letter opener.” The Inspector advised coldly, obviously having already made up his mind about Laura-Anne Breckenfords involvement in her husband’s death…..murder.

  “Now Madam. Please leave us to our work. I will speak with you later. In the mean time you can give your statement to this officer.” The inspector instructed nodding toward another uniformed policeman.

  It took fifteen minutes for Larry and Victoria to give their statements. Then Victoria turned to her husband and said, “Larry. We had better locate a lawyer. You can do that while I look into some things.

  Come the next morning Victoria heard Laura-Anne had been officially arrested for the murder of her husband. By then however she was convinced that even though Laura-Anne had been witnessed at the crime scene she had nothing to do with James’ death. And…she was fairly certain who had plunged the letter opener into his heart.

  “I need your help husband. I need to get something from Malcolm Thurlow’s room.”

  “Now look here Wife. You are treading on dangerous ground. If the killer doesn’t get to you the police just might.”

  “The good lord will look out for us Larry. But we must look out for our friend or she will be railroaded straight into a Greek prison. I know she is innocent. I just need the right tool to point the Inspector in another direction than Laura-Anne.”

  “What. What did you get up to yesterday?” Larry demanded to know.

  “I was connecting some dots….you might say…..dots that added up to a pack of lies and miss- directions.”

  “You really are a character Mrs. Foley.” Larry said over a chuckle.

  “I suppose that is why you love me Mr. Foley. I keep you on your toes and every now and then throw in a little excitement.”

  “A little? Do You think.”…….Ok….What is you want to do?”

  “I have to get into Malcolm Thurlow’s room.”

  “Very well. But how do you propose to do that?” Larry inquired.

  “Ah….With this.” Victoria replied producing a key card.”

  “Where on earth did you get that?” Larry burst out in surprise.

  Victoria gave him a shadowy grin and looked side-wise into thin air and said, “He always provides in need Husband.”


  Victoria did not find what she was looking for. Instead she found something better. She tucked the item in her purse and hurried from Malcolm Thurlow’s room feeling a little…..just a smidgeon….guilty for her clandestine ways. But to save her friend she had to do something and what she retrieved would at least divert suspicion away from Laura-Anne and cast the shadow on


  She was was just getting off the elevator at her home floor when someone in blue-jeans and a gray hoodie attacked her. She was knocked to the floor and felt something tugging on her purse, but Victoria held on tight and managed to scratch the hand of her assailant.

  She was almost fr
ee when suddenly she caught the glint of a knife blade and she screamed as loud as she could, which was considerable, considering how frightened she was.

  At that very same moment a giant shadow came out of nowhere, grabbed the assailant and literally tossed the body down the hall, though the attacker was not harmed and made an escape through the stair well door.

  Victoria fell back and hit her head. The next thing she remembered was waking in her room staring into her husbands worried eyes and saying…”I smell jasmine.” Then. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “But it was not me dear. I found you unconscious, though I did carry you back here.”

  “Oh…well….someone did and whoever it was I say thank you.” Replied Victoria.

  “Was the break and enter worth it?” Larry asked in a joking way.

  “More than worth it. I have been provided with enough to shift suspicion away from Laura-Anne and maybe even enough to…..”

  Victoria did not finish. Just then a knock came to the door and Inspector Papadopoulis let himself in.

  “I must talk with you.” He said in a demanding tone. “Malcolm Thurlow has been found dead in his room.”

  Directly behind the Inspector came two a uniformed officer escorting a young woman. “That’s her. She was in Malcolm’s room. She stole something. I found Malcolm in the bathroom with a letter opener in his chest.”

  The smell of Jasmine filled the room. “Larry. Check her hand. She is the one who attacked me.” Victoria cried out and sure enough there was a scratch on her hand. “She was in the Malcolm Thurlow’s room. She must have been to have seen me take this.” Victoria accused as she picked