Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 9

  Chapter 6: Creamy Peach

  It was Monday, the beginning of a new week at Dark Heaven. Tristan stood behind the display case with his chin propped up on his hand, admiring the lovely ladies seated at the antique tables enjoying coffee, tea and chocolate for their breakfasts.

  Saturday night he’d slept with Laura, who was apparently a married woman. And now he was already onto his next conquest. He couldn’t understand why he felt betrayed by Laura even though he was the one who’d done the seducing and the ditching. But he now knew Laura had never intended to continue things with him anyways. She’d used him - the exact same way he usually used women. The chocolatier shook his head to rid it of such sour thoughts. He didn’t want to think about Laura and he needed a distraction.

  The chocolatier’s bi-colored eyes scanned the shop looking at potential young women to woo. That’s when he felt a rather bold stare upon him. He turned his head and met the gaze of a beautiful, sophisticated, young woman with a slick bob of platinum blonde hair and gray-blue eyes. She was wearing a dark blue suit jacket and a knee-length, navy-blue skirt, stockings, and a pair of high heels.

  The chocolatier recognized this young woman instantly. He’d seen her inside of his shop before and because of her aloof demeanor he’d figured she might be a lawyer or even a doctor. She had this cold, serious air about her. A no-nonsense kind of girl. She was obviously a smart, independent woman. Thinking back, he realized that he’d never seen her smile.

  Tristan smiled charmingly at her and she merely blinked before crooking her finger at him, beckoning him over to her table. Tristan shrugged before he sauntered over.

  “Hello, I’m Rachel Diamond. I’m the editor and chief of Epic Taste Gourmet Magazine.” Rachel introduced herself and offered Tristan her hand.

  The editor of a gourmet magazine? Tristan’s eyes widened in surprise and suddenly he felt nervous. Instead of shaking her hand, Tristan took Rachel’s hand and placed a kiss on it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rachel. I’m Tristan Savant.” As Tristan kissed Rachel’s hand he couldn’t help but notice her acrylic nails. They were an ocean blue color with glittery, silver rhinestones decorating them. The nails caused Tristan to do a double take since he was surprised that the serious Rachel has such wild looking nails.

  “I know.” Rachel said as she boldly met his unusual bi-colored eyes. “You’re also the son and heir of Adrian Savant, CEO of the popular French bakery franchise La Boulangerie Savant.”

  Surprise flashed across Tristan’s visage. There was also a twisting feeling in his gut at the mention of his father. “I…don’t really want people to know of our connection.” Tristan admitted.

  Rachel tilted her head to regard Tristan thoughtfully. “After graduating from the Institute of Culinary Education you left home…and opened up Dark Heaven instead of taking over the family business. You haven’t been in contact with your family since then. Why is that?” She took a sip of her coffee as she awaited his response.

  Tristan’s eyes narrowed. “That’s really none of your business.” He couldn’t stop the small frown that had formed on his face.

  Rachel had never seen Tristan frown before and immediately became apologetic. “I’m sorry.” She set her coffee cup down. “I wasn’t trying to offend you, Tristan. I’m only interested in your family and background because I’m considering featuring your shop in an article for my magazine. But I will need some personal facts about you and your family to make things interesting. Well, at least the ones you don’t mind me publishing.”

  “You want to write an article on Dark Heaven?” Tristan asked excitedly, his previous ire forgotten. Being featured in Epic Taste Gourmet Magazine would be really good promotion.

  Rachel’s lip twitched. “Don’t count your chickens just yet, Tristan. I said I was considering it. I think I need a little more convincing if you know what I mean.”

  Tristan blinked, feeling momentarily confused, and scratched his head. “I’m not sure I understand your meaning.”

  “Now that surprises me, Mr. Playboy. I’ll be more direct then. Go on a date with me. Tonight. We could have a drink together…just you and me. And then afterwards…” Rachel picked up a piece of chocolate, and ran her tongue over it before taking a bite. She moaned in bliss at the taste. “Mmm, that’s heavenly.”

  “Oh…Ohhhh. I would be honored-” Tristan was saying before he stopped himself. He couldn’t go on a ‘night date’ with Rachel because it would indefinitely lead to sex. He needed to woo Rachel for one week before he could have sex with her - at least that was according to the deal he’d made with Michael. “But I have a better idea. Why don’t we go on a date tomorrow afternoon? I’d like to get to know you a little better first…if that’s okay? It’s hard to get to know someone at a bar. It’s usually too loud inside to hold a decent conversation.” I’ll have Michael, Mina and Issy watch the shop tomorrow afternoon so I can have a nice day date with Rachel.

  Rachel gave Tristan an assessing look. “You want to get to know me first?” A twinkle of amusement shone in her eyes. “You’re a little different from the rumors I’ve heard about you, Tristan.”

  Tristan shrugged. “So you don’t mind if we take things slower?”

  “No, I don’t mind…I’m just curious about what you’re up to, Tristan.” Rachael admitted coolly. “Tomorrow afternoon then. At what time should I be here?”

  “How about one o’clock?” Tristan suggested.

  “One o’clock it is. I’ll see you then.” Rachael nodded in agreement, finished off her coffee, and left the shop.

  Tristan grinned to himself. “Score.” The chocolatier clicked his heels together excitedly as he walked away. Alright! My next conquest will be Rachel Diamond. She’s a total babe. Kinda reminds me of a sexy librarian type. I bet she’d look hot in a pair of glasses.

  Later that same day, after Tristan and the others had closed up Dark Heaven, Tristan made his way into his bedroom. Usually, after work Tristan would go to his bedroom, lock the door, take out a dirty magazine or pop a porn DVD into his DVD player, and pleasure himself. What? Sex demon.

  Only this time he stopped in his tracks in the doorway of his bedroom, wide-eyed. Michael was inside of his room, crouched down next to his bed, and pulling out several dirty magazines that Tristan kept beneath the bed before putting them into a cardboard box. “Michael…what are you doing?” Tristan gawked at Michael in disbelief.

  “What does it look like, genius? I’m confiscating your…what do the humans call this inappropriate stuff? Porn? These magazines have inappropriate images inside of them, and the ‘movies’ are even worse! They actually show humans having sexual intercourse! Disgusting. They have to go.” Michael said as he continued to fill the box with magazines and DVDs.

  Tristan’s jaw dropped at this alarming situation and his hand twitched as he felt like protecting the smart phone that was inside of his pocket. “Confiscating?” The incubus kept all of his ‘flash traffic’ (photos girls had sent Tristan of themselves topless) and sex videos that he’d made with some of the girls he’d slept with, on his phone. “In the name of all that is holy…why?”

  “Why?” Michael stood with the cardboard box in his hands and turned around to face Tristan. “Your sister is living with us now. I can’t have her stumbling upon such inappropriate things. She’s so young and impressionable - it could corrupt her!”

  “A little late for that.” Tristan muttered darkly to himself.

  Michael tried to walk past Tristan, however-

  Tristan lunged at Michael and grabbed the box. “You can’t confiscate my precious collection! I won’t let you!” Tristan tried to pull the box out of Michael’s arms and tugged with all his might.

  But Michael pulled back on the box with a fierce look on his face, “Oh yes, I can! I’m your guardian angel! And Raphael was a rude awakening that I’ve been too lenient with you lately. Do you want Raphael to kidnap and torture you again? Next time I might decide not to heal

  Tristan shuddered as he remembered Raphael whipping the skin off his back. He’d been lucky - real lucky - that he’d slept multiple times with Laura and so had enough replenished demonic energy to heal himself after the attack. Michael had also grudgingly helped to heal his remaining wounds.

  “No.” Tristan said sourly, “But I doubt the Archangel will kidnap me over some harmless porn!” Please don’t let Michael know about my phone. Tristan chanted inside his head.

  “How can you be so sure?” Michael tugged back on the box.

  “You’re being ridiculous!” Tristan snapped as they tugged back and forth on the box until the box tore in two causing porn magazines and DVDs to scatter across the floor. Tears sprung to Tristan’s eyes, “Nooo my porn!”

  At that moment, Mina and Issy burst into the bedroom, both wearing concerned expressions on their faces. They’d heard Michael and Tristan fighting from downstairs and had become worried. Issy had been about to go home, but at the sound of the two men arguing had decided to stay with Mina and check out what was going on.

  “Hey, what’s up, guys?” Mina asked looking at the mess on the floor.

  “Is everything okay?” Issy asked as she looked from one man to the other to check and see if they had bruises on their faces from fighting each other again. That’s when Issy’s eyes fell upon the pile of dirty magazines with naked women on their covers. “Oh my,” Issy gasped as she placed a hand over her mouth.

  Mina’s eyes grew wide as she spotted the porn DVDs, “Oh my God…gross.” Mina reached out to pick up one of the magazines and looked at the cover. It was a porno magazine with Lolita type girls. Small, doll-like girls wearing frilly, lacy, dolly dresses and with bows on their head. Mina glared at Issy. “Ewww…so you are into Lolita, Tristan? You pedo!”

  “Uh…” Tristan said, knowing that whatever he decided to say would just end up digging his grave deeper.

  That’s when Issy spotted a magazine she couldn’t help but pick up and examine. The model on the cover looked a hell of a lot like Mina! She had long, black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin, but was naked. “This girl looks just like you, Mina.” Issy observed, showing her the magazine.

  Mina tossed the other magazine aside carelessly and snatched the magazine out of Issy’s hands to look at it. Her eyes widened and a cat’s paw smile formed on Mina’s face. “So…I’m your type, Tristan?” She purred happily.

  “Oh crap.” Tristan muttered as he shot Michael a wary glance.

  Issy gave Tristan a disappointed look and shook her head. “Tristan, I thought better of you. I can’t believe you’re into your sister. Isn’t that incest?”

  “It’s not like that!” Tristan tried to assure Issy. “It’s…fantasy.”

  “So you’re saying if your sister wasn’t your sister then you’d do her?” Issy asked as she narrowed her eyes at the chocolatier.

  Tristan opened his mouth to respond but snapped it shut again. “I plead the Fifth.” He could feel the murderous aura surrounding Michael and then the unmistakable sound of a magazine being ripped in two. Tristan spun around and saw Michael ripping his Lolita porn magazine in half. “No! Stop! How could you be so cruel?” The incubus begged and when Michael didn’t stop ripping up his magazines, tears began to stream down Tristan’s face. “You can’t. My fantasies…” He moaned and sunk to his knees on the floor in despair.

  “Unhealthy fantasies are not permitted in this household. Especially, of Lolita type girls…those girls look underage!” Michael growled as he ripped the magazines to shreds and sprinkled the pieces on top of Tristan’s head.

  Mina laughed at Tristan’s drama queen behavior. “Brother, you’re being so pathetic. It’s just porn.”

  Issy, however, felt oddly sorry for Tristan. Perhaps, it was merely the fact that Tristan had actual tears in his eyes. Poor Tristan. He must have really liked his porn collection. Maybe I could get him a new magazine…or porno video? Or better yet some sexy pictures of myself. Non-digital of course, so the photos couldn’t be stored on the Internet or get lost on the infamous ‘cloud’. Polaroid would have to do then. Aw, crap, I forgot Rule Number Nine of the Shadow Stalker Association: A Shadow Stalker must never send naked photos, gifts, or letters to his/her target. (This could cause the target mental anxiety).

  “I’m not done yet.” Michael snatched the magazine out of Mina’s hands next.

  Both Tristan and Mina looked horrified by what Michael was about to do. “Nooo!” They yelled in unison.

  Rippp. Michael began to rip the magazine to shreds with a feral smile on his face and started to laugh maniacally.

  “Michael…you jerk.” Tristan was beginning to feel vindictive and so looked up at the angel slyly. “I would have given you that particular magazine, if you had asked me for it, stupid angel.” Tristan had noticed how Michael looked at his sister when he thought no one was watching.

  Michael stopped laughing, and looked at the shredded magazine of the naked chick that looked like Mina despairingly. Hellfire.

  Mina was furious and failed to note Michael’s disappointed look however. “Michael…you suck! Hmph!” She stomped out of the bedroom without looking back.

  Michael looked after her with a crestfallen expression on his face. “I was just trying to protect your honor, Mina. I really don’t understand 21st century women.” He scratched his head.

  Issy crouched by Tristan’s side and patted his back. “There, there. I can always buy you more.” She whispered conspiratorially into his ear.

  Tristan shot Issy a startled look and quickly shook his head. “A little lady shouldn’t say things like that, Issy. But thanks for the offer. I’m oddly touched by it, but I’ll get through this somehow…maybe I should have a funeral for my porn.” At least he hasn’t found my sex toy collection.

  Michael continued his anti-porn rampage while Issy and Tristan watched as the angel ripped all of Tristan’s magazines to shreds, and stepped on and broke all of the porn DVDs until there was nothing left. While this was happening Tristan sobbed and Issy stroked his back in order to console him.

  After Michael was finally finished acting like a total jerk he wiped his hands together, looking pleased with himself. There! “Now, you can’t escape into fantasy, Tristan. You should instead envision a woman from reality when you ma-”

  “Ah! Don’t say that word in front of Issy!” Tristan objected as he covered Issy’s ears with his hands and glared at the angel heatedly.

  Michael coughed into his hand awkwardly. “Oh, right, sorry…when you take care of your affliction then. Someone like Coco, perhaps?” Michael suggested, taking advantage of the fact that Tristan’s hands covered Issy’s ears. Tristan pleasuring himself to Coco would be perfect. I’ve got to get these two together somehow. This ship is going to kill me!

  A slight pink tinge came to Tristan’s cheeks. “Shut up, Michael. And you call me the pervert.”

  “I’m just saying, Coco is not unattractive…for a stalker. Food for thought.” With a cocky grin on his face and swagger to his step, Michael left the bedroom.

  Tristan lowered his hands from Issy’s ears in a daze. What the hell is that jerk up to?

  Issy gave Tristan a concerned look. He was flushed and dazed, and obviously thinking about ‘something’. And knowing Tristan that something was probably something naughty. “Are you alright?”

  Issy’s voice cut through Tristan’s musings of Coco. “What? Uh, yeah…I’m fine. You should go-”

  Issy stood and nodded. “Have a nice evening, Tristan.”

  “Uh, yeah, you too, Issy.” Tristan said, but was unable to meet her gaze. He felt guilty that he was picturing a naked woman while talking to Issy.

  Issy left Tristan alone in his bedroom and closed the door behind her. Tristan looked at the closed bedroom door, sighed, and wiped the lingering tears from his eyes. Suddenly, with thoughts of his beautiful stalker Coco in his head he didn’t feel so depressed.

  The choc
olatier walked over to the pile of shredded magazines and sat down next to it. He picked up a piece of magazine and wondered if he’d originally had any magazines that had a model that looked like Coco. Coco…with her petite, half-Asian physique, porcelain skin, caramel brown, almond-shaped eyes that resembled a cat’s, and her hair that was different shades of brown.

  Tristan picked up another piece of magazine…but no woman came close to the mysterious, elusive Coco. He supposed he’d just have to take Michael’s advice and use his imagination. Tristan stripped off his clothes, made his way over to his bed, and lay down. He reached over and opened the drawer of his night table to pull out a bottle of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup.

  Yes, Tristan used Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup to pleasure himself. The smell of the chocolate aroused him and its sticky consistency created wonderful friction. It was a little messy but he always had a clean towel ready to wipe it off (though a girl to lick it off was preferred).

  The incubus used to have that latter option available with great frequency until Michael had moved in. Tristan began to pleasure himself as he let his mind form visual images of…Coco. Coco’s image easily came to his mind as he thought about her. She was wearing that sexy ball gown. He pictured kissing her, causing her to gasp his name: ‘Tristan’. “Coco!” Tristan cried out as he reached his peak of pleasure.

  Wow. And that had been from just imagining what it would be like to kiss his stalker. Crap. He really had to stay away from Coco. Right now he was supposed to be concentrating on seducing Rachel anyways. Rachel…who was so serious and never smiled. He really needed to get her to smile. But how? He wondered.

  A sudden devious idea came to Tristan for their date on the morrow. He would make Rachel smile - guaranteed. I’ll bring a smile to Rachel’s lips. Count on it.


  The next day at one o’clock in the afternoon, Rachel showed up at Dark Heaven wearing a brown blazer, white blouse, and burgundy-colored, knee-length skirt. A scarf was stylishly wrapped around her neck and she also had on a pair of high-heeled shoes. Her overall look was serious and sophisticated.

  “Afternoon, Rachel. Are you ready to go?” Tristan asked with that ever-present boyish grin on his face. He looked Rachel over, thinking that she always seemed to look so ‘put together’.

  Rachel looked behind Tristan to see that Mina was assisting customers while Michael and Issy could be seen through the glass working in the kitchen. “You’re not going to close the shop?”

  “Naw, I trust Michael, Issy and my sister Mina to look after the place while I’m gone.” Tristan explained with a touch of pride in his voice. “They make a great team.”

  “Don’t you mean ‘we’?” Rachel raised an eyebrow at the chocolatier.

  Tristan blinked and looked sheepish. “Uh, yeah. I guess.”

  Rachel gave Mina a curious look. “So, she’s your sister Mina? I didn’t know. I thought…no, never mind.”

  “No, what did you think?” Tristan urged her to continue.

  “I thought she was one of your lovers. The way she looks at you is…well…” Rachel shrugged. “Sorry, it’s just what it looked like.”

  Tristan chuckled, surprising Rachel. “No worries. Everyone thinks that. My sister is a little obsessed with me. Did you know I even have my very own stalker?”

  Rachel’s eyes widened at that. “A stalker? Have you reported her to the police?”

  “The police? What? No.” Tristan shook his head. “She’s…not dangerous. She even saved my butt this one time…” A wistful look crossed Tristan’s face as he remembered that daring rescue.

  “I see.” Rachel said coolly.

  The tone of her voice snapped Tristan out of his thoughts. “Anyways, we should get going.”


  Tristan led Rachel to his Corvette and opened the door for her. She got into the passenger’s side seat and gave Tristan a strange look. She wasn’t used to men helping her or acting gentlemanly around her. They saw her as a strong, independent woman who could take care of herself. Tristan got in behind the wheel, started the engine, and tore off down the road. He made sure to go fast enough that Rachel’s hair whipped wildly in the wind. Tristan watched Rachel out of the corner of his eye trying to smooth her hair down to no avail and smirked.

  Tristan drove onto the Henry Hudson Parkway and headed towards the George Washington Bridge. The road had become more scenic with trees on either side of them, giving Rachel the feeling that they were leaving the city. “Where are we going?” She asked curiously.

  “It’s a surprise.” Tristan teased.

  “I don’t really like surprises.” Rachel informed him dryly.

  Instead of getting on the bridge, Tristan turned right onto the Cross Bronx Expressway. Eighteen minutes later, Tristan was pulling his car onto a graveled parking lot that overlooked Indian Lake. All lined up against the shore were several colorful canoes. There were a few people out on the water canoeing already and some of them were fishing. “We’re here. Indian Lake.”

  Rachel looked out at the lake and her lip twitched. The Nature Center, a one-story brick building could be seen from their parking spot. The lake was extremely placid with areas of floating, green algae. The entire place had a lot of lush greenery, and leafy trees surrounded the lake. “It’s nice. So you drove me here for the nice view…? I haven’t parked since high school.” Rachel purred as she began to lean over the stick shift, thinking that Tristan wanted to make out with her in the car.

  “I’m glad we’re finally here.” Tristan checked his watch. “I read online that the fish will be biting from two to four, so we’re just in time.” He got out of the car, leaving a befuddled Rachel inside. Tristan opened the trunk, took out two fishing poles, a tackle box filled with different kinds of lures, and a can of live bait. After that Tristan made his way over to Rachel’s door and opened it. “Surprise! We’re going fishing!”

  Rachel gawked up at Tristan in shock and arched a perfect blonde eyebrow at him. “Fishing? You can’t be serious. I’ve never gone fishing in my entire life. And I-I’m not properly dressed. This suit was expensive…”

  “Doesn’t matter. You need to lean how to let your hair down, Rachel. Be spontaneous. Live in the moment. And I’m going to help you. That means, no more schedules, appointments, cell phones, or watches. On that note, hand over your phone and watch, please.” Tristan held out his hand expectantly. Rachel sighed before reluctantly handing them over. Tristan put the items inside of the glove compartment. After that Tristan grabbed Rachel’s hand and pulled her out of the car.

  The couple made their way towards the pier where the man, who was in charge of renting out the canoes, was waiting for them. He had on a brown vest on with multiple pockets giving him the air of a fisherman. “Mr. Savant?” The man called out when he spotted them.

  Tristan nodded in greeting. “Hey, you must be Paul. Sorry we’re a little late.”

  Paul shrugged. “No worries. The fish are always biting at Indian Lake! The canoe you reserved is right this way.” Paul guided the couple over to the small dark blue canoe.

  Rachel gawked at the canoe. “That looks…incredibly unsafe. Paul, you don’t have a bigger boat for rent, do you?”

  Paul shook his head. “No, sorry, Mam. But just look out there…everyone else is fishing in similarly sized boats. It’s perfectly safe. Nothing to worry about, Mam.” He assured.

  “Did he just call me ‘Mam’? Why do they always call me that?” Rachel muttered darkly to herself. She also didn’t appear to be too convinced by Paul’s words, but eventually she agreed. “Well, okay…if you say so.”

  Tristan stepped into the canoe first and loaded it with the fishing equipment. When he had everything arranged the way he wanted it, he held his hand out to Rachel to help her inside of the boat. Once Rachel was seated Tristan took a seat at the oars. He began to row them out onto the lake smoothly. Rachel held onto her seat for dear life.

  Tristan ha
d to admit that he wasn’t the sportiest guy around but…this was nice. The weather was perfect. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and there weren’t that many mosquitoes either. It wasn’t too hot out, and a cool breeze was blowing across the water creating tiny ripples. He looked over at Rachel and saw her looking extremely uncomfortable. She was the opposite of an outdoorsy type but Tristan had the feeling this experience would be good for her.

  “Hey, are you alright, Rachel? There’s no need to be afraid. The boat won’t tip over. I promise.” Tristan said reassuringly.

  Rachel forced herself to loosen her grip on her seat before she lost a nail. And she’d just gotten her trendy acrylic nails done too! Today, her nails were hot pink with black and white designs on them in the form of stripes or tiny bows. “I’m not afraid.” She stubbornly lifted her chin.

  Tristan flashed her a grin, “Good, but if you were don’t forget that I’m here. I’ll protect you.”

  Rachel blushed at Tristan’s chivalrous words. “I-I see…good to know.”

  Tristan stopped rowing, carefully dropped a small mushroom anchor off the stern, and handed Rachel a fishing pole. He set about attaching a hook, bait, and a bobber to his line before casting it out. Once the pole had been set against the side of the canoe, he went over to Rachael to teach her how to do the same.

  When Tristan opened the lid on the can of live bait and revealed that the can was filled with live earthworms, Rachel scrambled backwards across her seat. “Ack! Worms! Are they alive? I’m not good with slimy things, Tristan.” She said sternly.

  Tristan gave Rachel a teasing look. “Oh really? I happen to keep a slimy thing in my pants that I think you wouldn’t mind touching.”

  Rachel blushed. “You’re incorrigible.”

  Tristan chuckled, and it was a deep, rumbling sound that made Rachel shiver. “And you’re cute. I’ll do it for you. Here, just watch and learn. It’s not so bad.” Tristan grabbed a worm, wrapped it around the hook and then impaled it upon the hook.

  Rachel covered her mouth as she gagged at the sight. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Her complexion had even turned a bit green.

  “There.” Tristan said as he stood up and reached his hand out to Rachel to help her up. “Now I’m going to teach you how to cast.”

  Rachel hesitated before putting her hand in Tristan’s and allowing him to help her up. He took a moment to admire her acrylic nails before handing her the fishing pole and moving behind her. Tristan put his hands on her wrists and showed her how to properly hold the fishing pole. He moved her arms back and forth to show her the proper casting motion. “It’s a swing and then release move.” Tristan explained. “Once you decide to release you let go of the fishing line.”

  Rachel leaned into his back giving Tristan the opportunity to breath in Rachel’s peaches and cream scent. Once Tristan thought that Rachel had gotten the just of it, he stood back and watched as Rachel cast her line out. The line shot out, and the baited hook sunk down into the water until the bobber caught it, floating on the surface of the lake.

  “This…this isn’t so bad.” Rachel admitted a few minutes later as she and Tristan waited patiently for the fish to bite.

  Tristan smiled boyishly. “Wait till we get a fish on the line! That’s when the real fun begins. Then we’ll reel her in.”

  “Her?” Rachel gave Tristan a sly look as she tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear carefully. “I bet you’re an expert at reeling fish in.”

  “You know it.” Tristan winked.


  Meanwhile, little did Tristan and Rachel know, but they’d been followed. And not by Tristan’s usual stalker, Issy, but by Mina. As soon as Tristan and Rachel had left Dark Heaven, Mina had run out after them and had hailed herself a cab. She told the cabdriver to follow Tristan’s car and was surprised when Tristan drove out of the city and ended up on the scenic parkway. This would definitely put a dent in her petty cash. She’d have to ‘borrow’ Tristan’s credit card later so that she could do some much needed shopping. It was either that or…shoplift.

  Nineteen minutes later, Mina watched as Tristan parked his Corvette on a graveled parking lot that overlooked a lake. Mina directed the cabdriver where to park, making sure that they parked several spaces away from the Corvette, and then she paid the man what she owed him. She told the cabdriver to wait for her before getting out of the cab. Mina made sure to keep her distance as she watched Tristan and Rachel get into one of the canoes of all things!

  Mina waited until Tristan had rowed quite a ways out before making her way to the shore, crouching behind a bush, and pulling out a pair of binoculars. I can’t believe Tristan is fishing. He’s not even a sporty guy. She had to sabotage their date…but how? Mina pinched her forehead with her thumb and forefinger as she thought about it.

  “Hey there, babe, whatcha doing down there?” Came a male voice with a thick southern accent.

  Mina looked behind her and saw a young man who was probably in his late twenties. He was all decked out in a fishing outfit. “Shhhh!” Mina reached out, grabbed the man by his shirt collar, and yanked him down to sit beside her. “That’s my brother out there…with his evil girlfriend.”

  “Evil girlfriend?” The young man interestedly followed Mina’s gaze and stared at Rachel for a moment before nodding. “I feel you.”

  “She picks on me.” Mina started and willed tears to come to her eyes. “She makes my life miserable.”

  The young man gave Mina a compassionate look. “That’s awful, chickie babe! I wish there was something I could do to help.”

  “Oh, do you really? That’s so kind of you!” Mina reached out and grabbed the young man’s hands with her own, giving them a little squeeze. “Would you like to help me? I’m Mina, by the way. What’s your name?”

  “It’s Tuck.” Tuck reddened at the feeling of Mina’s hands around his, swallowed, and nodded. “And um, yeah, I’d sure like to help you.”

  “Then…would you swim out and tip their canoe over for me?” Mina asked and batted her eyelashes at Tuck.

  “Well…I dunno…that sounds kinda dangerous.” Tuck scratched his head in thought.

  “I’ll give you a hundred bucks.” Mina said as she pulled out a hundred-dollar bill.

  Tuck’s eyes widened like saucers. He took the bill from Mina and grinned. “Consider it done, chickie babe.” He pocketed the bill and began to take off his shirt.

  Mina watched as Tuck stripped off his shirt to reveal that his body wasn’t half bad. He was nicely tanned and muscular. But he wasn’t as muscular as Michael. Mina shook her head, wondering where such a random thought had come from. Mina stood up and kissed the young man’s cheek. “For luck.” Tuck is kind of cute. Too bad he’s a total hick. He’d cramp my style. And besides I only have eyes for Tristan!

  Tuck looked surprised by the kiss and happy. “Yahoo! Here I go!” He dove into the water and began swimming out towards Tristan and Rachel’s rowboat.

  Mina ducked back down behind the bush and took out her binoculars again. She spied on Tristan and Rachel intently as she watched Tuck getting closer and closer to the canoe.

  At that exact moment, Rachel and Tristan were both standing and trying to reel in a fish that they’d just caught. Tristan was standing next to Rachel as he directed her how to tire the fish out by letting it take out the line a little ways, and then reeling it back in. Tristan had Rachel repeat this process over and over again.

  By this time, Tuck had reached the rowboat. He put his hands on the side of the canoe and began to rock it back and forth. Because the canoe was anchored it was already highly unstable.

  Rachel cried out in surprise as the canoe suddenly began to rock violently. “What is that? What’s happening?”

  “Hey, hang on.” Tristan reached out to steady Rachel but it was too late. Rachel fell over the side of the canoe with a tremendous splash. “Rachel!” Tristan cried out as he looked down at the surface of the lake. <
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  Rachel came up seconds later, spluttering and gasping for breath. Tristan let out a relieved sigh until she spoke. “Tristan…I can’t…swim…can’t swim!” Rachel gasped as she struggled to keep her head above the water but then began to sink.

  Crap! “Rachel!” Tristan shouted before he dove over the side of the canoe and into the water after her. The excess movement created by Tristan’s dive caused the canoe to flip all the way over.

  Tuck gawked at what had happened and immediately looked guilty. Oh hell. She can’t swim? What have I done? I didn’t mean to hurt anybody. When Tristan dove in after Rachel, Tuck visibly relaxed and decided to head back to shore.

  Tristan spotted Rachel sinking fast and quickly swam down to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and swam her up to the surface. As soon as Rachel’s head broke through the surface she gasped for breath and coughed water out of her lungs.

  Tristan noted that the canoe had flipped over and didn’t want to risk Rachel while trying to flip it back over and so he swam her towards the shore instead, making sure to keep her head above the water.

  In this manner, Tristan swam Rachel to the muddy lake bank and once they reached it he began to drag her up the bank and through the mud. Once Rachel was safe on the bank, Tristan crouched by her side and his face was lined with worry. “Rachel…are you alright?” Tristan cupped her cheek.

  Rachel coughed and looked up at Tristan as she gasped for breath. “I-I’m fine I-” Suddenly, Rachel’s eyes widened and she sat up with a freaked out expression on her face. “Oh my God…there’s something in my clothes!”

  Tristan blinked at her. “Huh?”

  Rachel began to freak out as she struggled out of her jacket and tossed it aside. “There’s something slimy inside of my clothes! Get it off of me! Tristan! Get it off!”

  Tristan began to help Rachel unbutton her shirt as they looked for whatever it was that was on her.

  “NOW!” Rachel screeched.

  Tristan ripped her shirt open, revealing her lacy pink bra. Tristan ran his hands over her chest searchingly. “I don’t think it’s in your bra.” But I know what is. He thought to himself lewdly.

  “No, it…moved lower. Quick, it’s in my…oh God!” Rachel shuddered as she rubbed her thighs together.

  Tristan unzipped Rachel’s pencil skirt and slid it down her creamy legs. He looked at her lacy pink underwear. Hmm, a matching set. “Um…where…?”

  “In there! Hurry!” Rachel thrust her hips up.

  Tristan did not hesitate to stick his hand down Rachel’s panties. He then began to search for whatever it was that was bothering her.

  Rachel shuddered at Tristan’s touch, and unconsciously spread her legs wider for him to have better access.

  Tristan felt something small and slimy, and pulled it out of her panties. “I got it!” Tristan said triumphantly. He opened the palm of his hand and they both stared down at a tiny, silver colored fish that was peering up at them. “It’s a fish. A minnow.”

  “That thing was a fish…it was just a tiny little fish?” Rachel stared at it in disbelief.

  “Yep.” Tristan walked over to the lake’s edge and gently placed the fish back into the water so that it could swim away. “Goodbye little guy. Try not to be such a pervert and sneak into a lady’s panties next time!” He gave an enthusiastic wave.

  Rachel stared at Tristan waving off the minnow and then she smiled.

  Tristan stood up, wiped his hand off on his pants, and turned to look at Rachel. He noticed that she was smiling and staggered backwards a step. She was actually smiling. And the smile was genuine, beautiful.

  “I just can’t believe it! A fish!” Rachel began to laugh so hard that she eventually had to wipe a tear from her eye. Tristan joined her and they laughed together on the lake bank.


  Meanwhile, Mina was watching what was going on from the opposite shore behind a bush. At first, she’d been worried that she might have gone too far when Rachel had screamed out that she couldn’t swim. But then when Tristan swam Rachel to shore and suddenly proceeded to rip her clothes off…her worry had quickly shifted to jealousy and anger. “What the hell? What is Tristan doing?” Mina’s binoculars shook in her grasp.

  Around this time, Tuck pulled himself up on shore, stood up, and made his way back over to Mina, shaking his hair out like a dog. “Hey, babe. So mission accomplished. Do I get some kind of reward?” He gave her a cheeky grin.

  “Shut up!” Mina snapped as she watched what was going on raptly until Tristan reached into Rachel’s panties and pulled out what appeared to be a small fish. “A fish? You have got to be kidding me.” When Rachel smiled and even started laughing, even Mina was unnerved by the sight. The woman was usually so cold, serious, and emotionless looking. But somehow Tristan had managed to melt her heart of ice.

  “That was one lucky fish.” Tuck noted with an amused smirk on his face.

  Mina whacked Tuck on the back of his head for his careless comment.

  “Ow!” Tuck pouted as he rubbed the back of his head. “That hurt.”

  Her brother’s affect on women was unreal. Well, he was half-incubus so in a way it made sense. Still, Mina wanted to strangle Rachel for having Tristan’s hands all over her and in intimate places.

  The other people fishing and canoeing on the lake had noticed Tristan’s daring rescue, and had watched as Tristan started to rip Rachel’s clothes off on the lake bank. Everyone began to let out catcalls and wolf whistles as they enjoyed the show. Tristan and Rachel soon became aware of the attention they were getting and blushed. Tristan quickly took his jacket off and gave it to Rachel to put on, ever the gentleman playboy.


  Meanwhile, Issy was trying to sneak out of Dark Heaven. Her stalker sense was tingling and telling her that she was missing something big happening between Rachel and Tristan. However, Michael caught her and stopped her by putting a hand on her shoulder. “And just where do you think you’re going, Issy?” Michael asked.

  “Epp!” Issy turned around and pouted at Michael. “I’m going to go stalk Tristan and Rachel on their date, of course. Mina already snuck out after them and she’s not even Tristan’s official stalker! What if she does something to screw up their date?”

  Michael raised an eyebrow at Issy. “You would really be bothered if Tristan’s date with Rachel was ruined? You aren’t jealous of them?”

  Issy sighed. “Of course I’m a little jealous, but…Tristan needs Rachel for his survival. I place Tristan’s well-being above all else.”

  The angel let out a frustrated huff. “Why not reveal to Tristan that you’re his stalker and offer yourself up to him for his survival instead?”

  Issy’s cheeks turned pink at the suggestion, her mind filled with naughty images, but she shook her head. “I can’t do that.” Because if she did the most she’d get out of Tristan was a one-night stand, and then she’d never see him again. She’d also be brokenhearted. He’d leave her behind just like her mother, Hanako, and her fiancé, Tre Goldberg. She always lost those dear to her. I can’t lose him too. I rather love him from afar, watch and protect him from the shadows like an invisible guardian angel. She clenched her hands into fists at her sides and a sad looked crossed her face.

  Michael frowned at Issy’s expression. This ship is killing me.


  Tristan and Rachel headed back to his Corvette, sopping wet and covered in mud. Paul, the canoe rental agent, had kindly given them a few towels so that they could dry themselves off as best they could, but they were still pretty wet. The couple got inside of the car, and Tristan gave Rachel an apologetic look. “I’m sorry our date was ruined.”

  Rachel shot Tristan a flustered look in response. “Ruined? I think it was just the opposite. I’ve never had so much fun. Tristan, take me back to my place. I’m all hot and sticky. I also smell like a fish, and am still covered in mud. I haven’t been this dirty since I was six! I desperately ne
ed a bath…and I want you to join me.”

  Tristan flashed her a grin. “Your wish is my command, Rachel.”

  Tristan drove Rachel to her ritzy apartment building in the heart of New York City. Tristan let out a whistle as he stepped out of the convertible and gazed up at it. “Whoo, you live in a nice place.”

  “Thank you.” Rachel said, though she didn’t sound that happy about it. Most men grew intimidated by how well-off Rachel was.

  Tristan and Rachel entered the building and took the elevator to her floor. Rachel let Tristan into her apartment and closed the door behind them. She strode forward, heading towards her room, but paused when she realized that Tristan wasn’t following. She looked over her shoulder and gave him a coy look. “Well, hurry up, Tristan. You’re coming too.”

  “Yes, Mam.” Tristan replied with a skip to his step. Alright! I’m so going to get laid.

  Rachel led Tristan through her bedroom, to her bathroom, and flipped on a light switch. The light revealed a stunning, tasteful bathroom with a marble sink, contemporary chrome fixtures, a fountain showerhead in the shower, and a large, white porcelain bathtub. As Rachel entered the bathroom she began to strip her clothes off.

  Tristan gaped at her. Was he being seduced? Usually he did the seducing…

  Rachel paused as she brought her hands around her back to unclasp her bra, and she looked back at Tristan playfully. “Why do you still have your clothes on, chocolatier?”

  Yep, he was being seduced!

  With a boyish grin on his face Tristan began to strip his clothes off. Once he was down to only his boxers he decided to leave them on, however. He enjoyed the show as Rachel removed her bra, and then slid her panties down. Tristan’s eyes were riveted to her movements as she slid those panties down her long, lithe legs and finally stepped out of them. He swallowed.

  Tristan could feel himself becoming aroused at the tantalizing sight. Rachel turned the hot water on to fill the tub and added some lavender-scented, liquid, bath soap. Bubbles began to form in the water almost instantly. Rachel turned around to face Tristan fully, revealing her naked body to him.

  Tristan sucked in a breath. Rachel was gorgeous…a little thinner than he would have liked perhaps, but gorgeous nonetheless with those long, toned legs of hers.

  Rachel was allowing herself to gaze at Tristan’s half-naked body too. Her eyes hungrily trailed over his toned chest and down his long, muscular yet lithe legs. Wow, his legs looked dangerous - like deadly weapons. She saw that he was aroused.

  Rachel sensually walked towards Tristan, sashaying her hips until she was standing directly in front of him. She reached out and putting her hands on the back of Tristan’s neck she aggressively brought him forward into a kiss. Rachel moved her lips against his in a hard, dominating manner, and bit his lower lip before tugging on it.

  Tristan gasped at the mixture of pleasure and pain, but allowed the rough kiss. It was hot.

  Rachel released his lower lip and ran her tongue over it soothingly, causing Tristan to shudder. She pulled away, and pointed at the tub. “In the tub. Now.”

  “Yes Rachel.” Tristan obeyed and stepped into the tub. Mmm. The hot water felt great. He eased down into the tub and sat, stretching his legs out in front of him. As soon as Tristan was seated Rachel stepped into the tub along with him, and straddled him boldly. Tristan’s eyes widened at the bold move. He wasn’t used to such aggressive girls.

  Rachel settled herself comfortably on Tristan’s lap, wriggling her hips against him teasingly, and put her hands on his chest. She ran her hands over his straining muscles, enjoying the feel of him. “Tell me that you want me.”

  “I want you.” Tristan rasped in a husky voice.

  “Beg for it.” Rachel demanded, staring into his eyes.

  Tristan swallowed, “Please.”

  Rachel smiled down at Tristan and it was radiant. “Since you asked so nicely…you’ll be rewarded.” She united their bodies. “Kiss me.”

  “Gladly.” Tristan captured her lips with his own. Their kiss was aggressive and fiery. Rachel opened her mouth and Tristan wasted no time in thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

  As Tristan’s saliva slid down her throat Rachel’s body began to relax and tingle with pleasure. “I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s like my entire body is on fire. Are you really a sex god, like they say?” Rachel asked while looking into his eyes searchingly.

  Tristan chuckled. “No.”

  “The Chocolate Sex God…I think I’ll call you that in the article that I’m going to write about you and your shop Dark Heaven. Did you know you smell like chocolate and oranges?”

  Tristan shrugged noncommittally. “So I’ve been told.”

  “You also taste like chocolate.” Rachel declared as she nibbled and licked at Tristan’s neck and collarbone. “Ah…Tristan!” Rachel cried out as a wave of pleasure crashed through her.

  “Rachel!” Tristan cried out as his body sucked up her sexual energies hungrily. He instantly felt more energized, more alive, more powerful. It was a rush.

  Rachel sagged against Tristan, spent, utterly exhausted, flushed, and panting for breath. She was about to move off of Tristan, but he wrapped his arms around her possessively and hugged her close. “Tristan?”

  Tristan buried his face in the crook of her neck. “Rachel…why me? A beautiful, smart, successful woman like you could get any guy she wanted.”

  Rachel let out a sigh after a moment. “I chose you because I knew you wouldn’t say ‘no’. Believe it or not it’s actually very hard for me to date. Most guys find me to be intimidating due to the fact that I’m a successful businesswoman. They act like they’re afraid of me but…the truth is, I’m just lonely. Starved for affection. No one understands me. Everyone thinks I’m this coldhearted witch. That I think I’m too good for them and that’s why I keep my distance from them.”

  Tristan mulled over Rachel’s words. He reached out and cupped her cheek. “Just smile more.” He advised earnestly.

  “What?” Rachel pulled back and gave Tristan a quizzical look.

  “You don’t smile enough…but when you do - it’s amazing.” He winked. “You have a really radiant smile. A woman’s smile is a man’s weakness. If you smile more, I guarantee the men will start to flock to you. No man would be able to resist your smile.”

  Rachel appeared as though she were considering Tristan’s words. “Smile more…? I’ll try that.” She nodded. “Do you have any other tips? Oh wise and handsome Sex God?”

  Tristan chuckled. “Oh, I’ve got a few.”

  Rachel’s expression turned serious. “Tristan, I know that you usually only do one-night stands but…I have a favor to ask you.”

  “Ask away, babe.”

  “There’s this company party this Saturday night and I’d like you to be my plus one.” Rachel held her breath as she awaited Tristan’s response.

  Tristan thought about it for a moment before he finally nodded. This entire week belonged to Rachel Diamond anyways. “I’m yours to do with as you please for this entire week. That I can promise you.”

  “So mysterious. But I understand and thank you.” Rachel reached out and squeezed Tristan’s hand.

  “No, thank you.” Tristan insisted as he captured Rachel’s lips and kissed her tenderly. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t have wanted to spend extra time with a girl he’d just slept with because there was the risk that she’d develop feelings for him. However, because of the deal he’d made with Michael he was finally going to have to deal with the repercussions of his actions when it came to his conquests and take responsibility for once.

  Rachel was a special woman. She deserved to find someone worthy of her. Tristan thought to himself. Though it hurt Rachel hadn’t considered him an option. But it shouldn’t have surprised him. According to the rumors that surrounded him, he was not a one-woman man. And those rumors were right.

  To be continued in…Chocolate 7: