Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 14


  Little did Tristan and Becca know but at that moment, Mina and Michael were also inside of Jacques Torres hiding behind their menus. Mina had followed Tristan’s Corvette in her new BMW all the way to the chocolate shop. Michael had noticed her departure, had turned himself invisible, and had followed after Mina using his wings.

  Mina had parked her car a block away, gotten out, and headed towards the Jacques Torres chocolate shop. A sly smile curled her lips. “Now, I’ll get to spy on Tristan and Becca, and then-”

  “Oh, sounds like fun. Count me in.” Came a rather gravely male voice.

  Mina screamed when all of a sudden Michael appeared next to her, as if out of thin air. Mina stared at Michael in disbelief. “Oh my God…Michael? Don’t do that!” She placed a hand over her thumping heart. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at Michael a second later. “Why are you here? No, scratch that, how did you even get here? I drove here but…”

  “I took a cab.” Michael smirked as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

  Mina gave Michael a dubious look. “Well, whatever…if you think you can stop me from going in there, you are sadly mistaken-”

  Michael opened the door for Mina, cutting her off. “After you, Miss Mina.”

  Mina gawked at Michael for a moment before she let out a frustrated huff. “Hmph!” She stomped her way inside of the chocolate shop and spotted Tristan and Becca seated at one of the tables. Mina grabbed a menu and held it up in front of her face as she made her way to one of the tables towards the back of the establishment. Michael followed suite, grabbed a menu to hide his face, and joined Mina at her table.

  The heiress and the angel watched as a server went over to say ‘hi’ to Becca, and noted how Becca introduced Mina’s brother as the ‘Chocolate Sex God’! After that the server left and returned a few minutes later with a tray of tea, coffee, and chocolate for them to sample.

  Mina gaped at Becca when she whipped her phone out and began to take a picture of the chocolates instead of actually trying them first. “Stupid hussy…she isn’t taking chocolate seriously. She’ll get on Tristan’s bad side at this rate.” She couldn’t help the pleased smile that curled her lips at the thought.

  “I don’t think any woman could get on Tristan’s bad side.” Michael said dryly.

  However, they both watched as Tristan scolded Becca for what she was doing and insisted that she taste the chocolates before reviewing them.

  “Ha! Take that, you hussy!” Mina cackled.

  However, when Becca apologized, Tristan reached out to take Becca’s hand. “THE HELL?!” Mina burst out, incredulous. She slammed her hands on the table in front of her and stood up. Mina would have been caught if not for Michael, who quickly pulled Mina back down into her seat, and held the menu up in front of her face.

  Seeing Tristan forgive Becca so easily also surprised Michael. Tristan isn’t supposed to be with Becca…he’s supposed to be with Issy!

  A server arrived at their table and Mina ordered herself a café latte and plate of assorted chocolates. Michael did the same. Mina gave Michael a surprised look, causing the angel to shrug. “What? It’s good research to see what kinds of chocolates our greatest competition is making.”

  A few minutes later, the server arrived with their coffee and chocolates. Mina and Michael immediately sampled the chocolates, and began to enthusiastically discuss their flavors, textures, what they thought of the chocolates, how they would improve them, and how they compared to similar products at Dark Heaven. Mina and Michael had become so engrossed in their conversation about chocolate that before they knew it an hour had passed.

  “Ack! Where are Tristan and Becca?” Mina stood up from her table once she realized that the couple was no longer inside of the chocolate shop.

  Michael sat back in his chair and grinned wolfishly. “I guess we lost them. Oops.”

  “Michael? Why you!” Mina was so angry that she wasn’t really thinking when she reached out to grab Michael’s jacket collar to give him a good shake. Michael didn’t resist and his head snapped back and forth. That’s when the most unexpected thing happened. As Michael’s head snapped forward his lips brushed against Mina’s. His eyes widened with astonishment before Mina’s did the same.