Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 10

  Chapter 7: Bittersweet

  The following day at Dark Heaven, Tristan was setting down a tray of chocolates inside of the glass display case. The chocolates had been inspired by the nail art of Rachel’s acrylic nails. Rachel’s overall look was sophisticated and conservative, but her nails were wild, fun and creative.

  Some of the new chocolates had swirls of different colors giving the tops of the chocolates a pearlescent, marbleized effect. Others had the design of black and white polka dots, or pink and white polka dots. There were chocolates that had the design of a white and black flower with tiny, round, silver sprinkles as decorative accents on a black and pink background. And some of the chocolates had interesting art deco and geometric patterns of swirls, circles, squiggly lines, diamonds, triangles, and flowers in lime green, hot pink, white, and yellow on a dark chocolate background.

  Tristan looked up and that’s when he saw Laura enter the chocolate shop. “Laura.” He said softly and with a wistful fondness to his tone.

  Laura was wearing jeans, but she was also wearing a stylish blouse, silver chain belt and high-heeled boots instead of tennis shoes. Her new sexy look brought a smile to Tristan’s lips as he straightened.

  Laura made her way over to Tristan shyly, and a little awkwardly. “Hello Tristan.”

  “Hello Laura.” He greeted her with his trademark grin.

  Laura looked a little startled by Tristan’s friendly greeting. “Before you say anything, I want you to know that my husband Manuel is waiting for me outside.” She held her breath as she awaited Tristan’s response.

  Tristan looked out the front store window and sure enough he could see Laura’s husband Manuel waiting outside for her. The man was pacing back and forth in front of the store window nervously. Tristan raised an eyebrow at the man’s behavior. “Don’t worry Laura, I won’t do anything to you untoward.” The chocolatier assured her.

  Laura let out a relieved breath. “Tristan, according to the rumors I know that after you’ve had a one-night stand you don’t usually see the woman you were with again but…I would like it if we could remain friends. Would that be okay?”

  Surprise and confusion warred within Tristan. “Sure…but why would you want to? Don’t you…hate me?” Tristan asked tentatively. He was used to being hated after he broke up with women so quickly.

  Laura blinked at Tristan before she let out a little giggle. “Hate you? Are you crazy? I’m grateful to you. Tristan, I’m here to thank you. You actually saved my marriage. My family.” Laura looked away guiltily. “I don’t know if you knew that I was married at the time we were…?”

  “I found that out afterwards.” The hard and painful way. Tristan shuddered as he recalled Raphael whipping the flesh off his back. He would never have an affair again.

  Laura turned to meet his eyes, an apologetic expression on her face. “I didn’t mean to lie to you but…I needed you. I’d lost confidence in myself as a woman and my husband Manuel…wasn’t showing any interest in me sexually. We were about to get a divorce actually, but…because of you I was able to rediscover my femininity, confidence, and sexuality. I dressed up and shared those chocolates you gave me with Manuel, and I managed to seduce my husband! He couldn’t keep his hands off of me actually.” Laura blushed as she recalled that intense night. She and her husband had had sex five times in one night! It had been like a second honeymoon. Laura coughed into her hand, awkwardly. “Anyways, he really likes your chocolates too. In fact, he sent me in here to get more.”

  Tristan watched Manuel pacing outside and his lip twitched. “I’m glad.” He turned to look back at Laura. “I’m happy for you, Laura. You deserve to be loved, appreciated. May I recommend these new chocolates?” Tristan waved a hand at the dark chocolate squares that had art deco patterns on them in hot pink, lime green, yellow and white. He was especially proud of those new chocolates.

  “Ooo.” Laura looked at the new chocolates admiringly, “They look amazing. I’d like a half-pound assortment, please.”

  “As you wish.” Tristan picked up a pair of tongs and picked up one chocolate at a time before placing it inside of a gold box carefully.

  Laura watched as Tristan worked and then looked past him through the sheet of glass that revealed the kitchen. Inside she saw Michael and Issy. Issy was currently decorating an impressive looking cake with white frosting and glazed fruit. Michael was practicing his tempering of chocolate. Laura’s gaze lingered on Issy thoughtfully and she reached her hand out to touch Tristan’s. “You deserve to be loved too, Tristan Savant.” She said gently. “I don’t know your reason for only having one-night stands but…I know if you decide to open your heart to someone that she’d be sure to fall in love with you.”

  “Laura…I…” Tristan began as he handed her the box of chocolates, but he stopped himself and shook his head. “That will be fourteen dollars and ninety-five cents.”

  Laura paid the amount. “Goodbye Tristan and see you soon.” She gave him a shy little wave.

  Tristan did his best to hide his bewildered expression. “Yeah…see you.” He watched Laura leave the shop and saw her take her husband’s hand. They walked down the street together hand-in-hand, looking excited about the prospect of eating Tristan’s sensual chocolates.

  Bittersweet happiness welled inside of Tristan’s chest. The chocolatier was happy for Laura and touched that she still wanted to remain friends. But he was also sad that he’d never have ‘that’ - that special connection that Laura and her husband seemed to have. He wouldn’t allow himself to. Laura was wrong. He didn’t deserve to have love in his life. He’d lost that privilege when he’d caused Hazel’s suicide.

  “Hey!” Issy slapped Tristan’s back to get his attention, and to snap him out of his funk. She’d noticed the strangely dark expression on his face. “What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Tristan jumped and turned to look at Issy. Today, she was wearing a baby blue dress with white lace accents, a blue bow on her head, a white lace choker with cameo, white knee socks, and shiny, patent leather shoes. The wig she’d chosen to wear was long, wavy and an orange-auburn color. She’d chosen to wear blue contact lenses. She was so cute. “Hey, china doll. It’s nothing…I was just lost in thought.”

  Issy gave the chocolatier an amused look. “Let me guess…you were thinking about sex.”

  Tristan gawked at Issy. “Little ladies shouldn’t say things like that!”

  Issy let out a snort. “Oh, you’re so guilty.” She teased, nudging his side with her elbow. “Pervert.”

  Tristan found himself blushing. “I wasn’t…”

  “Michael! Tristan’s out here thinking about sex! Again!” Issy called out loudly as she cupped her hands in front of her mouth.

  “Hey!” Tristan covered her mouth with his hand. “Don’t say things like that!”

  Issy blushed at the feeling of Tristan’s hand on her mouth and she couldn’t stop herself from licking his hand. Mmm. She let out a stifled moan. Tristan tasted so good, so sweet, like chocolate-covered, caramelized, orange peel.

  Tristan stared down at Issy with a scandalized look on his face. “Issy!” But Tristan didn’t pull his hand back…the feeling of Issy’s tongue against his hand was exquisite. He really was a pervert! I’m sick…Issy’s only fifteen…and yet I…He leaned into her touch.

  “What’s going on here?” Came Mina’s irritated voice right on schedule.

  Issy and Tristan broke away from each other instantly and both of them looked guilty. “Nothing.” Tristan quickly assured Mina.

  “Yeah, nothing at all…it wasn’t like I was just trying to make out with Tristan’s hand or anything weird like that. I mean, who would do something like that, right?” Issy laughed nervously.

  Tristan slapped a hand to his forehead. Doh. Issy had this tendency to babble…and get herself in trouble.

  Mina narrowed her eyes at Issy suspiciously. “Right…well, I’m going to go help that woman
over there. Weirdos.” Mina shook her head as she walked past Tristan and Issy, and went to help a customer decide on her purchase. Mina held up a mug with angel wings on it that was filled with an assortment of wrapped chocolates, and recommended it to the customer, who appeared interested in the suggestion.

  Tristan and Issy shared a secretive smile before they too continued working. Tristan rearranged the chocolates in the display case with his tongs while Issy fixed her own display of cupcakes. Issy’s angel cupcakes had been a hit, just as Tristan had suspected they would be. Issy was an amazing patissiere.

  Later that afternoon, Rachel arrived at Dark Heaven with a photographer in tow. The photographer was probably one of the most interesting looking people Issy had ever seen. He was wearing a skintight, purple leotard that was the same color as his short, silky hair. A beret sat on the side of his head, a purple and black striped scarf was wrapped around his neck stylishly, and an expensive camera hung from a glittery strap around his neck. The photographer’s eyes were lined in black and he was wearing purple lipstick. Issy did a double take at the high-heels the man was wearing.

  “Tristan!” Rachel greeted enthusiastically as soon as she caught sight of the chocolatier. “I have a surprise for you. This is Perrier.” She waved a hand at the photographer. “He did the album cover for the band Erotic Corpses! And he’s here to take some photos of you and your employees so that I can use them for the article I’m writing about your shop. Is that okay?”

  Tristan scratched his head, surprised by the sudden request, but then gave her a chagrined smile. “I’m sure it will be fine with my employees. Right guys?” Tristan addressed Issy, Michael and Mina who were standing close by and giving Perrier curious and star struck looks. Perrier was a pretty famous photographer.

  “It’s alright with me.” Issy immediately said.

  “Take all the pictures of me and Tristan together that you want.” Mina put in with a sly smile curling her lips.

  “Very well.” Michael agreed with a nod.

  “Excellent.” Rachel clapped her hands together. “Do your magic, Perrier.”

  Perrier raised his camera with a gleam in his eyes as he looked at Tristan, Michael, Mina and lastly his eyes landed on Issy. “Oh, a Living Doll! C’est magnifique! She’s so cute!” Perrier exclaimed as he began to take multiple shots of Issy.

  Issy blushed at all of the attention she was suddenly getting from the famous photographer and flinched as the flash went off again and again.

  “No, no, no, smile for me, dolly.” Perrier insisted as he looked through his viewfinder while checking the composition of his shot.

  “Like this?” Issy asked before she gave Perrier her best smile.

  “That’s it!” Perrier exclaimed excitedly. “Such innocence! Such sweetness! Can you do some poses?”

  “Hmm.” Issy thought before she tapped her chin and gave Perrier a quizzical look. “Like this?” She tilted her head slightly and widened her eyes.

  “Oh, yes, yes!” Perrier said taking more pictures.

  Gaining confidence Issy began to strike several cute poses for Perrier to take shots of. Mina watched what was happening, and angrily chewed on her thumbnail as she began to grow jealous of all the attention Issy was getting. She blamed Perrier’s lack of interest in her on the fuddy-duddy outfit Alan Dullahan had made her. Mina was wearing a chocolate-colored, knee length dress with a frilly white apron over top, knee socks, and a pair of patent leather shoes. The dress was probably the most conservative Mina had worn since she was thirteen! The only thing remotely cool about it was the pair of small wings that had been attached to the back of the dress.

  Perrier looked Tristan over next and met his eyes. “Such amazing eyes!” Tristan was wearing his usual chocolatier jacket, black pants, long black apron, shiny dress shoes and a dark blue neckerchief around his neck. “Tristan, I want you to stand next to Issy for a few shots. I think that you both will compliment each other with your otherworldly appearances.”

  Tristan shrugged and approached Issy to stand next to her in front of the display case. “Sure. Here?”

  Perrier waved his hand at Issy. “Yes, now get closer.”

  Tristan sidestepped closer to Issy. “Here?”

  Perrier shook his head and gave Tristan a frustrated look. “No, no, closer. I want you guys to look like a couple.”

  Tristan stepped right next to Issy until their shoulders were brushing. “Like this?” The chocolatier asked and could feel his shoulder tingling.

  “Yes, perfect!” Perrier began to take some shots. “Now put your arm around her shoulders.”

  “What?” Issy squeaked. Eeee! I’m getting my photo taken with Tristan Savant! This is like a dream. I have so many pictures of him…but none with me in them. I wonder if Perrier will let me keep one?

  “Hey, wait!” Mina objected. “I want to take pictures with my brother too! You can’t- mmph!” She was cut off when Michael put a hand over her mouth and began to pull her away.

  “Shhh! This is just business, Mina. These pictures will be good advertising.” Michael said sternly. But on the inside Michael was thinking: When will Tristan make a move already? Hurry up and put your arm around her!

  Tristan gave Issy a shy look as he slung his arm casually around her petite shoulders. “This okay?”

  “Oh yes! C’est magnifique! You little lovebirds look perfect together!” Perrier insisted as he hopped around the couple and took pictures of them.

  Issy blushed and Tristan could feel his own cheeks heating up. He shook his head as he tried to get himself under control. It’s just Issy. Tristan repeated to himself in his mind unable to explain why his heartbeat had sped up at getting to be so close to the Living Doll. For some reason Tristan was feeling like an awkward teenager.

  Mina pouted while Issy tried not to look too happy when Perrier told them to hold hands next. Eeee! She inwardly squealed. Perrier then asked Tristan to pick Issy up with his one arm and for her to act as still as a doll. This resulted in a super cute picture where it looked as though Tristan was holding a doll. Tristan hadn’t minded the pose since Issy was as light as a feather.

  Perrier nodded a few minutes later, looking pleased. His gaze turned towards Michael and Mina next and a calculating expression formed on his face. “Now, I want to take some pictures of the two of you.”

  “Us?” Mina blurted shooting Michael a strange look. “Like together?”

  “Oh yes, your chocolate-colored dress will nicely compliment his chocolate-colored apron. Now, chop, chop.” Perrier clapped his hands together. “Hurry up and stand together. I don’t have all day!”

  Mina reluctantly moved besides Michael and he did the same. She gave him an irritated look. “I wanted to take pictures with my brother, not you.” Michael ignored Mina’s comment and surprised her when he put his arm around her shoulders and smoothly pulled her closer to his side.

  “How’s this Perrier?” Michael asked with a grin on his face. Mina couldn’t help but notice the dimples Michael had when he smiled.

  “Ooo, you’re a natural, Michael! Very sexy! Keep that pose!” Perrier began to take quick shots of the couple while Mina found herself blushing at the way Michael was holding her so closely against him, in an almost possessive manner.

  “Wait a moment, Perrier.” Michael put his hair back into a ponytail and adjusted the red neckerchief that was around his throat. “Okay, take a few more shots like this.”

  Mina couldn’t help but stare at Michael’s handsome face that was completely revealed now that his wavy hair had been tied back. His face had chiseled features with a strong nose, kissable lips, and a square chin. Mina quickly shook her head though when she realized that she was staring. What the hell is wrong with me? What am I staring at Michael for? He’s nothing compared to Tristan!

  Michael was acting unaffected by their closeness and surprisingly suave, but if anyone had looked at the tips of Michael’s ears they would have noted
that they were red.

  “Trés bien! Oh, I can feel the tension between you two. I am loving this!” Perrier exclaimed as he happily took more pictures. “You two also make a beautiful couple!”

  Mina’s eyebrow twitched. “We’re not a couple!” She snapped.

  After a few minutes had passed with Michael and Mina glaring at each other while holding hands, Perrier decided to put them out of their misery. Or was it bliss? “You two can stop holding hands now.” The photographer sounded very amused as he lowered his camera.

  Michael and Mina both looked down at their clasped hands in bewilderment before they instantly let go of each other’s hands and sprang away from each other. Apparently, they’d forgotten they had been holding hands. Perrier chuckled at their blushing faces.

  The group then exited the chocolate shop to take some pictures outside. The Victorian architecture of the shop made for a nice background. Rachel supervised the shoot and gave Perrier more ideas for poses. The magazine editor was surprised by how Issy looked at Tristan when she thought no one was looking, as if she were in love with him. But Issy is so young. Rachel thought. Although such a couple is not unheard of…or impossible.

  The entire shoot Tristan was trying hard not to be affected by Issy’s closeness. He concentrated on not breathing in her sugar cookie and vanilla scent. He tried not to lean into her touch. And he tried really hard not to get turned on. It was a losing battle, however.

  After the photo shoot had finally ended, Tristan was painfully aroused. He immediately ran up to his room, and locked the door behind him so he could pleasure himself to images of Issy in his mind. After he reached his peak of pleasure saying Issy’s name he felt like a pervert. I’m a total pervert. She’s fifteen. Guilt, horror and shame swirled inside of Tristan’s gut making him feel nauseous.